why does Hollywood cast white people as ancient Egyptians?
Why does Hollywood cast white people as ancient Egyptians?
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Because the ancient Egyptians were more white than black, the Coptics are closest to how they looked. And nobody wants to see ugly people following a fake woke narrative in their movies. Stupid libtard.
the average egyptian maybe, but the rulers and aristocracy were black
This. There were only a handful of black Pharaohs
Yeah wtf, why the fuck are they casting north africans as egyptians!
They were whiter even than the people, see Greece & Roman conquests. And North Africa didn’t get browned until the Muslim invasions ruined the entire area centuries later, if you look at the indigenous tribes, such as the Berbers, they look like Euros. Same story for the Middle East, the immediate world outside Europe was never a homogeneous brown lump.
This. Incontrovertible evidence libtards are so fucking stupid they need sterilising.
out of the 24 dynasties that ruled Egypt one of them was black, and it was a very short lived dynasty during the decline of Egypt.
Niggers cannot but help steal everything around them.
>how ancient Egyptians looked like
This is good bait
One dynasty was greek, by their logic white europeans should be allowed to play ancient egyptians too
>NubianS invade Egypt and pretend to be the new pharaohs
>eventually lead to the destruction of what we consider ancient Egypt
it was nubian conquerors and it was short dynasty, tho they were pretty cool
all these beckies and darrels can't handle the TRUTH that the most advanced and important civilation was created and led by black africans while their mayo ass was shittin in caves
Well look at the top two images. Who would want to look at that for 2 hours?
How does it feel to be enslaved by them?
/Pol can't accept that Africans can invent civilization
>whites are inferior
>but they are enslaving and oppressing us
Sufficiently tanned whites can kinda pass for MENA people. Blacks can't no matter what.
They can't.
redpill me on wh*teiod cavedwellers
>Nubian dinasty rules Egypt for 40 years out of 4000 years of non black Pharaons
>every Egyptian has to be black now
What the everloving fuck?
rent free
By the use of Tricknology, wh*tboi. Learn your history of deception.
watch empire of dust or go for a drive in detroit
egyptians are not blacks, they're arabs
kek they didnt even know how to do fractions properly while summerians aready were using square roots
ptolemy dynasty = White
nubian kushites = Black
everything else = North African
But if blacks were superior to whites, shouldn't they be able to counter these manipulation tactics?
He says whilst speaking a white language on a white computer whilst his black brothers cant figure out how to communicate with each other or when to plant crops.
Of course they can’t, because the mesopotamians invented civilisation
Yes we tricked one black into trading a rusty nail for one of his black slaves.
No, cause the black humans( true humans) are so pure, that they they were gullible and naive to the white deviltry. It wasn't until they were outnumbered and in chains until the innocent blackman understood tru face of every single whytoid.
this senpai. damn wypipo think dey invented da pirmids n shiet
>how ancient egyptians looked like
Egyptians hate niggers. You have no idea how badly they with they were in Asia.
Take the red(black)pill my brothers
>tfw you make an absolutely terrible and brainless racebaiting post but you still get all these (You)'s from nu/pol/ retards
>white/arab wash
your forgetting arab and levant
Boutella is more african than half of hollywood. She's from north africa, same latitude as Egypt, fuck off.
hes a great lecture to help all the young brothas (such as myself) out.
Hey wait. Something's familiar about all this.
> arab wash
>obsessed with shiny things
>primitive and superstitious
>enslaved each other
I could totally see niggers being Egyptians, great discussion OP
>Ptolemys are ancient egyptians
Egyptians were Nordic
>Amerimutts think this is white
>not using female dickwashers
What the fuck was wrong with Egyptians?
>north-african acting as an ancient north-african
Anything that isn’t black or explicitly Hispanic is “white” to you race-obsessed patronage hoarders
Those aren't dickwashers, they're dickcutters
Circumcision was first practiced by the Egyptians
That statue is from the Old Kingdom, nogbrains
2000 years before the Ptolemies
This and based pilled
>niggers/shitskins think this is white
PROOF we wuz kangs
what did he mean by this?
