>that kid who liked robocop over terminator
That kid who liked robocop over terminator
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Haha we used to bully them in grade school
>that kid that lived in reality
robocop is better than terminator, but not better than terminator II.
he was me
>term 2 over term 1
Robocop is objectively better in every aspect.
Terminator 2 is literally for beta children of single mothers. Robocop 2 demonizes such children and makes them the villains, along with other troublesome children from dysfunctional homes. Robocop 2 is a 10/10 center left parody of overly permissive social policies
They were both great movies and any other opinion is homo-normative.
Terminator 2 is actual trash
You don't understand, it's SATIRE man. I don't exactly get the point of making fun of detroit, but because I call it satire it means it's high brow. It means I read books.
t. faggot
What about Terminator 1? I don’t like T2 but love T1
But he's right. The Sarah Conner story is paid off, she's competent, you enjoy it so much more because you know what happened in the first. It's why Aliens 2 is better than 1, its satisfying because Ripley knows what she's doing now.
Hang yourself.
Terminator 2 kid was a dipshit and not shown in a positive light
*snorts wine*
that kid that would steal sporks and trays from taco bell
that kid who you would give a ride to taco bell after school and he would save up all week just so he can buy 5 layer nachos
that could that snitched on you for building molotov cocktails for fun
He was the fucking hero of the story, Terminator was his replacement step daddy, literal single mother child fantasy. Chad Robocop 2 showed the same archetype of a kid as the degenerate criminal he actually would be
It IS better tho.
>Robocop 2 is a 10/10 center left parody of overly permissive social policies
>there are faggots itt RIGHT NOW hating on based T2
This board needs a purge.
t. didn't have a father
Fucking summer cunt Robocop is the better movie.
based. I read books too
so now we're pretending terminator wasn't popular? are you only acting retarded?
Compared to T2 though?
i have no idea i'm not 45
The conservative criminal punishing brutality of Robocop is subsumed with hundreds of useless prime directives to be nice, tolerant and inoffensive, ultimately making him a failure at crime enforcement.
>that kid who said t2 was better than t1
i don't get it, how is it even possible to be that stupid?
T2 was a massive summer blockbuster with a giant marketing push behind it. I do understand why people prefer the low budget grittier feel of the original though.
ok. i wasn't sure exactly if you were suggesting it was a parody from the center left or a parody of the center left.
but it is better. t1 was a bad action movie with a bad sex scene and a worse finale with all that laughable stop motion.
I love them all, but I think Robocop is my favorite :)
This is actually correct. T2 is the greatest film of all time.
t1 vs t2
soul vs soulless
yeah i liked the big car chases and explosions especially when arnie acted cool and funny and never killed anyone
Base-ketball was such a cringe movie. It aged like shit too.
Fuck off hipster. Aliens is a far more enjoyable movie than Alien btw.
>implying souls exists
It just went over your head.
That’s because Matt and Trey weren’t actually involved in writing/directing it despite what most people probably think.
It is. Far more emotional, better action sequences, better performances from the cast. T1 is incredible, paced perfectly, awesome style, but it doesnt juggle as many elements as T2 and T2 literally makes every element pay off in a satisfying way. T2 unironically shits on Citizen Kane. That is how good it is. Only better film is possibly Gremlins.
That was me.
I wanted to be a half-robot and kill niggers.
Terminator was boring as fuck.
The jokes were very hit and miss for me. When they hit they hit hard but when they missed BOY OH BOY did it make me rant about it on r/southpark.
have sex
Robocop1>Terminator1>Terminator2>Terminator3>Robocop2>Terminator Salvation> Robocop3> Robocop Remake>Terminator Genisy> Terminator Dark Fate( probably)
>all this anti T2 jewery
You goddamn contrarians are going to drive me to kill
the kid was annoying idk what else to tell you
>shithead kid acted like a shithead
I hated Salvation and Bale’s awful performance(absolute worst of his career) so much that I’d actually put Genisys above it.
how is it contrarian to hate t2 for being a big budget popcorn movie instead of a cool sci-fi noir with a well told story?
