So this HBO miniseries about Chernobyl is about a lie that's being promoted by the USSR state to such an extent that it becomes the truth?? Then why haven't they done it on the Holocaust yet???!!! It's much older, theres much more documentation on it, and it has already been disproven by the Leuchter report, Lüftl report (Austrian Royal Academy of Science) and the Krakow Institute ( on behalf of the Aushwitz Museum to prove Leuchter wrong) which all came with the same conclusion. I'm just so baffled by why they keep avoiding the evidence, anyone know why this is?
I know the real reason, it was just a rhetorical question for the people that still don't know to do research on it
So this HBO miniseries about Chernobyl is about a lie that's being promoted by the USSR state to such an extent that it...
What lie dumbass?
Are you saying the disaster never happened? I lived here in the outskirts. Go back to your shithole tranny land and tell your conspiracy garbage to other autists instead.
Are you fucking retarded??? Did you even read what i wrote or watched the first episode yet of the miniseries??? Go fuck off you retarded low IQ Mongoloid bastard
youre a fucking moron
of course youd want to cover it up first thing, just imagine a fucking meltdown is on your ass, they came forward eventually and fixed their own fuckup, dozen of men died to fix their mistake so go die in a fire tranny faggot
why cite the sources without citing all of the glaring flaws that are inherent to holocaust denial. If you do the research you see all the flaws that come along with it?
He's trying to act retarded because you called out the holohoax.
the holocaust was absolutely real, maybe not 7000 gorrilion or whatever but it was fucking real, my great grandparents were murdered by nazis after the british handed them over to them
Back to Yea Forums trap fucker
Boo hoo they deserved it.
I've done research and the only flaws are the ones about the holohoax being real, forged documents, show trials, modified photos, interviews with "survivors" lying, you should look at the real flaws more carefully you handicap
What lie? Chernobyl happened moron.
how do you know what? why would you say that to him? that's awful. you're just some dickbag on the internet and you think you know this guy's family better than he does?
OP what do you mean with your first sentence
They were Jews, Commies, or both.
Reddit pls
Ew, how old are you?
my grandfadda was gassed 600 times oyyy he survived but i will never forgive those nazi bastids
hahahaha rekt faggot bong
The holocaust just flew over my house
Fucking mutts
Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit
Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs
Also selfhating pidors ITT
Top fucking kek.
Дoлбoёб нaхyй ты кapтy выcoты вoлн пpитaщил?
sorry sweaty but /pol/ meme infographics do not count as "research"
maybe stop worrying about the holocaust and have sex?
>I've looked at a bunch of dumb cherrypicked infographics, look at me mommy I'm researching
How about working from some primary sources and tell us all about the lies they contain lmao?
where even is this hall of cost?
Your post is as useless as his.
Turbine hall of cost
>when you deny the Holocaust every happened but want it to happen again
/pol/tards never cease to amaze me, especially because they're majority non-white
It's like a projected inferiority syndrome or something
BTW I fucking hate both Jews and commies, I just hate strawmanning (almost) as much