Stanley Kubrick's The Shining Secret Themes Discussion Thread

Stanley Kubrick's The Shining Secret Themes Discussion Thread
MANDATORY READING : shining.html

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Other urls found in this thread:

OK, I think goofy is a good starting point

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Its really a secret confession about shooting the moon landing.

Why are you posting the image with the explanation? Only informed individuals may post in this thread, don't spoonfeed the lazy plebs.

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The fact that Kubrick managed to put secrets in even the documentary of the film's making is an attest to his genius.

Plebs praise pulp fiction for its dude non-linear narrative when the shining did it with much more subtlety and with a LOT more layers of complexity a decade prior.

So,was it supposed to be a sun(illuminati) or a native american symbol?

Forgot pic

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Comes a point in every cinephiles career where you just have to look at The Shining and say I've learned everything I can about this and I'm good now.

also the little girls at the beginning of the movie Were Not ghosts they were just guest of the hotel and Danny was too afraid to say hi to them because of his social anxiety because he was pulled out of school early

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>don't spoonfeed the lazy plebs
>gib me explanations!!!!!

When did I ask you to give me explanations?

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I'll post in any thread I want and nobody will stop me faggot ass bitch, I watched the shining fucking years ago I barely remembered and I didnt' even open the OP's link so suck my dick

Nobody cares this is a Kubrick thread not Rob Ager thread

Go back

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i'm fine here thanks

For me its the disappearing dopey

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I like the "please"

Movie had no plot good visuals tho.Jack goes ape shit for no reason,book knowledge is essential,I recommend to read quick rundown to know whats happening.

Doesn't look like Wilson to me,assuming you are referring to Woodrow

Jack is a man with mental problems that was abused as a child


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the eye is the same as the stock, it's just ruffled, it's stitched in the middle so the outside folded inward from being moved/stored whatever, it doesn't even resemble the elevator thing nor is there a point to it


I'm convinced there's raccord mistakes like this one ON PURPOSE as a way for Kubrick to tell the spectator something
There's plenty of these '''''''mistakes'''''' in the movie, mainly objects present in one scene that disappear or are altered once the camera angle is changed or the view pans back and forth
Another clear example of this is in the danny moonlaunch scene, when he's playing with little cars and wears the apolo sweater. The pattern of the floor rug changes direction when the camera changes. The scene continues to room 213 or whatever


Kubrick was a perfectionist, so many of these raccord mistakes have to be on purpose
Rewatch the movie looking for them, they are easy to find

Another one is when the black fella is smoking in his room there's a cube or some object on a table right in front. As the scene changes camera the cube is no longer there

pls rate my theory
we can find them all, and see what scenes are those and what did kubrick want to tell

2001 has more underlying tones. Ive watched it 4 times this week and each time ive noticed something. To a point, I felt an eerie feeling at one point as I grasped certain themes and motifs.

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Post proof. Like another angle of the bear

have sex

anyone have a torrent or a link for his stuff?

That's not really much of a theory,hpyou just said there's secret meanings in what could be seen as mistakes and didn't give any interpretations.
There's a theory,if you ACTUALLY READ THE GODDAMND OP LINK,that the furniture of the hotel is moved because of ghosts.In many scenes for example the chairs appear when disappear between shots to match the amount of characters in the scene.Classic trope done with subtlety.

The link on the OP is free and doesn't give him revenue if you don't watch the YouTube videos(which all have less detail except one I think)

Confirmed. Denialfags BTFO.

Everyone already knows those are done on purpose

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>theory about movie story about ghosts and shiet
man, kubrick didn't give a shit about the story, he states so right at the beginning
this movie was about telling a real story he couldn't tell without risking his life and he got away with it by hiding the message

I like when HAL starts talking like a conspiracy theorist

yes, but are they marking anything or simply a movie trick to give a more haunting atmosphere?

some might be legit.

for bear rug they may have moved it for the camera crew.

He gave an explanation for about everything except dopey,what gives?

Ok so instead of discussing it, you want people to regurgitate what some film school failure has written in his autistic essay and call it discussion. Surely this thread is for the sharpest tools in the shed only.

This is even more retarded than the literature teacher trying to intepret why an author use the color blue.

Don't be stupid. Kubrick would shoot scenes over and over. He's not gonna let a bear rug compromise his vision

here there's 5 different scenes with '''mistakes'''
could any of these scenes be interpreted as a hidden message?
the most suspect and obvious one is the second one, it could be talking about the moon landing or maybe just a coincidence in setup and sweater
what about the other 4 scenes?
it's very possible this theory is paranoid crap but I refuse to believe kubrick did all these '''mistakes''' simply to give the movie a more unstable and haunting atmosphere, though maybe he did

not entirely sure if I remember the scene.
but this is shot on film. its a massive camera with about 4 dudes behind it operating and moving wires.
maybe the shot doesn't pass the bear rug. but still an idea.

don't get me wrong this stuff is cool but it just doesn't matter at this point.
are there any modern day movie that does the same as stanley?

