Any kinos about somebody stepping into the professional world when they were not prepared to?

Any kinos about somebody stepping into the professional world when they were not prepared to?

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Other urls found in this thread:

never noticed the hat till a few days ago

Yea every retarded reactionary right winger famous for twitter shitposting doing literally anything in the last 5 years including the President of the United States.

>get btfo
>y-you're just a liberal!!

so this is the power of conservatism

>caring about Ben Shapiro

Are you from Reddit or pol?
Either way, go back

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I'm a liberal.

Shapiro lost no face during this interview. The interviewer was trying to bait him with shit he said 7 years ago and has since denounced. He could have actually instigated intelligent discussion with Shapiro, who has a lot of nuanced opinions (most of which I disagree with, but he clearly thinks about them) but he instead chose to try to piss him off for clicks.

I don't understand why the far-left shit on Shapiro and Petersen so much, they're so far towards the middle. They seem to get way more attention than people like Crowder or Gavin McInnes, who go out of their way to be actual shitheads.

After the fifth 'well you said on twitter' question he should have just gone

>you know your questions are clearly a waste of time, so I'm just going to talk about my book for the next ten minutes regardless of what questions you ask, here's what it's about yadda yadda yadda

so this is the power of zionist conservatism...

>twitter questions

Lol first time he doesnt debate a college student and it goes like this

Calls the chairman of the UK's most popular right-leaning magazine a leftist.

Attached: joy.jpg (680x680, 31K)

>People in the comments calling Andrew Neil a leftist

>interviewer accuses Shapiro of "coarsening the public discourse"
>admits that he literally knew nothing about him until the interview was scheduled

What a fucking joke

BACK TO /r/chapotraphouse.

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I literally just unsubscribed from the Dailywire and threw my leftist tears hot or cold tumblr in the bin.


Fuck off, retard.

That'd look just as bad

You're obviously American.

Andrew Neil is a conservative, Amerifat.

british "conservatives" are leftists

>american conservatism

None of you know what journalism is. Sadly neither does Ben Shapiro.

calling Andrew Neil of all people a leftist, jesus christ....

>but what about these mean tweets?

Attached: okay.jpg (562x205, 10K)

holy fuck amerifat stop leaning on the overton window so hard or you're going to break it

The world's oldest magazine too.

I love watching this faggot try to explain every now and again how free healthcare is worse that free market "you don't have money you die" healthcare America has these days.

Like lmao.

I found this to be pretty kino

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Lefty here who disagrees with Shapiro on most things, but I understand him walking out here. What is the point of an interview if the interviewer is only trying to play devil's advocate? It's a complete waste of time. Utterly childish and unprofessional nonsense from the bong. Literally just a troll job.

b-but muh waiting lists


Not by Amerimutt standards.

>unless you're a zionist you're a leftist

Muricans have been so fucked by fox news love-ins that they have no idea what journalism is.

That is an exercise in 100% purebred middle of the road journalism. If you think that was a 'hit job' you're an idiot. If you can't understand why he was reading those statements out and the point he was trying to make you're an idiot. If you can't understand how that was a perfect opportunity for Shapiro to advance his message with a host who shares his world views largely, you're an idiot.

>anti gun
>anti free speech
>pro immigration
>pro tax
>loves the state
they are leftists

Or when he gets triggered and starts bashing unions and better conditions for working people, like paid leave etc, like he tries to sugarcoat his jewery and "fuckyougotmine" mentality so much, fucking cunt.

Holy shit America really is beyond saving.

>calling Andrew Neil a leftist
isnt he a close friend of Murdoch?

Andrew Neil is literally the opposite of every one of those things.

this. so called british 'conservatives' are left wing as fuck. there are literally no true right wing people in power in britain.

>Reading a decade old twitter post is journalism today

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he's absolutely cuckservative though. Fully supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Feelings don't care about facts

sure he is. just like all those gun-loving white nationalists in the tories, right?

>I'm a redditor

>Jordan Peterson

He thinks that asking people to use the pronouns they want to be called by is a Marxist invention that heralds the end of civilization that we know it and thinks forced monogamy is a viable solution to anything.

Ben "Rapists should get the death penalty" Shapiro

I always get excited when I see a slightly off-topic thread in a different board. The discussions are always 20% better on average because everyone on Yea Forums is contrarian and aware the thread is off-topic.

>inb4 la la la its a tv interview

Yes I know but it is primarily /pol/ related more than Yea Forums.

About Israel I hope.

That is a good journalist doing his job. Americans are the only people in the world who cant see that because their media is beyond fucked.

The role of the journalist is to challenge the world view of the person being interviewed. Watch Shapiro's immediate reaction to this - he calls the interviewer a leftist, ignoring the challenge to his positions and attacking the man. It's not only absurd, as Andrew Neil is a dyed in the wool conservative, but it also shows that Shapiro has literally never encountered a real journalist before.

His next approach is to start flipping the questions back on the interviewer, oblivious to the fact that the interviewer's opinions are irrelevant and he's just there to ask the questions. He doesn't understand that Neil just moves from one question to the next and doesn't give his own answers to them.

All Shapiro has to do is answer the questions well and he will be completely unchallenged. He's with an interviewer that shares his world view by and large, and gives him questions that allow him to talk about his beliefs and justify them. And he fails fucking miserably.

The point Neil is making is that Shapiro is a hypocrite. He chastises others for their poor contributions to 'civil discourse' meanwhile he called Obama a fascist, says all Palistinians are rotten to the core and says Democrat voting jews aren't 'real jews'.

That's not a hit job, it's a journalist doing his fucking job. All Shapiro had to do was respond to it and he couldn't.

>running the country from your twitter account is governing today

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America doesn't have free market healthcare and it certainly does not have 'money or die' healthcare, imbecile.

I know Ben is an ugly little goon but holy fuck this entire thing was stupid exchange start to finish.

Maybe if this was anything new you'd have a point, but Shapiro fields these same questions constantly, there's nothing new to be had from him doing it again. They could have gotten on YouTube and found his answers to all those questions without having to waste anyone's time on an interview.

He was opposed to the handgun ban and has a hunting license. He's not a white nationalist but he's against mass immigration. He works for the Murdoch press, the same owner as Fox News, for fuck's sake.

>"i dont have an argument but ill just imply that yours is shit"
Spineless nonsense just like this interviewer.

>money or die

Literally happens all the time. If you don't have insurance for screenings and cant afford to pay cash, you aren't getting them. Sorry. Enjoy your death.

>that thumbnail
Word to the wise, Chrissy, remember the Holocaust


He was making an appearance to shill his book and Neil did a good job showing people that his book isn't worth shit. If he was a more capable debater he could have fought back, but he failed miserably.

The title of the video undermines Neil's point about coarsening discourse. Uploader is an imbecile.

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>calling Andrew Neil a leftist

topkek he's an old fart tory

>The role of the journalist is to challenge the world view of the person being interviewed
Imagine actually believing this. No wonder the UK is such depressing shithole these days.

So is this an Ornella tier beat down? Haven’t watched it yet lads

>Ask questions.
>Big Boy Shapiro gets mad
The absolute state of amerilard """politics""".

>What is the point of an interview if the interviewer is only trying to play devil's advocate?

You could rephrase that into 'what's the point of being a journalist if you're just going to be a journalist?'

Your right America doesn't have a free market healthcare system, it has a predatory capitalist market healthcare system that leaves you at the mercy of suits who insure you.

>Andrew Neil
whew lad

Is Shapiro autistic?

I feel like anyone with a modicum of humour would've breezed through this interview.

He himself has said he'd call a student by whatever pronouns they ask. He thinks it's wrong for Canada to criminalize if you giant faggot

He does it to absolutely everyone and you wont find me complaining. Clearly Shapiro has never had anyone challenge him before because he collapsed like a house of cards.


Why move the goalposts? No American hospital is legally allowed to turn away patients who have life threatening injuries and allow them to die just because they don't have insurance.

Do your fucking research, Bong.

