Why did it fail both critically and commercially?

> May 9th 2019
>"One week after its highly anticipated preimer, Warner Brothers Pictures is pulling 'Detective Pikachu' from threaters. 'Unfortunately, due to the disappointing box office performance, we simply cannot justify continued screening and exposure of Detective Pikachu' a representative of Warner Brother said."

>"Although Pokemon is one of the best selling video game series ever produced, its live action debut has been less than impressive, with some screening reportedly being completely empty"

>"Warner Brothers did not comment on how they would handle the 600 million dollar loss."

Why did it fail so badly, both commercial and critically, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


You know, shitting on this movie isn't nearly as funny as as you think it is.

I literally can't fathom being this obsessed with pikashit in your 20s, unbelievable

Dude, just have sex

While this is bait and didn't happen, I don't see this flick making more than $500 million. Pokemon is something you remember fondly and go "aww, I used to play this game when I was a kid, now they made a movie? Cool", and not really something people will actually go and watch a movie about, hence why it was sold as a Ryan Reynolds buddy cop vehicle. They also needed an established actor for the human lead.

Have sex, this movie will glide to 400m from kids alone, adults taking it to 600+

It's going to make more than Endgame dude.

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>They also needed an established actor for the human lead.

I seriously don't get why people see movies specifically for actors. Sad.

dvds will sell like hotcakes to make up the loss

Yea Forums was right for once !! Defective Pikaflop

They didn't have We Are Detective in the soundtrack.

Won't even so as well as Shazam

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Because they like their performance acting?
Are you retarded?

Shitty marketing. Also, know your demographic. This looks like it's supposed to appeal to people who grew up watching it in the 90s but is straight aimed at kids today.

It really won't, kids don't care about pokemon. If this was a Fortnite movie then yeah, but I really don't see this movie having the same cross-generational appeal as Avengers or w/e and making big bucks. But I could be wrong

1 billion PoGo downloads and 60 million active players, highest grossing media franchise ever

Youre an idiot, have some sex

i was at the 10:40 EST screening last night and the theatre was full

are those players willing to pay to watch a pokemon movie?

Many will be and it's already off to a great China start. $500m is locked

lol, pokemon go died the summer of 2016, nobody plays it anymore, kids play fortnite on the PS4 and only weeb redditors own ds or switch to play pokemon

>have sex
you first, incel

So how about we talk about shit we didn't like about the movie?

>The pokémon voices for the most part were bad
>The Greninja were knocked out by a psychic attack, despite being immune to psychic type moves
>Almost no backstory given to Mewtwo (though I guess it makes sense, they said they wanted to make an entire movie about Mewtwo, so that's where they'll explain its background)
>Pokémon battles were ass
>The same pokémon over and over and over again. The obvious limitation of 3D because nobody wants to make a gorillion high detail pokémon models that will appear for a few seconds

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because it looks like shit and ryan reynolds isn't as funny as he thinks he is.

60 million active players

So as someone who was never into Pokemon, does this movie still have something going for it other than "Hey look, a creature I know!"

in 2017. Nobody plays it anymore



not really
pikachu is fluffy and cute, but that's it

It's very accessible for non mon players.

Surprisingly so

Why are manchildren so fucking stupid?

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Shit bait, try harder Mousenigger. lmao

Because they didn't use the VA from the games as used that gay faggot Ryan Reynolds instead.

Also brown kid

>Tracking lower than flopzam

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All movies from before go?

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>protean greninja

i know you guys are all talking shit about ryan reynolds but to be brutally honest i was really looking forward to seeing this film. and i would have done if they hadn't cast ryan reynolds in it. i just don't like him.

Something something, absolute nobody lead actor, something something, what did you actually spend 600 million in because it certainly wasn't the CGI

>Pokemon Go
Literally no one gives a shit anymore


They targeted 90s gamers.

It would’ve worked with gen X. It would’ve worked with zoomers. But 90s gamers? Good luck jews!

It came out just after the Avengers finale, people are going to to wait a bit before going to the movies again. Pokemon is less mainstream than Marvel comics again less people going. At the same time people are focused on other cinematic events at the moment, namely, GoT. My point is that at this moment in the movie/show season it is a crowded field and it just doesn't stand out for the general public.

