>this is a shot from an american childrens television show
explain yourselves mutts
This is a shot from an american childrens television show
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior was Jewish
aint nothing wrong with pro israel propaganda
literally every child watched this and was brainwashed by it
t. me
American christians loved this shit
It's a fucking Passover special, you retard.
he was a palestine
Viacom is evil
WTF why does the baby who is playing as King David have a star of David on his shield?! (In Hebrew "Magen David" literally translates to shield of David)
Wrong he was a patriotic republican voting white anglo-american
Jesus was never Jewish. He was, ironically, Muslim and was one of Allah's prophets. It's a bit funny seeing all these historical events put in to perspective, i.e. Crusades, modern Christian hatred of Muslims and the Middle-East. From this we can gather that basically the whole of Christendom is an off-shoot founded on misinterpretation and that Islam and it's prophets are the progenitor of Christianity.
christianity and islam are both bastard misinterpretations of Judaism.
It's why both christians and muslims are slaves to Jews to this very day.
>educating children about different faiths is bad
t. Retarded polfag
>Jesus was never Jewish. He was, ironically, Muslim and was one of Allah's prophets.
please drop sauce for further reading user, this seems interesting
Nothing wrong with it. There are trillions of Christmas specials.
there are so many xmas specials but when they do a passover one you bigots REE!
This was like the one popular American cartoon that had a Hanukkah special.
You're a retard if you listen to that user. Christianity is older than Islam.
>explain yourselves mutts
They are not the chosen people of their own God
Good ol' Angel Cop.
jews rape kids
Thomas Pickles is jewish on his mothers side
Roman historians argue he was pushing a different type of judaism but they got the name wrong and got 'Crestus'
this. They also had christmas episodes, even a fucking Kwanza episode for the black characters. They had an episode for every major religious holiday
>be non american
>watch the rugrat jew episodes as a kid
>wonder what the fuck is happening
>think jewish is some made up fantasy religion along the lines of rolf's nationality in ed edd and eddy
Who knew
>Jewnited States of America
Retard. "Christ" (Christos) is the Greek translation of Messiah.
Wrong. Jesus was clearly a white aryan who would have been a staunch Trump supporter.
just telling a fact, user
calm the hate
stealing this
Any book on Islam should do. Jesus was the 24th prophet in a line of 25.
Fun fact: Hebwrew=/=jew. There were 12 tribes of Israel lead by the sons of king israel and the Judeans were the cursed and hated tribe who's leader Judas killed his brother Joseph the leader of the real chosen people who are a lost tribe.
Moses,Paul and many others are were from other tribes like the Levi and Benjamin.
Jews are the biggest "we wuz"ers in history.
>In Islam, ʿĪsā ibn Maryam (Arabic: عيسى بن مريم, lit. 'Jesus, son of Mary'), or Jesus, is understood to be the penultimate prophet and messenger of God (Allah) and al-Masih, the Arabic term for Messiah (Christ), sent to guide the Children of Israel with a new revelation: al-Injīl (Arabic for "the gospel").
>Jesus is believed to be a prophet who neither married nor had any children and is reflected as a significant figure, being found in the Quran in 93 verses with various titles attached such as "Son of Mary" and other relational terms, mentioned directly and indirectly, over 187 times.
>He is thus the most mentioned person in the Quran by reference; 25 times by the name Isa, third-person 48 times, first-person 35 times, and the rest as titles and attributes.
this is all funny considering islam didn't exist and neither did judeaism in it's current form
>muh judeao christian psyop
Every religion is
He hated the jews though, and the jews hated him back anyway. Read the Bible.
Imagine a religion celebrating the death of children and the destruction of a whole country by their demon god.
>jew sending the honest white man out to fight his battles for him
undeniably redpilled
More like Anglos are slaves to Jews to this very day.
does this mean i can redeem myself as an israeli kike? i mean i am opposed to circumcision and any other jewry really. what do?
Literally the biggest redpill ever posted on this site
Jews dont agree, he was a heretic who "burns in a river of excrement"
>Jesus was never Jewish. He was, ironically, Muslim and was one of Allah's prophets
Calling Jesus a Jew is like calling George Washington British.
Not only was George Washington an avid member of the London freemasons, but he also was a spy for King George and maintained secret correspondence with him. You're correct about Christ but pick a better comparison.
