it's the beginning of the end for it, press F
It's the beginning of the end for it, press F
why are blacks so ugly
Second is the only fuckable one and this comes from someone who has jungle fever.
1 > 6 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4
Birth of a Nation is so fucking brilliant. They can try to remove it from history all they want, but they cant. Simply because there is no movie as influential as birth of a nation. When people study film, they HAVE to look to this movie as the first turning point into cinema as we know it. It simply cant be erased.
God you guys have shit taste, the first qt on the left in the overalls is the logical choice here.
Also it's no surprise there is outrage over the film still, Huckleberry Finn and To Kill A Mockingbird are starting to get controversy over them again due to political correctness. Too much candy making people sensitive.
they agree with you
These pavement apes probably want it replaced with Black Panther.
Why is it always niggers doing this shit?
Would the chick in the far left
Probably an art hoe
Does #1 have a white mom or dad?
blacks need to be removed from the united states
Not all of them but these aren't very good looking ones.
Not really.
10% are nubian queens/lightskin cuties and the rest are fucking sheboons
Then better start doing that right now.
>american universities
Blacks won’t be content until everything made by white people is destroyed
Eh, i find some not lightskin black girls attractive.
It's quite possible to acknowledge the centrality of a work, even if it's utterly racist and historically inaccurate, without promoting it.
It's basically the same as acknowledging that Hitler was an important part of WWII, without putting up multiple photos of him.
Note how these posters for BoaN are posted without any accompanying educational text, such as "Technically a very good film, yet horribly racist."
Why do people let these idiots have a say? We need way more school shootings.
Apprently it was her who started this shit.
>In March, Arri Caviness, a film student at Chapman University, gathered a group of fellow students and posed for a Facebook photo around a poster from the film (above). Two posters from the film were up on walls in the Chapman film school, along with other historic movie posters.
>"Why does Dodge College of Film & Media Arts, The Hollywood Reporter's 6th best U.S. film school, still condone the celebration of white supremacy?" Caviness's Facebook post asked.
The eternal mutt strikes again
Nothing wrong with this. Birth of a Nation was promoting pro-KKK agendas.
Sometimes it's Jews.
all leftists are ugly. There alwas even a study to prove that
Why do uppity blacks trigger me so badly?
Lincoln agrees
why oh why did we gave equal rights to women.
In this case it was a mutt with a white dad and a black mom.
As it turns out, the problem is white guys not keeping it in their pants.