Can the Wachowski sisters bring the kino back in the menu?

Can the Wachowski sisters bring the kino back in the menu?

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They pussied out with 3rd film ending, because it was "too dark". So nah, fuck them

Fuck yeah.

It's going to suck

The Chad matrix 4 VS the tranny matrix 3

What was the original ending?

The matrix (the first one only) was literally a fluke. Everything else they have done is trash including speed racer

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>speed racer
Your fedora is slipping

Fuck off pleb nigger. Speed Racer is literally their only good movie. Matrix is pleb fedora philosophy for retards in a somehow cool setting.

Film is a visual medium and
Speed Racer is actual cinema.

Stop spreading lies user
>A representative forChad Stahelski has reached out and let us know that the initial report was inaccurate. His comments were in response to a hypothetical scenario were the Wachowskis would be involved and he did not confirm them being attached to the new film.

embarrassing samefagging mate

sneed racer

Cant upload images but trust me. You sound really stupid.

I love how these two trannies recognize that calling themselves the wachowski sisters now would be a bridge too far. They're just "its". Even in their own minds.

i hope the visuals are cool and that they dont use these ugly heavy-handed bloom that are used on modern cgi films nowadays (jupiter ascending, cloud atlas, etc)

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Didn't they realize that only the first Matrix was good?

"Real world" was matrix all along and it's on a loop with new chosen one every run.
Machines always find city and destroy it.

Fuck you, I like Speed Racer. It's a fun movie, full of WAY over the top campy nonsense, and it is perfect.

What would it even be about?


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>The Path Of Neo
>Enter The Matrix where you play as Ghost and Niobe
Fucking neck yurself lad.


That is that case though, they just don't outright state it. How else does Neo use matrix powers in the "real world"

Speed Racer is the greatest adaptation of all time, across any form of media.

Damn I thought it was a fan theory

it's eastern philosophy. i ain't gotta explain shit

I'm more curious about one of their wife's being buck angels ex. Did she really force them to transform for a fetish? She's supposedly one of the best dominatrixes in America

can someone tell me what was the original Matrix trilogy ending? I honestly can't remember nor i care that much when I watched them
For me they were just action movies with cool visuals

you just know at some point in the last few years there was an executive yelling at a room of writers to design a matrix cinematic universe.

Speed Racer is a solid adaptation of an equally camp cartoon

Cloud Atlas is flawed but an impressive result for such an immense undertaking, it's like if somebody tried to adapt Ulysses into a workable and entertaining blockbuster, I read the book back in 2004 when it was first released and it's my favourite novel; some of the casting was utterly spot-on (namely Jim Broadbent, Ben Whishaw and Hugh Grant)

Literally the only bad thing about V For Vendetta is its fanbase, the film has aged just fine and updates Moore's original Thatcherite setting and themes to the then-modern post-9/11 era in a decent way, the only major omission I disliked was the police officer's LSD trip from the graphic novel, but the montage scene that replaced it was still quite nicely done

even Jupiter Ascending is nowhere near as bad as it's made out to be, and if it wasn't made by the Wachowskis would probably have been considered at worst bland and inoffensive but muh trannies- Danny Boyle has a similar record with the wildly oscillating quality of his films and doesn't get nearly as much flack

the Matrix Sequels need a thorough George-Lucas'ing of their CGI and perhaps a re-edit and they'd get a decent re-appraisal imo

half their projects have suffered from being given diminished resources to create their actual vision (e.g. in the case of Sense8 or how they had to raise the budget for Cloud Atlas entirely through private backers) so they're handicapped from the start, same as Terry Gilliam has been for the past 20 years

bitching about directors who take enough risks to have hits and misses is how we end up with an industry full of capeshit and low-ballers

That Is literally what the architect tells Neo in the second one, though.

Whatever. Everything past the first one was unnecesary.

Are you saying they didn't have the balls?

Speed Racer is great and Cloud Atlas is kind of sweet in its sincerity.

hell, the trailer for Cloud Atlas was kino in itself

>The Wachowskis

I just love how no one except maybe a few of those nutjob SJWs and of course Yea Forums shitposters call them "the Wachowski sisters" when they were almost always referred to as "the Wachoswki brothers" before.

i felt this happening when i saw john wick 2, the meetup scene with american florist of sai with his underground army and intel team of homeless men aka morpheus my heart was giggling with joy. i'm sure some guy on the production must've liked yakuza

Attached: the florist.jpg (320x254, 21K)

Path of Neo is video game kino though

>Did she really force them to transform for a fetish?
that's what one of them said in a lengthy interview. you know, the one about their honeymoon in greece and the hardcore photos.