He was literally killed because he wasn't a Jew.
There are no American television shows, only Jewish shows produced in America
He was from them but not among them
what the fuck kind of confederate amerimutt alexjonesian paranoid schizophrenic crackpot theory is this?
>be me
>5-year-old amrimutt in kindergarten
>christmas time rolls around
>hear one of the redneck kids on the school bus ask "what's this hanukah shit?"
>tell the story because I learned it from this episode
>"huh, so you're jewish, user?"
>"What? No, I-"
>"C'mon user, just admit it."
>have brown hair and a polish last name, could probably pass for a yid
>older jewish girl from my bus stop overhears
>"If he says he's not jewish then he's not jewish, Cletus."
>rednecks distrust me because they think I'm crypto schlomo
>jewess upset at me because outsiders shouldn't take credit for their tribe
And the Jews killed him, and they've been punished over and over again though history for making that mistake.
Yeah, but he wasn't very good at it.
the censored version just calls them "american bankers" as if that's not the same thing.
He's merely half-jewish.
maybe ypipo shouldnt have adopted a semitic religion all those years ago
they aren't misinterpretations, they are schisms. if jesus existed at all, he was raised jew and became a peaceful separatist that did not agree with the direction judaism was going. considering they were still being ruled by a tribe mentality cause romans could give fuck all about them except their land, i dont really blame him. im not christian, but many of jesus' teachings and philosophies are in my opinion the best way to treat each other in personal way. political no.
The Romans killed him. Romanized wealthy Jews who benefited from Rome sold Yahushua out, similar to the time when Jerusalem was under the dominion of antiochus epiphanes and Judah Maccabee emerged in opposition to the same kind of wealthy hellenized class of Jews.
The majority of the early Christians were Jewish though, other people converted too, but it was obviously something that began for the Hebrew people. There actually was no difference between Christianity and Judaism until later persecution from Rome, and sectarian battles over the Biblical canon split it. Same thing happened to Islam early on as well
Jews are the synagogue of satan
this episode is old testament kino and you're cringe for having a problem with it, OP
user, Yahushua was literally from the royal bloodline of King David, he was the most Jewish person that could possibly exist. He was supposed to be the King of Israel. Being declared the King of the Jews is why he was killed, and a sign with that written on it was nailed to his cross mockingly.
The simble of your religion literally had the King of the Jews written on it.
romans only let the jews do what they want because they thought it was the easiest way to keep order in the shit hole. jews back then do what they do now: play the victim even though they hold all the power. and they claim those posing no threat are actually major threats to their system. so the romans figured it was easier to keep appeasing them since the jews played lackey well enough while they occupied their land.
imagine if your town was invaded by an outside force and your mayor and the council instead of sticking up for you, just sucked the invading forces dicks so they could keep staying in power all while telling you how much they hate them too.
Jesus was a socialist
i have no problem with jesus being jewish. you ironically misinterpreted my post.
but he fullfilled jewish law and was the end of judaism
Babbys are larping as Israelites. Obviously, this is some sort of conspiracy because it portrays Jews.
>There actually was no difference between Christianity and Judaism until later persecution from Rome
This is the exact opposite of reality. The Romans had to repeatedly suppress Jewish violence against Christians. Rome was religiously pluralistic while Jews wanted to murder everyone who wasn't like them, especially other Jews who adopted Christianity.
>helping people yourself instead of having the state do it
Only braindead Muslim Anons unironically have a problem with it.
Yes, Judea was a notoriously rebellious province in Rome, there were many wars. Rome was a whore though at this point, they took in the wealthy royal bloodlines from all of their empire into their own.
You just have obvious Jew hatred, and it's hilarious because the entirety of the bible is the story of the Jewish people and Israel, and Yahushua is bringing you into the tribe of Israel if you worship him
the bible isn't a political manifesto user. Jesus didn't explain how we should construct our goverment. But he wasn't materialist, hung out with thieves and whores, helped poor people without any compensation and didn't give a fuck about money. If you want to act like Jesus, be more like that. Conservatives are the literal opposite of this mindset.
>You just have obvious Jew hatred
Only Jews say things like this
This, but unironically
Mistake? Don’t you owe your salvation to his sacrifice? Without the Jews you’d be damned from birth.
this would make a good tattoo
ive ignored the fact that you keep calling him
and i dont have hatred for jews, just shitty people. not my fault that many jews fall into this category.