The American system is fucked because its a hybrid free market/state healthcare system with shot like Obongocare and Medicare fucking up the market irreporicably sinces their inceptions,

You're not entitled to healthcare, it's not a right. It's a service like any other.

>ending the interview because you don't like the questions

Man, if I had that attitude, I'd have never gotten this sweet job at Pizza Hut

Shapiro was the one making that point in his book, not Neil. Neil's point was that Shapiro is a hypocrite for lecturing America about civil polite discourse when he has a long and stories track record of the opposite.

How is that moving the goalposts? If you go to the hospital with symptoms of a blood clot but cant afford the test - what happens?

It's sad that you think healthcare is a 'service' but then again America has always been a few decades behind the rest of the civilised world. Fuck it took you a century to get on board with 'slavery is bad'.

Sure you could, but it wouldn't be the same thing as what I said. What's your point?

Are you implying that playing devils advocate is the same as being a journalist? Are you literally 12 years old and/or mentally challenged?

I'll give it a shot user

Liberal in Europe is associated with Classical Liberalism and Neo-conservatism and not with the left.

>You're not entitled to healthcare, it's not a right. It's a service like any other.

So basically fuck you got mine, go die in a ditch. See this is the reason your country is turning into a bigger shithole than it already was.

>inb4 commie leftist socialist subhuman

Challenging, probing and asking questions is literally the function of a journalist in an interview. They're not there to get into a 'debate' and give their own takes on issues. They ask questions of the person they're interviewing which challenge their positions, and the interviewee justifies them.

Or if you're Shapiro you have a nervous breakdown and you storm off.

He's Jewish

>Are you implying that playing devils advocate is the same as being a journalist?
The absolute state of american journalism.

Based Andrew

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How is healthcare a right, lol? Is good nutrition a right too? Is a home a right? Is electricity a right?

Why stop at healthcare? Are you just entitled to whatver you want or makes your quality of life better? What are you NOT entitled to, user?

Holy Fuck he sounds like he's been sucking helium. Is that his real voice? Cringe

looks like Bens feelings got in the way of the facts here

I'm Ameribro and even I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. What should the journalist do then if not ask a fucking question you dipshit?

look how triggered he got when he mentioned "judeo christian"

>Be man
>Be mentally ill
>One day proclaim yourself a woman
>Force everyone to call you "she"
>One guy refuses because it's fucking silly
>He gets arrested
>Some idiot on Yea Forums actually supports this

>What are you NOT entitled to, user?
free speech and the right to bear arms

I dont really care what you think of the interviewer or if he normally interviews people like this, those two things are completely beside the point I was making which is that I understood why Shapiro would walk out, the guy has no intention of conducting journalism in good faith. He's just trolling for clicks.

Americans live in a completely different cultural landscape to the rest of us and have no idea what you're even referring to.

In the UK we're used to people like Marr or Paxman ruthlessly grilling people with question after question. What Americans don't get is that they do that to everyone. Just YouTube Andrew Neil and you'll see him doing the exact same thing to SJWs.

What Muricans also don't get at all is that Neil's biases and points of view are completely irrelevant. I could only laugh at Shapiro on that front. He gets some hostile questions and instead of rising to them, he becomes obsessed with the fallacy of who is asking them.

>you're a leftist
>you're biased
>you're on the BBC
>tell me YOUR STANCE
>you have to answer MY QUESTIONS
>I'm leaving

He can't engage in a Q&A that challenges anything he wants to put forward. He can only function in a right vs left personality contest.

actually yes

>shitting on any other country

Mass Paki rape gangs being ignored by police and government for decades for fear of being 'racist' for investigating.

Young teenage white girl rape victims of these gangs being threatened and told never to utter the race of her rapists again by government workers they reported it to.


I saw a twitter post that said 'his voice sounds like it is being constantly modulated by someone who hates him'.

That would make American moderate right wingers far right. Think about that for a second americucks

Whats wrong with making it a right and giving it to people who can't afford it?

If American conservatives like to brag so much about charity why not give the chance to a better life to all, not just the rich ?

My friend works at a hospital
Says that illegals get treatment every day, get hit with bills and never pay them

Is Shapiro running the country?

Attached: Party down.webm (854x480, 253K)

So we have this thing called representative democracy, whereby people demand that those who represent them provide the basic necessities for them to live a functional life.

These things include education, clean water and yes - access to a hospital and a doctor. The civilised world long ago decides that that was a pretty basic minimum requirement for a functional society. As countries grow wealthier, the basic standards of living also increase.

You have managed to take all the annoyance of taxes with none of the benefits. Great going!

But Shapiro was right that he was just looking through old comments to get some dirt on him. Remember the Tories only differ from the Labour in their hatred of porn.

>trolling for clicks
>on a public news network with no commercial basis

Jesus christ

>not so fast

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How would he know they were illegals? Would he check their immigration papers while treating them? Shut the fuck up dipshit.

>wealthy Amerikuhn doctors with 3 SUVs and 10 Mcmansions have convinced retarded poor rednecks that healthcare is not a right

Stay classy Burgerland.

You're ignoring my question and point. What are you NOT entitled to, user? What is not your 'right'?

There are many charitable hospitals and healthcare services running in the US that provide medical treatment to the poor and those who cannot afford insurance.

They do. People without insurance get treatment all the time. If a hospital refuses to treat people and they die it can get sued beyond all fuck, it's a crime to refuse treatment to people with life threatening conditions because they don't have insurance or can't pay.


>Challenging, probing and asking questions is literally the function of a journalist in an interview.
Yes, but only asking questions that challenge the interviewee's beliefs solely for the purpose of contention is not journalism.

Telling someone "your opinion/argument sucks" is not itself an opinion, or an argument, neither is it journalism. It's not even within the realm of an honest intellectual discussion. Its trolling. It's a waste of time.

yeah it's representatives who provide all those things, not the public paying for them through taxes

It's the BBC user.. they're probably the one news corporation who don't profit from click-bait.

he left because he was asked to define "judeo christian values"

Yes that's a centrist position you flaming faggot

This post reminds me of the "former Trump supporter here, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes" pasta.

You're a brainlet if that's all you took from that interview. The whole line of questioning was based around the fact that Shapiro has written a book lecturing people on their failure to engage in civil and reasonable discourse.

Neil is doing a fucking boss job of showing him up to be a hypocrite by reading out a litany of statements that show him engaging in the exact behaviour he's lecturing others not to engage in.

He could have taken it on the chin and moved onto the new topic but he spazzed out big time and imploded.

>What is the point of an interview if the interviewer is only trying to play devil's advocate?
The reason your country is fucked is mainly because your news shows are just each side sucking themselves off, people get stuck in a bubble, an echo chamber and disconnected from the real world.
UK news is like that too but niels politics show is about getting answers and he does that really well.
If all he had to ask Shapiro about was 7 year old tweets it's because Shapiro, let's be honest, is a literal nobody with nothing interesting or of any real influence, he just goes around preaching to zealots.
It's supposed to be a politics show and he best measure of a politician other than their policy and vote record is how they defend their beliefs and ideas.
Normally politicians take any opportunity to steer the conversation so you need to structure the questions for that.
It's not niels fault Shapiro isn't interesting.

go back you fucking idiot

Yeah and how's that going for Europe, lol? What's austerity, user?

Answer honestly and genuinely. How long do you think the welfare state in Britain will last?

>conservative interviewer accused of being a liberal trolling for clicks on a public tv channel
This whole episode is just peak burger.

How the heavenly fuck you managed to come away with that hot take after reading that post is a question that can only be answered by a crack team of special educational needs researchers.

>here are many charitable hospitals and healthcare services running in the US that provide medical treatment to the poor and those who cannot afford insurance.

>muh charities you just have to find them

Why not make decent healthcare a right for everyone? Who stands to loose from this act of inconcievable marxism-communism-sjwism ?

where did he imply that it's the representatives who pay for it all you fucking mong?

>he's absolutely cuckservative though. Fully supported the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Why does shapikike hate him then?

