What do you want to see from the Hellraiser remake?
-Doug Bradley back as Pinhead
-The original Cenobites. Butterball, Female, And Chatter
—Ashley Laurence in it. Maybe the female Cenobite.
—Fucked up shit
What do you want to see from the Hellraiser remake?
-Doug Bradley back as Pinhead
-The original Cenobites. Butterball, Female, And Chatter
—Ashley Laurence in it. Maybe the female Cenobite.
—Fucked up shit
It's gonna be shit
>What do you want to see from the Hellraiser remake?
Give the rights back to the British and let them remake it like the first two.
Forgot to mention. Christopher Young needs to come back and redo the score similar to Carpenter and Halloween 2018
Me on the left
Wonder if they’ll make him CGI
Doug Bradley is like 80 dude. Keep wishing
He’s 64. And with all the makeup it shouldn’t matter
These movies were never good. They had a few scenes that showed promise, but never lived up to their potential.
They have such sights to show you
Make them some sort of suicide squad
Hellraiser isn't even edgy anymore considering you have polyamorous transexual cucked s&m otherkins parading the streets with everyone from babies to boomers cheering them on.
Cenobite Squad
i dont see the point of bringing back doug bradley. hes too old.
its like caring if chewbacca is mayhew or not. it doesnt matter.
The glorious return of the Wire Twins.
Yeah make it faithful to the book and at the ending have Guts show up and start murdering the Cenobites
I want the cenobites to stop being the main villains really. I don't mind if they expand their roles (clearly they're the draw to these movies) but I'd like them to be represented more as indifferent and a consequence of fucking with the box rather than having some kind of nefarious will or plan. I'd like the movie to be people vs people and the cenobites to be a storm or force of nature that threatens to wipe them all away.
I'd wan't practical effects.
And I think I want more lore and cult magic shit.
Welcome-TA HELL
I would like them to make an original movie and stop remaking them. Hollywood is the least creative place on the planet
>What do you want to see from the Hellraiser remake?
Another disappointment
This 20 years ago the writers were competent enough to have a good amount of good remakes. But today most are just b- movie qualities!
Go back to their original characterization as "explorers of the furthest regions of pleasure and pain" instead of "lol demons from hell."
Hellraiser is a horror movie that has Cenobites in it as a plot device. Every movie that focuses on the Cenobites has been dogshit. If you want more Cenobites then you want a shit flick.
1 and 5 (the detective one I think it is) are the only good ones.
make it a total S&M freakshow.
I’m with you as long as the human vs human story is a Hellraiser story and not some unrelated scrip that they shoehorn the Cenobites into aka all the shit direct to video sequels
A friend and I always used to joke around that "cenobites" sounds like a cereal name. Had a lot of laughs talking about the box art too. Imagining some kid with a spoon full of mini leather clad monsters, stabbing his tongue and face. It would have had Pinhead in the lower corner, with a speach bubble saying "they're hellishly good".
The sad part is that we were 30 then...
We also used to have a laugh during our often weekly rewatches of prince of darkness. The bit where the priest breaks the mirror and exclaims "christa domino" or something to that effect had us rolling.
"Fuck this shit, christ brought dominos pizza" was one joke. We'd also both yell it out while playing metal slug, amidst oddball joking about rape and gay rape.
I miss hanging with that weirdo. We had aome great times.
> An actual decent plot
> Acting
> Fetishy sex - lots of it
You're going to die old and alone
Is Clive Barker signing off on this new movie?
Make the main girl a cuck like in the book. Make the killer chick sultry as fuck. Make everyone 300% british like in the book. Go full on anti-normie with extreme SM but no slasher elements. Just weirdos enjoying themselves.
Now that we’re on the topic of sex weirdos: Can online weirdos tell the difference between worn panties? I’m thinking of just buying a few panties, wiping off my post workout sweat with them, and selling them to weirdos online as if they’re worn women’s panties.
How old are you now?
My plan:
Starts off with Ian Watkins in his cell, one of the guards has given him a puzzle box.
Watkins, fapping, puzzles the box - it opens, turns him into cenobite.
Cuts to grown up abused kid as a junkie trying to blot out the pain... Drugs are not enough...
Cuts to rich old man hiring Junkie to house sit his creepy house/walk his dogs etc.
Creepy old man is real thin, straggles of white hair, wears round glasses, smokes over-sized cigars.
Old man tries to get Junkie to open box...
Raises hell
Does that have any fucking merit?
How many "The creator of ______ has said he's rally excited for this and has been on set during development and was consulted about the script and fucked school bus full of twelve year olds with the director and so on and so fucking forth" have we all read and heard before watching an absolutely trash fucking movie? Hellboy just came out and they were saying the same shit about Mignola giving it his blessing.
Does it matter?
>Now that we’re on the topic of sex weirdos: Can online weirdos tell the difference between worn panties? I’m thinking of just buying a few panties, wiping off my post workout sweat with them, and selling them to weirdos online as if they’re worn women’s panties
You and me both. Used socks used to sell well on Ebay. Technically it's illegal to sell "bodily fluids" like that, but I found some labs that sell synthetic sweat online that's used to test gym equipment. I've thought building a jog that let's me spray like ten pairs at a time and selling them to perves.
agreed user. The Cenobites were undoubtedly cool, but definitely administered best as a rare treat rather than being over exposed.
I also liked the idea of them being indifferent explorers of experience...but that seemed to give way to outright evil in the movies.
If they're going to the trouble of doing a new movie, I think it should centre around someone like Frank. I thought he was in part relatable in the first film because he's just a dude looking for a novel experience. This could easily have been expanded upon in an interesting fashion. Maybe it could be some kind of tale about how someone starting out well-intentioned in their pursuit of novel experiences can quickly devolve into something more sinister.
Glad I came into this thread now. Gonna make a quick dollar too lads. Best of luck to you too.
Liz Debiki as female pinhead, not even joking she'd be perfect
I always thought it'd be neat to be a cenobite. Sure, they're all mutilated and shit but it doesn't seem to bother them (maybe it even feels good to them?) and you get to travel around with your bros and do kinky demon BDSM shit and occasionally completely fuck over some poor SOB for playing with a puzzle box. It'd be nice to have that kind of camaraderie. I just want some friends I'm so lonely ;_;
forgot to add pic for reference for you clowns
someone photoshop pins in her head
Yes, kind of.
I'm not against the idea at all...but I'm not sure what you see that makes her particularly well suited.
She's tall, slender, and has excellent bone structure
Naturally fits the comics' femPinhead. One with the red sash. Was it Kirsty? Been a while
Gillian Anderson as Julia.
Why, what does them signing off on it say about the movie itself? Honestly curious.
Graphic forced MtF.
IT's about time we had a black Pinhead.
Also, a male female cenobite, a dyslexic cenbiote and perhaps one that uses a wheelchair/crutches.
Tyrone The Defiler
Truly terrifying.
Yeah, that's right. I remember something about the original vision of the cenobites being like twisted priestesses.
I suppose it would be rare instance that it could actually be a good thing to have a female pinhead, as long as they didn't try to politicise it like every other thing these days.
they should probably make it PG-13, that way the biggest amount of audience can see it (especially the target demo, teenagers). they'll have to tone down the blood and sex, and I'd like to see some references that today's kids will appreciate (like some memes, and maybe a character that uses Reddit to save the day)
Your suffering will be legendary