It's literally people worshipping the exact same God, Yahweh, a name that they would have both been saying at this early point. It's like you forgot the majority of Yahushuas following was made up of Jewish people, because he came to save Israel and the Hebrews, converting others along the way. Most of them split off after Yahushua died, most thinking it was over.
Only about 500 people were early Christians, they took up the spiritual Kingdom of Israel for themselves setting out to convert others and find a new home for it.
Germans took it up and starting larping as the new Israelites with Christianity
Can't believe fuckers are still that mad. But hey, after losing their tribe and empire with the fall of Solomon, they only got worse.
>Judeans were the cursed and hated tribe who's leader Judas killed his brother Joseph the leader of the real chosen people who are a lost tribe.
it will become less confusing when the USA finally renames itself to "new israel".
the apostles were all jewish
Lol that's what his actual name was user, you know, in Hebrew the language that he spoke and the language all of the sacred texts were originally written in. The name of the God in the bible is Yahweh, the warrior king of heaven and Israel. Lol he literally spoke in Hebrew, if you're a Christian your God literally speaks in Hebrew and created it. How can you possibly hated Jews and be a Christian when you worship their God
Sorry Shmuley, no one is buying it
t. camel urine drinker
Lol, my bubbè had the passover one on VHS as well as the Lambchop passover special. I always loved them as a kid.
What are you talking about hasidic homeboy? From the perspective of Pontious Pilate Jesus was innocent and didn't found him guilty, even after a lot of pressure the only thing he considered for Jesus was for him to receive the whip. It's clear Caiaphas wasn't able to kill Jesus personally (because of the Easter celebration and it could create a riot among the population because of the followers of Jesus, so he needed the romans to do it. And Pilate even said during Easter, the Caesar granted the oportunity of letting a man walk free from his punishment, Caiphas only brings those he consider could vote against Jesus and let Barrabas free.
Jews don't have swords in the passover story.
Jews worship Satan, not God.
You are so fucking deluded with your so obviously intentionally distorted view of history that you pretend to not be engaging in. You're looking for Jew hatred in your readings.
Judah is the King tribe of Israel, the leader of the twelve tribes, the tribe of King David and of Yahushua himself, the one your God annointed the chosen people.
You seriously don't even have a clue about what the character of the 12 tribes were or the intricacies of the conflicts they fought between each other
King David designed the star(supposedly)
Had a feeling that it was going to be wikipedia.
The sacrifice was going to happen, it was written, Jesus knew it, his mother knew and God considering his position as all mighty knew it.
Jesus avoids the posibility of being a fighting king and using violence because if you see the previous story, all the amount of violence and attempts to bring the people under one will failed. Solomon got corrupted because of his power, David was up to his neck with blood and he stole the woman of somebody else, Abraham also failed in having enough faith, Moses at the end had to travel around the desert with people without a chance to see the land.
The hexagram has been used by priests and occult practitioners for much longer than the hebrews
Look mom, I memed!
>Jews are the biggest "we wuz"ers in history.
Pretty much, modern judaism is mostly made up in response to Christianity after the Second Temple fell and have very little relationship with the ancient practice.
Pre-Jesus jews worshipped under the direction of the Priests (Cohens) and not the Scholars (Rabbis) for one very notable example.
Dayenu mother fucker. Every little detail would have been enough on it's own.
That’s just the name pseuds started using within the past like decade. Actual historians are rolling their eyes whenever someone says it. It’s like a non Italian pronouncing mozzarella the way he thinks Italians pronounce it.
The 12 tribes were cursed because of Solomon's actions. After that, all the kings from the trives only got worse and commited the same mistakes.
Their religion is built around hatred of Christians and finding excuses for why they don't have to follow the religion they claim to be descended from anymore. It's just a weird mess of lies and excuses.
Jesus was a hippie. Prove me wrong.
Lol you both worship the same God, Yahweh, who was a bronze age mountain God who over time tales on a distant ascended form and eventually becomes entirely metaphysical after the crucifixion
There's no possible way you can jump through mental hoops to make it so Yahushua wasn't being talked to by the God of the Jews
>user, Yahushua was literally from the royal bloodline of King David
Hahaha, hell no. Jesus wasn't related to King David, that was something they decided to add to give him the aura of someone that comes from a legacy of Kings. He wasn't related to David.