No,I want people to discuss it instead of regurgitating what has already been said over an over with a couple meme replies.I want people with whom I discuss to have a solid base in knowledge of the film .

I actually attributed a lot of the items in Jacks writing room disappearing to his character being more and more unhinged and getting rid of stuff in there. There's likely more to it than that, but I feel it still can make sense that way too.

Oh dear are you on the spectrum or what.

Rob Agar is a nutter.

Whatever. Yes the Shining has so many hidden meanings but the most thought provoking film by Kubrick is 2001. I know its hard to sit through it and actually analyze it. So you watched the shining and heard about the hidden meanings and you watched Bob Iger. Cool. But don't tell me 2001 isn't his best work.

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>ball took place on July 4th, a day of significance to America
>Jack, prominently clad in red white and blue, observes the Gold Room sign
>3 : to undo (a financial arrangement or position) through the necessary legal or financial steps
>"Your money's no good here."
>The Federal Reserve abandoning the gold standard

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Based schizoid poster

>book is about a recovering alcoholic in a spooky hotel
>Kubrick fills it with subtext about child molestation, the slaughter of Native Americans, Satanic imagery, the Rothschilds and Illuminati, and clues that he helped fake the moon landing, he consciously insulted Stephen King by turning the latter's self-insert into an irredeemable asshole suggesting that Stephen King himself is an irredeemable asshole, and the purposefully impossible layout made a Doom map maker commit suicide after going insane trying and failing to replicate it
What the fuck was Stanley Kubrick's problem?

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Not the guy you replied to but Barry Lyndon is his best,2001 being a close second and former favourite.

schizoid =/= schizo, retard

Him trying to look away from his image from the mirrors was a cool detail.

Why are there so many schizophrenics on Yea Forums?

There is no way that the bear rug removal was a straight-up goof. Ask yourself this question: what is the single creepiest shot in the entire film, ffs?

let us have fun, user.
inb4 you should have sex instead

Because everyone is more intelligent than you

>Book is about a recovering alcoholic
>Kubrick doesn't give a shit about that, because he sees film as more like making music than telling a story
>A bunch of internet nobodies fill it in with subtext about child molestation, the slaughter of Native Americans, Satanic imagery, the Rothschilds and Illuminati, and clues that Kubrick helped fake the moon landing, consciously insulted Stephen King by turning the his self-insert into an irredeemable asshole suggesting that Stephen King himself is an irredeemable asshole, and the purposefully impossible layout made a Doom map maker commit suicide after going insane trying and failing to replicate it
What the fuck is the internet's problem?

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The book was bad the film was worse.

The shining is about the kikes stealing the gold. Look at the photo in the end, it's full of people photoshopped in who were involved with the conspiracy to destroy the gold standard (Woodrow Wilson-who signed the Federal Reserve act into law, is right behind Jack). Kubrick was completely woke about ZOG and the NWO.

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>the purposefully impossible layout made a Doom map maker commit suicide after going insane trying and failing to replicate it
sauce on this ?

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>on Yea Forums
wew good thing we're on 4channel

>kubrick likes symmetrical central framing
wow crazy innit

Good way to mindlessly shrug it off faggot,too bad you can't deny most of these

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What did kubrick mean by this?

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The movie is window dressing for Kubricks deeper themes. The book is a hackjob, an interesting first half until Danny starts getting chased around by living hedge animals and fire hoses and Jack gets possessed by the hotel and tries to kill people with a giant mallet and the hotel blows up in a stupid action scene.

What drew Kubrick to the book was the subplot about Jack uncovering all the horrible things that have happened in the hotel's past by going through the papers left in the boxes downstairs. Kubrick thought King was secretly clued in to the corruption and mind control of our elites, contrasting how presidents stayed in the same room mobsters were killed in and how the hotel actually controlled them all. But once Kubrick started talking to King it became apparent that King was just a boomer brainlet who had accidentally written some intriguing concepts so Kubrick stopped talking to him and just made his own movie.

Yes I can.

