Chris Evans showed up at his high school reunion

Chris Evans showed up at his high school reunion.
Image all the seethe and cope in that room. It must have been palpable.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol why does he have an antannea?

jew signals

That thing in blue thinks it's food

look at those old post wall hags, and they're the same age as him

come on dude its just a woman

>Image all the seethe and cope in that room. It must have been palpable.
explain yourself

Damn, he probably just wanted to show up to feel some sense of home among people that knew him before he was famous, and they all just act like big fans

Why even show up to that shit?


everybody there looks like such an old boomer except Chris

>all the women are fat and look a decade older than him

It's that Americana lifestyle. All of these people are just 37. Despite what you've heard, you don't start hitting the real wall until your mid to late 40's.
They're just everyday people who don't take proper care of themselves, but Chris makes his money that way so it's obviously important to have a good image.

is that Jay?

If you grow up to be a movie star? To humblebrag and get your ego stroked.

just think about all of those women who have wanted him and now they get another chance. If I was him I'd fuck all of them at least 1 time

I wouldn't give them the satisfaction desu.

Do you think some of those rejected him in hs?

>based Chris showing up to humiliate the guys that picked on him for being a drama fag and make their wives look at nothing else all night


power comes when you realise you dont need to fuck the girls you were infatuated about in high school. he can choose any girl on the planet.

What the hell is this websitr

He can choose any girl on the planet and he chose this one.
All those aged women have a chance with him, especially those in OP's pic. Unless he's really gay like his brother.

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>look at those old post wall hags, and they're the same age as him
This is why men should marry younger girls, imagine marrying a beautiful woman your age and a decade later when you are still in your prime years she's already looking like a grandma.

holy shit white women age like milk, no wonder most of you guys shit up this board with cunnyspam

Don't act like you wouldn't show up to you'rs just to see the jealousy on their faces if you became a famous millionaire.

I went to my 10 year it was a good time

More realistically, he was probably awkward in high school and not that attractive and ignored by girls, like 99% of guys, and now that he's rich and famous they all want to hop on his dick.
He better not let them have it. He better let them know they fucked up.

I would have showed up to mine if I weren't a NEET

Mine’s coming up in the Fall, I am a tad nervous to see Ex’s , old friends and enemies and what not

This. Literally the entire point of high school reunions is a dick measuring contest to see how far you went in life. You think you're hot shit brag that you drive a Lambo, but then you hear that Chad now drives a Bugatti.

This is a correct analysis.

I went to my 10 year reunion a few months ago. All the girls are hams now and the guys all have beer guts and going bald already. Meanwhile, I can still pass for like 19 or 20. Felt good. You should go man.

How many did he cuck that day?

More than he would ever care to admit.
I wouldn't be surprised if at least one person spiraled into depression just because he was there.

I didn't even get an invite to my 10 year

Let me guess, Jewish?

what if the guy that tried to kill me is there?

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>Despite what you've heard, you don't start hitting the real wall until your mid to late 40's.
Sure thing, roastie.

God I hate women

>you need to be rich and have a personal trainer to not be a fat tub of shit

This is a glimpse into the mind of the roastie, everyone. Look and take notes.

fuck man, I didn't expect to feel

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Then you beg him to finish the job

Yeah, man it must suck being rich and famous.

This is existentially sad

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t.disney shills

This is legit like the plot to a movie that has yet to be made.

>going to school reunions

Cope incel. Just because you already have a beer gut and the hairline of a 50 year old man doesn't mean I won't actively take care of my image well into my 60's.


Those women are the physical embodiment of eating pizza with ranch dressing

El Diabla De Burbank

There was a reunion from my HS a few years back, but I didn’t go. I did take a look at the attendance list pear year they lublished afterwards, and only one girl from my year had shown up.
My senior year prank theme was “anti-gay” and involved harassing people and calling them gaylords while hitting them with sticks, writing “FAG” on their shirts, and sprinkling pink glitter on them. Don’t think that would fly today.

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Where did I say this you dumb cunt?
Fact of the matter is, most average joe people look like shit because they put only the bare minimum of effort into it.


nice try pedo

> CIA took the black pill

Younger doesn't mean child, roastie.

they aren't dating anymore. he dumped her again

What a Chad
He probably got a blowjob in the bathroom

Free BJs from any girls you wanted to fuck in highschool but couldnt work up the confidence.

