A fish! No!

A fish! No!
*goes mad*

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t. Someone who has never scuba dived at night.

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One of his monsters is a giant penguin

>See a nigger walking outside
>Immediately write down a novel about how the world is slowly being corrupted by inhuman forces

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No. There are huge albino penguins in At the Mountains of Madness, but they're harmless.

Based and ftaghnpilled

Based Craft of Love.

He was Yea Forums personified before Yea Forums was even a thing but at least he wasn't an incel. Hahaha can you imagine?

Bro read it again

because that's totally a thing everybody does

didnt he literally write a story where the monsters were just thinley veiled black people?

I very clearly remember that the albino penguins initially spooked the protagonists but it's then established that the penguins are harmless.

He wrote like 6 of them.

help me out, guys. I'm trying to write a poem.
what rhymes with "semi-human figure"?

he's not wrong

Grave digger?

Fair but OP is still a fag though


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Mostly they're about miscegenation and the horror of finding out you could be a mutt, Arthur Jermyn most explicitly. In Shadow Over Innsmouth the monsters are hapas.

Existential horror from an oceanic point of view makes the most sense.
Humans only exist because they were bullied out of the sea.

>lived with his mom his whole life
>never left the attic
>styled himself as an old timey gentleman
>shuffled awkwardly down the street avoiding eye contact like the plague
>only relationship with an old rich mommy
>hated niggers
I’m am bold to say, as point of fact, that Lovecraft was /ourguy/.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

>he got bullied out of the sea
Lol nerd

based reviewbrah


Hey fuck you fish.

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Be Sure To Provide As It Happened Observable Testable (Scientific) Evidence of that bit of Fantasy.

oh nonononono

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Based truth poster. I wonder what twisted fetishes that nigga had

The proof is in the pudding.

>Implying he's wrong
t. a nigger

Lovecraft is to incels what Judy Garland is to faggots. Also his prose was absolutely shit.

This. His stories were all allegories for the biggest trauma in his life, which was finding out he was Welsh.

Hello, Howard

Tolkien's prose was absolute shit and so is King's but you don't see me calling you an incel because of it.


He's right, the penguins are harmless, the real threat here are the Shoggoths.

A common theme of his work is you can't escape your genetics.

What is good prose?

Imagine thinking pic related is scary. Truly cosmic levels of autism.

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Yeah, his poetry was much better.

I dunno man, Flaubert for example. Not ridiculously verbose trite like Lovecraft.

Imagine seeing it moving in real life, it would be unsettling.

Yikes,better be bait.

The Horror at Red Hook is the one you're thinking of. He also takes a dig at Norwegians in it, out of nowhere.

Cold Air is a story about him being afraid of his neighbors air conditioner.


I said Shub-Niggurath out loud around black people. I don't give no fucks.

I hardly knew her

It's more about his fear of cultural enrichment and it really shows his complete lack of understanding of any kind of science. He was a bit of a brainlet all things considered.


Now you're going to be minorities and for all your understanding of all kinds of science, it made you bitches to the la raza.

Truly /ourguy/

my black dick's bigger

Pessoa, Dostoyevsky, Dos Passos

I'm black, user. Unironically.

I remember reading lovecraft as a kid and thinking how shitty his writing was. Almost as bad as GRRM.

Those guys are just regular aliens in the story. Nobody goes mad from seeing them.

Do you speak Portuguese or Russian?

Lovecraft was based, but your post is full of misconceptions.
>>lived with his mom his whole life
His mother died in 1921, so he spent 16 years of his life without her. Also, when he married Sonia Greene he moved with her to NYC and lived there for 2 years.
>>never left the attic
See above. Also, he loved taking trips around New England. He was fascinated by 18th century architecture, so he would frequently wander around old New England towns.
>>shuffled awkwardly down the street avoiding eye contact like the plague
He acted very awkward when walking among the mixed masses of NYC, but he wasn't totally antisocial.
>>only relationship with an old rich mommy
It's true that Sonia Greene is the only sexual relationship he ever had. However, he had many friends that he frequently corresponded with.

the elder things arent unknowable cosmic demon gods though. they are very chill and nice. the entire point of madness at the mountain was just that, it was freaked out and killed everyone because when it woke up it saw his friend dead and being cut apart and then all the dogs attacked him

Niggermen such as you are not welcome in HPL threads

you realize only white people care about treating niggers as pets and giving them free stuff. once Mexicans run things you are basically going to be genocided

HP minecraft is literally this meme personified

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So you speak French?
So you speak Portuguese and Russian?

