>YO user! Sorry to hear you're not able to come to the Baywatch themed college graduation ceremony! But judging by how much you creep over girls in the lecture hall, you'd terrify them now!
>*All girls in unison* Teeeee-heeeee! Chad, that's so mean!
YO user! Sorry to hear you're not able to come to the Baywatch themed college graduation ceremony! But judging by how...
id feed, but not seed
look. I neeed to have sex with you. Im not asking.
Oops, meant to post this
Why would you make this stupid thread? What the fuck is the point of it? This shit is absolutely retarded.
I'm just trying to understand your motivation. Is it a cuck thing? Are you supposed to be the cuck? Literally no one would ever be in this situation you made up, yet you typed that all up anyway and made this thread.
Can you just explain to me why?
>Teeeee-heeeee! Chad, that's so mean!
If you're going to shitpost at least don't be retarded about it. Women don't say shit like that in response to Chad. They'd just laugh.
>no hips tranny
>the Baywatch themed college graduation ceremony
This is what boomers think today's kids are like.
Hips and ass of a little boy
I just posted a bunch of pro-Trump propoganda all over my social media accounts, get ready to make me famous >:(
Not him but pretty sure it's a cuck thing or incel bait.
Imagine getting showered with attention and praise purely for existing.
I'd hate it. Generally don't enjoy praise in the form of words.
>Chad whiteknighting
Nice try
i used to get those gigs, standing out on fucking Michigan avenue in front of a Abercrombie. worst ever.
Why are women who are self-aware of their “hotness” so boring and unappealing? (For me)
>college graduation
Thinking about skipping mine but I'd be the first in my family to get a degree
itt: things that never happened
Why are you on Yea Forums if you’re good looking and have abs? I sure as shouldn’t wouldn’t be posting here.
you know these guys are usually homo, right?
truth, she needs meat on those bones
that body is pedobait
Sure as shit*
Incel cope
>no tits
>no ass
>no hips
this woman is an 8/10 on her best day.