Lol all the white women are fat as fuck

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Imagine the smelz.

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It should.

being a massive sperging fuckwad isn't a prank, that's just you being born retarded

You shouldn't exist you faggot

back to your cuckshed projared

Fat "people" aren't human.


>ftw my doctor said last week I was getting fat
hurt like hell

Well yeah, they are Americans.

I didn’t think it was funny. I didn’t participate, but I didn’t protest either. Just stood there and watched. My year was very strange in the sense that everyone there was extremely mean spirited, but not towards classmates. There was no bullying whatsoever.

>needs a doctor to tell you that you are getting fat

why is tv so obsessed with chris evans?


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Chris was def chad/cool kid in high school

I wasn't invited to mine. Don't care either way.


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Protip to you, all the women look like fucking shit now.

All the guys either look partied to death, or became chads.

Jenny Slate is low key hot. She’s got a fantastic body.

unironically this

Why does he look like he regrets showing up in all those photos? All these losers and roasties who suddenly want to reconnect with him, asking his phone number and where he lives, inviting him for a barbecue etc...He suddenly remembered why he cut ties with these losers.

Low iq

I totally avoided going to mine
It is like people go there to flex and it's just a shitshow
If you made it big the other person gets salty
If you are having a low time you get mogged by some stupid asshole
But clearly the worst part of all is in terms of family
Some people are divorcees and some people already have two children, so it gets pretty weird

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Was he a Chad in HS?

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>Chris Evan's yearbook quote is a torrent magnet link

Everyone looks 10 years older than him. Just goes to show you what good plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments can do.

don't be deluded. he was part of the popular crew

>that quote
he might have the autism lads

Looks like he had a Jaden phase.

t. Greg Farrell

He's been a turbo chad since the womb

what a fucking retard

the fuck is this?

Most retarded quote ever made IMO

Kek. I’m a year younger than him and graduated high school in 2000. He was pretty Chad looking for 1999. I still had fucking braces when I graduated.

he got the hot theater chicks, but was too geeky to run with the big wig chad and stacies. Pretty obvious


The guy on the right is literally OUR GUY

Lol no it’s called being a guy that eats healthy and works out.


Look at the guy next to him, he was chad.

seems like a brad honestly

Why did people born in 1989 and earlier look so much older as teenagers than people born later did/do? And why did the original boomers look 40 at 25?

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Wrong. People who are popular in high school usually don't get the drive to become successful. They rest on their laurels and become complacent, because they assume the good times will never end.
All of the Chads end up as burnouts and all of those girls in OP's pic were probably the Stacys everyone wanted to pork.
You don't have the revelation "I'm going to move to Hollywood and follow my dreams" if you're popular and getting pussy every day.


Fucking loser. He cant act and plays captain america like a block of wood. Also carinng about capeshit actors immediately makes you a loser

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kinda werid but would fuck desu

black sansa a cute tbqh


They put estrogen in the water now. It's making the men feminine and the women hyper-feminine.

How do you even get invited to high school reunions? I'm one year away from my 10th anniversary so there should be one coming up.

Based as fuck

now those chads are seething and those stacies have their wide vaginas wet because he attended the reunion

My nigger

>She was raised in a Jewish family.[8][11][12]


>Evans was probably awkward in highschool and not that attractive and ignored by girls
He was fucking Mystery Date game jackpot. Little girls were already creaming themselves for him before he was even famous.

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plenty of people on the popular crew become successful. stop projecting you retarded faggot

I was thinking the opposite actually. Evans and the other kids in this picture look way younger than teenagers today imo. Especially girls.

The one roastie on the right is wetting herself just from being in his presence.

>implying everyone is as much of a bitter unfulfilled loser as you :^)


He looks a good 15 years younger than the rest of them.

No she's not, she's extremely ugly.

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Yeah OK. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Keep sippin that Monster Energy brah.

back to the manlet pit, /fit/izen

Glad to see the bass player from Rush is finding work.

I’ll bet you anything those dumb cunts thought they were the shit and cockblocked hundreds of young men back then. Serves them right.

Eventually the Wall comes for them all. Mercilessly.


