What did Gal Gadot, star of DC's Wonder Woman™ and married woman, mean by this?
What did Gal Gadot, star of DC's Wonder Woman™ and married woman, mean by this?
god i wish that were me
I wish I was her lower lip.
She is so cute that hurts
Sex is nature's trick to not go exctinct. She literally can't help herself, it's normal.
I would say BLEACHED but its just two white people
Pine is gay tho
jews love white cock
Pine carried the movie with his charisma, can you blame her?
shes acting. id wager that the only times actors are truly themselves are at home or when they are drunk and repressed feelings come out. any interaction in hollywood unless with a trusted person is just acting.
>if she smiles at a man, that means they fucked
Incels unironically see the world this way
pine is a jew though
Pls gib jewish gf
Always wondered about this, what a relationship with an actor would be like. Even more so than everybody else, they could just be bullshitting you at all times.
*fantasizes betraying her entire RELIGION and ETHNIC HISTORY for a big white GOY DICK*
Based. Jews are just white people with big noses.
and big fat milky tits
I wish Gal had big fat milky tits
That looked genuine af, she even realized she had fucked up by her reaction and that someone, possibly anonymous, might send this clip to her husband .
Gal a cute! :3
she looks so pretty and cute here. she's such a qt sometimes and so hideous at other times. i don't know what to think
when has she ever looked hideous?
God I want to worship her perfect Jewess pits
so who is this white guy he looks like he works out at a gym i might go to
You jelly, goy?