
>Watched this 3 times now
>About to watch this the 4th time

Why is this show so rewatchable? Or is there something wrong with me?

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Other urls found in this thread: State Radioecological Reserve/@51.4801037,29.9679771,72328m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x46d58999d9636cd9:0x45f9b396d951030e!8m2!3d51.6529629!4d29.9823761

It's just you. Go to the infirmary

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>Or is there something wrong with me?
You've been exposed to contaminated feed water. You'll be OK, I've seen worse. Now go to the infirmary.


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You're delusional. Call the fire brigade


I was thinking of re-watching also. Pisses me off I'm travelling on Monday, wont be able to watch the second episode until like Thursday.

Cherenkov effect. I've seen this happen before.

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Only two topics, not good, but not terrible.

Why didn't they just leave? It's not like they could do anything after it blew up.

Only people whos lives might have made sense to risk was the fire fighters, right? Because if the fire spread more it could be a problem for the rest of the building?

The other reactors did they just leave online but unmonitored?

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There is so much untapped kino from the USSR you could make.

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It can be both

>The other reactors did they just leave online but unmonitored?
That's dereliction of duty straight to gulag fol life type shit.

It'll look good visually, sure, the plot will always be the same.

Where the fuck/what the fuck had Dyatlov been in that he'd such shit before and worse?

whats worse feed water or sneed water?

i feel you.
This show beat the shitty new season of GoT

He was in denial.

Same could be said for any WWII movie, yet nor I nor anyone will be complaining whenever there's some war kino out there.

i think irl he was working on a nuclear sub and he fucked up there as well and got irradiated for his troubles

Someone posted in one of threads that he'd worked on subs or something like that and had been radiated prior to Chernobyl

How is Jared Harris so based? Hasn’t been bad in any movie or show

Status report

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The Irish produce a surprising amount of quality actors

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The core has exploded, sir.

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my face is literally lobster colored comrade


Clean your room, bucko

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Is this show body horrorkino or what? First ep was hard to watch in some parts. Not looking forward to seeing people's bodies turn to soup in the coming eps.

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So was that just pure radiation spewing out right there?

>gamma rad piercing through you, ripping all your molecules like a wall of bullets.
>inhaling alpha rad particles.
>Being burned alive by beta rad.

Jfc. The technicians would know exactly what's up and realize they are fucked. Firemen atleast were naive at first till the symptoms came.

pretty much yeah

Did any of the people that were at the power plant at the time of the explosion survive?

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Neat. So was the graphite super ultra radioactive and that's why the dude was burned right off the bat or was it actually that hot?

Many did.

well, pic related did, for a start. He died of a heart attack in 1995 iirc

It was the radiation that gave him a nice tan.

what part of the ussr doesn't fail so everything is fine with the reactor did you miss


I was talking about the fire fighter and his hand melting off. I kinda figured it was rads but i didn't think it's do it that quick

And those chuckle fucks were ordered to look directly at it.

Clearly that's impossible, I suggest you go take a look yourself.

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from what I gathered they didn't think the reactor didn't meltdown beacuse "ussr stronk" but because they literally thought it was impossible (obviously it was very possible, especially with the MORONIC decision to pull out all but five control rods)

The disaster itself is caused by human stupidity and negligence, the aftermath and disaster management is where the gommies covered everything up

He was holding a bit of the core, it's going to be blasting out a ton of radiation.

Listen to this man. I'll be joining you in a jiffy, just finishing up some business here.

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radiation burns. his fire gloves did absolutely nothing and he would have felt radiant heat if it was just hot.

graphite bits were surrounding the uranium its why the chunks have the semi cylindrical shape so they absorbed a literal fuccton of radiation that they were more than happy to share with the first retard fireman who picks up shit at a nuclear power plant fire

Can we just get the whole Terror cast and have them make shows together?

Reminder that SHILLS exist here

>Sees burning graphite
>Claims there's no graphite
What did he mean by this?

gotta protect the fruits of our labor comrade

or do you need to be taken to the infirmary again?

do you have a cigarette?

Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn amerisharts and selfhatin pidors

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That graphite was just misionformation

In the first scene you can also see Dyatlov looking outside,he sees the granite,turns his head and keeps walking.

he just knows how to keep his delusions in check

wtf I love the Chernobyl accident now!

You're delusional

There is something oddly satisfying about watching an accident of this magnitude happen and seeing people not reacting properly to it.

