
Tic toc drumpkins

Attached: muellertime-epic.jpg (600x420, 85K)

>I'm rich as fuck but I'm not gonna show you my taxes.
>I'm healthy as fuck but I'm not gonna show you my doctor exam.
>I'm smart as fuck but I'm not gonna show you my grades.
>I'm not a traitor but I'm not gonna show you the whole report.
Imagine being a mutt and supporting this con-man.

whats the joke


absolute BOOMER

Miller time obv
How do you even get dressed in the morning lol

Orange man has been bad for the last time

Serious question, guys. Also for you, /pol/shits.
What are the chances Trump actually read the 450 pages of the Mueller's report?

>imagine thinking those matter
teenfag detected

Because this is Yea Forums ....

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A reference is not a joke

Almost like he doesn't capitulate to the will of eternally outraged media pawns who are increasingly desperate for anything on him, since everything theyve hitherto been trying has been a colossal failure.

You're an idiot if you believe the corporate media.

That's like saying it doesn't matter if you wife gets regularly blacked behind your back.

No need to, it was summarized for us and nothing came of it. Judt an exoneration of Trump. Libcucks are so fucking delusional at this point its.fucked up.

Absolutely FUCK Trump.

FUCK him until his FUCKING ass bleeds.


>it's fake news
Yeah, buddy.

Have sex incel

No but wordplay is, you illiterate.

>comparing Trump being an alpha and cucking the psychotic democrats to you being cucked
Simply epic

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You have a small penis

Show the part where people on "his side" are saying Mueller colluded to obstruct the findings of the report

Cool it Ron

>being gullible enough to fall for the con, know that youre being conned, and defend the con artist
the cuckoldry is real

What's fake news? The corporate media? Ya, anyone with an IQ above 80 can see that at this point. Apparently that excludes you, since you're repeating the same braindead tabloid gossip talking points
>we need to see drumpfs taxes
>we need tocsee drumpfs grades
Why? You people are insane and its all drive by the corporate media who collude with the Democrats 99% of the time.

What have they failed on, the investigation was successful and now congressional subpoenas are being issued.

Yes, corporations have a slant, but that alternative you listen to is just some high school dropout in his basement.

Wordplay isn’t a joke

>calling others gullible when youre repeating NYT talking points word for word
Oh nononono

Take it easy, incel

>What have they failed on, the investigation was successful

The USA is an imperialist entity and should be dissolved

>political comics

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-10 16-17-43.png (739x530, 390K)

The sooner Britain annexes us again, the sooner egomaniacal despots like Trump will never occur again.

Pleasssse, guys. Make us part of the Union again, I beg you.

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.