Despite making up 2% of the total population

>Despite making up 2% of the total population...
Ok, jokes aside, how come there's such a disproportionate percentage of Jewish actors and execs in Hollywood/media?

Attached: hollywood-jew_thumb.jpg (697x520, 111K)

We got there first, basically.

I would worry more about that disparity in congress

>Despite woman making up 49.5% of the total population you have not been able to have sex with any of them

Why does the cream rise to the top?

This. A good way to spot an incel is Anti-Semitism. They probably struck out with a 5/10 in Holocaust class.

That's a lie. Hollywoodland was made up of white people in the beginning. The jewish subversion started in the 50s.

You don't say

Attached: congress2.jpg.png (681x600, 124K)

Jews settled in NY and Cali and pretty much created the entertainment industry on top of nepotism.

>Holocaust class
Do Americans really do this?

Okay, we took control of a power vacuum. Where were your people when this all went down?

Did nepotism keep this phenomenon afloat? Because it doesn't make sense otherwise.

>Despite making 49.5% of the human population, women make up 0% of the celibate population
Really makes me think

because anti-semites banned jews from any jobs that "good christians" would do, leaving the jews to work in "sinful" fields like banking and entertainment. now you retards turn around and wonder why they are so good at the things you FORCED them to do!

Yes. All schools in the West have classes on the Holocaust?

Pretty much.

Vaudeville and low budget theatres was just another extension of occupation of low status like banking, debt collecting, tax collecting etc was in old europe.

Theatre is also disproportionatly jewish as well.
Add nepotism to that and voila.


Not true. Jews have been powerful players in America from basically the beginning, and especially by the time cinema was taking off. They weren't "forced" into it at all.

Nice. 15% of women self report as being virgin by the age of 25. I'm still looking for my slice of this 15%

The American revolution was actually spearheded by Jews from both the US and France. Republicanism was a Jewish movement through and through.

This. If you want something that was thoroughly jewish from the beginning, take look at pornography.

No, they don't.
That's history class.

That 15% is just ultra Christian girls lying about being virgins.

Americans are such a joke lol

Attached: holocaust class.jpg (620x840, 74K)

Alright, but of those lying 15%, at least 1% HAS to be telling the truth and is actually a khv, meaning never touched a penis in her life. I'm still looking for my slice of this 1%


Absolutely. It also keeps large businesses and prestigious schools running smoothly. I hate it.

lol no. The American Revolution was a revolt against the Jewish Bank of England.

>because anti-semites banned jews from any jobs that "good christians" would do,
This wasn't true in America and not even in Erope for the most part.

Nonsense, all major studios except Disney was founded or at least run by jews in the 1930s.

Jewish racism, same reason so many people hate the Jews. Jews are the most tribalistic, nepotistic ethnic group in all of creation. They run everything mafia-style.

Defend this, Cletus

We dirty gentiles literally FORCED those poor souls into controlling banking and hollywood. They had no other option but to push degeneracy in society. It's all our fault really :(


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Daily reminder that BASED Obama stood up to Israel while Trump is their bitch on a leash

>Agreement with Iran
>Condemnation of Israeli settlement expansion
>Suspended visit to Israel
>Several diplomatic rows with Israel

>Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital
>Votes woth Israel at the UN
>Blocks condemnation of settlement expansion
>Pulled out from UNESCO because "muh Palestine"
>Suspends agreement with Iran because Israel told him to
>Jared Kushner basically directs his foreign policy
>Sucks AIPAC's dick

/pol/tard scum will defend this.

Attached: 12110766-6908579-image-a-1_1554920754128.jpg (634x491, 64K)

Obama was a nigger.

this thread isn't about zion don

It is your fault, for being spineless children who fell for a cheap trick - just like the one your people pulled on the Natives.

That clears things up, I didn't know that, thanks

>like the one your people pulled on the Natives.
Which was...

The gradual annihilation of your land's previous owners BWAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: points n laughs.png (1600x1597, 858K)

t. Amerimutt

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Attached: Dark History of Hollywood - pg20.png (1218x214, 38K)

Serious question here.
How in hell Dan Schneider get away with it?

>the very start of Hollywood was because Jews ran to California to escape New York making them pay for the rights to use the patented technology and because real estate was cheap
Always found this funny

Attached: 245201.jpg (225x350, 42K)

looks proportionate to general american demographics or what?? arent jews slightly overrepresented here actually?

There's probably a huge cabal of pedos protecting him.

So if white people are so superior why did they let Jew take control of Hollywood?

>implying Hollywood wouldn’t be just as degenerate if it was run by whites
Different race, same casting couches and drugs.

History actually happened. I learned about the Holocaust in my Fiction Lit class

Who said that white people are superior?

because white people arent racist

Yeah basically, since whites are more conservative than jews.

I'd say it'd be even more degenerate than it already is. Jews are usually based

Catholics seem very over represented and other small groups under represented with atheist being nearly being not represented at all. Which is not surprising as being an openly atheist politician is career suicide.

Not the type of whites that would be interested in Hollywood.

Let's be honest it would just be a little less degenerate
Politicians are white and they do degenerate shit all the fucking time

Nope. Look at the founders of the first 5 big Hollywood studios that owned a cinema cartel until the supreme court split it up. All of them were Jewish and all the leading stars were white because nobody in America would have wanted to see those movies otherwise.

Since Hollywood would be less degenerate in the first place there is no reason it would attract more degeneate part of white population.