I'm posting from Africa. Unironically. The Chinese will get to me first.

someone post Lovecraft's opinion on India and "Hindoos"

can someone give examples of him being racist, most of the stuff in his books seem pretty benign to me, not counting niggerman
been reading some articles that were supposed to be about it but they never provide any examples, only mentioning his recluse lifestyle and fear of women, and his wiki page only mentions some speech he made in favor against the use of slurs and slang

People are fucking stupid and try to apply contemporary context to his stories. Like Shadow Over Innsmouth. People are fucking dumb and think it's about race mixing. It's actually about him not liking North Eastern fishing village rednecks, who he makes into literal fish people.

The real monster of At the Mountains of Madness is the shaggoth. The elders are initially spooky but once the protagonist figures out they were an immensely intelligent species he feels sympathy for them.

>N I G G E R M A N

>H.P Lovecraft
>somehow not Yea Forums related
>somehow not Yea Forums related either
Really makes one ponder.

He wrote a poem

pretty sure innsmouth is about how humans turn into monsters in their hunt for immortality

>implying a 6 foot tall tentacle monster wouldn't spook you
Imagine digging that thing up in the middle of the arctic. Now imagine it coming back to life and attacking you. Do you really expect me to believe you wouldn't freak the fuck out?

he actually just hated everyone who wasnt anglo. "hated" is a bit too strong of a word though since he ended up marrying a jew. very little to none of his behavior towards non-whites was atypical for the time. his short story with the most hate in it is about people in boston. it mostly gets attention because he hilariously named his black cat niggerman

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how old was he when he wrote that, people tend to be super edgy when young

Jesus, is that actually a lovecraft quote

that was literally an unironically considered common knowledge of the day. its also partly true in that humans and niggers are genetically very distant

>muh different time
he was extraordinarily racist even for his time

What did he mean by this?

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provide examples, nigger

how can you be pretty sure of something you know nothing about?

It was written back in 1912 so he was about 22 years old at the time

somewhere in his 20's I think. dude only lived to be 46.

Because i read the book

>people trying to defend this
What is there to defend? It's fucking hilarious.

This is a sandwich... A SANDWICH OF MADNESS!

you have to be a nigger to be this stupid. green texting the truth doesnt suddenly make it untrue. its still the norm to hate niggers today its just considered rude in most places to talk about it in public

Lovecraft probably studied deep time and the ancient species that came before man. This was strange to him as strange as evolution is to religious people. It grew interested in the mystery of deep time.

It's not that the character in Dagon was afraid of fish. It was the combination of elements that stoked fear in his soul. The moon light dark rock island appeared in the middle of the pacific. Then a fish monster appears from the deep ocean to pray at an altar made by humans long ago.

It's literature kino that makes me mentally cum.

lol thinking niggers were literal subhuman savages was nothing "extraordinary"

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Fuck off with your revisionist bullshit. Lovecraft came from pre-WW2 America, and back then eugenics wasn't taboo and most white people thought non-whites were inferior.

nah m8 he just hated swarthy boat people and niggers

but that's still true today. whats the problem?



I really like Lovecraft's work. I bought a collection of all of his books.

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He was a good boy

His trash is only loved by low I.Q thuds that agreed with his racism

Pretty sure he dislike anybody who wasn't a WASP from the northeast. I'm sure there is something out there of him going off on German Sqaureheads.

The Shadow Out of Time is underrated, or seems to be. It's the most scifi of his stories that I remember reading. Too much of Lovecraft fandom is just jerking off Cthulhu and Innsmouth.

As other anons have already pointed out, you didn't read their prose you absolute brainlet.

So Michel Houellebecq, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Alan Moore, Thomas Ligotti, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Guillermo del Toro, Junji Ito, H. R. Giger, and Joyce Carol Oates are all stupid racists?