>What Muricans also don't get at all is that Neil's biases and points of view are completely irrelevant.
It's not about the interviewers opinion, it's about offering literally any other opposing opinion as an alternative. Telling someone their opinion sucks, or implying their opinion is wrong, or even making someone defend their opinion without offering an alternative view yourself is not journalism, its lazy trolling.

Lol why would you think that? You're aware their ad driven BBC World shit generates almost as much income as their loicense fee now, right?

Besides asking him about Trump and 2020 he read to him some old tweets and titles of youtube videos of some anons. Trully masterful work.

>sending a direct feed to the public is bad

hi shill

i wish i had a huge throbbing brain case and a quad digit IQ so i could think of a reason why someone involved in a BBC production might care about the viewership of their work

a made up fucking phrase that is used when they want to tie something exclusively christian as a jewish thing

>people demand that those who represent them provide the basic necessities
why do we need "representatives" to "provide things" when we pay for those things ourselves?

>How's that going?

Um, fine thanks. I enjoy having access to a hospital. I enjoy not paying insurance premiums out the ass. I enjoy not having to worry about a whole, massive aspect of life because I know I'll always be taken care of and not have to worry about how I'll pay for it. Sucks to be you.

It's been going fine since world war 2 so I imagine it'll be around a lot longer.

Filthy midge thinks his heeb hat makes him look taller

Ben was seething. Neil cucked him so hard because Neil is a conservative himself. It takes one to know one.

I can't believe Ben pulled out the 'you're just jealous I'm more popular than you!' card. Hilarious. Why do Yanks always reach for that one when they're backed into a corner?

>Ben Shapiro DESTROYS leftist, burns down his house and rapes his wife.

Yes but they're not a profit driven company, they're a service provided by the British Government

Jesus fucking christ you think the word 'provide' in that sentence means that your MP literally pays for your healthcare out of his wallet?

Can you just take a moment to reassess whether you're capable of interacting with other human beings?

Good. I disagree with his beliefs but from a professional perspective he was right to walk out the way he did. If the interviewer or audience need to have that defined for themselves they should probably just remove themselves from the political discourse until they've graduated grade school.

Define decent, lol? The joke of a system you have in the UK? You realize the NHS is on the brink of collapse as it is right? Massive funding black holes every year, massively dropping standards, can't pay your own doctors so you're flooded with Indians and third worlders.

Universal healthcare does not work, it's a VERY recent experiment and you're going to see very shortly the fruits of that labor. It's already clear to people that actually study the figures but even you, the average brainlet, will quickly realize how beyond fucked it is when they send you away because they simply cannot afford the treatment you need or you die waiting for it.

He asked the wrong questions.

Maybe because healthcare is the number one cause of bankruptcy in your shitty hellhole, a concept which is literally unheard of in Europe?

Give me a 6

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Yeah, this is just standard British interview style. Americans aren't used to anything that isn't self-congratulatory wankfests. He's lucky he didn't get Paxo.

Because you pay taxes you dumb fuck, those taxes are used to improve the lives of you and your fellow countrymen.

This is just greed not conservatism, every modern western country has free fucking health care except your retarded country because half of your population are drones and have been convinced that basic human decency and altruism is communism.

>I'm a lilberal
Yeah, so is Shapiro and the gaggle of dweebs who worship him. "Conservative" is a meaningless label. That's why the only thing the interviewer grills Shapiro on is abortion. There is widespread consensus among the ruling class, the infighting is a show.

based andrew neil. a shame that this week is finishing for good.

he probably graduated before they added holocaust class

amen. this thread is full of retards

i wish

Being a hypocrite doesn't make someone incorrect.

You really have to marvel at the job that American media has managed to do eh?

Here you have an actual human being arguing on the internet against his own interests. Arguing in favour of having to pay for health insurance and hoping it covers everything he needs, rather than never having to worry about it because it's a basic service provided by the state.

He has no government backed retirement fund. He has no rent regulation. He has no credits to help him take time off work if his wife has a baby.

He pays all the taxes, gets none of the benefits, and not only is he not mad about it he's actually voluntarily arguing to maintain the shit deal he's been given.

Ladies and gentlemen, America.

we don't need parasitic politicians or government to provide anything. we pay for it ourselves. democracy is a scam and politicians are worthless middlemen

Conservatives is Bongistan are basically communists.

Daily reminder the UK NHS is now apparently the arbiter of life and death in the country and can force British women to have abortions by law and kill their babies if they deem keeping them alive to be a waste of resources and futile.

You have no idea how fucking laughably warped and bad things are in the UK and the mindless inhabitants don't even have a clue.

Yes it does, dipshit. If you whole point is that the country's discourse has soured and the whole thesis of your book is laying the blame at other people, it's kind of a big fucking deal when someone highlights what a massive hypocrite you are.

man that subreddit is a clown show

America is the freest and most prosperous country in the world. Americans are literally superior in every way.
t. Canadian

You can't have decent anything for everyone, because not everyone puts anything into it. You can't have unlimited draw on a limited supply.
>Conservatives is Bongistan are basically communists.
Same in America, Conservatism is just yesterday's Leftism.


Sources user? This has never happened lmao

The question was ridicilous. How can you say that banning abortions is barbaric and turning society in the dark ages. I didn't know they killed many babies joyfully in the middle ages, and then the fat fuck refuses to answer his questions. Should i continue to watch this, because let's face it, this thread is filled with bongs hating on america, or leftist hating on Shapiro but nobody is actually arguing about the interview itself.
And before you attack me, i don't give a fuck about the kike shapiro but this was just a pathetic display.

Neil used to edit a major newspaper and has hosted political shows.
As if he's jealous of shapiros e celebrity hype.

>It's supposed to be a politics show and he best measure of a politician other than their policy and vote record is how they defend their beliefs and ideas.
Yes but you cannot criticize someone's beliefs in a vacuum. You must provide counter-beliefs as a better alternative. You cannot just say "your beliefs suck" and call that honest journalism. That is more of an echo chamber than the over-simplified dichotomy you've (poorly) tried to describe which is probably based on what you see on your computer screen rather than any real world experience.

Stick a pine cone up your ass.
t. Canadian

>Because you pay taxes you dumb fuck
i.e. our money is stolen by the government
>free health care
doesn't exist

He's a socialist by American standards

based retard user who doesn't know what a journalist does

I don't understand how anyone looks at this shapiro cunt and not realize he's just a sociopath. He's just a shill for hire.

>He pays all the taxes, gets none of the benefits, and not only is he not mad about it he's actually voluntarily arguing to maintain the shit deal he's been given.

But thats freedom, the freedom to sabotage your own stupid self, isn't that what America is all about?

Holy shit imagine believing this

>he pays all the taxes
No, Americans pay far less in taxes than the countries that do provide all those services, and the US dollar is a much more valuable currency. Americans make way more overall.

>asking people to use the pronouns
Forcing actually, and yes it does come from Marxists, even though it has not that much to do with Marxism.
>forced monogamy
Not as in, force people to be monogamous by the barrel of a gun, but just on a societal level people expect monogamy to be the standard. Which is exactly how it used to be before the free-sex movement.

>I'm a liberal.
post tits LARP

Imagine living in a nation that is all about patriotism and being proud of your country, but at the same time thinking free healthcare and taxes are communism and you should not help the community.

Literally what the fuck are you on about?
You can go to a private hospital in the UK and pay it yourself or via insurance exactly the same way you have to in the USA.

>calls Neil a leftist
>gets butthurt when Neil did his research on his tweets about Muslims and then mentions his follow up comments on Palestine
>"thank you for your time and for showing that anger is not part of american discourse"
Jesus christ. How are people not more embarrassed by Shapiro?

Attached: happy clint.jpg (600x400, 27K)

>it's against your interests to make more money and have more freedom from authority!
go away leftist retard

My grandad didn't bankrupt our entire genetic tree when he was diagnosed with throat cancer though.

I'm a conservative.

Ben is infamous among right wingers who don't identify as non-establishment for his embarrassing display regarding the Breitbart situation where the female reporter was proven to be lying via security footage. It is very disgusting of him to continue lying about it to this day.