>helped poor people without any compensation and didn't give a fuck about money.
He also told his disciples who demanded that money spent on him be given to the poor instead to fuck off because "the poor will always be among you" and the Bible states that the person saying that don't really care about the poor at all but just wanted the alms-money to be bigger because he regularly stole from it.
You know, just like Socialists steal money from the workers.
>jesus was a drug addled slut obsessed with following mass media trends
>if I repeat the lie that makes it more true
Quintessentially Yiddish
can you give me a source for that? sounds oddly specific
It is a chalice and blade. Joined in union. Representing harmony and balance, power and dignity. Tommy and Chuckie.
Literally the oldest name for him we have is the greek transliteration of it Ἰησοῦς aka Iēsoûs aka Jesus.
Yeshua is some modern reconstructionist LARP bullshit (which is all your hebrew is) akin to calling him by an imagined PIE naming when we have actual examples of ancients putting his name down to text based on how it sounded.
Meanwhile you spend your off time hating on Judaism.
Funny how that works.
Are you fucking kidding me? Lol do you not see the supreme irony of calling them we wuzers when all of Europe stole the spiritual metanarrative of the Israelites and claimed it as their own? Lol you abandoned your own Gods for the Jews God and then call them the pretenders?
Modern Jews are definitely bitter as fuck towards Christianity, but you deserve it, you destroyed so much of our European spiritual heritage.
It's a bit more complicated than that. Hebrews praised other gods besides Record Scratch, from the gods of Caanan and other pagan gods from the region. And to some degree demons, Judaism has a entire section that talks about "good" demons.
Hell no. The God represented in the New Testament is completely different to the one from the Old Testament/Talmud/Tanaj. Even Jesus made a difference between the God, his dad and the god they were praising.
The evil of others doesn't make yours good, retard-O
Jesús Ramirez Fransisco was a proud Mexican you liar.
Jay Dyer watcher?
Actually the design is based on one of Solomon's rings.
Lol yes he was, it's a key aspect of the entire narrative of the Bible, the only reason he would have claim to Kingship of Israel is through Davids bloodline. The Davidic bloodline being consecrated by Yahweh as the Kings house is essential to the idea of their even being a spiritual Kingdom of Israel, which is where Heaven is and Yahweh dwells. The throne of Israel is mirrored of the throne of Heaven
Dude, I don't know where any of you get this shit lol.
I was born and raised a Jew, went to Hebrew School and temple for 13 years of my life, and not once was anything about demons or devils mentioned. Keep in mind I went to different schools varying from conservative, to moderate.
Absolutely nothing. It's all in your head. Where do you pull this shit from?
>our European spiritual heritage
A bit late to pretend you aren't a Jew
Mary's anointing of Jesus at Bethany, it's in both John and Matthews. One of them keeps the name of the disciple vague while the other states it's Judas and that he was in charge of the alms and merely desired to steal the money.
If you don't even know about something that basic you shouldn't be running your mouth off about Christianity and what Jesus was really like, like a jackass.
The guy just went out of his way to admit he was.
You anti semites are not at all bright, huh?
>noticing someone's obsessive hatred of you means you hate them obsessively
Classic Jewish projection
He was a Rabbi
Lol how can you even think it's a lie? Wjat God do you think was talking to Yahushua?
>I was born and raised a Jew,
What a surprise. Just tell your rabbi that you guys should do a better job covering your old customs.
But its actually true, not a projection, and I invite you to try and prove me wrong.
Jesus, and I thought the JIDF wasn't relevant anymore.
Listen, I don't know about 1000s of years ago (neither do you), but I still was never taught anything about demons, from the past or present.
You can make shit up and peddle shit from random geocities-looking websites all you want.
Doesn't make your statements factual..
>engage a liar and a fraud in an honest debate
Lol no
Hey, man. I'm just going to say that lurking some stuff about your previous King, the King of Mages (Solomon) I found some interesting stuff that you guys keep doing to this date.
They are getting panicked lately as they lose ground on the Left and Right
Lol just so you know, every single aspect of history that we know about is through the lens of it being reconstructed in different languages by different people, based off of fragments and second and third hand accounts of things that no longer exist.
