Name a more iconic shot in modern cinema

Name a more iconic shot in modern cinema

Attached: The_Avengers_Assembled.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

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Not even the most iconic shot in its own movie.

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Attached: Avengers 4K.webm (640x360, 2.71M)

Attached: arrowverse crossover.jpg (2700x1800, 707K)

>enormous green monster with almost limitless strength
>the god of thunder
>genius with a billion dollar flying powersuit

>a man with a shield
>a man with a bow

Attached: pepe-confused-1.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Cool cosplay

Attached: doubt it.jpg (306x542, 44K)


Pretty sure pistol>bow

are they still in jail?

>a CW tv show manages to look better than a multi billion dollar cinematic universe

Do they break out of prison in this one too?

They do

Attached: legends.jpg (535x625, 87K)

very meta

Attached: snapshot.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Nice digits OP

Attached: images.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>A man with a shield
Who runs at 60mph
Jumps 10 meters high
Can hold a helicopter which lifting power is 3 tons
And is worthy

He's stronger than ironman in his suit, though he lacks the fire power and mobility

All this in MCU, btw, I know Ironman is far stronger in the comics

Hawkeye's upper body strength must be incredible to keep the string drawn for that long


Attached: sneed.png (1000x768, 1.13M)

YIKES. Imagine watching American "entertainment".

you literally wrote that out. gross

>I know Ironman is far stronger in the comics
He's definitely stronger than Cap by Infinity War. He got into a punching match with Thanos.

wouldn't hte inrebidle hork block iorn man's lite on the back of his hed?

Attached: 1556969104500.jpg (720x960, 53K)

I always see this movie being criticized for looking like a tv movie. Now I can clearly that they're right.

One of the biggest blockbusters, and they can't even light it properly

please don't insult our movies user! :(

>On your left
>Dopey Tony from the future peeking

im embarrassed for anyone who watches this shit

>forcing 60fps on a 24fps movie
Frame interpolation was a mistake.

not when the guy shoots exploding arrows with impossible accuracy

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10-17-15-26-349_org.videolan.vlc.png (2246x1080, 812K)

Attached: Descent Into Darkness.png (1440x598, 236K)

Attached: Helooooo.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

It didn't look like that in theatres.

my nigga

>adding frames in post
>intentionally making a bad shot worse

Mandarin was a bad villain and IM3 sucked.

Attached: Sekiro_Isshin_the_Sword_Saint_cover.0.jpg (1200x800, 103K)


it sucked if you are brainlet and wanted your usual capeshit. Unironically im3 is too smart for its audience.

Nice digits.

Attached: Justice-League-movie-00.jpg (970x545, 129K)

Also this

Attached: UniformSplendidAmericancurl-mobile.jpg (640x360, 30K)

Not in capeshit for some reason.

2nd guy looks like a stonetoss character. Also her legs should have been posed normal.

>Shane Black doing his dumb buddycop shtick for the ten thousandth time
>action worse than ever
>"muh twist" had no impact on the story whatsoever and was predictable almost immediately

Yes, but this is the shot.

Attached: Dougie.png (1920x1080, 3.97M)

Step aside, weeb derivative

Attached: bloodborne-gehrman-3.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Doubt it.