It will never ever end.
Capeshit will be here dominating the Film industry forever.
It will never ever end
>introduce Captain Feminism and her cancerous actress as the Iron Man replacement
>nobody likes her
>reduce her role in Endgame
>groom SpiderMan and Holland as the new Iron Man
I'll happily watch them if they keep making the suit tigher with every new movie
And here you are, bitching about it, when you could be helping.
I honestly don't understand. Why do these movies do so well? It's just the same shit again and again.
Why are you posting this everywhere? that desperate for attention? I'm not bothering with any of it though I'm fucking sick of super heroes, have no plans to watch Endgame either it can all go fuck itself.
Nerds are the new chads. They bully people who don't watch capeshit and fuck 10/10 women.
China, if you cut out chinese money the MCU would barelly do 1 billion with hallmark movies like IW and EG
Because they somehow found out the secret code to please NPCs and so they just do the same shit again and again and it's successful everytime
I honestly don't understand. Why do these movies do so well?
That's because you and your kin might just be retards.
How can you not understand basic science fantasy?
It uses the same logic as you repetitively making the same generic questions that fish easy replies quick and simple
It's to fill a gap in the emptyness inside of you and all these people
So he wants people to only know him as Spider-Man then, that's not a wise thought for an actor unless he doesn't care about his career and does this only for fame and money?
>fame and money?
How is this a negative?
he will be the new face of the MCU, you know how much money that is? and he's young
he's actually just saying what his disney overlords tell him to say
>So he wants people to only know him as Spider-Man then
And that's bad because...
Sony are the ones distributing the Spider Man films, not Disney
Only negative if you want people to see you as a serious actor. See Robert Pattinson or Dan Radcliffe gor example. They're trying so hard to erase the past roles that people identity them with.
it just feels like captain marvel destroyed the scale of power levels in the movies, I have a hard time feeling the awe of power levels anymore. The univese needs a power level reset. make it More Earth like with Spiderman and the Xmen, keep stupid shit like captain marvel away. Slowly build up villains with various power levels and after a while introduce some with the power level of captain marvel but don't have him be defeated by bullshit like time travel.
Seriously, was making Brie Larson the new face of capeshit really Disney's endgame? They can't be that far up their asshole!
>Only negative if you want people to see you as a serious actor.
So it's ok. Not everyone cares.
peter parker gives up being spiderman and becomes iron man. passes the torch to miles morales.
I believe it's family movies. So instead of selling just one ticket, they're selling a ticket for dad, mom and the 2 siblings
I don't know how people aren't getting capeshit fatigue yet...We're literally getting a capeshit film every month at this point.
Dont worry user you'll be dead soon
It's American culture now. We used to have culture before we slaughtered the Natives, so superhero films are the closest thing.
I don't understand why they had to make her a cunt AND stronger than everyone else
Why not just have her on the heavy hitter team with the Hulk and Thor?
look how they power boosted Rey. Strongest being in the universe, everyone likes her. The universe will bend and break its own rules just to make her right..
They are childish Enough for adults but adult enough for kids
Yeah weird it's like there is a cult following them and would watch anything related to them.
That was my point. If he thinks like that and want to continue doing capeshit, he doesn't take himself as a serious actor. There are other actors close to his qge who are more thoughtful about the roles they take.
>Tom Holland WILL happily make 20 Spider-Man movies
underrated post
I feel like cape shit got popular because things like Thor invoked some ancestral genetic memroies in people and some how that brainwashed them into always watching that cape shit. Same with Black Panther it did some genetic memory voodoo shit of some african voodoo god.
Honestly don't know what you are talking about.
Literally my first post in a week.
reminder that if this film makes 1 billion then that means marvel made 5 consecutive movies that passed the billion mark
which means Marvel will NEVER end
You'd think they had learn something after the nu-wars disaster
Advertisements and China
I don't think Ant-Man 2 made a billion dollars
~5 years or so and than everyone will be bored
I dunno, guys with boyish faces don't age very well...
Gone with the Wind is still the biggest adjusted for inflation movie of all time, because people will watch the same shit over and over. Now 80 years later with all the 'improvements' in marketing, research/analysis, of course it's possible to sell the same capeshit movies.
Now, but her tongue can be that far up a Disney exec's asshole.
>three out of four movies made a billion dollars
Incels always lose
>still only at 2.3 billion
What happened to beating Avatar mauscucks?
Why did they never just pump out Gone with the Wind sequels?
You don't really understand how the film industry and studios work, do you?
Disney stopped doing animated Kinos because they are having more success with marvel, star wars and the new live action garbage.
The more capeshit, unnecessary sequels and remakes the less good movies we have.
Studios will eventually not bother making original well written movies.
>all movies cancelled after the first SW movie to bomb at the BO, focusing on cheap TV series
I enjoy superhero movies.
So block the threads?
This. But he needs to be gay too, don’t want to see him ruined with ugly Weinstein chud like zendaya.
So nobody actually cares?
>They'll never stop the capeshit
>Have no fear. We can milk this for years
>Like - Black Panther becomes king of Earth
>Maybe Hulk kills some white guys
>Has Thor been confirmed as trans?
>Or how 'bout lesbian weddings?
>And we push an agenda do-do-do-do-doooo
>Sorry for the Twitter cap
>Have no fear. We can milk this for years
Spidey becomes dock-ock
Thor gets a cellphone
yep. a strong bond with the school's white chad
also delete this picture
Wow. Somehow I read that was "Tom Hilland will happily suck 20 dicks". Seems low.