Other than that, Ben is a known gatekeeper who has been giving non-arguments for anything Trump or any non establishment conservative does. The fact that he lost his shit after being asked a simple question regarding his "values" made me lost my shit.

It's actually hilarious that the shit-libs in these threads actually believe that this hurts anyone other than neoconservatives. Andrew Neil probably doesn't believe in stupid shit like The Green New Deal or other leftist ideas.

>no argument
>fake laughing


>The interviewer was trying to bait him with shit he said 7 years ago and has since denounced.
Except he didn't denounce it in the interview, he tried to pretend he was speaking of something else, which Andrew Neil pointed out was complete rubbish, given the context of the tweet.
BS (what a suitable acronym!) came out looking like a whingy little cunt.

What's even funnier is every teenage poltard in this thread twisting themselves in knots trying to defend this humiliation
>H-he was mean!

Alfie Allen? They wouldn't even let him fucking leave the country to seek treatment elsewhere, LMFAO. There was a big issue a while back with a Reddit post from a woman claiming doctors told her she needed to have an abortion as te baby was unlikely to survive and might kill her too. She still wanted to give birth but they kept pressuring and pressuring and eventually told her she was getting an abortion anyway.

Her post was removed and she disappeared so, no idea what actuallt happened.

This is the only course that the Murican can resort to to convince themselves that they aren't being completely fucked - just make some ridiculous shit up.

If you make a public statement and don't denounce it, don't be surprised when it comes back to bite you in the ass.

wow a sensible and well-argued post on 4channel

Imagine Shapiro getting interviewed by Paxman LOL

The absolute state of Americans

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Classic Jewpire, attacking the mailman when he doesn't like the message.
It was a good opportunity to avoid the dangerous part of question and respond the other half, but he isn't smart enough.

wouldn't shock me if shapiro is an israeli agent

Stop getting your news from /pol/

Why do kikes try so hard to astroturf this cringy term into the vernacular? Christian values are completely contrary to Jewish.


>hurr durr if you ban abortions we are going back to the dark ages (wrong term btw but whatever, like this retard knows anything)
>look at me i ask hardhitting questions
Retarded loaded questions doesn't prove anything you sour cunt. Try being objective first.

>He thinks that asking people to use the pronouns they want to be called by is a Marxist invention that heralds the end of civilization that we know it

Every sane person thinks that.

>digging up 7 year old tweets is good journalism
fuck off

The UK isn't America user, the whole country isn't run by greedy businessmen looking to make money.

>You can't have decent anything for everyone, because not everyone puts anything into it. You can't have unlimited draw on a limited supply.

But it works fine in the rest of civilized western society, or are you implying the rest of us don't have poor people or unemployed ?

Lmao the absolute state

>How dare the interviewer use Ben's own words against him!
This is what happens when you loons step out of your YouTube echo chamber and encounter reality

it's there to cover a bald spot

The interviewer kept pointing out Shapiro's hypocrisy. Shapiro claims to hate the coarse public discourse. But Shapiro has numerous examples where he himself is the one inciting that coarse-ness. Shapiro couldn't really respond without admitting this so he keeps trying to change the topic or pretend that his own words are irrelevant

Fuck off you mentally ill faggot. Nobody wants to face consequences for calling a man a man.

lol how predictable was it that the word Alfie was going to be in the next post?

Shapiro himself even tweeted about it. The kid was already dead. He had been dead for weeks. His brain was literally mush. *literally mush*

We're not talking disabled. We're not talking autistic. He was dead. A machine was inflating his lungs.

The NHS weren't the arbiter of life or death either: the court was. A judge ruled that the parents had to turn the life support off because *THE KID WAS FUCKING DEAD* but they were too traumatised/also retarded to do it.

>not killing kids is barbaric and a return to the middle ages

bbc kike literally lost there

>i.e. our money is stolen by the government
Okay so your plain dumb.

Ben should have just said he identifies as a woman and had the britbong arrested for misgendering her.

>the same time thinking free healthcare and taxes are communism and you should not help the community.
The problem is that there is no "the community". These services become a wealth transfer from Whites to non-Whites.

Imagine believing that because the BBC isnt meant to generate profit, that means they automatically have journalistic integrity, despite the fact that every actual measure of journalistic integrity would suggest otherwise. Let me guess, you believe in santy clause too? You know you have to be 18 to post here, right?


instead it's run by tyrants who want total surveillance and control over the population while they replace the population with third world subhumans

>it works fine in the rest of civilized western society,
It works in homogeneous White countries with limited immigration.

says a lot more about the uk "right-wing" than ben shapiro desu

>seek treatment elsewhere

This is so laughably ill informed. You cant treat being brain dead. The only 'treatment' he was offered was by a catholic church hospital in Italy who had a track record of offering to take anyone who didn't want to be taken off life support.

There is no treatment in medical science once someone is declared brain dead. Regardless of whether or not you're too stupid to appreciate that point, the far more operative point is that exactly the same thing would happen in a private hospital. No insurance company is paying to keep a vegetable on a respirator for eternity once they're already fucking dead.

He misread the law and nobody is in jail because of it. He's a conman and used that 'controversy' to catapult himself into millions of retarded followers such as yourself

This. Well put user. It's kind of sad that this is honestly the state of America right now

not an argument. taxation is theft. deal with it commie

Yeah but we have decent healthcare, pensions and shit.

I see this is really hard for you to understand, but those things are pretty great and contributing to them as a society is a good idea.

>/pol/ likes Ben Shapiro
where do you people come from

Wrong, why lie? He was being offered special experimental treatment in Italy and the British government literally blocked and denied it then had fucking police walls blocking off entrance to the hospital hahaha! They also totally shut down media reporting of it as the issue literally just dropped off the face of the Earh before it was resolved.

You mean Alfie Evans?

>n-no he's a KEK! he can't be a conservative
Conservatism is entirely jewish now. Being for mass immigration and capitulating on every social issue IS conservatism now. Stop being defensive of that word already. Also lol at leftists who think /pol/ likes Shapiro. He's one of the most hated people on the board.

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>you didn't care about jews enough
>you didn't care about arabs enough
I hate Shapiro but the other guy's line of questioning makes him seem just as bad.

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Good post. But Ben Shapiro being against actual journalism is nothing new. That kike actually thinks that Julian Assange should face consequences for reporting on the truth.

No, it doesn't. It simply shows Shapiro to be a brainlet who thinks because an interviewer asks difficult questions that he must be left wing.

shapiro not used to the forthright british, cries and goes home


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>Imagine believing
imagine being so blown the fuck out by reality that you have to reflexively flee to your imagination LOL.

are you Russian?


When did I say anything about using his own words against him? Your inability to comprehend what you read is saddening. Your shitty attempt at a strawman, even more so.

Alfie was literally a vegetable from birth user, he was born in that hospital and stayed in there for his entire life. Nothing could be done for him.

>hurr durr but it's not really free

Yes thanks for pointing that out genius. When people say you can walk around on sidewalks and drive on roads 'for free' you realise they are aware that taxation pays for it? 'Free' refers to 'free at the point of use' and highlighting the fact that it's not *literally free* isn't opening anybody's eyes to something they didn't know already you dipshit.

>He can only function in a right vs left personality contest.
It's really worrying when this person who claims to be great because he's prepared to engage in discourse, can't defend their own position without that discourse.
It's the 2016 election all over again when no one could say why they supported who they supported without mentioning how they disliked the other candidate

Should have stuck to speed-talking past angry college zoomers wearing furry costumes.

He didn't really go home, he is still in America.

americans make enough money to pay for those things themselves. used to anyway

T. Trust fund kiddie or someone who's been lucky enough not to get sick

I seriously seriously hope you get horrendously injured in a terrible car accident of your own doing and get stuck with $38k in bills your insurance won't pay

I hope you have organ donor on your loicence.

He should sit down with Dave Rubin again for a hard hitting interview

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the funny thing is a few of those questions were softballs and he could have done a decent job of dismissing them then turning them in his favour, but he doesnt have the pose for this kind of interview. to used to his radio and youtube bubble.