How (((Hollywood))) was established was different though. That was because

>Edison steals another invention
>It's an early/proto video camera
>Because royalties were different then, you unironically wired Edison his royalties based on how much profit you had made by recording a movie/using his equipment etc
>Jews being Jews looked for a way they could cheat this system
>Edison lived in New Jersey
>California was a nothing desert with cheap as fuck land/rentals, but more importantly, it was far enough away from New Jersey that you could delay royalty payments
>To the extent that if you went (((bankrupt))) you didn't have anything on hand to pay any royalties with
>That was even if they managed to work out you were making money when you were thousands of miles away with their invention
>Due to the difficulties, (((they))), made vasts sums of money that they didn't give Edison and went on to establish (((Hollywood))) and by proxy developed Commifornia into what it is today - a total shithole where I wouldn't even let my enemy's dog live

There's an irony to it all though.

>Edison steals someone's invention (as usual)
>Edison reees that Jews aren't paying him what he "deserves"
>Jews don't care because they're making vast sums, sorry goy it's just business you should have been smarter
>Fast forward to today
>Goys reverse dab on the Jews by torrenting everything
>"Oy gevalt! We deserve compensated because we "made" the movie!"

See how the non-Jew-who-lived-like-a-Jew was outJewed by the Jew, but then the Jew was outJewed himself by the goy? What an absolute clusterfuck. Or it's just a pure coincidence.
Go with the latter if you're not an anti-semite.

Does it matter?

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I think you vastly underestimate how degenerate white people are, user. All the biggest cokeheads I’ve known are white. Thinking Hollywood would be run by conservative Christians or something is pure delusion.

Meh. Edison was a jerk anyway.

Read what you said again you fucking stupid beaner.

Attached: Screenshot_20190510-121216_Chrome.jpg (1080x1714, 453K)

>All the biggest cokeheads I’ve known are white.
Wow this anecdote almost convinced me

>Thinking Hollywood would be run by conservative Christians or something is pure delusion.
It's hypothetical situation. Everything is plausible.

It really isn’t plausible. I’m just being realistic here.


Jews made hollywood, there would be no hollywood like today without Jewish people

>>Edison steals another invention
>Jews being Jews looked for a way they could cheat this system

edison deserved this desu

>obama - pro muslim, what a surprise
>trump - pro jew
Why would anyone think being pro-semite is good.

This. Politicians are arguably way more degenerate than Hollywood studio heads.

i thought they went to california because it was always sunny

That too but also because there was a lot of open land to build big studios on.

I didn't have a "holocaust class" but we spent roughly 1-2 months every year learning about the holocaust and watching movies for 4 years. All of middle school basically

Seems to vary place by place. Where I went to school it seemed like all we learned about were native Americans for most of elementary school. The holocaust only came up twice briefly in high school. Briefly in a 20th century history class senior year and once sophomore year as background information for a historical fiction novel we were reading. We never got past the civil war until high school. School board politics are retarded.

And they started Hollywood to avoid paying Edison for his film patents. The film industry started on the East coast of the US.

Literally Hitler.

My english teacher in middle school was a jew and she made us read all about the holocaust and watch movies about it for an entire semester.

It coincides with the national Penis Inspection Day

you know it’s actually not any different, right? I was a virgin until 22 and nothing about me changed, except I’m happier now because I’m in a great relationship. and if your angle is “roasties”, I hate to break it to you but virgin vag looks just as much like roast beef as any whore’s.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here, this is hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy keep putting Jews first.

>/pol/ literally rewriting history to suit their agenda

Lmao dude, actually research this shit. There was never a time where the entertainment industry didn't have a huge proportion of Jews.

The absolute fucking state of Jew.S.A.

Hollywood is their mega corporation of course it would be infested by them. If you want to see an honest Hollywood there are no goyim in Israeli media at all.


jews rape children

Jews start exploiting film technology on the east coast to film the things decent people wouldn't film: porn, violence, etc...

Jews move to L.A. to start a film industry for 3 reason:
1. Avoid having to pay rent for film projectors back east (Edison had the patent on them back in the day and Jews didn't want to pay him)

2. Avoid having to pay authors for the rights to film their books/novels/whatever.
- far less pesky lawyers on the west coast and people likely to report the theft of IP

3. Avoid having to worry about stricter film codes back east.
-allows for inclusion of degeneracy in film to sell tickets

And there you go....(((Hollywood))) is born.

So, would you prefer an entertainment industry completely devoid of sex and violence? Sounds fucking boring.

They are truly repulsive

Attached: filthy_jew.jpg (540x421, 33K)

>That's a lie. Hollywoodland was made up of white people in the beginning. The jewish subversion started in the 50s.
This poster was made in 1938.

Attached: nazi-poster-121207-1425815894.jpg (335x451, 39K)

>muh nepotism
Fellas, nepotism is gonna happen regardless of who's in charge. It's literally unavoidable and isn't patented by Jews. You guys act as if filthy rich Anglo-American families like the Clintons and Rockefellers don't do the exact same shit.

>devoid of sex and violence
No, that wouldn't be real either, but you don't need to see solid waste escaping or the clean up after to tell the story about how somebody had to go to the bathroom.

who cares you racist retard

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What the fuck are you talking about

They've made it so it's politically incorrect to call out their nepotism. Advantages of being white while openly being allowed to elevate their own sub group.

Almost every comedy series had one episode about how Jews don't date non-Jews so someone would need to convert for them.

Because they were kept out of other industries. Media & the Arts, along with Banking were more open to Jews so they focused on them and became successful.

>Because they were kept out of other industries....
....for doing exactly what they did to the (((entertainment))) and (((broadcasting))) industries. (((Banking))) too.

Jews are antihuman they need to be banned from every profession except being a laboring slave for the rest of time.