What is your opinion on jumpscares?
What is your opinion on jumpscares?
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this one is well made
Excellent at subverting my expectations.
the only truly scary thing about horror movies. a threat popping out of nowhere triggers the primal part of your brain forcing a reaction, its and evolutionary left over from humans were hunted by predators. every other aspect of horror movies besides gore/body horror, are not scary. atmosphere and psychological horror are memes, these are not scary in the slightest.
the dirty man is the only scary scene in all of lynch's career, unsettling mundane conversation are not scary.
A sudden or bombastic jumpscare with fitting music/"sound" is basically the horror equivalent of a laughtrack. Its literally for brainlets who cannot grasp any sort of fear (cosmic horror, existential dread, fear of unknown) that goes beyond adrenaline bursts.
Aside from the 0.1% well executed ones, it's cheesy surface-level garbage
What are some well-executed ones?
Jumpscares are the fastfood of scares. They can taste good but overall it's cheap, quick and extremely short term, and also does not serve the viewer anything valuable with Niveau. A jumpscare does not need any sort of brain activity, a mere reaction to a loud sound. Jumpscares do not suck, they are just inferior to literally everything including gore and grotesque shock because both of these have a deeper connection to fears that go beyond the basics.
>atmosphere and psychological horror are memes, these are not scary in the slightest.
>I cannot relate to the idea of imagining things and being scared of things beyond me and the usual grasp
Actual brainlet post
>The Conversation hotel balcony murder scene
>Fail-Safe phone line screech scene
>Mulholland Drive diner scebe
>Interstellar Matt Damon blown up mid sentence scene
>The ending of Enemy
>Lake Mungo videoclip scene
>"You're not perfect" scene in Courage the Cowardly Dog
David Lynch's are the most overrated.
I love them. They get your blood flowing and add suspense. They're extremely effective in the cinema, where the sound systems help their sudden impact. This effect is somewhat lost when people watch them in their homes without an adequate setup. People often complain that they are "cheap" or "easy", but that isn't true. A jump scare is actually more like a physical plot twist. I think a lot of people lose sight of the importance of visceral reactions over mental stimulation. We used to call them nerds, but that isn't politically correct these days.
>scene sets up for a jumpscare #547
>lmao it was just nothing at all wew
>*totally unexpected total silence*
>lmao it was still nothing but it was spoopy nothing this time
rinse repeat
What you call a "visceral reaction" is the polar opposite of visceral. It's just a natural short term reaction to a loud sound. You could be watching a Disney cartoon and if there is a sudden loud sound you react exactly the same. And you forget about it 5 seconds after.
But when you find something legitimately scary in real life you can't stop thinking about it, it's enveloping your entire being, it's the polar opposite of an "ouchy haha" reaction
It's actually a good litmus test for alpha/beta males when you think about it. Alpha males react with the fight instinct and, therefore, love jump scares. As shown in the box office. Where as in beta males the flight response is triggered. This is upsetting because, firstly, there is nowhere to go and, secondly, they realise how foolish they were to fall for it once their rationality returns.
inland kino
yeah jumpscares don't make for a compelling narrative, conflict, or any other element of good cinema, but they are definetley the most fearsome element of horror. it just depends on what view the purpose of horror movies are, to get a scare, or to be good movies.
I remember US was advertised as having no jumpscares and reviewers and online forums were raving that it was a horror master piece and one of the scariest movies of the decade. but in the theater not a single person screamed or even jolted, it had good music, well choreographed scenes, and was excellent on a technical level, but was it a good horror movie if it didn't scare the audience?
I'm just saying I feel more scared watching a paranormal activity in theaters than the shining. is paranormal activity a better movie, no its basically a roller coaster more than a movie, but it triggers that vestigial uncontrollable animal part of my brain that reacts with a jolt to perceived threats.
95 percent of them are shit and the good ones are really good. Building tension before is key. It's like jacking off. A bit of teasing is required for the perfect nut and a bit of tension is required for the perfect jumpscare. The blood test scene in The Thing has the perfect jumpscare.
People who hate jump scares are the people who hate horrors
atleast post the complete version
Brainlet-tier. Anyone can do them and they almost cannot fail. It's like if you were watching a comedy and someone tickled you and forced you to laugh. We wouldn't call that a good comedy.
where's the "I'm truly a patrician horror" tier list?
>but in the theater not a single person screamed or even jolted
So your definition of "being scared" is people jolting or screaming and nothing else?
A small girl is walking at night through a dangerous neighbourhood, is she not scared while not letting out a single sound? You're all alone trying to sleep in the Amazon and you can hear animals circling your tent, are you not scared because you are not screaming? These situations are actually genuinely long term scary for the subject, while a jumpscare is the equivalent of someone pinching you and you recoiling a bit from it and forgetting it happened 5 seconds after.