>look up map of former black kingdoms and empires
>most of them now in islam controlled Africa since ol' Muhammad's conquests steamrolled through Africa and wrecked the local cultures
muh wypipo though
based retard
Darrel is a black ass name.
But cleopatra was greek
The Muslim conquests were the worst thing to happen to the world.
Didn't you know? Greece was all black until Hollywood whitewashed it
And idiot people think the Crusades were wrong.
insted of idolising the Egyptians why dont they take the Mansa Musa pill?
What do you expect black people to do? To accept that their race didn't ever manage to come out of the stone age? They *need* the lies about egypt.
Because Mansa Musa was a crypto-legandary figure who blew all of his country's money on dumb shit while he was on vacation
isn't she literally from egypt or something?
>Africans can invent civilization
Why don't they, then?
because that mud castle/djenne mosque behind him is Mali's greatest achievement and was completed in 1907 or so
Black steal everything else, are you shocked they also steal history?
Like they ever do
Have sex
to the left a bit
They don't want to show how the black Egyptians were slaver owners. It kind of fucks with the narrative.
from Algeria right next to it, which got its fair share of European genes from French colonials
looks like similar climate zone too, as far as i know blacks are mostly south from sahara desert
Why do people care about egyptians at all?
It's funny because Marx was virulently racist.
>it's another /pol/ thread on Yea Forums
Egypt was prosperous, powerful, and well organized thousands of years before anyone else was.
>whining about another board on Yea Forums
This shit is only a thing in north america.
marx was an og shit poster
wtf i love marx now?
Both niggers and whites claiming to be Egyptian are retarded.
>who blew all of his country's money on dumb shit while he was on vacation
yeah all those whites claiming they was kings n shit
Maltese here. Northern Africans can look anywhere from copper-skinned muhammads to white as fucking snow. Have a friend from Morocco who is fucking -alabaster-.
Ancient Egyptians were all colours, though blacks weren't predominant (Though in the lower nile regions, sure, but that's modern-day SUDAN who are #000000 niggas)
Can't fool me, jamal. I live next to them.
>whites claiming to be Egyptian
never happened
egyptians are meds/middle eastern
no one is claiming they were white. But they certainly werent black.
Sounds like me desu
Who fucking cares if your ancestors were kings. First of all, it's statistically more likely that you were subjects of kings, not actually kings. Second of all, being king means nothing if your kingdom is shit.
> blew all of his country's money on dumb shit while he was on vacation
literally me.
No they weren’t
Theyre not niggers either. That's just a lie told to make niggers feel better about their pointless existence.
imagine the kinos we could have had... it hurts so bad
Why did Universal have to fuck it up?
ey yo cracka we wuz KAAAAANGZ dawg
Egyptians were Mediterraneans who heavily mixed with other people over the span of thousands of years. They mainly looked similar in appearance to ancient Berbers and Semites like the Phoenicians. Today egytpians can look like this, like Southern Italians essentially, or like blacks. It's a very mixed population
not true, the ancestors of sudanese migrated out of egypt after one of the three major collapses it suffered. still, black=/=african and these people are retarded
The actual definition of based
>anons cant detect shitposting anymore
tv is truly lost
You're about two years too late for this bait
There's still a north-south melanin cline
North can have people like Rami Malek
South can have people like de kaptin from the boat movie
>Africans can invent civilization
[citation needed]
again, someone who has never been to Detroit
based fitty
There was a protest of niggers and antifas few months ago in front of a museum in Paris where there was the Tuthakhamun treasure exposed because "WE WUZ KANGS N SHIEET", because the evil White men broke the noses of all statues and so on...
All medias called them conspirationists and cops gassed them.
it seems mainly americans have the focus on skin as a determining factor
that's a given since he's alive
Based as fuck
Blame marketing. Should be announced as "Men In Black: Monsters Edition" yet, for some reason, it was compered to superhero flicks.
Prodigium = MiB, not fucking SHIELD
Jekyll = Agent K, not damn Nick Fury
Ahmanet = monster unleashed, not a superhero
Tom Cruise = a rookie who has no idea what's going on
so far weve discused
> was egypt white?
> rasist communists
> mansa musa
> and mummy gf posting
Based thread if im honest
Another person who has never been to Detroit
>shooting the rope makes the sarcophagus rise
This model is inaccurate.