You're ascribing thematic meaning to visual artistry. It's there to make the shots look good, and the repeating aspects are because, guess what, one man wanting things to look good will end up repeating himself. The parallels with visual symbology is the textbook example of people being reading too far into things (see; every crazy conspiracy ever) and has zero relationship with reality. For further evidence of this, please note how there is zero ability for people to actually agree on what the message is, instead waffling between literally dozens of equally "plausible" possibilities, just like with conspiracy theories. There's "something going on", but because it's ultimately made up horseshit, everyone flies off in wildly different directions when forced to make concrete conclusions out of thin air.

Boom, 99% of it denied in one go.

Jack's head was shopped in(well not really photoshopped of course) the pic which is real and from that time. So,they might have done it to widen his shoulders. What are alternative interpretations?
The thing on the hand is weird.Could it be just a mark?Was it on the original pic?I'm going to try to find it.

Stephen King was very pushy about remaining faithful to the source material and tried telling Stanley Kubrick what to do in regard to characterization and filming locations despite King being neither the director, producer, screenwriter, or any other position on the production. Kubrick went out of his way to spite King. What makes it extra funny is how Jack Torrance sold his soul for a drink and, well, King sold the rights to this very work to ultimately fund the vices that inspired it in the first place. Needless to say, King was unhappy about his self-insert Torrance being made into even more of a weak, pitiful, and unstable drunk.

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You are retarded or something? What you said might only refer to this pic (still a bit retarded)
Yes lots of works of arts have indefinite meanings with different interpretations. Kubrick himself said he wanted to "leave it open to different interpretations" (or some such phrasing)

>Kubrick himself said he wanted to "leave it open to different interpretations" (or some such phrasing

Kubrick was not a various interpretations hack. Each hidden theme in his movies had a very specific reference. Kubrick was ecstatic when some random fan wrote to him asking if Dr Strangelove was about the frustration of male impotence in political leaders and actually met up with the fan and had drinks with him.

He used both jack versions in the film. Why photoshop it and still use the original?

Almost everyone leaves their work up to interpretation. Why wouldn't you? Let people see what they want. But that interpretation exists within a pretty limited window of possibility. People argue about the specifics of Apocalypse Now, how much of it is about war, how much of it is about God, but everyone knows the general themes, because that's the story being told. In this thread alone there's theories that The Shining is about the illuminati, satanism, white guilt, the moon landing, and God knows what else. That's not a coherent story, that is pulling meaning the ether. This is the type of shit you don't see in literary discussion. This isn't dissecting The Brothers Karamazov, it's talking about Flat Earth.

poor kubrick, too high iq for king

It can have multiple themes.And Kubrick loved conspiracy theories(even if he didn't actually believe almost all of them).

So it's a movie about how white men raped the Indians, we're all being controlled by a cabal of evil Satanists, and an admission that he faked the moon landing?

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not him but I doubt kubrick would have mixed all themes, he's not a hack
it has to be only one, moon landing the most obvious


Jack is a pretty typical example of a 70s male for most of the movie.

Do you think it's a coincidence that finding symbolism where there is none is perhaps the most common element of absurd conspiracy theories, and you're finding symbolism to support your belief on the meaning of a film, which also, by coincidence, is the admission of a conspiracy? Do you honestly believe there's no through line there.

i have like 90% of his good vids i could easily share them but i won't

>trying so hard
lol sad

Obviously the moon landing thing isn't real.All of us being controlled by a cabal of evil Satanists is extremely exaggerating wording. It's about the elite. Yes it's about the genocide of the Indians and the cover up , not much of a stretch that is.

Lmao how it that the same outfit at all? Fucking nerds

I always found it eerie that it was a real photo with Jack on it.
Has anyone found the original?

comfy shining thread


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he made a real horror movie, a movie which transcends even its own explanations and will always be remembered by those who watch it meaningfully
the movie itself is haunted

Apparently you can find it in the Stanley Kubrick archive in london.Weird how I can't find any pics of the photo not from this manual. If anybody here is a bong,they could go there and take a picture.

Kind of fucking creepy how he was doing the baphomet pose,honestly

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Staircases to Nowhere: Making Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining"

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You gotta love that this was found out via modding doom
Some guy tried to painstakingly recreate the hotel and found out that a lot of the geometry of it intentionally doesn’t make any sense.


Look at this face.

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what if ... kubrick was killed by king for destroying his vision about the book?

What if NASA found out about the moon landing confession and threatened to kill his wife or kids(and maybe pin him),so Kubrick quickly completed his work and killed himself? He did die the (night of the)day he completed it.

The hexagon-dicks are about anal sex.

dubs dubs 69 quads confirm

>These digits
We need to go deeper.

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is there a movie that has taken THIS sorta of stuff and made their own movie.

I love deep looks into movies. Is there one that is as crazy as this his stuff?

