Detective Pikachu thread

Fuck the critics edition.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with them? I have just returned from the cinema and it was really enjoyable. From the first minute to the end I had a smile on my face.

Did you like it? Did you hate it? What disappointed you the most?

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I want to cuddle pikachu

It's ready player one with pokemon

Haven’t seen it. What’s the tldr plot? Is pickachu actually the kids father? Thanks

>evil dudes captures mewto and they are doing experiments on him
>ryan reyolds is a detective and he discovers it
>ryan reynolds has a pikachu and together they help mewtwo to escape
>evil dudes discover this and they want to kill ryan reynolds
>ryan reynolds is barely alive, mewtwo arrives, and ryan reynolds pikachu is begging mewtwo to put ryan reynolds in his body so this way they can save him
>ryan reynolds becomes pikachu, but he doesn't remember anything about his life, just the crash

Nope the dad's body got fucked up in an accident and was dying, Pikachu's body is used to store the dad, but it's not really the dad, it's more of a merge, the movie does has both people controlling the body of pokemon with tech and people souls being put on their pokemon.

Seeing it on Sunday. Most critics agree the plot is paced really awkwardly but it's otherwise an enjoyable and sincerely done movie at worst. Of course you get the odd out of touch critique here and there but those stick out like a sore thumb.

Everything was good except for the pacing and the main character. That nigger cannot act.

>No black Ash, I AM your father!

It certainly doesn't deserve a 50 on metacritic. capeshit like shazam has 78, and this 50 I mean what the fuck

I think he was pretty good. When he was afraid about pikachu his acting was really good.

70% of it was good, but after the reveal of the villain the movie just fumbles.

Honestly I think it would of benefited from being more grounded. The whole "switching minds with pokemon" thing feels cringe and the villains motivation to turn every one into pokemon is retarded.

I wanted to like it, but couldn't.
It's boring.
Horrendous acting. (Reynolds' yellow Deadpool for children was ok, I guess)
Some Pokemon should have stayed out.

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Tim doesn't act like Ash at all in the trailers tho.

This shit has to stop

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He is not like Ash at all in the movie. He wanted to be a pokemon master when he was a kid, but now he doesn't.

I loved it. But it really says a lot how much higher audience approval is than critic approval. Granted I've never thought reviewers are worthwhile and think people should just draw their own conclusions.

It couldn't have had less in common with Ready Player One and I'm not sure where you got this from

Tim is nothing like Ash, and if the writers are to be believe( ) then Ash probably exists

Critics have always hated Pokino

This, Pokemon 3 is great and it has like a 20% on RT
Boomer critics never fail to have an aneurysm when a Pokemon movie comes out

You mean the stapler scene?

when pikachu was dying

I wanted it to be darker but I can understand why they wanted it to be lighter/geared more to kids.

But it was an alright kids movie. Reynolds carries the movie with his charm and his Pikachu design is cute.

I watched pokemon only to the part when Charizard refused to fight with the other pikachu and Ash lost. Redpill me about mewtwo who the fuck was that monster. Is he like pokemon jesus?

Film has a nigger lead and the critics still gave it a low score, that's not a good sign.

No We Are Detective

mewtwo is basically pokemon uber-god

Is tangela in it? He’s my favorite Pokémon I have to know

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Like just in passing one time? It’s bulls hit you can either never catch him or can’t catch him til the end game. I just want my boy to get the representation he deserves

y'all niggas posting in a shill thread

nope, no tangela

an artificial pokémon cloned from Mew's DNA
Mew is the ancestor of all pokémon (except other legendaries) so it can learn any move. Mewtwo is meant to be a more powerful version of that

In the games Mewtwo's mind is fucked up and he goes berserk because the experiment went wrong

In the anime it has an existential crisis because people around him don't see him as a living being, just as another experiment

in the movie...who knows. They said it escaped from Kanto 20 years ago and Tim's dad captured it for the bad guy

I think Ditto will fuck up some kids

>it is not a pedo, got, capeshit or chernobyl thread, so it is surely a shill thread!
kys faggot

I’d like ditto to fuck me up

I wonder what the Japanese will think of this?

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they'll probably wish there were some actual pokémon battles in it

Yeah, dumb boomers are still dragging the score down. Like sure, if you don't like the film, that's whatever, rate it as you will but giving a low score because "Pokemon is so confusing if you're over the age of 35" is ridiculous.


Watched it with my mom. She hated pokemon when I was a kid because of the battles and violence, and she said she liked the movie because there was almost no violence here.

I found it bizarre a lot of the critics were suggesting they were scratching their heads a lot and the plot didn't make sense when in fact it's as simple as it could possibly be. There's nothing confusing at all about the film.

I would have been up for a proper detective movie. Poke-noir. Switched into a sci-fi movie in the 2nd act (I know, just like the anime and the games) and then all out action.

