Do you agree Yea Forums?

Do you agree Yea Forums?

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move S5 and S6 to the middle

>implying everything past seasone one isn’t complete shit


Needs a separate category for S1, the best, and S5-6 worse than the previous but better than the abortion that was S7 (which could arguably be in the same tier as S8).

nigga reddit be like 'finna bird on these niggas' meanwhile nigga 4channel be like 'meanwhile nigga 4channel be like'

S5 and S6 were trash.

S7 and S8 are objectively better.

I agree that you should fuck off to your homeland.

>"Jamie, it really doesn't make sense for you to go on this trip to save Marcella since you can't fight for shite and you're also a kingsguard and me, Bronn, is going anyway and you'll just drag me down and also why the fuck are we even going in the first place huh?"
>"I know it doesn't make sense, but i have to go. It just has to be me"

Literally one of the first scenes of the season. The moment D&D started writing their own shit it all went to shit.

No, show is only decent up to S4

season 4 was when the massive and rapid decline started

Watch season 1 and then 8 in succession and you will I see both are top notch kino. Skip the rest and the story makes sense

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Noooooooooooo..!! It was OOUUR meme!!

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This. Seasons 7 and 8 are better than 5 and 6. Even if it's just because of hilariously bad choices the producers made.


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Give up on life and stop commenting on anything, you're not mentally equipped for the task

Everything after 3 is a trash fire

Anything past 2.5 goes to the cough category

>hey 4channel let’s talk about this reddit show outside of the reddit general
Fuck off

>lumping 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 together with 1

Also move S7 to the bottom


remove middle section
move everything after season 1 to the bottom

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Nah 1 through 4 are the only good seasons, all the others are garbage

>couldn't even bother to screencap it properly to at least pretend it's not a reddit repost

You're only lashing out because you now realize GoT has been shit for years.

This, 6 was better than 5

Why do retards think season 6 was good? It was full of the same shit that made season 7 bad. Teleporting all over the place, nonsensical plots, contrived drama and spectacle trumping a logical series of events. The Battle of the Bastards episode is a great example of spectacle being a larger priority than things making sense: even the part with Daenerys has ludricous things happen because they look cool.

I think I enjoyed season 7 more than many of these people because I expected it to be shit like season 6, but somehow people seem to have forgotten all the stupid shit that happened in season 6. Is it because the Starks retook Winterfell and Daenerys set sail to Westeros?


The IQ of viewers has dropped considerably all across the board.

>series turns to absolute dogshit season 5 episode 1
>this is subsequently when the show starts to become extremely popular

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What is the bottom picture from? I missed the meme.

S5 is carried almost entirely by Hardhome.

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Much better than the OP, but I still think that S7 is almost as bad if not as bad as S8.

It's worse. I can't remember anything beyond Tyrion's braindead jokes.

S7 had all the teleportation fuckery and probably had the worst warfare writing before S8 set new standards of shit.

>carried almost entirely by Hardhome.
By the worst battle in the series?

Yeah, this is accurate.

Move season 4 down a peg and you'll have it right. I'm tired of you brainlets defending season 4 because of muh oberyn and muh Joffrey. That shit ain't enough.

>muh oberyn and muh Joffrey
Tywin, Hound, Jaime... Tyrion was still witty, Bran's storyline hadn't turned to shit yet. There are a few D&D-tier scenes, but they're peppered in so lightly you can forget about them by the time Oberyn's head explodes.

You're a newfag, a redditor, and a brainlet. Everyone with sense recognized season 4 was when the show jumped the shark.

Literally a reddit post on Yea Forums.

>unedited reddit posts on Yea Forums

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It was still massively popular on Yea Forums, in a good way, until a few episodes into S5, when it unfortunately became more popular. Is it that sensible to argue against a season even Yea Forums can enjoy?

Alright, here's the final version.

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this has an overtly nazi tone to it desu

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Looks good bro

>his distaste for the show rises in direct proportion to the show's rise in mainstream popularity
>he is not capable of introspection and realising that he is incapable of enjoying things for no other reason than because other people enjoy them too
>he convinces himself the show genuinely has declined in quality and is popular nonetheless because 'the masses' (of which he considers himself superior to) enjoy low-quality things moreso than quality things

Just swinging by to say that this is correct.