Wtf that looks scary!
>everywhere, even the black colored area, has completely negligible radiation

That's a wave map you absolute brainlet

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> this is our time to shine
Say no more!

>Why didn't they just leave?
You wouldn't run away from something you don't know it's dangerous

/pol/ thread vs /shill/ thread, serves us right

Most of them didn't realise the magnitute of the disaster and how fucked they were.

That pic is for the height of a tsunami you retard

are you stupid?

I'm Russian, and holy fucking shit this show nailed it.

The absolute assholes in denial running things? Check.
Lower ranks following them out of fear of 'consequences'? Check.
Human lives callously wasted for no good reason? Check.
Kremlin lazily getting in gear while telling everyone to speak when spoken to? Check.
An ancient pompous fuckwit lending his gravitas to justify an absolutely inhuman conduct? CHECK. Seriously, fuck you, Maester Luwin.

A bit outside of this show's scope, the test being conducted was designed to check if the station will continue to function without external power source (used for water pumps). The supposed cause for power outage being American nuclear attack. So add to the mix a bunch of KGB suits running around telling the nerds to shut up and do what they are told (they were being told, I shit you not, to disable every single safety on the reactor).
They should've called the series 'Socialism'

>when reviewers are giving the show mediocre reviews because "it's too confusing"
Are they missing the part where it's supposed to be chaotic and you're not supposed to be sure of what's going on?

He's not Irish though



This is a big nothingburger, only 30 deaths
blown way out of proportion

Welsh-Irish, to be exact.
Good post by Ivan.

>there will be an actual episode dedicated to the real life Stalkers who went out into the radiation zone and shot mutant dogs

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Funny thing is when the scientists were outside of the building they were talking about a bomb attack

>The disaster itself is caused by human stupidity and negligence
The main blame is on the contructors of this plant not the operators. Alexandrov and Dollezhal

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Someone help me conceptualize roentgens. How much exposure is safe? How much will definitely kill you?

When all you watch is GoT, everything is confusing.


Only 31 people died. Had some potato kids they are trying to pin on the incident and some cancer, but the rate depends what source you use.

It's extremely inaccurate.

Black smoke wasn't constantly pouring out like that, it was more like a stream of steam, especially after the first day when they began an operation to suppress the fire with sand.

yeah thats what always gets me about chernobyl

the whole literal reason the catastrophe happened is because they were testing security measures so that a catastrophe like that never happened - literally nothing would have occured if they just did the usual power plant thing instead of memeing stupid shit (or getting dabbed on by KGB if user is right)

also why were they doing a security test like that in the middle of the fucking night? one would assume such tests are done in the most controlled environment possible, instead we get a couple of night shift chucklefucks going for a security test to whittle away the nights boredom

31 is as high as the meter goes...

I see the accident affected your birth

he also was involved in a submarine nuclear accident. truly a chad

it was just a fire, comrade. these western dogs will say anything.

The only reasons people "like" this one are
>nothing happens, but I have to pretend liking it to distance myself from those childish capeshit movies with actual fun stuff and fancy visuals
>there's practically no women in it, so as a /poltv/ incel I have to like it!
You can try to refute this, but you will fail.

Kys self-hating faggot

>not good but not bad
>faulty meter

Is there a more sinister call in history?

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>show has no strong wymin or minorities
>its kino

Every single time


safe to say he knew his way around atoms

So demand would be low, and because the grid dispatcher asked them to stay at a higher power for longer time due to another plant having an unplanned outage.

>nothing happens
>the reactor literally explodes in the very first episode

find another thread to shit up, clearly this show isn't for you

What do you mean I got hit with 20 cm of radiation

Does any /sci/ user know why they graphite tipped the control rods?

it goes on a scale from 0 to 3.6 where 0 is "no radiation" and 3.6 is "not great but not terrible"

any dosimeters maxed out at 200 roentgens are clear misinformation aimed at undermining the fruits of our labor

but he never claimed to be communist, comrade

That's some good fucking English for a Russian

Didn't they release the other show all at once? How come they changed it to one episode per week?

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500 roentgens within 5 hours will kill you

seal of approval from russia bro. gonna watch this now

back to your fucking containment board

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The limitations of the RBMK reactors were kept secret from the operators, because it was considered a state secret - so while the "just add more water" guy was obviously wreckless, he also wasn't properly trained on the weaknesses. Most of the operators were just procedure followers, rather than actual engineers. They had a very limited understanding of what was going on.