Men had a higher testosterone

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you can become popular in highschool through hard work. Those kind of kids always have drive

>dating over 30
You'll get there too, one day


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Unironically this. When fatties talk to me I don't take them seriously at all.
How on Earth could you care about someone's opinion when they have 0 self control

>Damn, he probably just wanted to show up to feel some sense of home among people that knew him before he was famous
His family is alive, retard. He went to flex on the plebs.

Your class president is most likely organizing it with fellow women. You’ll get a facebook invite to the event and buy tickets to it

jenny slate is an absolute catch, she's actually funny

Getting fat is so gradual that you don't notice you are getting fat until it starts worsening your daily life, and that's only when you are really fat.

Your blog

>the incel cope

stay SEETHING negro. you never drew a dime

He's trying to please the tribe.

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Just to see old friends and the trainwrecks some people became, honestly isn’t worth it at all

user's got a point, but it's not exactly what he's describing. Brads who come from rich families and whatnot keep moving forward because they have people to prop them up. Rich Chads have everything mapped out and are better than you at everything. Brads and Chads who are just handsome and popular guys tend to not try that hard because they're pampered socially. Bitter virgins have their self-hatred and outwards hatred to prop them and achieve more.

Evans strikes me as the Brad guy who was a perfectly normal, handsome kid and just kept on going. He probably had his first kiss at 15, lost his V-Card to his high school sweetheart, etc. But he wasn't smashing pussy every Saturday night.

She looked great in Obvious Child tho

He went because his agents told him to, because it fits the whole humble Capitan America persona


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>Chads/Stacies don't have the revelation "I'm going to move to Hollywood and follow my dreams"
= 99% of the actors in Hollywood. Of course they never become famous because Hollywood is a closed system for MK Ultra kids or religous tribes now

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Women spoil hard and fast by their mid twenties

>two sentences is a blog
The absolute STATE of zoomer attention spans.

you dumbass, he doesn't have to do that shit anymore. His Disney contract has expired.

Okay, tell the story, faggot.

There's no way a woman that ugly would get to be in Hollywood if she wasn't a Jew


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Called it.

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you, dumbass, he's still an actor, still has agents, still has to cultivate a persona

That's if they have bad lifestyles, like eating trash, doing drugs, alcohol and being in stress constantly.
Of course, this is a given in burgerland, which is why americans have the perception that all women age fast.

she's an ogress

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Why nobody remembers Perfect Score anymore

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post a pic of yourself

Well I guess I'm not going. How was it organized before Facebook and social media?

misspelled jewess


They get phone/address records from high school and contact that way. Of course, this doesn't work if the person moved away.

imagine being the class's loser surviving on minimum wage and you see Chris fucking Even at your high school reunion

The Virgin Cramming more characters in
The Chad Total silence

>That's if they have bad lifestyles, like eating trash, doing drugs, alcohol and being in stress constantly.
yeah, that's the shit whores do. You know, the good looking young females.

Those that were ugly and stayed at home during their 10s and 20s had no beauty to lose to begin with.

goddamn women age like shit

Look at that fat dumb roastie on the right. She was probably the hot cheerleader that didn't even give Chris the time of day. Now she's looking up at him like he's a demigod swaglord alpha and wants to be immediately impregnated.

the class loser should know not to make an appearance at the reunion

Did he take his boys with him?

What's with millennials creating strawmen based on nothing?

stop making me hate women thank you

this is the incel dream that the incel will never attain.

That's what burgerclaps do.
America is the country where being fat is a positive.

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t. the fat dumb roastie on the right

jeez shes uglier than i am

>Captain America: Homecoming
This shit writes itself
He ends with Tom Holland

Americans are really disgusting. It makes me realize most of you guys are probably disgusting fat fucks and here am I talking you seriously you pigs

He's a pedo like they are.

I'm wealthier than 99% of my old high school peers I guarantee it but I still didn't go to my high school reunion because who gives a fuck about those people anymore

And as awful as it is here, somehow we're not even the worst. The UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, and Palestine all have higher obesity rates, that last one is confusing because I was under the impression that Palestine was starving.

Why don’t you post on a non-American image board then? Oh wait...

>thank you
>letting the made up post of a person affect your opinion on an entire demographic
This is the most millennial post i've seen today.