>Leave my wealthy predatory corporations alone you gheddarn commie!


both of them lost this "debate"

benji was right that this guy was being totally dishonest when he characterized someone not in favor of baby murder as barbaric

the britbong was right that benji is a total faggot that talks out of both sides of his mouth and is ruining american political discourse

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Did you hear those questions you fucking retard? His questions were almost just as retarded as you are.

so don't call it free. call it socialised medicine

Believe me or don't believe me user, but I'm neither a leftist or a bong. I agree and disagree with Shapiro at times, but this interview only hurts cuckservatives like Bill Kristol, Jeff Flake, and other similar neocons.

>heated and contentious debate on exactly how to best expand Israel's borders

>americans make enough money to pay for those things themselves. used to anyway

No they don't, thats why more than half of your fucking country supports people who promise healthcare reform to them you dumb idiot.

>this proposal for a law against abortion sounds like it's from the dark ages
cringe, why was he so quick to label his interviewer and set him up as an ideological opponent? not very high IQ if you ask me

Every country is run by greedy people. There is not one benevolent government on the face of the earth. Also this

Lol I was born into poverty in the UK you absolute brainlet. But yeah that's very classy of you and moral, willing serious death and injury on someone who disagrees with your social and economic policy.

"special treatment", Italy were giving him a room to die in, that's what that hospital was known for. Keeping literal vegetables "alive" for families who didn't want them dead.

And the police were there as the staff caring for Alfie Evans and other patients were being harassed and threatened with violence.

It's not some evil conspiracy user

>USD is worth less than both British pounds *and* Euros
>income tax rates in Britain and America are essentially the same
>America actually spends far more of its taxes on healthcare than Britain does, but still doesn't provide universal healthcare
>America spends double what Britain does on education per student - not even including college - yet is far behind Britain in global education rankings

taxation is theft


deal with it spic

>a british journalist is ruining american political discourse
so it's true, trumpkins are actually retarded

Sure, shapiro is a hypocrite. Does that mean his argument is wrong? No, not at all. And that's not at all what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about the intent of the interviewer, he has zero journalistic integrity.

Wow, ben shapiro is a hypocrite and a Jewish shill, big surprise, is anyone better off from knowing this? Were liberals and conservatives able to come to a better understanding of the issues at hand? No. It was a completely childish troll job and a waste of time. It was in no way shape or form journalism.

>So Ben, let's get right down the hard questions. Is your cock so huge just because you're chosen, or does it grow an inch every time you own a regressive?

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Probably because the interviewer was so dishonest and biased.
>I'd ask anyone questions contrary to their view
>Would I call a pro choicer barbaric? Uhh. On to the next question Mr. Shapiro...this tweet our research team found from 6 years ago...

I think the point of those questions rather went over your head, making you also a brainlet.

It's free at the point of use you brainlet. Much like Shapiro you're incapable of arguing anything substantive so fall back on pointless pedantry.

>how can you say something so barbaric and something that takes us back to the dark ages?
>how does protecting life do that?
>lets move on
>would you have said the same if this were reversed?
>lets move on
Lmao is this what counts as being destroyed? Bringing up old shit and then saying lets move on when someone challenges you? I guess this is to be expected from a country whose parliament's idea of engaging in discussion is yelling over each other like literal children and needing a moderator to say ODAH every 2 seconds

Fucking pathetic


yeah, the same half that hates white people, thinks men are women, and wants to ban guns. why would i want to pay for their healthcare?

>support NHS
>support social programs
>support mass immigration
>sopport late stage abortions
>support high taxes
>support anti free speech laws
>support anti gun laws
>btw I'm a conservative
that's like saying you are a liberal because you want to hang all niggers and gas all kikes.

He thinks the government enforcing what people want to be called is wrong. And culturally enforced monogamy, not state enforced like you are probably thinking.

Of course everyone seems crazy when you completely miss their point.

If someone interviewing a pro-life activist called their position a step back into the dark ages, would you not call them out as partisan?

He characterised someone who wants to imprison women for a miscarriage as barbaric, not someone who is opposed to abortion.

Not free for white people.

This. How can people disagree with this? It's like some people literally live on clown world.

Well it is theft in Burgerland because you don't get nothing back from your taxes.

What part of "we get great shit for our money" don't you get?

HONESTLY how the FUCK can anyone listen to his snively poindexter voice and look at his dead eyes and trust him. How fucking thirsty are you kids for some asshole to validate your feelings that you're willing to settle for some retard sociopath?

you are stealing from the country if you dont pay taxes.

go live somewhere else if you disagree with your countries rules. or do you just want to freeload?

>ben shapiro is a hypocrite and a Jewish shill, big surprise, is anyone better off from knowing this?
Yes, everyone is better off when disingenuous kikes are exposed.

America was a mistake

100% this

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>pointing out that someone influential is a hypocrite is a waste of time
How fucking stupid are you? Be honest

>this user actually thinks it is possible to treat being brain dead
>shut down reporting
It was in the news literally every fucking day

>reading comprehension

>isn't far-right

taxation is taxation.
theft is theft.
Keep shucking and jiving for corporations little nigger.

learn to read

He's practically a communist by American standards. There's a reason whites are a minority in their own cities in jolly old England these days.

The only reason police ended up having to block off the hospital is because brainlets like yourself were outside protesting 'SAVE ALFIE!" (he was fucking dead) and chanting 'MURDERERS!" at the doctors who'd worked for months to save him.

*again, to reiterate, the kid was fucking dead. He had no brain.

>could have just said "it's not barbaric, it aligns with medical literature confirming the life of a foetus"
>instead spergs out and falls back on that line every time he's asked a question he can't answer
Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing for Benny boy

this desu, shapiro is a greasy little insufferable faggot


Every time.
Every single fucking time Americans walk into a british conversation thinking they're hot shit they get absolutely demolished.
I don't know how they never get tired of it honestly.

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People forget this, a journalist needs to make difficult questions or it's going be a PR video for the interview.
The journalist actually allowed Jewpiro to reply, gave him time, jumped to the next question instead of pushing it.
It not even close to a hit piece and I know because I saw many hit pieces in my third world shithole.

cost of living is higher in europe, negating the increased currency value. there are 7 states in the us that have no income tax. and america's universities are ranked the best in the world

>this desperate for an american's attention
Here's a (you) from somebody that matters

Literally, why are Amerimutts so obsessed with race?

No one here in Europe gives a shit if you're brown, and you're less-White than us, so fuck off and go back to sucking off retarded twitter reactionaries.

If he wabted to really rustle Benyamin he should have called circumcision barbaric

Peterson and Shapiro's whole persona is gotcha moments. Literally all their popular videos are x DESTROYS SJW CRYBABY.

if mainstream conservativism is far-right to you, wait till you grow up and learn about fascism is school.

>it's free even though you pay for it through taxation

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This is true desu, Sharpio would have gained brownie points or sympathy if he just kept answering and pretending to be the victim without asking the interviewer questions of his own.

i dare to roll

what an absolute 8yo take on what "running a country" is.

The only reason you don't like Ben Shapiro is that he's one of the most outspoken anti-SJW names and he's Jewish. His existence disproves your entire agenda, you rodent loser.

>how to best expand Israel's borders
tbf that's pretty much all US politics in a nutshell

Yeah he's dead because England murders their children.

Its also a karma goldmine so you can lose it roasting other people and sewing discord. All you have to do is say you hate the us and automatic 500 upvotes.

>Andrew Neil probably doesn't believe in stupid shit like The Green New Deal
You are aware Andrew Neil isn't American and so doesn't really care one way or the other about The Green New Deal other than as an academic concept worth discussing, right?

I'm glad more people know about The Neil from this.