I don't know for sure, but I imagine they did the test at night because the power grid draw was less.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the nurse that asked for the iodine pills is going to be a mary sue.

I agree, lack of quips truly did the show a disfavor.

Convert from R to Sievert to this
It's a bit of a clusterfuck

If they woudn't include this in the show I would have dropped it. Also checked.

>I have a sneaking suspicion that the nurse that asked for the iodine pills is going to be a mary sue.
Probably not, but...

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T. Mario Jesus Guadalupe de Nvogograd

Don't forget, when the meter that goes up to 1000 roentgens burns out straight away, it's Moscow sending shit equipment.

Wouldn't it be much better if we had a nigger woman telling all the men what to do? Some civilian just steps up and tells all these nuclear scientists how to do their job would be perfect for subverting expectations here.

Someone posted a chart the other day. I think it was something like 400 in an hour and 50% chance you die.

>She was a truth ninja
>She never actually existed
What did the old hag mean by this

The main reason Chernobyl happened was not because of the testing. They did the testing before multiple times. It's the basic design of the plant that what was inferior from the start. Like that sarcophagus they built after catastrophie was meant to be build in the first place during the construction of the plant.

They didn even have those right G-M meters
They never thought its gonna blow. But its do.

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the legasov cuck
>wears a suit and tie, probably an aparatchik
>hoards all the good equipment in moscow
>in constant state of shock and delusion
>3.6 roentgens - "muh significant radiation evacuate fucking eurasia now"
the dyatlov chad
>wears proper nuclear power plant attire
>does his job with provincial hand me down dosimeters
>takes charge in a room full of shocked and delusional engineers
>absolutely no graphene to be found on his site
>3.6 roentgens - "not great but not terrible"

Can´t wait for this show to catch on and sjw demand pocs and women to join the cast

>set in Ukraine
>not literally every girl is a qt with model-looks


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The writer compares the covering up of Chernobyl to Trump calling CNN fake news. Don't worry, we'll get our strong chimp women soon enough.

Is this autists' new favorite show?

500 within 5 hours kills you
The guys looking at the core got that in under a minute

>he hasn't seen the NYT review of the show that one user linked not long ago

the only reason it was made was to shit on russians(aka trump in some minds)

Take back what you said about Ludmila right now

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about historic events

>In 1959, he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. After graduation, he worked in a shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, installing reactors into submarines. He received a radiation dose of 200 rem, a dose which typically causes mild radiation sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and reduction in resistance to infections

I don't know, did you like it?

yes it makes it more realistic

Well,i have aspergers and its my favorite show this year

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They weren't really following procedure, the reactor should never have less than 26 control rods in it, the guy in charge remove all but 6 of them so they didn't need to delay the test

It's ASD now fren

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when will americans stop making up "disorders"? is it becase pharmakikes want to sell their poison pills really, really badly? or is it some american predilection to being the victim?

so he got the radiation dose first and then impregnated his wife with super sperm but his kid still died of leukemia?

shes a mix of dozens of scientists, almost every historical drama does it

Correct. They were not following procedure. But they didn't know why the procedures existed or how important they were. They just knew there were procedures. They were also told that the reactor could never explode, and their poor education on some level led them to believe that.

I don't mind that, it's the quote that perplexes me.

I'm on spectrum and don't take any meds. There is no cure for the 'tism my friend. They tried to put me on benzos but my mom wouldn't let them.


sadly without the captain america formula, all that radiation does to you is melt you from the inside out in a slow, protracted excrutiatingly painful way

Your mom sounds based.

Good thing women can't mansplain otherwise this character would cause some controversy.

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>american education
It's named after an Austrian, fatty.

if youre talking abou the terror
it was supposed to be a weekly release by hbo but amazon prime fucked it up and released all episodes after the 5th episode iirc

Hey guys you feeling okay?

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AMC comrade

She is a good mom.

Hands down one of the most awesome scenes in television. Don’t get me wrong I do think this show is getting shilled here but that scene made me completely freeze in fear. And I mean awesome like the original meaning, when I don’t know what the inside of a reactor looks like and nobody but those couple of ding dongs actually do, fucking terrifying. Did they give a first hand account of what they saw? I was hunting on Wikipedia today but didn’t find anything. That shot made me feel so uncomfortable.

this poor guy's spirit is literally leaving his body in that pic

tfw it's still warm to this day

Not terrible i'd say.

Friendly reminder to enjoy this show before this happens.