What is this shit? 45-71, 50-80 and 57-80 obviously get you different results.

Passive aggressive closeted homos

Chris was a fucking chad in highschool as well, you pathetic incel. Real life isn't like your Jew American pie movies where the nerds win

There are more food out there that give you carbohydrates than burgers, dude. I'm not even American, women are just garbage

Looks a bit like Dylann Roof.

It’s only fun if you’re wealthy AND famous. No one gives a fuck that you make good money as a mundane software engineer or whatever.

>The UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Kuwait, and Palestine all have higher obesity rates
Is that for eating, or is it because muslim women just have one kid after another and end up wrecking their bodies and being fat permanently?

she was cute at parks and rec what the heck happened?

found the fatman

I'm Chilean, women are fat

Burgerclaps is a nickname for Americans.
And no, there's plenty of reasons to shit on women, but them being fat is not one of them because just a widespread phenomenon in America, which is almost alien nation separated from the west in how much they praise unhealthy lifestyles.

>canada 28.1%
It's honestly like 50% now

I lived in a small town so actually it is a bit of a big deal considering there are still some who haven't left their home town and their parents were the same. I just lived there for high school and then left promptly after.

t russian fatty

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this is basically the plot of D-train. underrated movie

Anyone outside of the United States should be range banned from posting and only allowed to lurk. This would solve literally all of Yea Forums’s problems.

Yeah, he posted

Jews genes make all jews grow to look like the demons they really are.

>feeling any sort of sympathy for a millionaire chad
Get fucked.

nice projecting pedo

post pics of your tits shill

is that shopped

this. everyone talks about "reddit spacing" and "phone posters" but the reality is that a lot of that is google translate gooks from 3rd world shitholes.


>all Americans are one way
>Americans proceed to claim the entire world is like that

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Silent Greg is the Chad here

I'm too embarrassed to go to mine this year as I was voted most likely to be a millionaire in the year book in 2009 and I'm still not a millionaire.

at least us gooks aren't half jew mutts

>being fat is not one of them because just a widespread phenomenon in America
It's widespead everywhere you stupid fuck. Ever been to Mexico, Canada, Russia?
Any place with a large meat and carb and dairy diet = fatties

Cringe /pol/ redditourist boomer meme

just lie user, then fuck some fat roasty and get herpes

>I was voted most likely to be a millionaire
and now he posts on 4channel

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There must be a correlation between obesity and cuck fetishes.

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seriously the amount of slavnigger shills that fucking HATE westerners and western culture and are only here out of spite should probably just go away.

Like youre on an english language board that was started by Americans and is almost exclusively focused on American/Anglo culture. If you fucking HATE all that shit, you really don't need to be here.

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reminder the people talking about "discord trannies" are literally foreign shills.

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Chris Evans is only 5ft 7 so are those women dwarfs? Why are Ameritards so short?

What a retard, he just went to see his old friend and let them take pictures with him. Faggot

this is some redpill shit. you can sperg out and say whatever bullshit is on your mind, and still be a popular rich superstar. be careful and mindful and you won't get jackshit anyway due to genes.

they look 20 years older than their real age

This is chris

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>americans are cancer
>americans insist the rest of the world is like that
>tell them to fuck off
Why would I like the private army of Israel.

>Thanks cap
Burgers make me cringe.

Also: “Do Americans really do this?” threads are shit tier lazy garbage and anyone that’s ever posted one should feel bad about themselves.

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(hi incel!)

Chris is a SJW, he would probably go on to condemn men like that.

shut up, discord tranny

is this the butthurt russians spamming propaganda thread?

what's the deal with your suicides comrades?

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>90% of the women are fat

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He's 6 ft you faggot I got happy for a second. At least i'm taller than kit harrington who gets made fun of every other episode for being 5'8

He looks the kind of popular fuccboi who fingerbanged your crush and made you sniff his hand

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Fuck man, he's starting to look old.

this, wtf. they keep moving the age up. of course the test average is going down, older men have less test.


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again, you can fuck off LARP. You're talking about wanting to murder all the oldfags because of where they live. You literally don't need to be here. You're some ESL slavnazi nigger that HATES the culture being discussed on this board.

