Are we excited about the Watchmen series?

Are we excited about the Watchmen series?

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Elaborate please, honey

Literally the only praise I can give it is that it looks like a better Watchmen sequel than Doomsday Clock, although that isn't saying much

It's going to be donkey shit like any other SJW DC series

It's a totally unnecessary sequel to Alan Moore's story. Also, Lindelof is a talentless hack and it looks like he's going to shove a ton of hamfisted political commentary into the show. Why would I be excited for this garbage?

Calling it now Don Johnson is Nite Owl, also Dr. Manhattan will appear in the season finale.

Looks like garbage and shits on the messages of the original gn

It looks great. I'm really looking forward to this one.



what the hell is this shite?


i hope it makes me ball my fucking eyes out like the Leftovers did.

>W for Watchmen

i want to have faith because i loved the leftovers but the tick tock thing is so cringe

For a comic that's always lauded as one of the greats, DC sure loves shitting all over it. All the recent comic sequels/prequels are unnecessary. The reception has always been negative yet here we are again with a sequel TV show that no one asked for.

>unnecessary sequel
As if there are necessary sequels in first place.

I'm dubious but hopeful.

i think you have to 100% be an astroturfer to think there's any point in this.

lol no hopefully it's more popular then Westworld though so they can dump that.

I unironically am. Even if it will be a disaster, it will be an interesting disaster

This Die hard
Empire strikes back
Lord of the rings
Back to the future

>Lord of the rings
This doesn't count since it was planned from the beginning.

Still it does count.

Besides there are more:
Terminator 2
Alien 2

>niggers: "Are we save?"

That's like saying you prefer getting shit on by a horse to getting shit on by a donkey.

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mixed feelings. I hope it's better than the movie.

If its HBO then no.

Blade Runner 2049

>begins with a fist fight
into the trash it goes

whew lad such intellectual

>a sequel without making a proper adaptation of the original webcomic first
>written&created by Damon Lindelof; the guy who wrote Prometheus and Star Trek Into Darkness and assisted in ruining LOST
The only good thing is Trent Reznor on the soundtrack and Jeremy Irons as Ozy


Grow up

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