Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based.

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Based, but I'm sure he loves every last star wars and Marvel movie since he's a critic.

what's his score for Endgame ie. the exact same thing?

Now post his reviews for the Marvel Macdonalds franchise

he should
have sex

Okay, lets hear his thoughts on capeshit.


Checked and cringed

and for all the other capeshit flicks

he would only be based if he was consistent. in other words; calling any and every single capeshit movie of the past 19 years out for the same reasons.

I'm really curious what that Canelloni fuck has to say about Marvel dreck and Star Wars shit.

cringe but tripspilled

How brave

this, also unironically

Oh no no no no no

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Show me his Nu-Wars reviews.

>Marvel literally lives rent free in your heads

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His review of endgame. Could you be anymore of a blatant shill?

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Avengers: Endgame isn't a movie. It's a cog in a multibillion-dollar media empire, a soulless feature-length example of product placement at its most blatant.

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Wait a second... is he saying a movie studio wants to make money by adapting an existing known property? Woah!

>no name
Nice try

whats his opinion on capeshit

He isn't wrong. It was an okay movie but worse than Infinity War

One is a video game franchise for children. The other has broken out of being a thing for children and become a legitimate part of acceptable pop culture (read: not developmentally disabled 20/30 somethings who cling on to their childhoods.) It makes more sense to call out Nintendo than Marvel because Nintendo's audience is more pathetic.

Confirmed unbased. Just another paid shill for the mouse.

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He gave Endgame and The Last Jedi both 3/4

He's talking about mass-produced corporate trash to prop up a media empire you dipshit, of course Marvel would be something that would spring to mind.

He gave Dumbo a 3/4

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you would you incel, have sex



>All these seething Pikacucks
Just accept that Endgame is better than Pikachu, it's the truth

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Yeah but accusing him of being a marvel drone just out of nowhere is proof that it's livin rent free

that's gonna be a cringe from me

If I have sex will I want to play Pokemon out of the blue?

>y-you didn't like detective pikachu????? i bet you're a disney shill and you enjoyed endgame!!!

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This is one of the most blatant hit jobs ever, Disney really is paying off critics. Complete hypocrite

>"Detective Pikachu isn't a movie. It's a cog in a multibillion-dollar media empire, a soulless feature-length example of product placement at its most blatant. It's in the best possible position, given that there's nothing particularly remarkable or important about its setting in the Pokemon universe — its theme is generic and mundane and generally not particularly original, and no matter how much it manages to stand out, it's ultimately pretty much the same old routine.

>On the surface, its character arc is just as predictable as Pikachu's — he's always trying to do the right thing, even if what he does isn't — but there's a deeper story to its world that's more interesting and more engaging. The show has been trying for years to pull off characters who are, by definition, archetypes, and in so doing, has succeeded admirably."

What did he mean by this?

not even replying to the right posts

>Not even a movie. Absolutely disgusting, I left the theatre wondering where we're heading as a species.

What the fuck is wrong with critics, why are they all so scared of handing out scores lower than 5?

>The Lego Movie is a solid cinematic translation of the toys from which it gains its name. Although initially designed for children, Legos have morphed into a means by which people of all ages can express their creativity. There are probably as many (or more) adults "playing" with Legos than children. This is acknowledged explicitly and implicitly in Lord and Miller's screenplay and the experience of watching the movie will offer a satisfying 90 minutes regardless of the age of the viewer - right down to the hilarious final line.

>[Avengers: Infinity War] is a lot of fun, with a dash of substance thrown in for those who care to look (Thanos and his plan are allegorical). It satisfies the deep-rooted escapist desire most movie-goers experience from time-to-time with its spectacular visuals, unflagging pace, and understanding on the part of Joe and Anthony Russo of what MCU fans want from this important piece of the saga. The staunch superhero fan won’t need a morning cup of coffee before seeing Infinity War – the film offers a bigger jolt than caffeine could ever provide. As for those who are fatigued by the genre or were never interested in the first place, there’s nothing in this film that re-invents the comic book movie or morphs it into something else. The mission of Infinity War isn’t to convert the pagans; it’s to satisfy the true believers and, to that end, it succeeds admirably. Twelve months will seem like a long time to wait for the next Avengers movie to see whether the Russo Brothers craft a worthy conclusion to the story begun in Infinity War, but for at least a year we can savor where this story has taken things.

>[Avengers: Endgame] goes farther afield than any of the other MCU films, featuring not only space travel (which has become pedestrian by now) but venturing into the fourth and fifth dimensions (time & multiple universes). There’s a new take on time travel paradoxes and numerous references to Back to the Future (both visually and in dialogue). Endgame takes the time to focus on the camaraderie among the original Avengers and ensures that each gets a moment to shine, especially during the Battle Royale. There are a few missteps late in the film – an expected deus ex machina and an awkward instance of pandering (it didn’t bother me but was too obvious to be ignored). Nevertheless, the cumulative effect of so many rousing moments creates an almost giddy exhaustion that boils over when the movie closes the door on this phase of the MCU. Avengers: Endgame isn’t as brash, surprising, or relentless as its predecessor but it’s a worthy conclusion to the Infinity War duology and provides a satisfying end to the First Avengers Era.