Boomers fundamentally cannot comprehend pokemon. Frankly, it’s bizarre.

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Kino endcredits

is there anthing after credits?

Nope, I stayed and expected to see a Mew or something, but no aftercredits

Does the battle theme from the games play in the movie?

We're there any shiny Pokemon in the movie????


I mean I turn 31 in a couple months and absolutely no trouble following the movie

They were suggesting the plot itself made no sense or was hard to follow but that isn't the case at all

Yes, I can't even remember because we barely seen a picture of her, dunno, and nope strangely enough for all of Yea Forumss bitching about the "nigger main character" he's the only black person who isn't a background character

lmao don't even try it.
This movie was garbage, it's an attempted nostalgia trip pandering to adults with a trite plot geared towards kids. The acting is god awful beyond reynolds, the female lead felt like a pisstake. Characters were shit, plot was dumb and the action was non-existent. All the movie had going for it was visual design and some parts of the soundtrack.
10 minutes of the film is oversized torterras standing up and immediately sitting down and never being mentioned again.

Oh? Do they finally explain what the fuck is a Pokémon Master?

Someone who owns a Pokémon plantation

is that why they call it "pokeyman"
do they do it on purpose? i don't know.

I thought the MC and female journalist were weak actors and I would have sympathized more for the mutt, had he been white. Pikachu didn't need to talk,I felt more genuine emotion when it was just the cute Pikachu sounds instead of the annoying RR fag voice. That one joke where they are falling off of the torterra, and RR says something like, "And they STILL don't believe in GLOBAL WARMING!" was the only moment that made me chuckle (mainly because it was so bad it was good)- every other joke fell flat. Other than that, it was alright. Pikachu is adorable and would have been perfect without the dumb human voice. I'd give it a 6.5/10. I'd bump it to 8/10 if it had my changes.

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Certified kino, ((critics)) are all shills

Just go see it.

Its so good and fun. And the set and production designs are INCREDIBLE. Everything looks real, even in AMC Dolby 4k. And it was shot on film. It quite literally is a visually more captivating movie than endgame.

Just go see it user.

Imagine having a Ditto pokemon partner.

That can turn into any person you show them a picture of


I was depressed for weeks after seeing RP1 because I couldn't live in the oasis and had to settle for VRChat

It would be nerve racking taking the ditto into Nurse Joy's clinic and trying to understand why our ditto is sick and a very light shade of pink.

Good Lord /pol/ go back to yoour fucking board. I don´t get why Yea Forums eats your bullshit so fucking easily. Even in Yea Forums ,where everyone is stupid, they are able to ignore your shitty proaganda...

The Mr Mime scene is the highlight, but they really could have done more with it

Fuck r/boxoffice, bunge of MCUfag cocksuckers patting themselves on the back and hoping the movie fails.

>Good Lord /pol/ go back to yoour fucking board. I don´t get why Yea Forums eats your bullshit so fucking easily. Even in Yea Forums ,where everyone is stupid, they are able to ignore your shitty proaganda...

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W-wow... I can´t refute that powerful argument... You won.

The movie looks good but that’s about it. The story is garbage and doesn’t make sense in terms of Pokémon, unless you want to count mystery dungeon as canon. Speaking of canon, colosseum and XD asserted that Pokémon don’t harm humans and they have a ditto straight up trying to murder the kid. The movie has bad shot continuity all over the place and the leads are emotionless robots. Ryan Reynolds just plays himself which is fine I guess but doesn’t add much. The movie is full of shit that doesn’t make sense, like 3D replications of security footage showing stuff that was offscreen of that footage (what the fuck was that holo BS). So many deus ex machinas, and they couldn’t even afford to render more than like 25 pokemon. I don’t get why tv is sucking this mediocre/bad movie so hard, guess this place really is full of shills.

>triggered by casual racism
>can't spell
>calls everyone on Yea Forums stupid, while posting on Yea Forums
spasticated coon twat

Anyone have a torrent?

/pol/ shit aside, the journalist was a horrific actor. Her introductory scene in the apartment building was painful to watch.

Tell me again, who has had literally trillions of dollars worth of VC emptied into their propaganda mills over the last couple of decades? And are still losing the conversation?

Oh jeez I'd totally forgotten that. It was bad-TV-show-tier

There are battles near the end

It doesn't make sense if you're fucking retarded

a serious wasted opportunity, they had enough ground to establish a pokemon CU but instead made the whole thing look like a sad parody

We´ve got casual racism here since always you nigger.

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This movie takes place 20 years after Kanto, so Ash is now a 30 year old in this timeline

it's true sweety, Pikachu is now shrek-tier

*sips* now that was a region

>people souls being put on their pokemon.
Fucking hell no thanks.

>He wanted to be a pokemon master when he was a kid, but now he doesn't.
This could have been kino.

You fucking faggot. Just watch the damn movie yourself. It has every component you would want in a live action pokemon movie.