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Ben Shapiro isn't an American

>this thread
>this board
>this website

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>mainstream conservatives support concentration camps for kids to scare away boogieman refugees
>wait till you grow up and learn about fascism
we there bb

honestly thought that was just okay, neither came out looking better or worse

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this is what happens you insulate yourself in conversative radio and youtube bubbles

>at the point of use

I hate niggers

>logo is a grim reaper holding a bomb

and they're trying to portray gamers as edgy fans of the joker?

remember when irony used to be funny?

Look at this subversive bullshit. The guy said he would call someone their preferred pronouns out of politeness, but that he disagrees with coerced speech, meaning it shouldn't be a legal mandate that one uses preferred pronouns. Jordan Peterson is basically centrist, and it's evidenced by the hate he gets on both the left and the right.

>imagine being such a fragile chud, you actually saved this image

Says a lot of Academia that cow extermination is the height of intellectual discussion.

Trump supporter here,

I'm a gay idiot with a small dick and no brains. My brains no work good at all. I like eating dirt and I look like shit all the time.

>it's free even though you paid for it already

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>shapiro rage quits

No he'd actually been dead for weeks and they'd already spent thousands so his retarded parents could take the time to process it but they refused and insisted on seeking further treatment even no such treatment exists in all of medical science and the kid had already been declared dead.

>crazy far right people are middle or even left
t. Mutt


Use real insults you fucking nigger.

Honestly there is no point in arguing with Americans about their politics, they've become so polarized that trying to have any sort of intelligent debate is met with either side calling you a nazi or an SJW.

What kind of American Conservative doesn't? War is their bread and butter.

imagine being a chapo incel (you dont need to)

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3 of those are in the us

If only you knew the hit pieces people write about Corbyn from these people...

That 2017 interview with him and Paxman was brutal but Corbyn didn't pussied out like Sharpio and came out looking way better than Paxman

>Imagine Shapiro getting interviewed by Paxman
I would donate my first born to the BBC to see that broadcast.

I'd say just ignore him at this point, he lost the argument long ago.

btw 'free at the point of use' is literally written into the NHS charter. Also 'free at the point of use' is the exact legal definition of a government service funded through taxation and not charged for on a case by case basis.

reminder that no government spends more per capita on healthcare than the US

reminder that on top of that, every American is forced to spend an average of $300,000 in their life on healthcare.

reminder that 700,000 Americans are bankrupted a year from medical expenses.


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so this thread is cool and all but could someone post ben shapiro's sister's milkers

Go save Qurans from the river.

Honest question: having read all of these posts are you honestly of the opinion that anyone - at any point - has claimed that the NHS is free?

Because if so, fuck me. >>

Corbyn is great. Hopefully he expels all the Jews from the isles again. Only then can we know peace.

What are number 1 and number 2, friend?

>All the kvetching JIDF ITT

Oy vey I'm a leftist but MAN, I agree with Shapiro on this! Shapiro is such a genius, did I mention I don't usually agree with him but on this occasion I do! Also 30 million a day isn't enough goys cough up more.

>user why do you have folders of weirdo boogiemen saved on your harddrive?
>user why do you have all this tranny porn on your harddrive?
haha just research mom

reminder that americans make more money than you, have bigger houses than yours, have more freedom, and are generally happier

I mean, he literally fires people via twitter.

sounds like the usual government newspeak bullshit

Take the L.

Andrew Neil HOLOCAUSTS small innocent autistic Jew

I'm a liberal and think he was treated unfairly here.

Would definitely not categorize this as "destroyed".

I think ben shapiro is a fgt, but he was way classier here.

Take sandnigger semen.

>are generally happier
>country is on the brink of civil war
>mass shootings and school shootings are basically an American staple

Greetings from Romania your poor sap

>Unironic chapo redditors in the thread
Oh so thats where the people claiming /pol/ like shapiro and don't just call him a kike over and over again are coming from.

So an interviewer is just supposed to facilitate exactly what the interviewee is trying to say without actually providing any sort of counter-argument? The interviewer being Devil's Advocate means that we don't just get fed Ben Shapiro's point of view for 10 minutes. I mean, this is basic journalism for fuck sake. Then again, all you have to go by is FOX and CNN so you aren't exactly getting anything of even remotely decent quality.

Imagine being this insecure. Americans are probably second only to Koreans in terms of national insecurity.

Tell a Brit that their country is a shit hole and they'll shrug and move on with their lives.

Tell an American that their government spend an awful lot of their taxes on healthcare and they STILL have to pay thousands themselves on insurance and they spin into a rage.

Truly the spergiest of all the anglo nations.

why is the UK so concerned with american political discourse?

how many programs about paki rape gangs have this guy made?

t. commie nazi

>w-why are you asking ben-kun mean questions?!?
>just advertise his book p-pls

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This is true.
So are these.


>Take the L.
What niggerspeak is this

>hey fuckface retard kike, do you want to hang women by their intestines huh? do you want to bring back slavery too? how bout I hang you by your hook nose you filthy backstabbing rat
>what do you mean? you're insulting me instead of asking me questions, can you clarify what you just said?

>As ranked by a London organization

Britbongs lol

Yes it's all a trick to make people think that their taxes don't pay for the NHS, when literally everyone in the country knows that obviously their fucking taxes pay for the NHS.

Yea Forums users engaging in political discourse is cringey as fuck. Why are you arguing with each other?

have sex.

Here they'll write pure lies for months and then get an interview with the "target", get 4 or 6 journalists that won't let the person talk and rape him. One will make a clearly disonest question and, while the person is trying to reply, the second will jump with a "comment" or another question.
It's ridiculous. There is more integrity and honesty in a shit thread from Yea Forums.

Hey now, be fair, they have the benefit of the governments forking out billions of dollars a year to defence contractors

The burden is on you to prove that it isnt a waste of time.

Explain exactly how Ben Shapiro, or any political figure, potentially being a hypocrite is in any way valuable to political discourse. You cant because it isnt. Because what you're implying is based on a logical fallacy.

Let's agree for the sake of argument that sex before marriage is immoral. Let's also imagine for a moment that you've had sex before. Now, if you weren't married, and you made the claim that sex before marriage is immoral, that would make you a hypocrite, and, according to your logic, that would mean your argument is wrong because you're a hypocrite right? So sex before marriage would be objectively moral based on your own hypocrisy as an individual. That makes sense and isnt totally insane, right?

The point is, it doesnt fucking matter if Shapiro is a hypocrite, the person stating the idea is completely divorced from the idea itself.

>You have no idea how fucking laughably warped and bad things are in the UK and the mindless inhabitants don't even have a clue.
There's a lot of shit very wrong with Britain right now but the healthcare isn't among those problems.

>t. britcuck obsessed with america and the fact that americans don't live in a way he approves of

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>What is the point of an interview if the interviewer is only trying to play devil's advocate?
My nigga why else have a fucking interview?

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Go away Benyamin

meme label. no idea what it is
The Other! Outgroup Contempt and tribalism rule your life!
>Oh so thats where the people claiming /pol/ like shapiro
everyone else is le chapo website boogiemen!
but muh russian counterintelligence platform is diverse and you guys just don't get us!

You should reflect on how you save boogieman propaganda. You should reflect on how you rely on boogieman propaganda and labeling fallacy messaging strategy. You should reflect on why you need to feel guilty for the degenerates you associate with.

You're being abused!

Yeah you obese fuck, life is pretty swell here, i pay my taxes, get free healthcare, got my pension when i'm old, country is experiencing great economic growth.

No shootings and dead school children in sight. Its pretty mundane even.

>You're not entitled to healthcare, it's not a right
I'm fine with this line of reasoning coming from real hardline libertarians but from a Jewservative like Shapiro it's an absolute joke. You want to talk about entitlement? Fine. Slash all military aid to Israel, since they aren't "entitled" to a single dime of our money. After that, bring every soldier home since foreign countries shouldn't be entitled to US taxpayer funded military interventions that our general public doesn't even support. After that, end all agricultural/oil since they aren't entitled to any of that. After that, cut Social Security and Medicare for boomers. You should get back what you paid in, you aren't entitled to a dollar more. Unless all of that happens, fuck you, I want healthcare. As long as the Jews receive even a single dime of US taxpayer money then I don't want to hear shit from Ben about what the American people should or should not be entitled to.