>hottest pop act right now does not even know what Pokemon is

I remember in the late nineties thinking I was too old for Pokemon.
Now there are people out there who do not know what it is.

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i dont want to watch nigger coalburner shit

>who grew up watching it in the 90s

>they said they wanted to make an entire movie about Mewtwo, so that's where they'll explain its background
But they already did

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different canons

though detective pikachu was so full of anime references that they'll probably change mewtwo's in-game backstory to make it more similar to the anime

>tracking to make like 150 mil worldwide

basically 1/10 of endgame. way to go guys!

Nobody wanted this movie.

but she said the pokemon movie was her favorite as a kid

Kek fuck pikachu

the romantic subplot really made the movie

Is Yea Forums ever tired of being wrong?

Vaguely remembers it. She was born 2 years after its release

If this had been a traditionally animated piece it would have sold millions.

pisses me off how she talks, is this how all zoomers speak now?

Yes... Everyone goes to the cinema to see shit they've never heard of. Every single parent will take their kids to see the talking animal Pokémon movie because there's no competition. Is this bait?

they make animated pokemon movies all the time and no one gives a shit

You're so retardedly out of touch that it's funny

Source on these quotes

Should've had a human human lead.
t. /pol/

>Why did it fail both critically and commercially?
Because a grown man voiced pikachu. Stupid "subverts expectations" gimmick. "If we're completely upfront about taking a shit on the basic elements of the franchise it'll be like a joke and you'll laugh and love it."
also because of niggers

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Yikes marvelshills are pure cringe, when will they make a good movie? Endgame was embarrassing if I'm honest

>Comparing the anime movies with a Live Action movie done by Hollywood with Reynolds as the leads.
>Forgetting that the movies stopped being in theaters after OS outside of Japan except for the AU and they still earned more than your average anime movie.
Kinda unfair to compare them when one used 150 millions and the other didn't.

It decided to release 2 weeks after the biggest movie of the decade and biggest movie of the century to date.

Any movie coming out within a month of Endgame is basically suicide.

Holy shit. Go guzzle down buckets of your boyfriend's cum as you watch endgame for the third time this weekend. Shill harder faggot.

The rest of us will be enjoying detective kino.

I don't watch any movie that's not made by Disney and i'm sure a lot of people do the same.

>He shills for Disney unironically and for free

>Why did it fail
black ash and reynoldschu

It’s just a cute movie for kids that’s tolerable for adults.

also, detectives have nothing in common with pokemon


>This may be a bigger Warner Bros./Pokémon Company question, but were there ever any concerns about claiming Pikachu and Psyduck as the main Pokémon of this movie, if the studio ever wanted to do a movie centered on Ash and Misty and that crew?

>That's above my paygrade. I don't know that. But one of the things about the way Pokémon works is Pikachu, Psyduck, they're species. So, Ash's Pikachu is a very different Pikachu than Detective Pikachu.

>Right. Were there conversations about tying this movie more closely to the Kanto region? Or giving any more obvious tips of the hat to the stories of Ash or Misty or Brock?

>Yeah. I mean, we do that in the movie. We do mention Kanto region on purpose. We do a lot of things to tie us into the rest of the Pokémon universe, so it's all one cohesive world. So, we mention Kanto region. Having Mewtwo in the movie, just in and of itself, connects all the dots. Even the battle posters in Tim's bedroom are all nods to the rest of the Pokémon storyline.

>But it never went as far as, Let's get a cameo from Team Rocket in here?

>No, no. The Pokémon Company were pretty specific about wanting to invest in building out Rhyme City as its new region and not undercut Tim Goodwin and Detective Pikachu's storyline.

They literally can't touch Ash, TPC won't allow it since it would be a problem for the anime. If you're lucky, you might get a PokeSpe reference (which I really doubt since the anime is waaay above the manga in popularity and worldwide recognition even if people hate that fact.)