Cersei's arc and destruction of the Sept in Season 6 was kino though.

S5 and S6 had exactly one good episode each (S5E8, S6E10); S4 had at least two. Your list is bogus.

Cutoff point is S4.
Classic normies, jumping on the 'GoT is shit' bandwagon to late.

I was very impressed by the Sept of Baelor episode. To me it was the single best scene I ever watched on TV. Beside that everything after S4 is trash.

Imagine attempting to refutedubs that good

Only season 1 was a great adaptation.

The rest are well produced but they kept giving less shit as the show went on ,yes starting with season 2

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casual reminder that /got/fags have hated the reddit infestation since S3 of the show

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Also move all of they beyond the wall scenes from s4 to bottom also

>I watch got and my opinion matters

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S1 was not that good, too much fanservice

to be fair s2 and 3 were good adaption let down by the shows budget. if they were given the same budget as now they could have been kino

no its all good

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is it actually their meme? where was varys meme born?


it was irredeemable shit from mid S4, you know I'm right

This. S5 & S6 still had their moments, while S7 built up to the most retarded plot in the entire series.

I think you mean anti-kino, friend


Based and niggerbabblepilled

On Yea Forums of coursh!

Cringe reddit opinion. The show went to shit right after s1.

Fantasy/medieval kino.
Start of the decline. Every new season is worse than previous one. Still watchable but the idiotic and unnecessary changes are infuriating.
Point of no return. Show descends into absolute garbage as Dumb and Dumber massively deviate from the books.
Pure retardation. Not even actors can pretend to like it anymore.

No, but

I can agree with this.



It's the most accurate ITT but I still think S4 is better than S5 and S6 but not as good as S2 and S3

only s1 was ok
the rest were trash

Supremely based

I stopped watching the show during season 3, so no.

Show was garbage ever since they drifted from the books. Talisa was cringe as fuck and I still cringe at her.

I agree, I think its important. If you dont agree, dont be rude about it! Yea Forums does finna be like that everyone. That's all. I wish people would do it.
It all depends on the people concerned. But a lot of people are having issues with their lives and/or relationships and they need something to stop it, they don't wanna talk. So... I agree with Yea Forums a lot.. I wish they would start to do it and maybe start making these kind of games and things. A lot of people have problems with their lives... People have families... Children... People are having difficulties, and when they talk about it they cry.

When I was in college, I was one of the first people in the world, I was the first kid I was in the library... I got sent home from school, for being a nigger/nigger spook. Now I am a student at an elite university, just as I was on the first day, and I'm a student, well... i never know whatI am going to get into. I always think I am going to go to college and go get a good job, and have kids and have a nice life.

There are plenty of things I've come to learn and understand about this country. I want to tell you about something. You can put in a million dollars in a bank and not lose your life savings. But if you ever lose your life savings you can't even try to figure out who it was? The bank doesn't know. You can't even tell the person putting money in your account, or if it was your father's money, if there was a bank account on your name, but that is a part of the process of going from zero to 100. As an example, when we set up your account online we had the option to have a $3.0 credit balance, but we knew we have to start building. The process was not easy but I learned a lot from the process. There are many banks across the nation doing this online and they are doing it quickly.

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yeah i think this is it

S4 had Charles Dance. Which immediately puts it above S5 that raped Stannis' character and forever sank the show.

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Yea Forums BTFO again

S4 is its own tier: worse than 2 and 3 but better than 5 and 6. Otherwise perfect.



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By the midpoint of that sentence i was already almost crying laughing

Reddit loved got until they were told by droves it wasnt good. They don't know what's good, they are told what's good. They didn't know seasons 5-7 were bad until season 8 dropped (more specifically, episodes 3-4; they were pretty much cheering for it still after ep 2), but the tides changed and now they are retroactively disliking things, however, they still liked them in the past so they are conflicted.


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