The Shadow out of Time was really depressing. But it was a great story and is underrated

yessiree bob, every one of them

Dislike is a strong word; he thought non-Anglos were inferior, but he had many non-Anglo friends.

Weren't these the same things that put a dude's head in a machine so he would survive being shown the wonders of the cosmos, but the man's friends flipped shit because all he saw was his friend's head in a jar?

not even niggers but a italian

You're confusing the elders with Mi-Go. The Mi-Go look like crustacean monsters, not tentacle monsters.

This. Lovecraft love New England and England he did not approve of Southern or Eastern Europeans and thought little of Germans. He wrote a poem which accurately predicted that massive amounts of immigrants (even European ones) would destroy everything that made America special.
It's called The Street

Kafka was Yea Forums.
Lovecraft is for retarded anglos with buyers remorse for their paperweight.

>being an elitist tripfag

talk about cringe

Start a support group to deal with it. Plenty of butthurt anglos you will find commonality with.


The Call of C'thulhu is great because it’s like Lovecraft’s first attempt at writing a novel. It’s still a novella and he wrote other novellas before but in terms of story progression and writing, it feels very much like a novel. Lovecraft always had a diversity of locations in his stories but in Call of C'thulhu, we visit many places and meet many diversity of races. If you have read every short story by release order and then start call of cthulhu, it’s different from all the others you have read and gotten used to. I always said he was overrated in a good way because he reused so many of the same themes in his work; fear of the unknown, curiosity being greater than fear; lone wanderer; indescribable creatures/monsters; rumors from a small town and the main character didnt believe at first but ended up being true, many more... and I say overrated in a goos way because he was a greta writer and had great imaginations

Name your top 10 favorite authors.

>Believing Mi-Go lies

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Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being racist. It's a natural part of human nature and to deny it is the height of stupidity and you got brainwashed hard.

daily reminder that water is wet

If you want better anglo writers John Fowles is miles ahead of Dumbcraft.

I agree on all points. Its strange that cthulhu came to be his flagship creature, imo Call of Cthulhu is one of his weaker stories. Innsmouth is mid tier, but still really overrepresented compared to his top shelf shit like Color Out of Space, Dunwich Horror, and Whisperer in the Darkness.

>super racist, even for his time
>still married a Jewish woman
A Khazar milkers really that good?

it was so spooky i cant even explain it to you
no, my writing isnt shit, its just that its really spooky

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t. dumb memer who hasn't ever read Lovecraft

He frequently described his monsters.

And it was laughable:

>And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet. Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger. He spoke much of the sciences—of electricity and psychology—and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of nightmare. Never before had the screams of nightmare been such a public problem; now the wise men almost wished they could forbid sleep in the small hours, that the shrieks of cities might less horribly disturb the pale, pitying moon as it glimmered on green waters gliding under bridges, and old steeples crumbling against a sickly sky.

I have read his books, they're not bad, but a lot of the monsters in his short stories are never explained.

Cthulhu, the elders, the shoggoths, the people of Innsmouth, the Mi-Go, Nyarlathotep, and more were thoroughly described in Lovecraft's stories. Yes, he was sometimes vague, but he was usually descriptive. The "dude indescribable horror lmao" meme is inaccurate and tiresome.

Then you definitely don't get the point of his writing. The monster the mc sees is not the point, it’s how he feels and Lovecraft loved implementing atmosphere in his short stories. So even if you can't visualize the creature, the character is usually feeling something. I can't believe Lovecraft was still a teen when he wrote The Beast in the Cave, it’s the most atmospheric short story ever

Read better books

>comparing Lovecraft to a postmodernist author
Apples to oranges. Which horror/fantasy/sci-fi authors do you recommend?

Interior like fish eggs

John Fowles does horror as well. Read The Collector.

It isn't?

> Hates kikes
> marrys a Jew
was he khazar mikers pilled?

based lovecraft

hating niggers is a perfectly rational thing.

Ligotti > Lovecraft

>books after the 18th century

I may. Is there anyone else you recommend?

This fellow has a strong basis and had consumed the pill of red

The Magus

Racist and sexist much?

I meant besides John Fowles.