This shit is scary man
Ok im terrified

Working theory is that the hotel is supernatural in that way.

What if they're just all coincidences that Kubrick missed?

notice danny is covering his penis. he does this around adults cause he was raped by his father.

it all makes sense now.

he was killed for making a movie about the pedo elites, after showing the finished cut to the studio
once dead, the movie was cut down and the studio released an obviously incomplete shit that only retards praise

kubrick released 3 messages to the masses
in which he describes alien contact as a catalyst of human evolution
>the shinning
in which he describes the faking of the moon landing and murder of those working on the project
>eyes wide shut
in which he describes the pedo elites and their shit parties he probably saw first hand
he revealed truths he shouldn't have and paid the ultimate price

I still don't realize what does the shining have to do with the moon landing.

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You guys are cute

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Some are a stretch but still, pretty interesting.
Is there more?

you will learn by the numbers
I will teach you

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nah, I aint got time fo that shit nigga

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Hal singing a song as he shuts down after informing Dave that he's 9 years old is clearly meant to suggest that Dave is killing a child that didn't know any better.

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>collative learning

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kubrickfags are so autistic, it's cringe worthy

you had best unfuck yourself

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I haven't seen this one mentioned much
The argument jack has with his wife (when she grabs the bat) sounds a lot like an argument Kubrick (assuming he got involved in all that top secret shit) would have with his wife. Take a look at the dialogue.

Delete this

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This one's pretty interesting

>t. NASA

Being There (1979) V The Shining (1980)

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>Jack: And are ya concerned about me?
>Wendy: Of course I am.
>Jack: Of course you are. Have you ever thought about my responsibilities?
>Wendy: Oh Jack. What are you talking about?
>Jack: (worked up) Have you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities? Have you ever thought for a single solitary moment about my responsibilities to my employers? Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first? Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a letter of agreement, a contract, in which I have accepted that responsibility? Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principle is, do you? Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future if I were to fail to live up to my responsibilities? Has it ever occurred to you? Has it?!

C'mon now faggot,the fucking birth date?


that one is just for fun, user. live a little.

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it's always a stretch, that's true
this is the apollo 11 liftoff and travel to the moon:

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i'm not reading that shit. i saw the movie once and it wasn't scary.

obligatory thread theme

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It's not that deep

This. How hard is to kill a stupid women and a 6 year old? Why did he went crazy in the first place? This movie gives priority to style instead of any concrete substance

>plebs that can't even read some shit to understand a movie better(and that's literally spoonfed to them)
Absolute fucking state of Yea Forums.

Hey, Rob. Loved Kubrick's Gold Story.

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Read the OP text you faggot

>caring this much about entry level pleb shit

Then let's see you discuss the patrician shit.Oh wait oh no you just shit post about capeshit.

Kubrick was a hack and his fanboys are retards grasping at straws

but things come from magic circle. do you feed a kid to it?

I don't know what the fuck Stanley was on about

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>ROOM No 237

Moon landings never happened.

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>pattern of the carpet matches the launch pad side of the so called "moon landing"
Just a coincidence? I don't think so.

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Ok so there are a lot of references to the moon landing and apollo missions. How does that imply that it was faked?

>dannys sweater has apollo 11 on it / Danny is the Rocket (Apollo 11)
>scene starts with danny on the carpet / rocket on the launch pad - trucks, fire engines etc
>danny gets up / rocket lifts off
>danny goes to room 237 / rocket leaves earth and travels to the moon
>room 237 / 237 thousand miles from earth.

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Kubrick was butthurt because he and the boys figured out the camera work during 2001 but CIA niggers stole it and didn't give him credit. Kinda like the Planet of the Apes guys were spying on Kubrick's Dawn of Man crew for their monkey costumes.

Side theory. Kubrick only had to film Apollo 14-17 after Polanski said he wouldn't do it anymore.

It’s the same colour scheme.

>convinced there's raccord mistakes
Of course there is. Kubrick was a protectionist.

Ok so that sounds like we did go to the moon, what’s the problem?

The first overlay is a good catch, never saw it before. The monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey has almost the same aspect ratio as CinemaScope / Panavision. TV: têle (at a distance) & vīsiō (that which is seen). I believe the monolith represents a screen or TV, and with the screen or TV you can make things appear real that are not, that's what I believe to be the reason the monolith was placed in a surrealistic environment in one of the last scenes. One year later the moon landings were staged and (almost) the whole world believed it to be true. Such of great power is the screen/monolith, and in present day the screen is still adored by the monkeys (us) as a holy artifact. From my perspective the monolith represents the power to subvert reality.

why is he so swole here