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i don't want to pay for others' healthcare. i'll pay for my own

My point was literally the opposite of that my illiterate friend.

If I laugh at your shitty education system will you get all angry about that too? Are people allowed to make fun of your schools or does that make you sad?

cry more gypsy subhuman

there are exceptions to miscarriages you retard

>So an interviewer is just supposed to facilitate exactly what the interviewee is trying to say without actually providing any sort of counter-argument?
No, idiot. The interviewer is supposed to play devils advocate in an informed and intellectually honest and unbiased manner. This guy got the devils advocate part right but nothing else.

You just don't want to pay for niggers' healthcare. If everyone was like you, you would be fine with commonunity healthcare. There is nothing wrong with that.

your the one crying you brainwhashed turd

An interview isn't a debate but a chance to know somebody and what he is doing. Exposing people as hypocrites or liars are kinda what interviews are for...

no one cares what you make fun of because your country doesn't matter. get it yet?

It matters if Ben is being a hypocrite when the explicit point he's making, about political discourse in the US being too uncivil, is something that he often and directly contradicts in his own actions. It suggests that he doesn't take his own words to heart, which invites cynicism into his reasoning for advocating a course of action for others that he would not take himself.

>Americans think a Journalist's interview is a debate
Holy shit, America.

>hey Ben there are YouTube videos about you with rude titles lol boom roasted got’em XD

niggers, spics and white racetraitors, yeah. i'm generally not into paying for people who hate me and want me dead or in chains

Yes, I do realize that, but his Wikipedia article says that he doesn't believe in climate change and finds legislative proposals for it to be ridiculous. I believe in climate change, but I feel that a lot of the policies and forms of legislation we are seeing won't work and will only further plans that involve socialism.

>You're not entitled to healthcare, it's not a right.
lol 700,000 bankruptcies a year
every American is FORCED to spend an average of $300,000 in their life
on top of the government already spending like twice as much as anyone else for healthcare to continue to be insurance-only.

it's destroying the economy. It's nuking the middle class. Hundreds of thousands of white familes are being destroyed every year. Your psychotic understanding of what people are "entitled" to means nothing. You're a shill for economic cancer. You're a shill for Sentara.

You're going to burn in hell cuck.

don't give a shit about either of them, that 1 day away from stroke looking old faggot had basically no argument outside "you said stupid shit a long time ago", the jew faggot right in getting mad.

You know where you are, right?

So reading through this thread, I have the following contribution then I'll bail:

Say what you want about taxes. Healthcare. "Freedom". Education. Whatever. You can criticise America, America can criticise Europe, whatever. But in every thread like this, the American posters descend into bullshit the quickest. They start off trying to argue, then before you know it it's all false equivalencies, logical fallacies and bad comprehension of their opponent's position.

I don't criticise America for this - it's a mirror of what they see every day on cable news and in their politics. Their whole discourse is basically a race to the bottom. Their Euro counterparts argue these really poorly made points, and by the thread end you see Americans giving in to frustration and yelling nigger at everyone. It happens in every fucking thread. Brits in particular always absolutely savage Americans, it's like watching a grown ass man pummel a bunch of toddlers.

But anyway I digress. My main contribution was simply to say that for all the education systems, healthcare, 'freedom', whatever list you want to make to argue about America being the best place ever in the world - I would never live there. I would never even visit. Because what I cherish more than any of those things is the gift from god of not being born America, and accordingly being 'normal.'

I work for a big international company. After 3 years we stopped hiring Americans. They cannot 'banter'. They cant engage in a normal conversation. They have no sense of humor and were really hard to relate to or talk to. At the end of the day, they just didn't have that shared humanity that everyone else from a dozen different countries all had effortlessly. They are truly a unique people, and rather than argue with them you should just thank the universe every day that you weren't born one of them.

this NPC is well conditioned. You'll notice that they justify shilling against their own future and their own best interests, as long as they think that by doing so will fuck over the boogiemen that are propped up for them to spite.

As long as you're batting down and away you'll always be a perfect NPC cuck for the industries destroying your future.

Post pics of your tits nigger.


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seems just as annoying as Piers Morgan to be honest.
I hear people find him really great and worship him. Why?

literally every single "lefty" and "liberal" ITT is a fakeflagging Shapiro nigger prove me wrong.

Wrong. The logic you're using here is exactly what's wrong with modern politics. You're literally advocating that the whole point of politics is one big popularity contest instead of an honest exchange of ideas and you dont even realize it.

your problem is that you assume I will use it. Not only is it not free at the time of use, Its not even that unlikely that I pay for something I never use. Like if you were forced to get a combo meal everytime you went to a restraunt that included a drink and was more expensive and the person said well its free once you drink it cause you already have it. Obviously you would rather not pay for something you didn't want. Not sure why i'm typing this though you are clearly and idiot.

>honest exchange of ideas
What level of naivete is this

my best interests are 1) a white country free of subhumans and traitors, and 2) having less of my money stolen by the government and given to said subhumans

i know that makes you mad, but that's the truth

>I am happy to spend $300,000 on my own healthcare even though my taxes already pay for higher healthcare spending than any other country because BLACK PEOPLE

have you even watched the video or do you just enjoy being retarded

Nah Paxman is known to be a wayyyyyyyyyy more hostile interviewer than O' Neil ever will be. If Sharpio is really gonna whine about being a in a hostile interview, then he is being a fucking snowflake

You heard wrong.

empty negation. Classic propagandist
> The logic you're using here is exactly what's wrong with modern politics.
this nigga watches youtube
>You're literally advocating that the whole point of politics is one big popularity contest
it is
>instead of an honest exchange of ideas
you're a nigger shill for corporations
>and you dont even realize it.
you're trained how to lie. You're incapable of "honest exchange"

>You're literally advocating that the whole point of politics is one big popularity contest instead of an honest exchange of ideas and you dont even realize it.
You can show Sharpio is a hypocrite and still agree with his point about being civil you fucking retard.

Fuck off, Ben's made a career out of shitting on literal teenagers and publicizing it

All the fucker had to do was just say "Yep, well, in the 10 years since I said that, my perspective has changed". But he's such a massive egotist that he couldn't bring himself to do it.

One of the few sensible posts itt

>an interview is not supposed to involve asking questions

The higher healthcare spending is because of the niggers.

Is this a tranny discord raid or a Chapo Traphouse raid? I honestly can't tell anymore, the mental retardation is so similar.

>we want universal healthcare

>we want stricter gun control

Attached: tenor.gif (220x183, 199K)

>I wont use it. Not only is it not free at the time of use
>free at the point of use
>I wont use it
>this means it is not free at the point of use
>says something this monumentally stupid and calls other people idiots

>which invites cynicism into his reasoning
Not really. It could, but you have no way of knowing if it does or not. The points hes trying to make still stand regardless. By dimishing his arguments based on his hypocrisy youd only be doing yourself and others a disservice.

>The higher healthcare spending is because of the niggers.
And there is no cap to it. Infinity niggers and infinite cost. If you want functioning social programs you have to have a homogeneous society.

>discord trannies bogeyman

Mentally-ill amerifat reactionary. Go watch some mister metokur you autist

>UK 92% white
>Muttland 56% white

Correct the same people that want whites to pay for niggers also want whites disarmed.

Hey man Trapo Tranny Discord user here,

I'm 6'5" with a large penis and I manage to make every mexber of my polycule orgasm multiple times when we do our intercourse. Stay jelly hater.

>leftist pussy hates guns

>my best interests are 1) a white country free of subhumans and traitors
nope. Just move to Russia LOL. IT's not "subhumans and traitors" bankrupting your future. It's your "white" daddies that trained you how to throw your shit like a nigger chimp.
>and 2) having less of my money stolen by the government
yeah you just shill it all over to insurance companies LOL. Your government ALREADY is spending WAY MORE on healthcare than any other country in the world, and you don't even have access to it!
>and given to said subhumans
yeah literally you. You pay like the rest of them.
>i know that makes you mad,
no that's your life. You're trained to be hysterical and niggardly by these industrial plunderbunds. You're destroying your country to spite the people in it.

