Uh oh

Uh oh

Attached: GoT.png (945x1221, 104K)

that is a very insignificant number for a country with 330 million people

You just know that 90% of these are black children

these fantasy names are just ridiculous

Jorah, Gregor, Theon, Bran and Catelyn are all fine desu. Gregor, Bran and Theon are real names, Catelyn sounds like Caitlyn and Jorah sounds like a real name anyway (it probably is). Even Beric, Bronn and Samwell sound alright. Myrcella as well.

They're all spelled correctly though.

Who the fuck names their kid Theon? Trannies?

>For 2018, the number of births with name Khaleesi is 560

remember when everyone was calling their kids Edward, Bella and Jacob? why would parents do this to their kids

>Only 7 Bronns

Attached: bronn kek.png (338x294, 137K)

acceptable names
- Brienne
- Jorah
- Catelyn
- Gregor
- Samwell
- Myrcella

Everything else is shit

Gregor is a famous gamer though, no problem with naming your kid after him

>Daenarys 8
>naming your child after the villain
do Americans really do this?

The name means "godly" in Greek

how many for Khaleesi

What i really want to know is if there are any Stannis' irl


Theon is not a word. Theos is the Greek word for God or godly.

This is peak/tv/

>watches Jorah get cucked throughout every season
>"let me name my kid this"


What happened to names like Ted, Bill, and Eddy?