Its an Arnold thread

Its an Arnold thread
>Favourite Arnold film?
>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?

Attached: arnold killing gunther.jpg (960x640, 76K)

OP here. Remember when I said this was an Arnold thread?
>I lied.

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>Let off some steam, Bennett

But Total Recall is probably my fav

Pic related

Attached: let_off_some_steam_bennet.jpg (700x393, 28K)

same for both

>Favourite Arnold film?
>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?
All of them.

Attached: Arnold List.jpg (1792x3272, 1.71M)

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Last Action Kino
>being chased by henchmen, an icecream truck explodes sending an icecream cone into the skull of one of his attackers
>"Iced that guy, to cone a phrase"
The whole movie is just a hilarious send up of the 80s action genre and deserves more praise

>Favourite Arnold film?
3-way tie between Conan, Predator and The End of Days
>Favourite Arnold One-Liner?
pic related

Attached: LastActionHero.gif (498x206, 1.24M)

I agree End of Days is actually really good

and this


If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Predator is the best Arnold flick to me. I’ll be back best one liner.

The Terminator
I'll be back

Conan the Barbarian
"You're all sluts!"

total recall

>Passenger 57
>"There are only two certainties in life: death and taxes. And since niggers don't pay taxes..."

Attached: giphy (7).gif (425x231, 1.39M)

>the 6th day
>I'm not a pervert I was just looking for a Turboman doll!

>favourite films
Total Recall, Terminator 2, Predator, Commando

>favourite one-liner

Attached: 1411429772386.webm (1329x720, 2.89M)

Jingle all the way
"Go to the helicopter"

T3 need to get at least 7.
for me it's 9-10 though

terminator 1
terminator 2
terminator 3

Attached: Different Arnie.png (1238x1238, 2.13M)