>The biggest and most artificial contrivance is the creation of a fictional character, a Belarusian scientist played by Emily Watson who takes a suspicious radiation reading in Minsk and magically, preposterously takes over the story. She’s everywhere at the same time, forcing herself onto the investigatory commission, sitting in on meetings with Gorbachev, raiding government archives, interviewing engineers in their hospital beds, single-handedly uncovering the secret history of the faulty reactor. (If Mazin wanted a prominent female character to leaven a story dominated by men, why did he leave out Maria Protsenko, the architect who designed Pripyat and supervised its evacuation?)

real Russian female scientists?

Yeah. There is a podcast interviewing the creator on Spotify. Just search for the show name. He talks about not that specifically but how he tried to be very accurate.

>I do think this show is getting shilled
>Proceeds to say the most shill-ass thing possible
People like the show. Have some self-awareness.

>modern """art"""

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>scientists are the same as j*urnalists
>this is okay

yes actually, the Soviet union had a fuck ton of female scientists and others in STEM fields:

you got real lucky dude my mom and dr put me on adderal and benzos at age 12, now at 28 I have heart problems, something about tweeking every day of your life isn't good for your heart but oh well I deserved it, I wouldn't pay attention in class was human error. They fucked up in multiple ways to get the reactor into such an incredibly unstable condition. I posted this in another thread...

* Test to see if latent steam in turbines could power water pumps in the 45s gap between grid power loss and diesel generator takeover.
* The test required a specific power output.
* They were supposed to power down the reactor to test levels slowly.
* Electrical grid needed power so they kept it running high, then dropped it fast to stay on schedule.
* The result was Xenon poisoning and the power output dropped way too low.
* Rather than abort the test they disabled safeties and pulled the control rods.
* The Xenon poisoning was severe so they pulled damn near ALL the control rods and the power output was still low.
* Rather than abort the test they proceeded AGAIN.
* RBMK reactors have a positive coefficient of reactivity. This means water coolant is a control and as water is lost reactivity increases.
* They cut grid power to the pumps.
* Water pumps spinning but slowing down.
* Steam voids forming in core as water flow decreases.
* Feedback loop: Reactivity increases > Xenon burn and more steam > reactivity increases.
* Somebody scrams the reactor.
* Here's the real WTF moment: RBMK reactors have GRAPHITE TIPS on the control rods. Graphite being a FUCKING MODERATOR and not a control.
* As control rods drop REACTIVITY INCREASES EVEN MORE. Remember the feedback loop above.
* There's enough heat to deform the control rod channels so they stop 1/3rd of the way.
* Xenon burned off, there's nothing but steam in the core, and graphite is stuck a third of the way in = literal fission bomb.
* There were two explosions. Evidence indicates that one was literally a fissile event. The core blew itself apart, blew the top biological shield off, and once oxygen rushed in anything that could burn did burn.

Well shit

What kind of problems? Did you get a diagnosis?

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5000 of those niggas will kill you in an hour of exposure

This show is going to be a gold mine of memes, isn't it comrades?

>So I ordered engineer Sitnikov to go up the roof and look into reactor...he actually did the absolute madman hahahahaha

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its older then you nig

I don't get it. Why is the writer going off so much about how muh historical accuracy and then they write in a character like this? At this point it counts as literally trying to rewrite history.

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Hes a professional and he does his job well.

Honestly I'm clinging to the non-existent possibility of the New York Times lying about it.

Why is so easy to spot a shill?

Wasn’t this character completely made up?

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Well, that's not great, but it's not horrifying.

While Adderall is very effective it's not always the best choice and some doctors are way to quick to prescribe it
If you think a child has add give him a cup of coffee twice a day for 2 weeks to see if it improves before thinking on using Adderall

>and we still don't believe him

Were the guys turning the pumps in the flooded room aware that they were going to die? Why did they even bother?

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Not an expert on radiation, but I did a bit of quick research.
First, since I can't find a radiation chart in roentgens, we'll convert it to sieverts. 1 roentgen an hour is 2.7 sieverts a second, which is about 9,720 sieverts an hour. As you can see in this chart, just 8 sieverts guarantees death, with the destroyed core putting about 50 sieverts every 10 minutes.
But obviously nobody was standing next to the core, so let's look at the radiation levels listed for different rooms on the wikipedia page:
The control room was the most safely secured, so people like Dyatlov only got about .04 sieverts per hour. Most other places only gave off around 10-50 sieverts per hour, meaning everyone else is pretty much fucked. Fuel fragments give off roughly 150-200 sieverts, which is why the guy who grabbed the graphite got his hand fucked so fast.
Might've fudged the numbers a bit, but wikipedia also has the same dose levels in roentgen. Everything I've mentioned so far is 3-5, 500-5,000, and 15,000-20,000 r/h respectively, with 500 roentgens usually being lethal.