Why? Are you paid? Why are choosing to interact with people that you hate? Post pics of your office shill.

found the fat discord tranny
go back to watching cuckhold fetish porn

Once you realize that all those "fuck the West" posts are made by jealous polanskis, they lose all power

reminder you will never truly be female


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Nice of Chris to take pictures with people's moms.

>posted from st petersburg

>i thought the younge women would be turned off by my age
American males are so fucking brainwashed by their feminist media, women generally like older men.

Timepill/agepill is just too much to handle. I'm going to kill myself before 35. Humans were never meant to live for very long, old age is an abomination.

It’s almost as if actors look different when not attended to by a huge costume, makeup and lighting department.


I mean, look at what they eat.

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it's 2 Am in Russia
damn Americans are dumb, must be all the fast food and fluoride water


>That's if they have bad lifestyles, like eating trash, doing drugs, alcohol and being in stress constantly.

You just described 99.99% of women

Maybe the rest of the west would like you better if you weren't cultural poison and you didn't defend the jews against everything they do, even though it's against the west's interests.
Like when the CIA was caught pushing propaganda about how great diversity is in Estonia.
The USA can't be trusted.

What did she mean by this?

Kek, you made the shills mad. Well done.


As a rich person and D tier celebrity in a third world country.....yeah, it really sucks some times, its not as wonderful as you might think it is

me in the back.

cause cameras were not digital, gving it an old look overall

>white women

forgot pic
What did she mean by this?

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holy fuck didn't notice her fucking fat cart till she started rolling away

No, in Europe they still take care of themselves.
Except the bongs, but the bongs are the amerimutts of Europe.
America is a nation that tries to pass degeneracy and ugliness as beauty, that's why your women look like shit, and is why I would never date an American woman.

based chris

A little bit of butter grilled into the bun is nice, but a dollop that just melts everywhere and mixes with burger fat? That doesn't even sound appetizing.

He didn't go back in time for Peggy Carter. Motherfucker went back and kidanpped Anne Frank and brought her back. Fuckin Cap America is responsible for The Diary of Anne Frank.

Are you Slavoj Zizek? (Please say you're Slavoj Zizek even if you're not him.)

Jokes on him, I didn't have any crushes.

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go get raped by Moslems you euroFAGGOT

seriously look at them go. The people talking like this are LITERALLY all foreign LARPs and paid shills.

And the funniest part is that they're ALWAYS projecting their own degeneracy. ALL of the 3rd-worlders calling people trannies and talkinga bout cuck porn ACTIVELY WATCH THAT SHIT.

Learn to cope Ivan.

Why would anybody want to be? Like do you understand that when you say this, you're projecting that YOU have thought about wanting to be a woman, and you assume that everyone is as degenerate as you.

Granted I know this is just gibberish to you ESL losers.


she probably gives good top

>eat healthy diet 99% of time
>but addicted to greasy cheap fast food
I would sacrifice my first born son for that hamburger. It looks so tasty, holy shit.

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Those are all black people and spics.
If you only include white people in these statistics, america has the obesity rate of any healthy western euro country.

Yeah, who would have known actors actually look like shit.

He wore that name tag ironically right?

And if you were poorer would that improve your life in any way? I get that you can be rich and famous and feel sad, but I'd rather be sad with money than otherwise.

For me it's Greg Farrell

What the fuck is this thing?

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Nice, guess you get the will to live another day or two

imaging being this much of a redditor

what are you trying to say? that chris evans made that post? the posters says he was chubby and had no success with women until age 34. chris evans is 37 and has been a ripped actor for well over a decade.

>Those are all black people and spics.
So, americans?

20% European, 20% African, 20% south american, 30% ashkenazi jewish, 10% middle eastern.
100% American.

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>It's 2 am in Russia
and here you are. Almost like the IRA has 24 hour shifts amirite comrade.

>I would sacrifice my first born son
just feed him that burger lmao

it's just a bad pic of a woman eating you incel

Too bad they tend to be even more insufferable.
God, everytime I interact with zoomers I feel like punching them in the face, even more with zoomer girls.

