Why did he want Bran so bad?

Why did he want Bran so bad?

Attached: Why-Didnt-Night-King-Burn-From-Dragon-Fire_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqtR1WRZ4lb6BOb1-FBRpn-lFGGjcI28awSNtOPAV (480x300, 25K)

Because of the rape

lol just turn you're brain off bro.

We'll never know for sure. They did retcon some bullshit like "He wants to erase the memory of men".
Just accept him as a generic baddie because that's what GoT has devolved into.

Have sex

This. He wanted Bran to illegally download the Sansa rape scenes into his own tree.

He was in love with him

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only Bran was born with non retard memory so he wanted to kill him so that after a while nobody could remember how it was before the everlasting undead zombie winter.

have sex. now.

Because some random memories of a guy who rarely talks in a very cryptic way is apparently history, our past which apparently is the future us.

bend over

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creatively it made sense because we wanted it to happen

just watch the show bro check out these epic dragon scenes


Just wanted to say hello.

He was trying to free the actor from suffering playing any more Bran scenes.

That sweet sweet cripple boipussy.

are you asking for character motivation? you sound like some sort of bigot fren

He was a pedophile

spread em babycakes

According to him, because he (bran) was the living memory of the living.
Yet Sam has been able to find all the exactly same info from Citadel's library, so I don't really know what was his point really.

>"He wants to erase the memory of men"

>bran is an autist that doesnt explain shit
>people have books and can write
>most people dont know wtf a three eyed raven is

most bullshit retcon there ever was

user.....the sex.....

Bran literally spoils everything.

Bran has a full record of all the fucking throughout all the time of world.

Want to see when ghost humped a bear? Bran was watching

Want to see drogos cumshot in danny? Bran was watching

Want to Bran the builder fuck a strapped down white walker? Bran was watching

Want to see some freaky Asshai magic dildo dragon fucking while a blood orgy spills out on to the streets? Bran was watching

Want to see the time sam jacked it jon secretly? Bran was watching

Want to see littlefinger practice pegging? Bran was watching

Want to see rhaeger fuck lyana doggy and not pull out? Bran was watching

Want to see the hounds one orgasm? Bran was watching

Want to see ol tripod tyrion spin around like a pinwheel on some hoors? Bran was watching

Should have gotten when Bran was cute. I mean, he won't even feel it now.

something something memory must be erased blah blah blah

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To start Third Impact

Dude can see every fuck scene that ever happened. Imagine having your own personal pornhub, with every fetish that ever existed

>Want to see ol tripod tyrion spin around like a pinwheel on some hoors? Bran was watching
Oh god why
The image of a spinning midget and a vegetable with a cartoonish boner penetrating the ceiling
Why would an ice zombie want that fucking whyy

Night King was Shinji all along?

Bran knows how to rebuild the wall, how to permanently defeat the white walkers and how to basically do everything the old men could do. The first Brandon stark built Winterfell, built the ancient wall to the north and a bunch others. Bran can access those memories.

At this fucking point it might as well be because the NK was some autistic Branposter from 2012, who spent all his time trying to reach his fertile boipucci only to fly into a homicidal rage when he discovered how badly his Britbong genetics aged him.

if i take you out of that wheelchair

will you die

It would be extremely beautiful