Just so you know I'm a Luciferian Magus and a Eulis practitioner, I know most of this from both a lifetime of reading this kind of material, and also a friend of mine who's currently in a Messianic Hebrew cult and we argue over these things constantly. Point being, you're wrong and believe propaganda
He rejected the kikes just like the kikes rejected him.
unironically return to reddit you dumb lolsorandom :3 faggot
>If you don't even know about something that basic you shouldn't be running your mouth off about Christianity and what Jesus was really like, like a jackass.
triggered snowflake
by the way, I just read the part you mentioned, and it didn't even remotly resemble what you made out of it. either you're lying or mentaly retarded.
>I'm a Luciferian Magus and a Eulis practitioner, I know most of this from both a lifetime of reading this kind of material, and also a friend of mine who's currently in a Messianic Hebrew cult and we argue over these things constantly
I'm a Luciferian Magus who worships many Gods, but I venerate my people's Gods the most, I go to Latvia every year to perform pagan solstice rituals. You people have no idea what you even believe in is
See, you show you clearly care more about pushing anti-semitism than actual debate.
How pathetic. Reply with another anime pic, faggot.
Yea? Like what?
>Meanwhile you spend your off time hating on Judaism.
But you spend both on time and off time hating Christians just because Jesus exposed you for what you are, same as Hitler did.
Haven't you realized yet? Stop acting like fucking subhumans and people will stop hating you.
Lol so you actually think that a new God just suddenly emerged and birthed Yahushua? You're so confused.
Tell me this, what language did your God write the ten commandments in?
>actual debate
Wait do you actually think you are deserving of debate? That's kinda sad desu, you are in for a rough future.
You're wrong, almost all references to demons and Satan are in the New Testament. That's when the exorcism, repent shouting preacher part of the story begins.
But you're right about Solomon, he absolutely did practice magic and he summoned and bound demons to his service. I try to replicate many things that Solomon did in my occult practices
Not sure what you mean.
I'm a New Yorker who plays piano and studies programming. I don't know what you are referring to. But you sound prejudice.
So you are basically admitting it's no use listening to your rhetoric as you admit to refuse to debate based on hatred and prejudice
Cool lol. Rough future? I make $150K a year and have a large social circle, dating regularly with a loving family.
What's rough about that?
>when all of Europe stole the spiritual metanarrative of the Israelites and claimed it as their own?
The spiritual metanarrative of Judaims is an earthly kingdom and all foreign tribes put under their rule forever. Christianity's invention of a paradisical afterlife has little to no relation of the previous jewish views (which they stole from the Babylonians and Zoroastrians in any case).
>Lol you abandoned your own Gods for the Jews God
The Jew "G-d" as you would have written if you were actually one of them, never spread much outside of their own communities and converts. Theirs has a more grecian temperament than the Christian one, even if they're both supposedly monotheist.
That's why the first big intellectual anti-semitic movement, rather than local ones arising from living with them as so often happened, came out when a Christian hebrew scholar went to one of their Rabbinical school and studied under them for 17 years under guise of conversion before publishing a book explaining their actual views without any untruths mixed in. (Eisenmenger for reference, still the most damning exposition of judaism written)
>and then call them the pretenders?
>Modern Jews are definitely bitter as fuck towards Christianity
Well they are as most of their religion arose in response to Christianity rather than organically out of what came before.
>but you deserve it, you destroyed so much of our European spiritual heritage.
Which spiritual heritage would that be that Christians wiped out?
Because religious Jews certainly don't like anything animist or nature-based except arguably as a bat to use against Christianity. (sort of like how secular jews use civil rights groups)
the characters were jewish, that's the star of david. what's the problem here?
I'm not far off from that, I've tried my whole life to restore the lost spiritual traditions of my people to my soul from prechristian life
> I make $150K a year and have a large social circle, dating regularly with a loving family.
Imagine being the sort of incel who would say things like that on 4channel.edu
>I'm a Luciferian Magus who worships many Gods, but I venerate my people's Gods the most, I go to Latvia every year to perform pagan solstice rituals.
Your God is Jewish
Just trying to prove that me being a Jew is not going to limit my lifestyle. I'm not surrounded by people trying to bring me down. It's just a group of idiots on the internet.
>Just so you know I'm a Luciferian Magus and a Eulis practitioner, I know most of this from both a lifetime of reading this kind of material, and also a friend of mine who's currently in a Messianic Hebrew cult and we argue over these things constantly.