The trailers for the movie were all fucking amazing, I think it was trailer #2? the one with "I need a hero" and also the ryan reynolds "interview" where his wife is like, "he didnt even change his voice for the movie", those two trailers sold it for me and I'm a 28-yr-old male who never sees movies.

I kind of agree with that one poster saying that kids are only interested in fortnite, I cant imagine the detective pikachu movie has the same broad appeal as Avengers... Do you imagine teen boys (~12-18) are going to be interested in DP like they are Avengers? Probably not.

That said, I'd imagine the movie hits a sweet spot with parents 20-30 and their kids (< 8). Think of all the 20-somethings who grew up with pokemon and currently have little kids wanting to see cute pikachu. With respect to that demographic alone, this movie could approach Avengers.

Whether the movie does well would then depend on how big that demographic is. Given what we know about millenial finances, delaying the decision to have children, and that the avengers movie was so recent, my totally uneducated guess is that the movie will do OK & be well-received but underperform its expectations.

She sounds like the dork/accused from American Vandal

I'd see a movie just for an actor. Not Ryan Reynolds, though.

I legitimately can't understand the fucking obsession people have with Pokemon. I was a kid when this shit was at it's peak and I always thought it was gay as fuck. There's no good story line, the gameplay is ass, the characters are moe shit, and all the games are the exact same. There are better exploration games out there and the anime is awful. I don't know a single person under the age of 20 who is a fan of Pokemon. All my friends still play this shit on their Nintendo 3Ds and their phones with that shit Pokemon GO game, setting up events to go catch Pokemon at the park and at the college campus. I doubt the movie will flop because every 20+ year old is going to see it eventually.

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It’s not active, re read that Wikipedia paragraph

>is this how all zoomers speak now?
A little bit, she's laying it on thick though. Basically all the young white kids are trying to imitate how black people speak more-- like the slang and shit... "lit" "senpai" "turn up" "squad" etc.

I'm pretty sure since she's like 16 and ultra famous she's faking it and purposefully speaking how she thinks someone in her position would speak, she has that kind of tone of voice people use when they're trying a little too hard to sound cool.

>@1:32 thinking is a bitch, thinking can get you all types of fucked up
> thinking can get you all types of fucked up
>X can get you Y
>get you some
This is a good example, it's more "black" to say it like that, I don't think most white kids would phrase it that way. I think she's hamming it up cuz shes trying to look cool but maybe she has a lot of black friends.

>One week after its highly anticipated preimer
Did weeks suddenly get shortened?

>Rhyme City
Might as well just call it Rap City USA. God forsaken shithole where the Japs dump undesirables...like the blacks.

You're fucking based!!!
Detective Pikachu>>>>Infinity War

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>The rest of us will be enjoying detective kino.

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>Yea Forums and business

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I sat next to a little girl with her parents yesterday at the theater and she wore a pikachu ear headband, pulled out her a 3DS, and after the movie was over, flossed.

the movies been only out for two days?? also I liked it

> I was a kid when this shit was at it's peak and I always thought it was gay as fuck.
>There are better exploration games out there

Translation: I arrived late to the party and never had a gameboy.

I'm betting you're like 21 and believe that since pokemon was at its "peak" when you were young, you should be the most interested. You are wrong.

I was in first grade when pokemon came out. Everything about pokemon at the time was awesome-- The gameplay was fantastic, the original pokemon games were legitimately some of the best games out on the market at the time. The monsters were new and interesting, the only thing comparable was digimon which didnt have a game and which we only found out about later. There were trading cards, which honestly shouldn't be legal to sell to kids, people got beaten up over that shit.

As I got older they came out with new games, added more pokemon, kept the show going. My group of friends were buying pokemon games up until we graduated high school (2009). Some of my friends from high school STILL buy all the pokemon games, which I might add, are genuinely good games with mechanics more complex than any children's game ought to have.

So sit your salty bitch-ass down, just because you missed the boat doesn't mean the rest of us owe you an apology.

we don't redditspace here

It has collection factor for collectfags,story for kids
A LIVE Competitive scene for autists. That's the secret, there's no 1 kind of pokemon faggot, Pokemon popularity doesn't compe from one factor but making a product that attracts different puiblics and knows how to hold them captive.