T2>Robocop>T1>Robocop 2>T3=Salvation>Robocop 3>Remake>Genysis
Because there is literally nothing wrong with big budget popcorn movies if they deliver the goods and T2 absolutely does.
i couldn't relate buddy
>robocop is better than terminator, but not better than terminator II.
There is a lot to unpack in this post. T1 is not a noir. Jesus fuck. How can you think that? T2 is just as "well-told". And its contrarian to hate something just because it has a bigger budget. You goddamn fuckin pleb.
If you hate T2 for any reason you are a fundamentally damaged human being and that's all there is to it.
i would rather watch heat than t2
Short circuit > robocop > terminator
They’re not even in the same genre. That’s not really a good comparison.
>Terminator 2
>about how being a step father can cure the Terminator of his toxic masculinity
>the Chad Robocop 2
>about Robocop fighting to restore his positive authoritarian masculinity so he can properly discipline the citizens of Detroit
Imagine actually defending the single mother feminist power fantasy Terminator 2
Imagine having your brain broken by faggot film studies analysis so that you can't enjoy the greatest action film of all time
T2 is nothing remotely like T1 in tone.
this but without the faggy emotional and personal romance scenes, in fact just the bank heist and shootout scene
Bitches leave
as far as action goes
>best action film
>barely any gore
For all our sake, have sex
It is a parody from the center left, just like Starship Troopers. 80s and 90s center leftists were chads like Verhoeven and Frank Zappa
wow, he most be one evil person
You are a travesty. Stop hating good things.
gotta lubricate the nostrils before another bump brochacho
I could totally understand why someone would prefer Robocop over Terminator. I don't personally agree but I get it.
Robocop is an overall fun action movie that's got some great lines and world builds quite well. It's also an early Judge Dredd ripoff.
Get out.
And your point? Terminator is a great self contained story. There wasn't loose threads. It's just Cameron had a great idea to carry the series and he went with it. But it's also a story that didn't need to be told. Same goes for Aliens.
Both Terminator and Alien are phenomal self contained stories that didn't need franchises.
i like them both equally as much. ROBOCOB, T1 & T2 equally all pure kino
>That one kid who liked Back To The Future
>prefering the muh resistance katniss dumbledore's army liberal fantasy vs evil authoritarian story that is Terminator vs the actually well thought out commentary on corporate capitalism and civil responsibility that is Robocop
Stories that are about rebels fighting evil regimes (Terminator, Star Wars) are made by people with naive childlike minds. Stories that are about the complications of holding authoritarian power in a functioning society (Robocop, Star Trek) are kino
>tfw been doing Nuke all day
both great, both very rewatchable, but robocop is perfect action kino
>tfw there's no more Nuke in my city because Robocop broke the supply train
High IQ kid
Robocop - 10/10
Robocop 2 - 7/10
Robocop 3 - 3/10
Terminator - 10/10
Terminator 2 - 12/10
Terminator 3 - 4/10
Robocop: 20/30
Terminator: 26/30
So close.
>muh magical step daddy: the movie is 12/10
How many "step dads" did your mom bring through the house when you were a boy?
I cant think of any James Cameron movie that was anywhere near as enjoyable as a Paul Verhoeven film.
Verhoeven is much better at world building with scifi movies as well.
They were equally good youtube.com
Fucking kek
Terminator 2 is not that soulless. Its about Sarah becoming the inhuman terminator, and Terminator becoming human. See how Arnold drops the glasses as he grows, while Sarah starts using them as she loses her humanity and becomes vacant. The colors used on the scenes also reflect that with Arnold scenes becomes more red/warm as the movies progresses which makes him less spooky.
I think its a bit abive popcorn shit, tho not too much.
Robocop 1 > Terminator 1 > Terminator 2 > the rest might aswell not exist
Robocop 1 deals with a machine trying to find his humanity in a better way. Terminator has no reason to feel or grow, outside of this naive notion of a childs innocent and love making this machines heart grow three sizes. Robocop is at least still a human in his soul, which he has
Back to the Future is better than both Robocop and Terminator
I like both, but Robocop is the superior film. Deal with it.