Your suicide will be the only patriotic thing you ever do.

> but that's the truth
yeah you're easily turned into a nigger ape. You're an NPC. Nothing new it's literally older than humanity.

Keep shucking and jiving nigger you're doing SUCH a good job!

Your job cleaning semen off the floor of a movie theatre is hardly contributing vast sums to tax coffers though is it?

>reads stupid shit shapiro said in the past
>has literally no argument outside of that
>conducts interview in an extremely petty and bias way to incite an emotional response


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go back to your subreddit, tourist scum

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This is the worst attempt at trying to use /pol/speak I have ever seen

universal healthcare involves stealing money from people. Gun control involves stealing liberties. These things seem pretty consistent to me.

Pretty good post. I actually considered moving to America. Thank fuck I didn't.

If you couldn't comprehend his argument I'm afraid you're a very low IQ individual

reminder that this is an insane leftist who goes on and on about russia, putin, the "internet research agency," and will call you a nigger and tell you to kill yourself ad nauseum if you reply to him. he's literally crazy. just ignore it

here is a selection of his derangement:

it just goes on and on like that, thread after thread

post pictures of your tits nigger. livestream your suicide.

I'm not using /pol/speak you unfuckable faggot. I'm addressing you for what you are.

When you kill yourself your family will be relieved.

>Explain exactly how Ben Shapiro, or any political figure, potentially being a hypocrite is in any way valuable to political discourse
>The point of politics is an honest exchange of ideas
Can you not see how a dialogue filled with hypocrites and outright liars doesn't fly in the fucking face of an honest exchange?

No it involves a reallocation of the money they are already stealing from you so that you at least get some benefit from it.

>retarded redneck who found /pol/ and the great jewspiracy loves guns and the prospect of needless violence.

I ain't even shocked anymore. Americans are basically retarded.

>a dribbling moron posts a pic of a dribbling moron

>reddit actually has a working system of good NPC points

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>universal healthcare involves stealing money from people
the US government spends more tax money on healthcare per capita than any other government in the world. NOBODY is "stealing money" more than you nigger shills for insurance companies.

thank fuck indeed. last thing america needs is another leftist pussy

what if I believe both are a right lel

Not an argument
Go back to pol or better yet kill yourself.
Yes I know that's the point I've been trying to make you braindead fuck.
You're either desperately trying to strawman or you cant read

Kind of sad that only 10-20% of these responses are even understanding what they're replying to. UK education everybody...


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Just out of curiosity if taxation if theft then how would you propose putting children through school? Did your parents have the $12,000 a year the government coughed up to put your shitty ass through school?

lol the shills are getting nervous.

If all you want is universal healthcare, then go commit a felony that gets you a life sentence in prison. You can get you ass pounded and everyone else can post here in peace.

It's more likely he's a mentally-ill incel faggot leaking from 8gag or /r/TheDonald trying to make leftists look bad.

reallocation of money implies that I will be losing out on a service they are currently spending money on. Unless they are being laughably inefficient with tax money then they are just stealing whatever that preexisting service is from me instead. You are just shifting the theft to another location.

Yeah. Because of niggers.

yeah, you're afraid of guns and hate white people. pretty standard whiny foreigner garbage. go watch michael moore again

>Go back to pol or better yet kill yourself.
Statistically it's you that'll be dead within a decade LOL.

Sorry champ but no, a political interview is not an 'honest exchange of ideas'. Andrew Neil's job is to interview people. He challenges their positions and then they justify them. His opinions on any given issue are fucking irrelevant. He's not a politician. He's not shilling a book. He's there to ask the questions and you're there to answer them.

Welcome to interviewing.

he literally has no argument, you complete imbecile, he even uses the meme "shapiro destroys everyone" videos on youtube as a crutch in the interview

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>sending your kids to a public school full of feral apes and aztecs

>Brits in particular always absolutely savage Americans, it's like watching a grown ass man pummel a bunch of toddlers.
I agree with Yanks on the right to firearms ownership but they're terrible at arguing for it, sadly.

yeah literally. every single shill against a public option healthcare system is literally a nigger.

Biggest niggers in American history.

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>English whites reduced to shagging sheeps in the countryside
>all of the historical hubs and major cities completely fucking inundated by pakis and poo-in-loos
Protip: you're not really white if you're a bong, since it's also a state of mind, and covering up thousands of paki rape gangs with your police force disqualifies you

Hypocrisy isnt the same as lying dipshit. You can advocate for people not to smoke cigarettes while being addicted to them yourself.

Its stealing when you get nothing back, and since you don't then yeah ofc its stealing.

And gun control is a nobrainer since guns are weapons used to kill people. So yeah no guns is better than guns.

I see all these things are hard for you to comprehend my overweight American friend.

I never said I was okay with the current spending. Is it really that crazy to be dissatisfied with the current situation and not want more of it?

>hehe how do you defend your barbaric views?
>how are they barbaric, would you have said the same in the opposite scenario?
>lets move on

Real hard hitting journalism there

>Yes I know that's the point I've been trying to make you braindead fuck.
Thats the point the interviewer has been trying to make you braindead fuck

Well they spend more than any other country on healthcare, and you still don't get any, so yeah I'd say that's mighty inefficient.

You also send billions to Israel. Is that a service you're losing out on? You also spend more than the next 12 countries combined on military and you have a retarded law that requires the budget to increase every year even though it's already laughably stupidly huge.

Or is that taxation not theft?

You've got to get out of this fucking partisan mindset, man, you'll attack people who agree with you 9 times out of 10 because you divide the world into two sides.

>making leftists look bad
they don't need any help with that

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Are oral exams a thing in America?

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>I never said I was okay with the current spending.
you are though. You voted for it. You shill for it.

nobody cares about how when you actually critically self-reflect, you HATE everything you support. that's just what happens when you're in a reactionary political cult. You're a weak faggot.

Let daddy spit in your mouth you nigger.

We're not paying to sew up niggers shooting each other. Deal with it.

The benefits of not paying taxes is having extra money in your bank account. The benefit of not having a government ran school system is the ability to operate schools that don't have a 1 size fits all approach that inevitably costs more money than what most people need/want. If ever restaurant in the world was forced to serve every kind of food and was funded by taxes I could see how you would have a hard time imagining one that just specialized in cheap hamburger anyone could afford.

Despite what your enlightened centrist mind thinks, yes there are very clearly two sides to abortion, those who are okay with killing babies and those who arent, there is no middle ground to this

Ok I'll tell you the argument to help you out on account of your very low IQ.

Shapiro is appearing on the show to shill his book. His book is a lecture about 'civil discourse' and how it's a shame that nobody is willing to politely engage in civil debate any more.

Neil then puts a number of quotes to him which show him engaging in the exact kind of behaviour that his book is lecturing everyone else for engaging in, proposing that Shapiro is a hypocrite and his book is a load of bullshit because he does exactly what he's telling everyone else to stop doing.

That's his argument. Hope that cleared it up for you.

>they don't need any help with that
yeah they got an entire industry of russian shills spamming pictures of the weirdo boogiemen they jerk off to.

I'm glad Maduro is still in power, the more spics starve to death - the better off the world is.

I dont agree to intervention but have fun with your authoritarian spic shithole i guess lol

leftists are destroying america and the western world. they don't agree with me and they're not on my side

Ok so only wealthy people should send their children to school? How would that work in a country of 300 million people?


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You forgot the side okay with killing nonwhite babies.

>We're not paying to sew up niggers shooting each other.


you retards are SO STUPID


Seriously you're SUCH A STUPID NIGGER.

It cannot be stressed ENOUGH how fucking stupid you are. Hole shit.


Yeah that's a pretty perfect example of Shapiro's utter failure to rise to challenging question and to instead just strawman the person who asked it, well highlighted.

never said I was okay with the current level of spending. Doing more of a dumb thing hardly seems like the answer though.