Shut up, nigger

if's... a kiddie movie
a "bad" movie is an understatement
it was really, really abysmal

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Exactly. I will watch any movie with Jeffery Combs no matter how bad it is.

I really don't think have sex applies to people who don't like Pokémon. They're just normal people, it's Pokémon fans that need to have sex cos they're either filthy weebs or too young to do it.

I had a gameboy and a Nintendo 64. Later on I had a GameCube and a PS2. I didn't even read the rest of your Reddit post because I don't care about how many times you ejaculated to Pokemon, nigger. You pokefags are all the same. I was busy playing other games that were actually fun and watching kino. I'm not a fucking furry so I don't care about your pikas and squirtles. And if you're STILL playing Pokemon then have some sex, preferably human.

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Ugly ass mutt human main character. Didn't help it was paired with a white girl as romantic interest. Glad this flopped

Who said this? Because the writers said it's in the same continuity as the anime just in a different region and there's already a movie about Mewtwos origin. On top of this movie itself actually mentions that Mewtwo came from another region 20 years ago(which is when Mewtwo Strikes Back came out) and was made from Mew's dna.


It's actually not a different canon

I didn't even know it had come out

I mean obviously I knew it was coming out but there was no additional hype-building just before premiere

How do they still fuck this up when Gisnep has taught the world exactly how you market a film

Well to be fair it literally came out yesterday(in some places;others today).

But yeah they didn't market it as hard as they probably should have

Youre fucking sad dude

b-but Yea Forums told me it will make 1 billion easy!!
Fuck you Yea Forums you told me pikakino will kill capeshit!!!!!

They are making a CG remake of the first movie.


>Why doesn't everyone just agree with me
Typical pokefag

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This is reddit spacing, formatting your post so that it's not a fucking wall of text is just a common courtesy
I bet you can't even tell the difference because you're retarded

I've been seeing ads on Twitter and Instagram past couple months, it's possible the algos just didnt pick you for advertising.

This past week it got a lot of mentions too cuz of the sonic trailer, people were comparing Pikachu to Sonic.

Easiest billion of my life senpai

This movie cant lose, its a guaranteed money printer.
I still remember when i went to watch the first animated movie with my parents. Theater was PACKED, and my parents hated pokemon. Now imagine people like me in their 30s taking their kids to see this movie.

I dont have kids, obviously, but i suppose someone out there who played pokemon made it that far.

That's a weird looking minion

Too late
Black lead

fucking cancer. would be nice to see a Yea Forums thread where half of the posts aren't spergs telling heave other to have sex

Sony always wins, baby.


>up against Endgame
>actual recognizable star power is behind a cgi character
>literal who actor as one of two protagonist
It wasn't looking good from the get go.

I thought this was a larp.

According to Wikipedia:

>Budget $150 million
>Box office $20.7 million

Oh no no no no no no no no no noooooooo

Because it's a fucking stupid idea. Some yellow cgi rat voiced by unfunny wisecracking meme man interacting with token negroid #005 for two hours or whatever. What the fuck does any of that have to do with a glorified videogame version of rock paper scissors anyway? When the fuck did kids start caring about detective stories, and when did having literal vermin as a lead in one of those stories start seeming like a good idea? If I could, I'd kick one of those pikachu fucks, just catch one of them under the chin with my steel toe capped boots.


Just an obsessed disney shill.

Is this the biggest ever flop in film history?

those movies came out like 20 years ago and are tv show continuations

Look at this faggot


>Yea Forums BTFO after weeks of calling an early death to The Greatest video game movie adaptation of all time.

>>"Warner Brothers did not comment on how they would handle the 600 million dollar loss."

We all know what the real MCU killer will be

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How is /pol/ always right and Yea Forums always wrong

I feel like Sonic kind of sucked the wind out of their sails. Turned everyone off of the whole thing.

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I think these threads already qualify as spam. Literally company wars from some disney shill and fake quotes.