>trying to prove that me being a Jew is not going to limit my lifestyle
>trying to 'prove' things on the internet by saying them
Kek, and you being a Jew limits you to eternal damnation. That's bad enough.
Oh, so you're uneducated and believe in fairy tales.
Still believe in the tooth fairy?
Well this was fun, goodbye
yeah you better run
Listen, in my personal opinion, the Biblical Hebrew people never actually existed, nor did the Kingdom of Israel. Anyone who doesn't understand that the Bible is a mythological canon isn't paying attention.
The modern Hebrew identity was crafted sometime in the 1880s when Hebrew was first being restored as a language, as did many ethnic and nationalist identities in this time, eventually resulting in the creation of Israel in the 40s.
What language did he speak?
Hell doesn't exist
>Hell doesn't exist
This is what coin clippers have to tell themselves to get through the day
Is there anything more despicable than germanics and Christianity?
>destroyed the most civilized nation state in the world with nothing coming close till the 19th century west European states
>plunged Europe into 1000 years of subhumanity
>the men who took Europe out of it were secular Southern European men
>northern euros usurped civilization because southrons were busy warring against Muslims
>Christianity destroyed the heritage of all Europeans now euros accept Africans and Arabs because it’s what Jesus would want
This is like people arguing over Game of Thrones politics/religions.
It's no different. You're all idiots.
There's no way you can deny the existence of Christian Zionism and it's obvious shared goals of being seated over the world. Just outright denying that Christianity has anything to do with the Old Testament, when it's the basis of the entire belief system is absolutely baffling.
>>There's no way you can deny the existence of Christian Zionism
American Protestant Zionism is a fairly recent phenomenon and doesn't share much with Christianities spread in the West, arguably the opposite if anything.
No, this is reality and these beliefs and mechanisms in society control all of our lives consciousness or unconsciously. If you don't have active beliefs in all matters related to shaping your world view, you're letting other people shape it for you.
Good back to your fucking soft core porn hbo shows if you can't handle talking about shit
Lol you're the one who constantly is paranoid that the reason you watch cuck porn is because Jews brainwashed you to do it, that's a Hell of your own creation
none of this matters because all religions are wrong
Say what now?
Religion is a legitimate framework to build the foundations of a society upon and create a cultural identity around. It's important for a society to have a contextualizing cultural narrative and sense of shared consciousness
>destroyed the most civilized nation state in the world with nothing coming close till the 19th century west European states
Western Rome was destroyed by the ever-expanding state of Roman citizenship and the decay of it's core civil institutions due to infighting and still Eastern (Greek) Rome outlived it for ages.
>plunged Europe into 1000 years of subhumanity
During which it saw the most rapid advancement in human history.
>the men who took Europe out of it were secular Southern European men
The Renaissance were all but secular during it's height and owes more than a little to the Scots and the adoption of Protestantism among the Northerners.
>northern euros usurped civilization because southrons were busy warring against Muslims
Ignoring their incessant infighting by way of the city states, Venetians and jewish betrayals.
>Christianity destroyed the heritage of all Europeans
If anything it subsumed most of them.
>now euros accept Africans and Arabs because it’s what Jesus would want
Most of the refugee worship is secular brainwashing first religion second. Although it admittedly has it's roots in secularized ideas of Christian universalism, wether Marxist or Renaissance Liberalism.
>It's important for a society to have a contextualizing cultural narrative and sense of shared consciousness
no it isn't
>this is reality
You guys are talking about fictional God/s and hot fiery places where your body and soul spend eternity (even though your body will be six feet under ground right here on Earth)
Yeah. Reality. My ass.
I can't wait for a day in the future when all you faggots who cling onto 1000s year old book are gone forever
In either case, Christians have done all of the exact things to each other and to everyone else that you claim jews have always done, which they have
Actually Rome had its act together with diocletian but the implementation of kike worship made it weak to the hordes of illegal germanics pouring through the borders. Everything else is wrong. Fuck Christianity, fuck Germanic scum and fuck you too user.
>The Romans killed him
Yes it is, it's actually very necessary
This is going to sound arrogant, but you just don't have the capacity to understand these things. Most people don't
Why do Jews always bring up pornography?
