Watch series

>watch series
>people are speaking English instead of Russian/ukranian

Fucking dropped

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watch series
>people are speaking English instead of Latin
Fucking dropped

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>watch series


Legitimate complaints. Both of these shows would’ve been even better with authentic languages or at the very least accents.

>turn on tv
>turn it right off

Attached: HEYBEN.png (474x356, 199K)

>watch series
>it wasn't even shot at Chernobyl
fucking joke

They have the excuse that Latin is a dead language at least. Not so much with Slavic ones

Listen to the official podcast. He explains why there are no russian accents

>from the writer behind the hangover series
Who the fuck made this decision lol

Nigga I'm not watching 51 minutes of that. Just tell me.

tl;dr it was because the Russian accents sounded goofy and Americans are stupid enough to accept any foreign accent as “foreign”

>it's fucked vlad
>it's all fucked

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>implying rome in classical latin wouldn't have been highest kino

Many reasons but he thought the emotions are what matter in the stories, not accents or any that. And he noticed that actors will not act when they do accents

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Chrissy, I told you that Russian ain’t here! And why da fuck does the air taste like metal?

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>fucked up accent
>fucked up emtional expression


Fuck this westcuck propaganda shit

Get back to your niggers filming Wakanda-tier shit and don't touch the slavs

Goddamn selfhating pidors

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>chinese cartoons discussion site
>people are writing in english

Fucking dropped

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I ain't read subtitles, that's for gays

wtf I'm for lbgt rights now

Aka “our actors are too crappy to do good accents”

If they had accents, people would bitch about that too.

Go to 2chan, the original chan. That ones in jap.

I can't find this anywhere online, and Hulu's free trial isn't available atm nor is it on my AmazonPrime.

Doesn’t matter it would still be better. I’m bitching about the lack of them right now in fact, so it’s not like you’re experiencing no bitching with this route. Either way the optimal presentation would’ve been Ukrainian dialogue with Eng subs.

>be you
>watching series
>realize you are an insufferable faggot
>go lie in bathtub
>slit wrists

You’re not Ukrainian, anglo. You’re also not Roman, Greek, or Egyptian. Just get over it already.

butthurt slav, we aint watching no shit show in russian

I'm eastern slav and I like the fact the show is in English, I'm sick of subtitles in foreign movies.

How are foreign actors supposed to learn Russian for the series? Voice is a huge part of acting, as a foreigner you have no idea how shit Russian actors are, if they dubbed the cast it would result in a major drop in quality. Дoлбoeб eбaный.

>watch series
>language actually transitions back and forth in a very understandable and stylish manner
>colloquialism and slang are preserved in translation
>also is kino

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Yeah buddy, tell that to Mel Gibson

Fuck off, I'm not going to focus my eyes on the subtitles you faggot, I want ot visualise the disaster and also to hear them at the same time, I want to be completely immersed you fucking imbecile

At least it's full English
It could be much worse with them saying hi to one another in Russian and then continuing the rest of the conversation in English. Or just using Russian curse words like Hollywood usually does

That's not radiation. That's the tsunami. I don't think radiation is measured in cm.

Just watch the russian dub,faggot.