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Are you stupid?

>How is Jared Harris so based?
>how is a british actor so based

Because they produce the best actors.

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I still find it hard to believe how that experiment that kickstarted the whole disaster got approved in the first place. The commies cannot be that dumb dumb can they?

>writer goes off about historical accuracy all buttons in control room were real
>goes off about how chernobyl cover up is like Trump calling CNN fake news
>inserts stwong woMAN character to show the men how its done

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I've seen worse

>mfw it was real

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One person died immediately from the explosion. He was in the generator room and was either vaporized or buried in the rubble. It's the room the GOAT technician follows the bird to in the beginning that's completely demolished.

>westerners ruin everything again

Aleksandr Yuvchenko, the guy who held the massive door open for the others to go look into core. He received severe gamma and beta burns to his left shoulder, hip and calf from holding open the door. He received 4.1 Sv (so about 410 rem) and later he was vomiting and couldnt walk. The others would die but he would survive because he was hold the door. He spent a year in moscow getting blood and plasma transplants along with numerous skin grafts. He still has to get treatment. here is a link to an interview of him

>a cheeky return to a kinobyl thread after ruining another thread

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they had no fucking idea what was happening, how bad it really is and how to detain it
so they tried all countermeasures imaginable to prevent a nuclear armageddon

I was thinking I'm the only one obsessing over this. I am literally addicted to S01E01 right now.

why are you mad, vatnik?

North in Belarus is even more fucked up

> State Radioecological Reserve/@51.4801037,29.9679771,72328m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x46d58999d9636cd9:0x45f9b396d951030e!8m2!3d51.6529629!4d29.9823761


Imperialist propaganda

His son died of Leukemia.

>"He'll be fine, I've seen worse. "

>We saw graphite scattered about. Misha asked: “Is that graphite?” I kicked it away. But one of the fighters on the other truck picked it up. “It’s hot,” he said. The pieces of graphite were of different sizes, some big, some small, enough to pick them up…

That part about a fireman picking a piece of graphite was right

what wasn't is that he didn't get radiation burns on his hand immediatly, it took days to show up.

Only a very few from the control room survived.
All those from other reactors survived.

How could it ever not be true?

Orders, and being arrested and sent to the gulag was a fate worse than a quick death for most people

what happened to bionerd23
did the apple kill her?


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looks quite comfy, actually

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shit. I can literally see my commie block

Smokes, lets go.

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Why was Dyatlov so retarded? Was he so afraid of the state that he refused to acknowledge the fact that the core had exploded? He literally did not give a rats ass about his near dead co-workers and just told their facts to fuck off.

Its perfectly fine
No worries comrade

You can find abandoned Soviet Monuments in places where you don't have to worry about radiation, and it will look the same

>Was he so afraid of the state

>"dad you wanna watch kinobyl?"
>watches a superhero movie instead

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"After Dyatlov left, Fomin ordered Sitnikov, his replacement, to climb to the roof of Unit C and survey the reactor; Sitnikov obeyed and received a fatal radiation dose there; at 10:00 he returned and reported to Fomin and Bryukhanov that the reactor was destroyed."

Except he didn't refuse to do it IRL.


He clearly also convinced himself it was impossible for the core to explode because it would be unprecedented.
I think throughout the episode you can slowly see him come to realise the extent of the fuckup, then when he's talking to the plant owner he goes full damage control denial

Loved the terror
Love Chernobyl
Loved endgame

Am allowed to like things ?

he was in Resident Evil Apocalypse though

hes not wrong

>Was he so afraid of the state
He had no reason not to be terrified.

He refuses to watch any series except GoT.

>It'l be fine, They Said. You'll see, They Said

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I do wonder why they didn't include the fourth guy.

Apparently there was an older man with the two interns who, like Dyatlov, had experience from his time as a submariner, and he realized right away that the three of them were fucked. When they left, instead of just bolting down the hallway and abandoning the one who had been holding the door open like they do on the show, apparently the one on door duty wanted to go have a look too, but the submarine guy stopped him from going, thus saving his life since he apparently survives to this day.

your dad would fit right in on Yea Forums

What channel? Netflix or HBO? What day do they come out?

