Mulholland Drive did it better
Mulholland Drive did it better
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Persona is more grounded in reality.
Entirely different concepts
i dont even know what persona is about lmao
It's about lesbians
it's about a person
Folie a deux
I prefer Persona. Mulholland Drive felt... gay
This pretty much. At least Lynch has themes I can identify and is fairly grounded.
Persona wanders around a topic without really saying anything, and then you have to read a Wikipedia article and the director's biography, so that you can "interpret" it because the film was too pussy to make a statement of its own.
They're not really about the same thing
This isn't my Japanese video games
Blue is the warmest colour or whatever did it better.
Perfect Blue did it better
Multiple personality disorder
It's more about the absolutely kino cinematography and acting though
the only thing these films have in common is blurring of reality, two females characters and some duality. no idea why you're comparing them. Even Fight Club has that in common with the exception of it being two male characters
Yeah but Mulholland Drive doesn’t have a seen where the woman describes fucking a couple of like 12 year olds on the beach
Bergman created one of the most erotic scenes in cinema history with almost nothing but just one character talking
Probably the most lazy filmmaking I've ever seen
He didn't know better so I can forgive him
Bergman actually wrote that scene based on an experience he had as a child.
>Ingmar Bergman remembers in his memoir how he spent some time at age 8 or 9 years in the home of a middle-aged, widowed friend of his parents, Aunt Alla. His first encounter with heterosensuality was linked with the act of bathing. As he describes:
>"One evening I was to have a bath. The maid filled the bath and poured into it something that smelt good. I got into the hot water and dozed with pleasure. Alla Petreus knocked on the door to ask if I had fallen asleep. When I did not answer, she came in. She was wearing a green bathrobe which she at once took off."
>"She told me she was going to scrub my back. I turned over and she got into the bath, soaped me and scrubbed me with a stiff brush, then rinsed me with her soft hands. Then she took my hand, drew it towards her and pulled it between her thighs. The pulse in my neck throbbed as she parted my fingers and pressed them further in towards her loins. She enclosed my penis in her other hand and it reacted astonishingly and vigorously. She carefully pulled back my foreskin and poked away a mass of white stuff that had collected round my penis. All this was most pleasurable and not in the least frightening."
>"She held me firmly between her strong soft thighs and let me be rocked without resistance or fear into a weighty almost painful enjoyment."
Mulholland Drive is for edgy brainlets.
wow guess I'm an edgy brainlet then
Ingmar Smegmaboy Bergman
Ironically that opinion is for edgy brainlets.
Found the brainlet contrarian
I guess it was a different time
Agreed, and I prefer Bergman overall to Lynch. I've seen about 20 of Bergman's films and I'd rank Persona right at the bottom.
Wait, so when people say "Hey kid, wanna /ss/?", the /ss/ is Seventh Seal?
>niggas still hating on pedophilia
Based bergman saying it as it is
It's not like she fucking pegged him though. Just a cheeky handjob
People describe that as traumatic and think it's evil. Of course penetrative sex with a kid long about twice a dick head to toe is wrong.
>Mulholland Drive
This is just poorly written and directed A Clockwork Orange made by thots. Do people actually think this a good or innovative movie? In what fucking regard? I felt like I watched a 16 year old art hoe's student film.
>hehe why be a good person because the world is already spoiled! Let's go break men's hearts and eat raw eggs and bathe in milk because society is fucked!
If you unironically enjoy this garbage just an hero now.
Have sex