What are some allegedly good films that only beta males truly enjoy?

What are some allegedly good films that only beta males truly enjoy?

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all avengers movies


Blade Runner 2049

Your favorite film.

Dr. Strangelove


Ugh why do white people make this face

Wes Anderson movies



Why do wh*toids make this face when passing me in the street?

we hold a 12 inch dildo in our mouths at all times

avatar (pocahontas), gone with the wind (12 years chasing a woman), star wars (literally a muppett show)


Mad Max Fury Road

Blade Runner

have sex beta

Literally everything by Wes Anderson


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Fight Club
Blade Runner 2049
Falling Down
Taxi Driver

Drive is actually a good movie but the incels that emulate Gosling are beyond pathetic.

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you'll find these top many lists including "best 50/100/150/200/250 movies"

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Wes Anderson filmography

You can add Joker, John Wick and Wolverine to this list as well

Is there any movie in which Ryan Gosling doesn't play Ryan Gosling?
I've seen Lars and the Real Girl, Drive and Blade Runner, and the guy just straight up can't act. Prove me wrong.

Half Nelson is solid.


>Lord of the rings


Holy shit this. The fact that Yea Forums is hyping up Joker is so pathetic. It looks terrible.

>proving them right

Anything Kubrick


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post feet

shouldn't that be "a part" ?

It's going to set off a whole new generation of intelligent, nihilistic and wicked humour edgelords and every single one of them will come to Yea Forums

No, it's a documentary about a man who isn't an incel.

We could explain but I doubt you would understand

It's the universal "please don't rob me and kill me" face. Only submissive betas do that shit.


then that's worded wrong "apart of" would mean you aren't a part

it's a i would smile at you but im not comfortable smiling at you face

Terminator 2

Out of contempt for lesser races