>Stop liking jumpscares you p-plebs
>basically the horror equivalent of a laughtrack
The ones you expect but don't actually happen.
okay, this is npc
is this from a movie?
It's from Inland Empire
Was about to post something similar, it's like porn/jacking off
Either you can watch a 2 minute scene of some chick getting railed and ejaculating to it with barely an orgasm or you watch a full video with context/story and project into the fantasy while using sex toys/stimulants and cumming a river with an orgasm so strong it your entire body feels like its floating and you pass out
You need that context, story, and atmosphere to really deliver the jump scare and then not only do you have the primal fight or flight, but the dread and fear of the unknown ramp up as your mind tries to rationalize that feeling
Then the images stick in your mind torturing you, keeping you from sleeping or giving you a nightmare or two, maybe you sprint to the bathroom that night instead of normally walking
That is always far more powerful than simply being startled by something, which does have its merits but ultimately has no staying power or purpose except cheap thrills
Also if a person can't offer any suspension of disbelief in a movie they have failed to properly enjoy the medium in any way and probably can't read a book beyond a few pages because of the lack of imagination
Jump scares are the whoopee cushion of the horror genre.
The only good jump scare. Though you could argue it isn't a jump scare since you know something is going to pop out from behind the corner but it's scarier because it feels totally unavoidable.
The dirty man?? What the fuck are you talking about
Lynch does them better than anybody else.
they are only kino if you expect it coming but it never does, keeps you on your toes
I hate when a horror movie is based around the jump scare because it becomes cheap and annoying. Atmosphere and tension is where it’s at, not
>boo got ya
>boo got ya again
>boooo booo
>activating your fight or flight response is horror
Jumpscares are a garnish/spice. They flavor the film. They are not the meal.
Jump scares are the definition of so...y horror.
>watch TCM
>someone dies
>someone dies
>someone dies
>movie ends
>it’s just the toilet acting up again
It's a great way to tell you how many teenagers are in the theater.
imagine being over the age of 10 and still being scared by this cartoon scene
Based and redpilled only soi cucks disagree
I think games are an objectively better horror medium, all this time you'd think there'd be one actually frightening movie if it were possible
really well made indeed but they should have deformed her face here
Laura Dern is ugly enough for that.
if they work on me is a question on distance, which makes it kinda cheap
there could be the perfect jumpscare, with great setup, top notch execution, but if I sit on my couch a few feet away from the TV it will not affect me
then if I'm sitting directly in front of my monitor at my desk some random image randomly popping up without any sound whatsoever would make me jump
It depends on how it's done. It actually also has to have some actual impact on it and proper follow up to build up into some kind tension and fear for the viewer. The biggest meme is that of the atmosphere is creepy and will scare you bullshit. Fucking pretentious horsecrap from faggot hipsters who has infiltrated horror movies and put out absolute crap with no tension, like Hereditary that faggot reddit posters claim is a masterpiece of horror and somehow you just don't get it if you don't get scared by some naked people claiming some ugly guy is all of a sudden a demon after a convoluted plot with no actual tension, with 2 hours of a shitty family drama. There's no horror in that. Compare that to the scenes in The Thing, sure it's very atmospheric and creepy and the jumpscares like the sofa-bloodtest scene or the defibrilator scene adds to the horror of that movie. There's always a constant unsettling threat for the viewer so you never feel safe when you're watching it, because you don't know what is coming.
They’re fine, but if they are the only scary part of a movie then we have a problem
You are visually and spiritually illiterate, try watching something other than Paranormal Activity.
This. Anyone who whines about them are really massive pussies who probably got made fun of by Tyrone after they squealed like a slut at the theater when they were a little spooked.
they're retarded and only worked in fnaf
So I guess the 10-year-olds that love Five Nights at Freddy's are high-test alpha chads, right?
There's a great one in Exorcist III. There's a lot of buildup to it in the scene.
I think theyre ok when they arent the main source of terror, if the movie only relies on jumpscares to scare, then its not good
fuck lynch!
>"es sao dabao, uma gao da bubusao!!!"
what did they mean by this?
>>Interstellar Matt Damon blown up mid sentence scene
How is this a jump-scare? You fucking fagbrainlet!
feel like I'm going to start breaking faces and tv screens if they keep this up
it's like earrape then laughing someone jumped in pain/terror
It must be weird being a black guy named Tyrone and seeing so many white boys terrified of him stealing a girlfriend they'll never even have.
lol so true
not that user but absolutely everyone jolted in theaters at that moment
i was only joking you dumb capeshit dweeb kill yourself
They're cringe.