Not a jump at all considering the lore. It was basically a play on what bill managed.


>a pokemon CU
Cringe, who wants this?

grow up

The Pokemon were good
The main actor and female reporter were annoying
The forest scene was cringe
The story was enjoyable until the bad guy reveal

It's not disney shit like marvel and star wars, so they don't care.

I liked how every line of dialogue was exposition
I know it's a kids movie but come on

I don't get it. It was just Pikachu dancing for an hour and 45 minutes.

Some post the edit please

The more I look at these designs, the more I like them. They almost look like very detailed puppets and I mean that in a good way. In motion, the probably look uncanny as fuck, but as still images they look as good as you could make "realistic" pokemon look.

It's actually the reverse. They look uncanny as fuck in still pictures, but where perfect in the movie. it really felt like Pokemons were part of our world, they really nailed it, and I was one of the guys put off by the first trailer.

>pikachu singing the main theme
that fucking made my day

The dancing makes it more like a rickroll wannable

F yt (e.g.

grow up lmao

have sex

camp rip when I want to see this shit

He's only half black (a plot point in the movie too), so it only makes sense critics don't like him

it was mediocre but for a POKEMON movie which is what it is, not fucking citizen kane, it was great! Felt like a saturday morning cartoon. looking forward to more and hope they make more because it works.

>be 28, male
>Realize I can't go to see this alone during the day because 1. kids screaming little shits ruin the movie and 2. would look like a pedo going in solo to a kids movie
>can't go to the last minute 1am screenings because the other creepy fucks going alone will go at this time too
>no camrip

This is a fresh hell

Wow, you are a dumb fucking nigger

>would of

Didn't see this thread, reposting my review here

grow up


>no Pokemon fighting to the death via orders from Pokemon masters
Ok. Digimon Tamers movie when?

justice did good

Fucking die zoomer.

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Do you remember Eevee and Bill?
Not really remember that mewtwo escaped the lab/mansion before moving to the cave in the games. They want a mewtwo spin-off, if the mewtwo movie does use a clone of Amber she could be 20, there's also a red/blue movie in the works and there a Red like trainer in the movie, but as far as i know he doesn't speak english so there's no way he will be the real red (but i have no doubt green and blue will be white and red will be a jap)

>Charizard refused to fight with the other pikachu and Ash lost
This was my stopping point too. Why do we share that in common? When did that happen, as the end of a season? I thought it was an impressive plot direction, Ash taking it for granted that the stellar performance from his Charizard against that Magmar didn't have to do with the fact that he had a recognizably strong opponent

Not that user but they literally say in the movie that Mewtwo was found after arriving from another region 20 years ago.

aka the year Mewtwo Strikes Back came out. And an article was already posted about how the movie exists in the same continuity as the anime.

Exactly. I was enjoying it and having a childish grin slapped on my face for the whole first half but it faded right when they made Mewtwo appear again in that healing Pikachu scene, where any other legendary or even a fuckin’ Chansey would have felt more natural. That made the story feel like a stale cracker.
Also the last part looked like it was ripped straight from an 80s (bad) saturday afternoon movie.

- very respectful of the source material, overall it felt and looked like an anime episode
- most mons looked great
- if it makes enough cash they can make a better sequel and go full sperg with it

- half assed story and “plot twist”
- Mewtwo making miracles
- by the end they showed always the same 20 or so mons like they where running out of budget for the CGI models or something
- some of them where overdetailed and ugly as sin (Aipom, Gengar)

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>Didn't start off with the "world of Pokemon" introduction that all Pokemon movies have giving a sense of the world
>No Pokemon battles
Those were my biggest disapointment. I feel like they should have had those in if they're already planning to do some expanded universe shit.
I enjoyed the movie though.

!WARNING! WARNING! I'm about to ruin this man's whole career with a redpill

Critics are going to give every movie in the coming weeks a bad review because they want endgame to beat Avatar. They want the top movie of all time to be remembered as having that stupid woman power scene. That's it, literally

I don't watch movies where the main character is a mutt

They give Jonh Wick good critics

of course, it's kino reeves

When I went to see the movie, the projector broke during the Bulbasaur scene.

When I went to see it, they still kept the lights on after the movie started. It took maybe 30 minutes for them to realize and shut them off

idk about the rest of you, but the movie played extremely well for an audience. most of the jokes landed and it even got a few genuine laughs from me

Ash is in this film?

bulbasaur looked the worst as far as animation. rest of them looked great, better than most marvel movies. didn't really get the uncanny valley effect. I was very much invested in the world and atmosphere

Sorry fren I was still talking about the anime

Except the movie is based on the Detective Pikachu game, in which there are no real pokemon battles... so you're wrong

Pikachu had a black side kick that was originally a ginger kid right?

No, since no one cares about the game, and Justice was among the best things in the movie. But Poojack was better