>Oh, bing bao ching chao dong! We don't like your movie!!!
No one gives a shit

>the capeshit and nu wars era dies and gives birth to the pokemon era

that's it bro, Yea Forums and cinema itself are done for, consequences will never be the same

The Chinese don't like the Japanese, shocker

And that's a good thing

Well he's no Paddington Bear is he.

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>he posted it again
Kys you're self

Because the new avengers made us tired of kids films

I felt the same way, the immediate reaction to the Sonic trailer here was to compare it to Pikachu, and most people could see that Pikachu looked much better, but among normalfags it probably just ruined the whole thing for them. Even when the first Detective Pikachu trailer came out it was met with derision over the look of some of the Pokemon, even Pikachu himself, so when something as objectively awful as Sonic appeared everyone thought better of this vidyashit.
Honestly, genius move on Sega's part. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a game-like Sonic model already done but released the creepy one in the trailer to kill buzz for this movie a week ahead of its release.

WHOOO the fuck would watch this??? legit doesn't make sense to me. the "realistic pokemon" just looks creepy

Lmao you retards were claiming it'd be huge in China

Damn, Sonic killed the hype for this one. Wonder how this bodes for the Mario movie?

Not even Japan cares about it.

have seks

Huh? It made 53 million dollars in its opening weekend....

Too many moments where people point out the obvious for the sake of viewers who don't know about Pokemon.
>Oh, that's right, Mr. Mime has the ability to make invisible walls!
Imagine watching a movie where someone walks into a spider web, and another character says "Oh, that's right, spiders have the ability to spin webs!"

Disney shills seething at yellow rat that will dsb on their endgame.

Nah, were laughing because it's bombing like Shazam.

Fake and gay. Try harder. Also, sex.

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53M for the biggest media franchise ever is horrible. You cannot spin this.


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Haha so funneh OP xD

In France, in the biggest Paris cinema, I went to see it. There were one out of 36 theaters that was playing this one. Even the new "dramedy" had 2. This one is doomed lads. Endgame still has 3, and Captain Marvel has 2.

>DANK MEME 2019-05-10 um 16.24.16.png

Pokemon died in 2016.

Japan is too busy producing the actually good pokemon content like the games, anime and anime movies. They don't have time for soulless am*rican knockoffs


>Making up shit to shit on a Pokemkn movie
Have sex


Does anyone genuinely care about this movie? or is it just an excuse to shitpost?

>There were one out of 36 theaters that was playing this one
I went to Gaumont Champs Elysées to see it, and the vast majority of Pathé/Gaumont and UGC in Paris screen it. What are you smoking, faggot?

Holy fuck. I hate how life and time works.

low quality bait

this webm is not cute at all and actually makes me angry.

Remember when Pokémon fans were bragging about it having more views than the first toy story 4 trailer.

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Some were comparing to the anime movies saying that it was going to be better than all of them (no shit, it was done by Hollywood with Reynolds as the face), and others are shitting on it for not beating Endgame or because Tim is black and Memepool is the voice.

It won't flop, but thinking that it was going to beat MCU was beyond stupid.

>It won't flop, but thinking that it was going to beat MCU was beyond stupid.
Anyone who thinks WB can beat the most monopolized company in the world is a fucking retard.

>monkeyspeak is default behavior for zoomers now

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I wanted to see it but Ryan Reynolds bugs the shit out of me and I don’t enjoy looking at ugly mullato goblins.

> D-don't make fun of muh kids movie

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fucking hell the disney shills arent even subtle anymore, practically spitting in our faces

I really don't understand why there's so much hate for this movie around here. I would have thought reactions would range from mild interest to apathy. Why are you this bitter? What went wrong in your life that you get this bent out of shape over a talking yellow squirrel?

Remember when Pokefags were claiming this would be huge, especially in China?

what an ugly abomination

They're mad that something not Disney is getting even a whiff of attention.