Capeshit that will make billions & entertain countless people. The purpose of cinema is entertainment, & it's fulfilling that purpose. Marvel will rule the box office for years to come, cope
This is retarded thinking though. Just because an actor does superhero movies doesn't exclude them from more high-brow roles. On the contrary just the added face appeal of a having a Marvel star can be a huge boon to a movie in and of itself. Scarlett Johansson is a brilliant example of an actor having great work outside of the franchise. You name Daniel Radcliffe as an actor that's struggled to get away from Harry Potter - yet he's been in some great movies since, like The Woman in Black.
I think you've just conjured up this idea in your head that being in Marvel Movies means they can't do other high-brow/successful work. It's complete bullshit mate.
He’ll happily earn millions of dollars, what a kind hearted an unselfish individual
I think you mean "Tom will happily suck the same dick 20 times". He's a pure monogamic lad meant for only one SO
Robert Downey Jr was in 10 of them so it could happen, when Tom is even younger
All I want is a high school trilogy, college into adulthood trilogy, Peter being a mentor to Miles trilogy, and his 6 teamup movies and guest starring in other heroes movies, theres like 15 movies alone
that's when I'm officially out, I fucking hate that nigger, it's Peter Parker or nothing
In a row?
Still a better timeline than the one in which captain fungus is the central lead o the MCU. Not that I care, mind you, but if I'll decide to pirate these movies I'd rather see him than her.
Was being a kind hearted and selfless individual a prenuptial the world has to sign?
Because they're enjoyable to watch? Why does tokusatsu do well? Why does Godzilla do well? Why did Dracula, the Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankensein's Monster, The Mummy, etc all do well? People like action, people like spectacles, people like characters, people like superheroes, people like superheroes collaborating with each other. Hell, people nowadays still look back fondly on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers and some even get into Super Sentai because of it.
The better question is why are you so angry about them existing? I get it ties up good actors and I get that the stories can be pretty samey if you're not used to MotW stories, but you people make it sound like it's the end of the world.
Farewell retard, poser 'movie-only's should stay quiet anyways
and? He's probably already made enough money at this point to retire just from the four movies he's been in and will continue to gain fun money just from dicking around with Disney. Hell, he could just let Spider-man be his one role if he feels like it. Not everyone wants to be a serious actor, not everyone wants to continue acting if they've hit such a big role, typecasting is only bad if you're trying to be serious or you're Christpher Eccleston and very paranoid about it.
>All I want is a high school trilogy, college into adulthood trilogy, Peter being a mentor to Miles trilogy, and his 6 teamup movies and guest starring in other heroes movies, theres like 15 movies alone
She is still sign for like 7 movies ...
I avoid shit with Miles like the plague, I hate him, the only reason he exists is because Bendis is a cuck who loves creating blacks that take the mantle of white characters
He should've died when his universe died but no
If most of the resources are spent on capeshit it means less for everything else.
is tom holland still aging? or is he like those horse jockeys who stay in teen mode
Infinity War made 1.688 billion without China. Endgame will be at about 2 billion without China
Hot. Would love to see Brie's look of disgust and self-hatred as she tonguefucks an old wrinkly Jewish asshole
>all these pushes for more spiderman
>hardly any mention about captain marvel anymore
Bitches love Spider-Man.
Except these are new movies too and there's nothing that says that money would go to new projects, for all you know it would just be allocated to stuff they're already doing. Hell, you don't even know if they'd be making enough money to threw around into new projects. It makes no sense to be angry at these when you get both worlds anyway, cape movies and regular movies of all varying types. Why can't they co-exist and why is it such a bad thing outside of soaking up some actors for a while?
It's what you get when you let fems touch young male entertaiment, they did that with Star Wars too :^)
Spider-man doesn't have a cape.
Checkmate, haters.
Capeshit gets milions while there is no adaptation for Fantasy Kino. It's not fair.
Surely you meant to post Malazan.
>a employee will gladly do a job 20 times for 20 paychecks
Wew lad, mind blown
Xmen would fuck up the power level even more (But not at CM level)
At this point I'm fully expecting something Shuma Gorath tier just to one up everything. The physical fights would fight earthly manifestations or maybe Dormammu is working with it after getting pissed at Strange while everyone who can fight it on a magical level would be doing the heavy lifting and the smart people would be assisting.
I fail to see the problem desu
and then you go an post the literal capeshit of fantasy. garbage tier mormon trash
Capeshit was around even before most of this board was born.
>An actor wanting to play the most popular and recognized hero of all time
No way
Larson herself said it's not the case
>capeshit crashes Hollywood with no survivors
And this is a bad thing how?
He’s also starring in utter kino like The Pilgrimage and Devil All The Time. He’ll be ok.
He’s working on other things, can actually act, and a lot of those “young actors” auditioned and failed to be Spider-Man.
Fuck off with Miles, please. Lame Jewish trash.
This. Quality over quantity, and no fucking pandering.
Eternal teen
He has absorbed Stan Lee's immortality.
Lmao bullshit. You got a source there, kid?
>No Jessica Drew
>No Ben Reilly
>No Takuya Yamashiro
Shit taste lad
Larson has to do 5 more movies: Captain Marvel 2 & 3, Avengers 5, X Men, Starjammers?
The absolute state of Burger media