I've conditioned myself to be disgusted by these kind of foods, I just picture in my mind all the fat in that food concentrated in a yellow greasy mass and entering my body, that thought alone makes me not want to eat it.

you do realize that post is actual bait probably written by a mgtow

she looks mommy as hell what are you talking about?

i guess the point is -- who cares? kids don't choose their neighborhoods or their schools
people are clumped together randomly, and the high school social scene is an illusion, since once youre graduated, everything becomes at it actually was -- entirely arbitrary, especially when there's really not a real connection

Honestly thought you were going to pull a Degrasse Tyson and go with the “there are more food out there than there are atoms in the universe” kinda disappointed desu pham


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>go to event
>everyone is wearing a nametag
it would feel douchey to not wear it. wearing it is the safe move. those who recognize you think it's funny and those who don't think nothing of it.

Which country?

This. He was like 20 in Not Another Teen Movie and looked like this.

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Based Mark knew he got a bigger Christmas budget without a sibling

That shit's old, they're already Nº1

The chick on the left is either a girl he dated in HS or a cool wine aunt that is trying way too hard.

At least they can be cute, older woman are just as boring and not as attractive.

he def hit the roids/hgh

>Cringe /pol/ redditourist boomer meme

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Not when they are mutts.
And it's not about being boring, it's about being insufferable to the point where I feel like beating them up.

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Jesus christ, I just realised that if I become famous, my high school year book quote will probably be posted online somewhere.
You might think I'm being melodramatic, but I was an edgy shit and our teachers didn't impose any rules on what we wrote at all (surprisingly). It will not reflect well on me
At least I didn't mention politics anywhere

>Maybe the rest of the west would like you better
Maybe you should just kill yourself nigger. Nobody will have any idea when you're dead.
>if you weren't cultural poison
if your degenerate 3rd world societies wants to PRODUCE their own shit feel free faggot. Why are you all such sniveling consumerist cucks?

>and you didn't defend the jews against everything they do,
Why should anyone care about Jews when niggers like you are literally in EVERY THREAD? You're the enemy. Your country is cancer.
> even though it's against the west's interests.
>Like when the CIA was caught pushing propaganda about how great diversity is in Estonia.
OH NO!!!!!!
I forgot that all you degenerate mongol bastards are cousin fuckers. OUTBREEDING BAD! INBREEDING GOOD!
>The USA can't be trusted.
You're literally going to kill yourself because of how shitty your country is.

Attached: blacked euromaidan cuck sjw gamergate.png (1922x1380, 223K)

His face in all those photos resonates this

Attached: 1550120197755.jpg (807x659, 37K)

they're all insufferable
and the face punching is just a plus

>disgusting mutt calling anyone out in anything

>I still had fucking braces when I graduated.

Attached: emma bemused.jpg (1317x988, 96K)

I remember highschoolers all being 6' and looking like adults when I was a kid. Now I'm 22 and all high schoolers look 5 years younger, except for the ones in some sport, and even still there are lots of kiddies

Ehhhh, yeah, sure, I'm totally Zizek, look at my magnificent neckbeard

he probably cycled for the cap movies and perhaps since around fantastic four. that pic though, that's 100% natty.


and that's why I never bothered showing up to mine

Not relevant.

Have sex

T-That's not his flaccid cock, r-right?

Attached: 1522094116882.jpg (376x424, 19K)

Fucking snob. What the fuck did you expect him to do? >Oh you know who I am. Glad you are not a chad celebrity full of gay men fapping to you until dick falls.

all the discord trannies are from the USA though

said the mongol rape baby

I'm 2 years away. I've just kind of accepted that if it happens, I probably won't be invited. I mean I should be, I was actually social. But I won't be cause after we finished, I told everyone they were dickheads and happily burnt every bridge

he looked like a skinny kid when he graduated high school. I supposed he was dedicated to the gym once high school ended

Absolutely based. Lmaoing at the seething virgins.

you're literally going to commit suicide my dude.

She was the school thot that told Chris no when he asked her out on a date.Now she's fat and regrets it all.

Cause hes literally

Daily reminder of what Americans are

You know what you're right. He could have turned up with one that said cap.

Holy fucking shit, what did you turn this thread into?? Can't go outside for 2 hours.
And to think I almost didn't post it.

Attached: 60e.jpg (1916x1080, 1.08M)

Chris with his gay brother and sisters

Attached: The-Evans.jpg (500x388, 52K)

Yea Forums was started by a jap nigger, the same creator of the original Chan: 2chan

What people don't consider is that money has it own bag of problems, there is a sweet spot when money only improves your life, but after that point you start to acquire new problems

She was never cute you just have low standards. "She" looks like a tranny

are all the women in flyover country obese?