Tell him to look at a TRT treatment

They tipped it with graphite because
the tips of the control rods were within the sphere of nuclear reactions and boron would slow down the neutrons and therefore lower the energy generated.

Well, he saw something alright.

>"dad you wanna watch kinobyl?"

HBO, and Monday

same but with my only friend. he thinks he is super smart but has no taste in anything. didn't even watched the trailer said hmmm sounds boring, and thats with 90% of shit i recommend him. FML I can't socialize and my only friend is a fucking autist I met 15 years ago in school.

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Ahaha. There's a very obvious tell (you can't really call it an error, since it would have been way more expensive to green-screen this) when you look at the commieblocks in the distance. Though you won't notice it unless you grew up in one back in the bad old days.

You weren't allowed to enclose your balcony back then. It ruined the uniformity.

Testosterone isn't his issue at all, memes aside. He just hates his work so fucking much, and is in constant pain from his arthritis, that anything that makes him think upsets him. He numbs himself with shit.

Legit good cinematography.

Good memes.

Based and redpilled

He explained all of this in his book. They lacked the proper documentation about the reactor, they weren't told about the reactor being unstable at low power so what he deemed safe and logical (pumping tons of water in the reactor while removing the rods) was in this case, a deadly mistake. Also the test was ordered by Fomin, Dyatlov had to apply the orders, that's how it worked in the USSR, even if you claim something is unsafe, no one would believe you unless an accident happens.

Many physicists later said that Dyatlov was simply a scapegoat for the soviet authorities. The Russians were absolutely proud of their RBMKs that they simply couldn't acknowledge they had an absolute trash reactor design.

In fact, the RBMKs were designed in such a way that they could even be scaled up.

Yeah, they planned on making even bigger RBMKs as they simply had to stack more graphite on top of the existing cores to make them bigger (RBMKs still are to this day the biggest and most unsafe reactors in operation)

lol, I meant trainees. Dunno what happened there.

Sure but what does it matter if all the buttons are accurate when a fanfiction woman character is there to show all the pesky men how to run her nuclear facility

thats more than likely not whats going to happen comrade

Your clearly delusional Comrade. RBMK's cannot explode.

He saw things you people wouldn't believe.

Dyatlov wanted it done because he thought it would be his ticket back into grace (he had previously fucked up a sub reactor, and his son died of radiation-accelerated leukemia).


He is right you know.
You facking nation traitor selfhatin liberaha pidor

he even did a Russian accent in Happiness (1998)

Attached: 301346_full.jpg (1000x666, 58K)

>with gf in bed
>”hey wanna watch Chernobyl, its this show about a really bad thing that happened in Russia a long time ago”
>”you know I dont really like those boring historical movies user”
>fire it up
>we are both immediately glued to the screen
>I get a feeling of relief that its actually kino and my Yea Forums bros were right again
>shes tired though so she falls asleep on my chest like 20 minutes in and agrees to finish it with me tomorrow
>finish it by myself anyway

Sitnikov, what do you see ?

Attached: What do you see.png (1181x500, 718K)

Holy fucking shit Happiness is good, never recognized him in it.

proof that what women want is for a man to show them what they want

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I am so ready for it to happen though. I thought the nurse was a spy which would have been interesting but instead these articles make it out to be that she's just the genius good samaritan who takes down USSR all by herself.

Not even Russian.

The music for this scene was 5spoopy

>In fact, the RBMKs were designed in such a way that they could even be scaled up.

They had blueprints for RBMK-2000 reactors, the fucking madmen

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I think this show is breaking some of our comrades

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My god this shit is the best.

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I think her response is one lots of people will have “ugh boring history shit about a boring nuclear plant no thanks” but when you look at it more closely you see the human drama as well as how freaky radiation is to deal with and its just cool. Plus we both really like dark shit and this feels pretty dark to start off.

Based positive bro.

What the fuck, just why?

3,6 Roentgens

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Why are Russians so butthurt over this show when it didn't even happen in their country?

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>6280 MWt

Ayyy comrad, why not just making bigger reactors ?)))))

Attached: kanedovitch reactor.jpg (720x306, 112K)

Any examples of Russian butthurt? Gotta check the rutracker comments.

because there's a new generation of idiots who think that soviet times were great and there were no problems

They were committed to their duty.

Our resident russian patriot, for a start . The man has been with us since thread #1

Haven't rewatched it but it's been on my mind a lot.

