Why are people in old interviews and videos so well spoken...

Why are people in old interviews and videos so well spoken? Feels like today people are all about being "quirky" and "random" instead of having cohesive thoughts

and the classic 2am at Disneyworld

Attached: trump82.jpg (525x459, 24K)

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immigration act of 1965

boooring, needs more dabbing

1. You're looking at an interview, not a tonight Show infront of a live audience expecting laughs from a host who only has 4 minutes to milk you for a meme.

2. Literally listen to any podcast today, you'll find plenty of well spoken people.

3. Watch how ignorant and retarded people get when put infront of a crowd of people they're told to please, they say what they want to hear.


also, this is not a political thread so don’t bring up politics please

>3,000 million dollars
interesting turn of phrase. is this because of the British billion being different?

the effects of time travel

Attached: time traveler trump.png (867x6091, 2.51M)

you're watching the wrong interviews.

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i linked the trump video only because he talks much differently now then he did back in the 80s

negrification of society and culture

that's before he got the scalp surgery. he became a speed junky rapist after the surgery.

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He knows he need the uneducated flyover vote over so his diction has to be stripped to keep them engaged

population iq has been dropping steadily for decades now

people used to read newspaper and magazine articles, now we read shitposts that maybe last a paragraph

How the fuck did he go from that to this c-span.org/video/?c4546796/donald-trump-sentence&cliptool

no it hasn't. are you stupid?

It's harder to speak in front of giant crowds

nah he's just a clown. He started talking like a belligerent retard because his NPC fans would react more the more animated and dumb he acted. The more he pandered they more they'd respond.

people read more, e.g. books newspapers

there is the short and long nomenclatures
americans use the short
everywhere else mustly uses the long

short nomenclature: 1 Billion = 1 thousand millions 1 000 000 000
long nomenclature: 1 Billion = 1 million millions 1 000 000 000 000

it's another case of americans doing things wrong

Damn, 80s look so comfy and white.

It's a problem with television that the bigger a show gets the more it has to appeal to a largest common denominator. Say hypothetically that man ran for office, he'd do much better speaking in terms that someone with an IQ of 90 could grasp.

shut the fuck up boomer

>immigration act of 1965
Immigrants were always being told to speak proper English.

Libtards and their pet niggers are the real reason everything has gone to shit. In the nineties, libshits were pushing Ebonics as an actual language. Now we have the internet and social media where educated white people feel pressured into using nignog slang like "tryna" and "finna". Its absolutely tragic.

yes, my IQ has been dropping steadily for decades now.


Aren't those people in the 7/11 video on cocaine? The girl even brings in her coke mirror. We need to bring back the 80s

trump has been murdered and replaced by a double
fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers

>Libtards and their pet niggers are the real reason everything has gone to shit.
nope. You kept cutting funding to education to afford all the tax cuts you gave to corporations. "Conservatives" actively do not educate themselves anymore because the retarded shit they were trained to believe by Exxon and arms dealers clashes with reality.
> libshits were pushing Ebonics as an actual language.
nope. You're just not educated, and you're a reactionary whataboutist nigger.
>Now we have the internet and social media where educated white people
you not included
>feel pressured into using nignog slang like "tryna" and "finna"
lol what an actual cuck. Post pics of your tits nigger.

Attached: laughing hard.webm (652x1080, 773K)

We have million, ten million, hundred million
Then billion, ten billion, hundred billion
Trillions, quadrillions. Way better than using "ten thousand million"

Back then people didn't use the word 'like' in every sentence.


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1. Tax cuts mean businesses pay taxes instead of fucking off. Ask Ireland and France

2. Yes they were

People have been getting measurably stupider since the 1920s.

nice failed meme, Yang Gang faggot lmao

Attached: donald jaws trump.jpg (1200x639, 76K)

>tfw you're the most intelligent person on Yea Forums

It's not "2am at Disneyworld", it's "2:30am at a 7-11 near Nisney World - 1987" you fuckin swine

One thing to remember about that 7-11 video is that nobody in the video were expecting to be viewed later by anybody except the people filming. Nowadays everyone would be like "omg I'm gonna be a youtube star".