Way after West Rome was done for. When it started giving client states and military elects citizenship under the guise of romanization it was dying and by the time of Caracalla it was the final deathknell, Christianity was largely unimportant to it's fall and Germanics were simply the final noticeable drop in a long process of decay that started with the Social War.
>Everything else is wrong.
Yeah, that's why you're being so specific in your denial. Not like you just spent your first day on /his/ and fell for the memes or anything.
>Yes it is, it's actually very necessary
no it isn't, it actually doesn't matter at all..
you sound like a bumbling retard.
>th-the romans did it!
oy vey
religion only served to do two things early on
>give life a purpose because consciousness made us fear death
>explain things we cant explain
then it evolved to become
>a deterrent against unlawful (and sinful) acts for the sake of creating a stable society
>put people in power
>rule the masses through fear
now its
>the place to be if youre a pedophile and you want to molest third world kids
>a business
Lol they did, like it was literally Roman hands that crucified him. Obviously he was sold out hard and spit on by Jews who wanted to keep their Roman ways of life
Why do fucking morons always say this?
Lol I thought you types died off. Literally all higher ordered and structured civilization was built top down through religion and priesthoods, who put order to time and the cycles of the day. It's where the idea of government and Kingship come from. You just think in terms of Christianity and Islam
He literally was Jewish, there is no way to deny this. He spoke Hebrew and was a Rabbi
>literally Roman hands that crucified him
Except of course that the Romans gave him dispensation, the Sanhedrin including the highest priest found him guilty at their jewish trial none of them Romanized since they would not have held those if they were and Pilate made a point of "washing his hands" of the whole affair when the Hebrew leaders demanded his death despite his attempts to sidestep them through Barabas.
Hence why we have this quote on the jews complicity:
"So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!" "
"It's better to cut your eyes out, than look upon a women with lust."
Because of pic related
How else do they sacrifice the goyim kid they captured?
He wasn't circumcised though
By your reasoning modern Judaism is a bastard misinterpretation of what it used to be as it follows the Talmud over the Old Testament and the Talmud was written in the 4th century AD
Gonna be totally honest: as an Israeli / Jewish kid that was born and raised in the US, this episode made me feel good seeing our fairytale being portrayed in a super popular cartoon I absolutely loved.
Tons of Christmas specials get boring.
>was a Rabbi
He was a carpenter and baptised
>spoke Hebrew
also spoke Greek and Aramaic
Lol who's God did he believe in?
Okay, pop quiz time, idiot. If Jesus was jewish, then why does he have a Puerto Rican name?
>Crypto Schlomo
I lost
It was so weird how after the Bris episode, Tommy was more moody and prone to violence/misbehaving than before. Almost as though something fundamentally changed him.
If you study the history and the theology, you'll find that the Jews of the OT were fully realized when Christ came, got crucified, and then resurrected. The Jews that rejected Christ started a new religion that is predominantly guided by the Talmud. So yes, Christ was Jewish is the old sense but not in the sense that you're trying to frame it. Plus he got baptized which essentially "rewrites" his label as a Jew.
>Gonna be totally honest
>as an Israeli / Jewish kid
kek, the RABBIt hole goes much, much deeper
Jesus never spoke Hebrew you mongoloid he only spoke Aramaic, Greek and a bit of Latin
I haven't seen this show in forever but I'm assuming that they had stories for other religions such as Islam as well, right?
ITT: fanfiction
>hung out with thieves and whores
I hate it when atheists and commies use this shitty argument, you make it sound like he was out partying with these people when actually the only reason they followed him was to leave their sinful habits behind
You incels are triggered by anything
Incels don’t have sex
why would the jews get another jew killed?
Explain how the end goal of Christianity isn't to see your Master, the King of the Jews return and establish the new Kingdom of Israel
Obsessed incel
>WTF why does the baby who is playing as King David have a star of David on his shield?!
Kabbalistic stars weren't around back then, (((user))). The occult is just a bastardized version of Platonism.
Fucking religous larpers
Make your own shows incel
Never happened according to pol. Make up your minds neckbeards
> you make it sound like he was out partying with these people
no, literally no one said that. the point is that he wouldn't condemn those people, even though they lived sinful lifes.
So pol is triggered by bible stories now? What’s next?
/pol/ were aways a bunch of shitty LARPagans, newfag