No, those were the flying crabs from 9th planet of the Solar system.
God it sounds stupid when you type it out.

Pluto isn't a planet.

SJWs want to frame everything within their own frame of mind

Bulgakov and Dostoevsky and Kafka


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Play Bloodborne.

Its niggers all the way down...

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Lovecraft always thought Edgar Allan Poe was the greatest horror writer, he mentions him many times in his work

>christofer lee died before he could record himself reading this

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I didn't say Pluto.
He specifically mentioned a ninth planet, named some shit, from where the Mi-Go came. Hillariously enough, soon after that real world scientists discovered Pluto.

that's subtle

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a SNEED.

It was so absolutely terrifying that I was at a complete loss for words over how eldritch, ancient and spooky it was kind of like the meatloaf that my aunt aberdeen made for my 16th birthday that was the day a black man came to my door and the whole family told him to go away it was a good laugh but anyways back to the fish man who was really scary and it broke my mind to try to conceive of such a thing i also pooed a little but i never even noticed

This. Lovecraft provided elaborate descriptions for a lot of his creatures, but with the added theme that there was some aspect to them that was so totally alien it defied rational human thought (and thus could not be fully captured/described by human language.)

I don't think a lot of low-verbal IQ people get his work because his use of language extends beyond merely conveying information and creates mood through both the rhythm and the connotations of the words. A low-verbal IQ reader will see a phrase like "arcane knowledge" and wonder why the author didn't just say "secret knowledge."

The Dambusters squadron in WW2 had a dog named nigger, its even in the film made in the 50s.
48 Hrs made in 1982 has Nick Nolte calling Eddie Murphy a nigger, jungle bunny, spear chucker, you name it. No other characters criticized him for, nor was there any outrage. Nigger has always been a racist epithet but has only become a massive taboo very very recently.

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His work is precisely meant for people who have no idea what existentialism is but what to pretend like they do. None of the horror or descriptions of fantastical ancient monsters with tentacles ever come close to the existential dread and horror that can be extracted from simple human dramas by Russian authors.

His short stories were a fun read when I was a teenager, but his prose really is quite hollow past the central conceit of 'Lovecraftian'-ness. Even more so than quite a lot of pulp/genre stuff. He's kind of entry-level weird fiction, and that's proven by the fact he's claimed by many as master of keeping things hidden to invoke fear, whilst also being closely associated with graphically described squid monsters. It's all guff. One of my favourite and most remembered Lovecraft short stories is 'The Rats in the Walls', because of its lack of mythopoeia, its stark clarity interplaying with more insidious and shrouded moments, its minimal nature, and the deftness with which it does not sink into the pulpy supernatural too easily. I have nothing against the pulpy supernatural, I just always enjoyed the sort of avoidance of it here.

The true greats of American Gothic fiction outdo Lovecraft a million to one. Poe is like a god by comparison, in prose, in composition, in subtlety, in tone and thematics. Poe's short stories are far more worth reading as an adult. Hawthorne is also a 'better' author, though perhaps not as interesting to readers looking for something truly weird.

In terms of the 'canon' of weird fiction, of early iterations of the 19th-20th century corpus of supernatural literature, there are other authors who again outdo Lovecraft. The classic form of the ghost story present in the works of Sheridan Le Fanu and M.R. James ('Oh, Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad' easily outdoes Lovecraft), as well as Violet Hunt and Henry James, is much more adept.

Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Houellebecq, and Thomas Ligotti won't know what existentialism is?

>he feels sympathy for them.
because their society were destroyed by the slave race they kept

>God it sounds stupid when you type it out.