Yeah I was about to post this.
The media have been pushing Ebonics so much since the 90s. I noticed how everyone talks like they're Black in films or on social media or in pop music. It's cool to have bad grammar and to talk like you have an IQ of 80. I see tons of non-southern White liberals using "y'all" which is a Southern thing not per se a Black one.

In the case of Trump: syphilis.

It's good to be king, thanks for recognizing my superiority.

fuck off kile shill

wow who could have excptected that this is another fault of niggers and your political enemies

>i-if we call them kikes, we can win in 2020

>It's cool to have bad grammar and to talk like you have an IQ of 80.

oh so we're being cool now? thank fuck for that

ofcouse you was about to post this, you are here nothing more than npc, in any situation you always write the same.

Who else is to blame?

it makes me sad because I speak like a retard too but I have no idea how to sound eloquent like people used to

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White zoomers speak exactly like niggers nowadays.

People are aware that their audience is easily bored today, and that there are a million other ways they can get entertained or learn the same thing you're saying. Given that pressure, and the knowledge that any mishaps leads to your being lampooned and your name tarnished on google until you die, people are understandably quite anxious about how they come across and therefore rush to get out of the picture.

>1. Tax cuts mean businesses pay taxes instead of fucking off.
nope. They just pay $2 trillion less than they did. Fucking bootlickers. Why are you SUCH a faggot shill?

Are you actually retarded? Post pics of your face retard. They don't even pay you to woogie boogie you're just a pro-bono NPC shill.

>where educated white people feel pressured into using nignog slang like "tryna" and "finna"
I was with you 100% until this part.
No one is pressuring them. These "people" are exclusively libshit leftypol special snowlakes with a bachelor's degree in dance therapy/women studies/English literature anyway. In other words; worthless human trash.
If you ever come across anyone using "y'all" in [insert ptsd-triggering free pronoun here] speech, there is a 98% chance it came from a place like Vice, Gawker and their cohorts.

social media, specifically twitter

The public perception of Trump became one of an entertainer and he seems to have embraced it wholly.

Why does he always swear and talk like a redneck on Twitter and public speaking events

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Why don't we have interviews like this on television anymore?

not him but Trump has confirmed himself kike puppet on several occasions, look at how he dealt with Syria
i'm not an american so i couldn't care less who wins your elections

Yo, finna tryna not thinks o your racism but they ain’t no people no mo cuz I racist like you

Do not reply to this user. He's the guy who claims he used to be a viral marketer for the Koch brothers and therefore he has inside knowledge of the conspiracy between Trump, Putin, the IRA and the Exxon corporation to make white incels commit suicide bombings and give bad reviews to Disney movies. He is dead serious about this and will easily write 300 different novel-length posts calling you a nigger that should commit suicide if you disagree with him about any detail of his schizo delusion.

Attached: Alert.jpg (260x227, 16K)

Don't worry, we will be less well spoken. We used to be better.

why are there no more evening talk show programs like this anymore?


He knows his audience. Liberals ,whether aware of it or not, dumb down their speech when talking to minorities

It's depressing browsing twitter these days and seeing white people try to sound black

"This shit mad funny"
"We in here senpai"

>He's the guy who claims he used to be a viral marketer for the Koch brothers and therefore he has inside knowledge of the conspiracy between Trump, Putin, the IRA and the Exxon corporation to make white incels commit suicide bombings
Not a "viral marketer." Otherwise yeah pretty much.
>and give bad reviews to Disney movies.
yeah that's the foot in the door. You got to get them justifying their actions with something small. How cults work is you increasingly raise the stakes and the ask. You START with "haha guys lets review bomb Captain Footfungus" so that by summer of 2020 they'll be proper politically activated. Did the same thing in 2014 with Gamergate for 2016.
> He is dead serious about this
well yeah it's ongoing.
>and will easily write 300 different novel-length posts calling you a nigger that should commit suicide
but you are and you should. You're going to burn in hell cuck.
>if you disagree with him about any detail of his schizo delusion.
I somehow doubt you've ever actually engaged with me in an honest way.

If you have any questions feel free to ask. I promise I won't call you a nigger or remind you that you're going to die by your own hand. Help me help you!