I wouldn't even mind americlap ignorance if they didn't try to push their lunatic brainlet shit on everyone else.
>we wuz kangz
>flat earth
>the bible is literally true
>we're all immigrants
How do egyptians react to this?
Pretty much, everyone else tends to just get along. What matters now? Ethnicity? Skin colour? Voice accent?
Americans/Canadians just love to make race/skin problems where there aren't any.
Nice one. Self-made creation? LEGO should make more stuff like Indiana Jones series.
one of my favorite videos
Best part, Sub-sharan admixture didn't appear in Egypt until after the Islamic conquest, when a large amount of black slaves were being moved across to the Middle East and Egyptians starting fucking them.
They were literally lighter than they are today.
From /toy/. Closest this year is the spooky ghost adventure sets.
Didn't build it
no, it's just niggers. for decades they have been told that they are descendants of ancient egyptian royalty. it's pandemic in the black population
She looks a lot closer to ancient Egyptians than the Kangz would have you believe.
They should bring back the Adventurers line. lego.fandom.com
citation pls, for future shitposting
Because niggers are a bunch of ugly retards
they can't. white people can't either. every single civilization ever has collapsed at some point
man i loved this as a kid
>tfw had the best set
> but at least the kushites were bla-
you're pronouncing it wrong. he meant like dair-uhl
you be thinkin bow dat nigga duh-rell
>actress was born in africa
oh geez
Man, this is bringing back memories. I remember wanting to collect them all so I could play the full board game. I think I had like 90%.
I had this too, also Sphinx and a small tomb with jackall figute on top.
Bait thread
You wypepo are all just salty because we invented da rickety pop cobble horse before you.
It's called a Chukudu, because it be making chu ku du when you is driving.
(invented in 1970, take that colonialist white demons!!)
>out of Africa theory
Mahoma was a beast when it came to conquering, can you blame the kangz.
Because casting all black people is a torture for the eyes.
just show them this to show them how they really drew the blacks
just black blobs not tanned men
now you know what it feels like to be jewish. niggers are to white people what white people are to jews
They should've hired Brendan Fraiser as the big bad
>tfw you will never be lego tom cruise and have a lego sofia gf
Just a reminder: This is the only noteworthy contribution to civilisation and technology out of Africa in the last 2000 years. It was invented in 1970.
>>for some reason
The only reason the movie existed at all was because University was trying to force it's own Marvel Universe into existence and only had it's stable of old 40's monsters as any kind of legacy characters.
Lmao the kick scooter was invented in Germany in the 1930s
Umm nice try, but the Chukudu is powered by using the front bit as a pump lever to accelerate. HA!
>muh nazi engineering
Yeah let's forget about Van Helsing. Proto-Avengers that happened few years beforere Iron Man.
Universal clearly wanted this monster thing long before MCU.
Huh, sounds like a detrimental gene being weeded out and subsumed by a more functional one.
Wait, is evolution "tricknology" too?
before, typo
>who blew all of his country's money on dumb shit while he was on vacation
blew all my money in coke and whores and would do it again
>kangz think everyone in africa always was sub saharan negroid like them.
lmaoing at their existence, everyone else at africa hated them then and now.
Doesn't it require European rubber for the wheels though?
There's even LEGO now. The most based thread of the week.
It's invented by white devils to oppress a brother so yes.
And who made it for the White Man?
We just like to recycle. We build empires with the scraps you throw at us
This nigger can lick Sofia's feet. She's more of a queen than WE WUZers can even dream of.
based video
thanks for posting
Based dubsman
>can lick Sofia's feet
not a bad deal DESU
When will we get a movie about african warlords enslaving their enemies and selling them to the white americans?
>the Chukudu is powered by using the front bit as a pump lever to accelerate
I don't think so, Tim
>how could an actress from africa play an african role???
niggers everyone
>Circumcision was first practiced by the Egyptians
and done for hygiene reasons, so not that far off.