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>le epikkkk!!!!!! XdD russian authors
To be fair it takes an altitudinal IQ to comprehend, nein, fathom Rick and Morty. The humour is extrêmement subtile, and without a doctorate degree covering Bell inequalities, micro-lattice structures, and Schrödingerian quasi-contradictory quandaries et cetera ( common knowledge among the top 10.3% among the world's best theoretical physicists) most of the jokes will evanesce or float away like Kantian noumena vis-a-vis Kantian phenomena, in other semantic units AKA words to plebes, as they say in some ethno-linguistic communities, but I digress: ありがとうございました. Furtherthus, to neologize a neologism henceforth, Rick’s existential-ideological naysaying, which is ITSELF located within/via Althusserian/Foucauldian poststructuralism along the subversive-critical lines of various neo-Marxist-Leninist-Maoist analyses - his tacit (cf. Polanyi) schemata appropriates affective resonances from Narodnaya Volya literature, AKA 네 엄마는 너무 뚱뚱해. The fans understand this 陰毛, as colloquially known (excepting for Gettier cases), to quote the Chinese media scholar Jean-Claude Baudrillard: "Un jugement négatif vous donne plus de satisfaction que d'éloges, à condition que cela ressemble à de la jalousie"; they have the Intelligenz/くそ to truly (BUT WHAT IS TRUTH, cf. Sura 2:140, John 18:38) appreciate the Aristotelian-Thomistic-Hegelian synthetic a priori interpenetrative dialogic concealed within and without these tokens of jokes, to realise that they’re not just totalitarian HAHAHAs :D in a post-postmodern world of hegemonic HUHUHUs :( - light-hearted Chopin to your heavy-handed Brahms, if I may, no pun intended - they betoken something deep about Heidegerrian Dasein (cf. Mahabharata 5.39.58) through which we can, in the words of the poet William Wordsworth, 一个巫师从来没有迟到,他总是一个有力量的人 (Nǐ shìgè báich for those who aren’t fluent in Korean).

The Edwardian syntheses between the ghostly, mysticism, folk mythology and the psychological as seen in Algernon Blackwood, Oliver Onions and William Hope Hodgson plays more of the same game as Lovecraft perhaps, but in ways that are altogether more fascinating, at least to my sensibilities. Robert Chambers, again, as a foundational figure of weird fiction. I always found Walter de la Mare to be of similar ilk, and even more terrifying, ever since childhood. Lord Dunsany as well.
It is Arthur Machen that I would say is my personal ultimate figure of supernatural or weird fiction. His admixture of the mystically and psychologically horrifying, nestled so beautifully into the late 19th century world of occult traditions and semiotics yet still prickling the skin of even the most uninitiated, basically defines what horror fiction as a genre can be in my eyes. I find The Great God Pan to be one of the best genre novellas ever written.

>23 matches


You forgot
>shitty writer
>unwarranted self importance
>delusional brainlet
He truly is /ourking/

sorry meant to link these

Even within his own pulp world, even his own Mythos, Lovecraft is arguably outdone. Robert E. Howard, both in his own independent works (Conan, Kull, Solomon Kane, Bran Mak Morn) has long endured as a more compelling pulp author for me. It's not really his contributions to high fantasy in its most anorak-ish constitutions, although the entire cosmogeny and mythology of the 'vanished ages' of Atlantis and Hyboria he describes in his short stories never failed to spark my imagination as a child, but instead his oft-neglected horror works that I still see some novel charm in. I specifically recall the Professor Kirowan short story 'The Children of the Night', where the only plot is a group of six men in a library discussing fictional anthropology while the narrator, O'Donnel, attempts to mentally ascertain each of their racial descent in the most autistic way imaginable, eventually deciding that they all have pure Anglo-Saxon lineage, except for one called Ketrick, who appears to have slightly Mongolian-looking eyes and an odd lisp that O'Donnel finds distasteful. O'Donnel is accidentally knocked unconscious whilst examining a flint mallet found recently in the Welsh hills, and dreams himself as a member of the Aryan tribes that conquered the British Isles from the Picts thousands of years ago (basically fantasy - didn't happen like this, obviously, and the Picts are not the real Picts but Howard's fictional civilisation). In the dream, his hunting party is silently slaughtered while sleeping by the 'Children of the Night', snake-like people from whom the Picts conquered the land earlier and whom the Aryans consider vermin.

there, you happy?

As the another user said, apples to oranges. Lovecraft was using cosmic-level existentialist dread as a tool to write entertaining horror and sci-fi fiction. He never pretended to be writing deep philosophical considerations of the human condition on par with Notes From the Underground.

*sighs more*

Easy to read but impactful and immersive.

>he doesnt dive and stab the shit out of sharks and shit with a thermic lance

Lol pleb.