Attached: blacked euromaidan cuck sjw gamergate.png (1922x1380, 223K)

lmao for a few days I thought you left
Before anyone else engages with this guy, he's a legit schizo who claims to be a Washington insider but for "some reason" only uses Google Trends screenshots as evidence.

He's just gonna get more paranoid now that there's more than one user that recognizes him

Can we gangstalk this guy off the board? His walls of text stopped being funny a month ago

>Interview about to start
interviewer: Let me light up this cigarette

How is
>flocking here
>winner instead of loser
any different from the exaggerated buzzword language he speaks nowadays? It's the exact same fucking rhetoric.


he's a promoter, he uses these words to build interest, it's not all that hard

>lmao for a few days I thought you left
I've always been here Mr Torrence
>Before anyone else engages with this guy
I like all this impotent "talk to other people" shit you do. You must be REAL assravaged.
>he's a legit schizo
nope. Neither schizophrenic nor schizotypal. You just trust liars.

>who claims to be a Washington insider
I don't claim shit.
>but for "some reason" only uses Google Trends screenshots as evidence.
yeah it's the easiest way to tell the story.

Notice how you DONT have an argument LMAOOOOO. Unironically what a fucking cuck you are. Post pictures of your tits fatty.
>He's just gonna get more paranoid now
>now that there's more than one user that recognizes him
Been doing this to get people thinking about this for years. I have no qualms with "attention" and I encourage people to check some of the conversations that have been had on 4plebs.

When you're telling the truth it's not that hard.
>Can we gangstalk this guy off the board?
Do it to it little Russcuck slut. WE DID IT REDDIT HAHA.
>His walls of text stopped being funny a month ago
You're just a delusional cuck being abused by people that hate you. It NEVER was funny. You'll NEVER get better.

You're going to die alone my guy. You're going to kill yourself. Pic related are the types of people that you're relating to when you say "we" LMAOOOO. This guy got buttmad yesterday after interacting with me and made that post. These are the people pretending to be your friend. Assuming you're not one of them.

Attached: BUTTHURT SHILLS LMAO.png (1622x552, 263K)

fuck off with the instagram memes please

Is InternetAristocrat/MrMetokur on someone's payroll or just genuinely a retard? Same question for E;R.

He sounds just as retarded as he does today. Trump has always been a fucking moron and a failure of a businessman. He lost billions and was saved by his awful reality show, not by any genius business acumen.

he's just a guy who makes fun of freaks on the internet
it used to be common practice on Something Awful, and it kind of vanished as goons became guilty self-loathing leftists, but Metokur is one of the guys still at it

Shine on you crazy diamond

In another time you would've been standing on a street corner wearing a cardboard sign

It sometimes seems like all the youtube propagandists are being propped up by someone, but I think most of them are probably just useful idiots that are naturally incentivized to hop on all the scandals-of-the-day just for the money they get from clicks.

Like in 2015 and 2016 I think that a lot of the "prank in the hood" prank channels were being propped up by propagandists. Moe and Ethan Bradberry are legitimately Russian shills. All of the Spiderman and Elsa meme was being pushed by subversive messaging agencies for a few different reasons. And the Bradberry boys were doing that on top of all the active measures black people shit.

idk about InternetAristocrat at all really but I'd not be surprised about Metokur, based on the types of people I see shilling for him. But idk.


Imagine spending your entire life on youtube and Yea Forums, you have no idea what a tin foil moron you actually are.

Made about a billion or two more than you will in your whole life flipping burgers or cleaning gutters, leech

What about Logan and Jake Paul? Someone's gotta be propping them up.

Y’all is not a black thing, it’s a southern thing. I say ya’ll all the time because I was raised a hick

the pizza is kids lmao
i mean they might as well be shills for foreign counterintelligence agencies. They make Americans look like cancerous retards enough.

There's also a clip of George W Bush at the Republican National Convention in 1988 giving a breakdown of his dad's platform with no folksy accent in sight.

>This guy got buttmad yesterday after interacting with me and made that post.
Wait, how can you tell that? It's just some random OP

>white people feel pressured into using nignog slang like "tryna" and "finna"
They're using it ironically to make fun of black people. Even liberals, although they may not want to admit it to themselves.

fuck off back to twitter