> can lick Sofia's feet
not even a footfag and I would
she came down from heaven i think
haha ewwww! haha. that would be, like, so awkward if you actually licked her feet haha. like if she slowly walked over to you barefoot and then stood overtop of you and then mashed her soles into your face hah. and if she stuck her toes in your mouth and made you suck on them and they tasted sweet and salty at the same time haha. that would be too weird haha. YUCK!
yes it is
that's why we use the springs
they arent doin circumcisions you dummy, look at what they are holding those arent knifes but cloth, because they are waxing their pubes
>be white, preferably blue eyes
>don't be ugly
>don't be a total beta bitch
that's pretty much it, fampai
t. guy with jungle fever living in a majority black city
I'd dig her coffin from the deepest bowels of hell.
>can't handle her
What does that even mean?
Pretty much every video I can find has people using it as a push-powered scooter. Even just looking at it, there's no logical way a "pump lever" mechanism could work
please don't larp my man, it's embarrassing
haha yeah that would be so awkward, lol
Theres load of great moments from history that would make Kino films, but instead we get black panther.
jelly negro response because their women are stronk i guess
I'm sorry that no one has said it before but I really think it needs to be said...
Niggers are fucking stupid.
It says in that picture you provided that there were also Arabs and Nubians/blacks also living in Egypt.
Flip the script. Black lefties don’t want people knowing they used slave labor and harassed the Jews. Change my mind!
Stop being ugly and beta. I've fucked four black girls and they were way easier to get with than my personal favorite: Armenian Jewesses.
You're an embarassment for not knowing how this simple piece of dark age tech works. You are dumber than those you slag off
I think they mean to say Anatolia and not Turkey.
hahaha yes my anons really weird, similar to getting a footjob from a dancer like sofia, like imagine she touches your little unworhty dick with her sweaty smelly feet after some dance routine rofl
There are black and light-skinned people in ancient Egypt. It was mixed. Just stop.
Compare Egyptians from Alexandria and Cairo; to people from Luxor and Aswan. People in Aswan are black as hell. But yet both of these poeple are Egyptians.
If I was in charge a movie based on Ancient Egypt I'd just hire African-Americans (because they are bit lighter-skinned) and Arabs. This would give a more accurate representation of ancient Egypt.
*Pic related showing kids from southern Egypt*
Whites and Blacks have got to stop this 'We Wuz' crap. Just leave us the fuck alone.
No niggers want anyone knowing that, but it's a fact.
It would unironically be kino
Lynch yourself faggot.
We prefer movies about Ancient Rome and their Empire of racemixing and European slaves.
The handle is a solid piece of wood that steers the front tire. That's it. There's no way to "pump" it to accelerate the device. Even if the whole thing wasn't hand crafted out of fucking wood I don't think that kind of mechanism would be possible
> be white
>swn laugh at your pathetic tiny D
why live?
yeah, they try to milk their old monster line up every few years, Van Helsing was inspired by the success of the Brendan Frasier's Mummy movies, but the Dark Universe bullshit was definitely their attempt at a Marvel Universe.
I know a lot about African history because my stepdads were black and they know they are bred from the stock of ancient kings and queens. African-European men are kings and the women queens. Stupid Amerimutts know nothing about history and their blacks are mutts from Argentina or some other 3rd world scumhole full of part black children of white slavers.
The guy looks like a beta,how did he get her?
lucky guy
You really are this retarded. Wow.
The whole point of the chukudu is that you can pump it to accelerate. you cannot push it with your feet all the time.
that is the whole point of the suspension springs they take out of cars.
fucking hell man.
lewd neck
what am I looking at here?
Most of the slaves sold and brought to America were from west and central (and some from east) Africa, faaaaaar from Egypt.
Show me a video of this "pump" ability in action then. In every video I find, the users are either walking it or using it like a kick scooter.
The spring means nothing. It's most likely part of a break mechanism, which I've seen in a few videos.
Retards trying to pretend that people buying slaves is worse than their "countrymen" selling them to whites that happened to pass by, while also being upset about other retards that try to pretend they wuz kangs instead of being Nigerians and shit.
And them using the shitty family guy ""art style""
Shes very small so you D count as 2x as much
giv mummy gf
C'mon. It's almost 2 years and still no mummy gf. Giv now!
it would still make her laugh