>fucking hell the disney shills arent even subtle anymore, practically spitting in our faces
The fuck do you mean 'our'? You sound so pathetic

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this, it’s autism


I want to pet pikachu :3

the nigger killed the movie

>Constantly brag that this flick will make billions of dollars because it's the most popular franchise in the world
>Makes medicore numbers everywhere
This is literally just another case of Yea Forums being wrong and getting laughed at for it

I'm not going to see it because Ryan Reynolds was possibly the single worst pick for voicing pikachu that they could ever make

Yeah, they should have picked Danny DeVito ecs dee

please God no. if the Mouse gets its hands on Pokemon we're fucked.

They couldn't even if they tried as Pokemon as a whole is owned by three separate entities that they would have to acquire and one of them is nintendo. So good luck with that one, Mickey.

Literally everyone and their moms shit on the anime movies, what's the difference when both are part of Pokémon?

Pic related got a lot of praise and hate, like everything in this franchise including the games, so the same will happen to Detective Pikachu.

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Wonder low these low Asian box office numbers will bode for the Mario movie.

the only reason why this pic is interesting is because of the girl's fat naked thighs.
this is why anime sucks

it looks like a pile of shit covered in lint

mario movie can only sell if peach gets naked and gets fucked by mario raw for 20 minutes straight no cuts

No i just hate Ryan's "Hey it's deadpool ryan reynolds lemme make ironic self-referential jokes" shtick

that box office doesn't mean very much for a movie that literally released yesterday

This and IIRC, Japan has a Law againts foreigners buying big companies like Pokémon who are considered a national treasure.

Dubs and Sonic the Hedgehog makes more shekels

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>Japan has a Law againts foreigners buying big companies like Pokémon
disney could buy the copyrights of pokemon outside japan

I watched it 45 mins ago and there was about 10 people there.

Film was bad, not a good actor in sight.

TPCI? It is a subsidiary of TPC who is owned by three companies, unless they get their hands in the 51-60% it would be impossible.

The only thing Disney has at the moment is the rights to stream the anime in their services and channels.

Honestly I think it will. It at least has Jim Carrey. Who does Detective Pikachu have? That faggot Ryan Reynolds? Yawn.

Ken Watanabe would like a word with you.

It was painful to see him struggle to string a sentence in english. They only gave him a couple of lines.

the ditto reveal was genuinely spooky

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Its a video game movie.

doesnt even dab, what a wasted opportunity

No lolis.

Because it was shit, plain and simple

The same reason DC is dead and buried... Marvel is just too powerful.

t. incels

Watch your media idiot. It's your fault it failed.

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Small breasts and thicc thighs are perfection, you can't prove me wrong.

Besides, the movie doesn't look that bad and is considered as one of the best movies in Pokémon in the last five years (not counting Ryan Reynolds: The movie btw).

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have snex

Disney did tried to get the pokemon rights. Just as Warner, Sony, and Fox. Think about it for one minute the japs sold the rights to pokemon to the chinese. They just didn't want jews controlling everything

I specifically won’t go see this movie because it had a nigger lead, fuck niggers.

I enjoyed your pic related. And I always liked the art style and colors in that poster as well.

God, we need more cute Pokegyarus girls in our Pokemon. Risa was perfection.

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they pay billions for a free game so probably

UGC Cine Cite les Halles for me. 1 showing for Pikachu, 2 for Nous Resterons Ensemble, and the rest as previously mentioned. And my showing (around 8pm, on a Friday night) was half full.
When the new french "dramedy" has more showings than the new blockbuster in store, something's not right.

Haven't watched the movie and dont plan to, but if it's anything like the rape of the games the last two gens, it likely went too hard on pandering to nostalgia. Jokes and refrences in the movie are probably the same gen 1 callbacks you'd see on any fanwork that people are either tired of seeing or dont give a shit about because it's not their nostalgia. There is probably an additional layer of unnecessary Apokelypse level edginess that turns many away from fully enjoying the movie. Also the movie is probably less about the overall charm and amazement of HOLY SHIT LIVE ACTION POKEMON and more so the Mad Magazine level surrealism of Ryan Reynolds being a pikachu.

It doesnt help at all that the models look like absolute shit.

It retardedly decided to come out 2 weeks after the single biggest movie of the decade and probably the biggest movie of the century thus far. Any movie coming out within a month of Endgame is dooming itself to failure.