>By swinging for the fences, The Avengers opens the 2012 summer movie season with an explosive bang that will reverberate through the superhero genre for years. Some superhero movies, like Christopher Nolan's Batman outings, play on a different field and won't be impacted. But many comic book translations will find themselves chasing The Avengers and more than a few will be found wanting. This is a game changer. By giving audiences everything they could possibly want and more, Whedon has ushered in a new era of bigger, louder, and more spectacular. Future entries into this genre will either have to rise to the challenge or disappoint. The Avengers will likely not be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar but it mayl be one of the most important movies to arrive in theaters during 2012.

The Jew fears the samurai.

>"a cog in a multibillion-dollar media empire"
>has no problem with Disney capeshit factory
How hard do you have to try to be such a brainlet and miss the point completely

Can someone post what he said about Endgame? I'm curious.


>isn't a movie. It's a cog in a multibillion-dollar media empire, a soulless feature-length example of product placement at its most blatant.
I agree with this take on Avengers: Endgame, based reviewer

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oh well if it's pop culture then i guess its worthy and above reproach

>s.) It makes more sense to call out Nintendo than Marvel because Nintendo's audience is more pathetic.
Detective Pikachu is not a good movie. But it has SOUL. The art direction is better than in all the MCU shit and new star wars movies.

It's pop culture that is actually widely accepted, you arrested development sufferer. People who like Pokemon as adults are rightly rejected by normies given the peurile nature of the franchise and its sole focus on selling video games. Marvel has moved past being dumb pablum for children, which is why it is accepted. Grow up and get better tastes in media.

>when a grandpa reviews a movie

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>he even refers to it as the first avengers era
>but totally not a clog this one,detective pikachu is!
Lol,does Disney really pay them?

>As an easily-digestible piece of pop culture, The Last Jedi does its job even if it takes longer than is necessary to do it. But nothing about Star Wars is ever that simple because every frame gets studied, parsed, and dissected by a passionate fandom. Will The Last Jedi be like Revenge of the Sith, which received a lukewarm reception upon release but has gained in respect over the years? Or perhaps The Force Awakens, which was loved far and wide in December 2015 but has seen a dramatic reversal in opinion during the two years since it debuted? Or perhaps something else?
>The reason to see The Last Jedi (not that anyone needs one beyond the Star Wars moniker) is for those half-dozen moments I mentioned above. There’s enough verve and artistry here to tip my thumb skyward and avoid the tomato from going rotten. But I’ll admit to having been disappointed by aspects of the scope and scale of the narrative, especially considering the high regard in which I hold Johnson (his Looper was my #1 film of 2012). Standout, signature scenes make for moments of great viewing power but can’t hide the flaws of an untidy, overlong story.

>The best thing that can be said about Return of the Jedi is that it concludes the saga. Another Death Star is destroyed, the two Sith Lords are killed, the Empire is in shambles, and the Rebel Alliance has won the day. The only note of sadness comes from the loss of Anakin but his acceptance by the good side of the Force moderates the blow. Happy endings are fine but the weakness and predictability of Return of the Jedi’s narrative remains a disappointing way to conclude an epic with such strong first and second chapters. There are many who condemn the prequels as unworthy of “classic” Star Wars but a case can be made that Return of the Jedi is the worst installment of the entire Lucas-helmed series.

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Unironically this. Video game movies need to fucking fail and not be a thing ever. The moment they are as accepted as comic movies are will be the end of days

change that title for any blockbuster film and will be the same critic

>Yeah but accusing him of being a marvel drone just out of nowhere is proof that it's livin rent free
Post his reviews and prove he is not

This is pure tautology.

I actually liked this one

Haha yikes

MCU has literally zero good movies

Name your top 30 favourite movies, user.

For a second I thought he was talking about Avengers, or Star wars. What studio is Pikachu?

Legendary, a (now) chinese studio. WB just distributes the thing in north america and a few yuro countries. In my country it was distributed by Toho and Legendary.

Spider-Man1-30 by Raimi

hey i haven't been here in 6 months, what happened Armond??

Now post his MCU reviews.

Why is she so cute, bros?

WETA and Rosa Salazar.

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This nigga really watched Avengers and Stalker in the same week and gave them the same score...

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What he said is applicable to 99% of all movies.

It's anti-chinese and pro disney bias.

Man why do boomers hate Pokemon? I mean literal boomers, not your meme definition.

So like every disney movie then?

Japanese = Bad
Jewish = Good.
Pokemon is a japanese IP by the biggest Chinese studio (that also holds Godzilla), boomers unironically just hate anything that isn't produced by american jews

BAHAHAHAHAHA... What a retard.

This guy likes crummy buckets of water, not pokemon creatures!

Doesn't mean their point is wrong