Greg is THE guy

daily reminder that Russians are on track to be the fattest people in the world in a few years.

Attached: RUSSIAN BOOZE HAGS.png (2156x1334, 518K)

>History. Yea Forums was started in 2003 in the bedroom of Christopher Poole, a then-15-year-old student from New York City whose Yea Forums handle is "moot". Prior to starting Yea Forums, Poole had been a regular participant on the Something Awful forums.

Ivan needs to check himself into the infirmary for re-education.

Attached: RUSSIAN SUICIDES 2006 HAHAHAHA.png (1044x396, 86K)

his yearbook photo looks like he was fit, just not super low fat %. his face looked chubby, not "skinny" at all.

I want a commonwealth between Italy, Japan and South Korea

As a non-American, most of you people really are insufferable, but this is on a whole other level.
Seek genuine help if you think this way. Fucking Christ.

>what did this thread turn into
Same old America vs Europe trash. You didn’t miss much.

Russians are literally Americans, but white and uncucked


>chile is second
holy shit, what

He could easily pass for their son. How much resentment do you think went on after they meticulously analyzed every aspect of the pics once they got home and posted it on their FB?

go back to fucking arabs you fucking europoor the internet is American if you don't like it go get raped by muslims


lol Ivan ACTUALLY believes this.

No. Shill. You are not, and you will NEVER be an American. You were raised to think like a woogie boogie nigger tribalist by a corrupt oligarchy that was raised by a corrupt communist state. You literally do not know how to think like a white person.

No matter how hard you LARP you will NEVER be American, assblasted fucking cuck. Livestream your suicide shill.


What do you bet he was fucked with as a kid and showed up just to fuck with them.

holy delusion Batman!

Attached: soviet union dead slavs.png (1828x412, 124K)

>chads are that way from birth, there’s no way for me, an incel, to improve my situa-

>still using cheap potato camera
Imagine spending thousands of dollars on useless and overpriced shit but not to good camera.

It's underwear covered in reddi whip

Chris after his high school reunion

Attached: 53891300.jpg (1080x1342, 122K)

pls don't remind me

Attached: 1543983582480.jpg (430x410, 37K)

>tfw 60% masterrace

so triggered, you need some testosterone boi. Try quitting on the fluoride and the hormone beef for a few weeks if your government lets you

reminder that /r/fatpeoplehate was literally a Russian propaganda campaign. The whole meme in 2014-2015 about internet circlejerking against fatties was being actively pushed and boosted by IRA shills like the one I'm responding to.

And the irony is that Russians are getting FAT FAST. All this (((capitalism))) that papa is giving them is turning them into turboburgers.

Attached: putin jews.jpg (1733x1080, 134K)

That's free PR for him dummy

This is a good strategy

Also for soda drinks like Coke, just imagine the insane amount of sugar you're consuming by drinking a glass of Coke

just lose the weight, and stop crying please, you're making a mess

>so triggered, you need some testosterone boi.
said the culture cuck shill that spends their life whining about some other country's movies. Post pictures of your body Niggerinsky.
>Try quitting on the fluoride and the hormone beef for a few weeks if your government lets you
lol nice projecting comrade. If papa asked to spit in your mouth would you let him?

Attached: putin pedophile.jpg (750x750, 146K)

>live under dictatorship

Whats larger? The amount of people that remember that or the amount of pixels in that picture?

>So, americans?
56% of them are white.

I weigh 170 wet. Keep projecting though Ivan. Post pics of your fat milky tits.

Attached: Putin Medvede-pederast.jpg (274x320, 18K)

at what? our low obesity rate?

I watched this a few weeks ago, pure 2000s kino

>"You look like a slut... I like it"
It truly was a different time, wasn't it?

why do you keep begging to see my body? it's getting sad


Cope. Even fat 40 year old single moms can easily find a 4/10 beta provider

just so gay for pics of greasy slavshit hypocrites
tits or gtfo

That's a projected percentage. As of 2019 the US is around 72% white. Meanwhile....

Attached: Different ethnicity in London graph.png (670x439, 91K)