Because it's a show about Russian failure, not Ukrainian. The Russians know that in the USSR they gave the other states a shafting, and that the bureaucratic failings were from people who were mostly Russian.

um sweedy ukraine is make pretend country
we annex now

Attached: ukraine is fictional country.png (1740x222, 66K)

The second explosion was basically a fuel-air bomb caused by hydrogen bursting out of the reactor vessel and reaching self-detonation concentration with the outside air. Remember that all the remaining water inside got thermochemically converted into hydrogen and oxygen when the reactor pulsed.

Great post

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Believe it or not at least one of the other reactors was operational until 2000. So yes, they kept the non damaged ones running.

nice try hohol

Are Ukrainian prostitutes really that great?


Slavshit that was born in USSR here

You forgot the perfect sets, clothes, cars. Even the mannerism of the clapping scene was perfect.

It's unironically true.

this is a /pol/ colony now

hell they even nailed that control room perfectly

Attached: fuck the pannel.png (1332x1416, 2.12M)

Absolutely based.

I'm Ukrainian and I have no idea. The good ones probably all emigrated.

Do you have any cute twink boys I could import?

I don't believe you.

link where?

seriously how are you cucks THIS triggered about this show? You spend literally all of your time talking shit about everyone else but one thing comes out about your ex-government and suddenly all you cucks start losing your minds.


Supposedly the ranking by total number in Europe is Ukrainian > Romanian > the rest. Don't know how any of them are since I would never pay for it.

All cute twinks getting killed in donbass, sorry

post pictures of your tits faggot

> No diverse cast
> No main characters oppressed people can look up to

Why bother watching this

No worries, man. If you ever get a change to talk to a farmer from the eastern bloc countries that operated during the USSR, do so. They have a lot of stories.

All the reason to hurry!

Not everyone is as dumb as you can’t learn multiple languages.

Never heard anything about Romanian hookers. I thought Czechs were a big deal?

I'm from the former RSR and I sometimes forget that not everyone is used to this shit. It almost "normal" sometimes.

Stories about them getting intimate with farm animals? Wtf are you even trying to say here?

most of the clocks are Elektronika 7 brand too and at the beginning the car you see the KGB watching Legasov from is one of those ones designed to look like a regular GAZ but has a souped up V8 engine in the front

But EVERYONE was oppressed in USSR

Whats the weather like in Nizhny Novgorod this time of year? Wait, dont answer, I already know it sucks.

You forgot something though

>turning down free benzos to watch kino on

Why get mad all of s sudden fagmo? It was 28C and mostly sunny today.

that is shit from india to the world?

Yeah one thing I noticed immediately was how genuine all of the furnishings and household items looked. It just looks sad. Depressing, cheap, boring and sad. So THIS is is the power of communism.

No. That the USSR sucked the eastern bloc countries dry of their resources, and used them to increase the standard of living of Russia. Farmers had their land seized, and if they refused, were imprisoned. The point I am trying to make is that they plonked this piece of shit reactor down in Ukraine because they didn't care about the people there, and they covered it up to save face because they knew they were demoralised by their unrelenting destruction of their pride.

nigger you realize that this board is literally lousy with Russian LARPs right?

No that would be this one

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The experiment that was approved was fine. It was they way it was executed that was not. The technicians were really fucking around with the reactor to try and reach experiment parameters, when they should have admitted "nope we missed our window".

They're pretty popular all over West Europe. The Express published this in January this year: Police so swamped with Romanian trafficked prostitutes they close 'one brothel a week in one London borough'. I think Czechs are more into making porn than prostitution.

Because I know what you are.

They filmed it in Lithuania so it holds the atmosphere pretty well.

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Lol that imaginary oppression what butthurt belters always cry about.

>he point I am trying to make is that they plonked this piece of shit reactor down in Ukraine because they didn't care about the people there
They plunked the same reactor near Leningrad, you fucking mongoloid.

That's a tsunami map and his Fukushima map is fake as well.

>they were being told
nah, that was all private initiative

>"Souped Up" V8
>120hp truck engine copied from Americans
Its hilarious if not for the fact how sad it was.

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>actors playing "Russians" have English accents
This first episode would probably be god tier for me if the actors actually spoke Russian

Bread 2

Well I don't care, get mad all you want bitch.

When you have to give everyone the same thing, you won't be giving them Rolls Royce.

Shit tsunami you mean.

Was it a fact tho?

>also why were they doing a security test like that in the middle of the fucking night
it was supposed to be the previous shift to do the experiment, they were running late. One of the reasons for the fuckup.

>Because I know what you are.
What do you think he is?

he's still alive and he said that the socialist radiation is the best in the world

Seems Indonesia was shitting up the place in 2004. What where the Indians up to then? Building poo castles?

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I know you dont. You know, I almost feel bad for you. Just knowing how much better every facet of my life is than yours, about how your miserable brainwashed mind cant do anything but spout propaganda about your countries shameful adventures in Ukraine. Youre basically subhuman and will never live a fulfilling life. Like I said, I pity you.

So during the disaster did they shut down the other reactors and then re-start them once things were a little safer?

What are you asking exactly dumbass???

Unironically, probably.

>little Tsarevich crying about how they never oppressed anybody
you're right, mother Russia is the real victim, here.

One of those were supposed to be to I just trying to understand what meant by that.

Haha I bet those bloated hohols in kotyous shat out the same epic mantras before getting hit by hard lead. Stay mad worm.

The fact of autoculture in USSR.
"Peoples car" that was a cramped Fiat you could only get either by sucking up to your workplace and wait a lifetime for, or pull in every under the table favor to get it on the black market, versus even the poorest americans getting a choice in which used car to get, from imports to land yachts

Why don't you ask the butthurt belter directly then?

I was going to. That's what I meant by 'one of those was meant to be for him'. I was posting to both for context. My post could have been structured better.

So no actual facts just more propaganda? Ok.

doing tests on a night shift with less people and not the best people was a big factor IMO
I worked in a factory before the big fuck ups always happened on nights.

what propaganda?

See, this is what im talking about. Even if you kill some retarded Ukrainians its irrelevant, the simple fact here is youre parroting propaganda like a mindless drone. On top of that youre stuck in a fucking hellhole. I pity you.

Keep in mind, im not Ukrainian, I could give a fuck less about them. Im just grateful im not fucked in the head like you, and have the freedom to go live an awesome life while youre stuck in a wasteland of heroin addicts, alcoholics and brainwashed subhumans being force fed bullshit all day with no other choice but to accept.

>i pity you

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yes yes well done well done you know I am something of a physics expert myself

I'm asking about the "souped up V8" in a Volga specificaly , shit for brains. I already know a licenced Fiat copy was produced in USSR.

I unironically pity most of the world, especially brainwashed slavs who've been subjected to this bullshit for nearly a century now

Well that's a hella lot of cope coming from an impartial observer who doesn't really give a fuck.

But whatever fairytales gets your ravaged ass aslepp tonight, I guess.


Attached: reactor.jpg (582x354, 21K)

The V8 came from V8 engines reverse engineered from Buick or Oldsmobile or what ever engines Lend Lease trucks had in them.
At the end of Soviet Union there was experimentation with rotaries, some did end up police Ladas and apparently were fast enough to keep pace with the first generation of Western Imports(80's-90's low end models
I thought you were asking about the fact of life


Your pity means fuck all, just so you know. And the more you say you pity someone like a parrot the more pathetic you yourself look.

I would really like to know what was going on in his mind for him to rage and yell like that at the man he's essentially just murdered.

So there were no souped up V8 in KGB Volgas and you just farted that out just because it sounded cool?

underrated redpill

Literally probably what I typed. I honestly believe that he believes the core is still there. I know it won't be in the next episode but, I kind of hope he sends him off on a treasure hunt to find the core

The original post I replied to was the one that mentioned "Souped up" V8s
There were Volgas with V8s
I pointed out that they were only "Souped Up" relative to rest of what SU had, nothing close to what would an actual souped up V8 be like.
What is your problem?

Fairytales? I can look at statistics and pictures and know where you live is a sad shithole filled with intelectually crippled, beaten down zombies. Ukraine is irrelevant, its always been an irrelevant country, especially to someone living where I live. Unlike you, I have actual shit to enjoy instead of shitposting about Ukraine all day in topics that have nothing to do with it.
Its more directed at the fact that your people have been reduced to what they are. Alcoholics, heroin addicts, mentally retarded freaks. Your country is devoid of beauty, of decency, its a dead end. If youre born theyre youre doomed.

The bitterness of Russian posters is always so satisfying to me. It really shows with how you guys speak and act. Hell just looking at pictures of your shithole cities I can see it on the faces of your people. Its sad, and makes me love my own life in ways you will never be able to comprehend.

Oh shit!

Is this how you get your (You)s?

i used the term "souped up" cause thats what a russian friend who saw this episode described it as