ITT: subtle Simpsons jokes

ITT: subtle Simpsons jokes

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Other urls found in this thread:

"number 8*

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That's about as subtle as a baseball bat to the face.

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real answer: Krudler

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>an obvious alternative being "Misty"
huh I guess there was another joke there and I never got it. Thanks

Did ya think the jannys ya girlfriend?

Attached: Citizen Sneed.png (640x480, 184K)




This episode sucks so fucking hard. Fuck boomers and their Beatles mythos.

That name again is Mr. Sneed

Excellent post. Daring synthesis. Well done.

Seriously, why is she there?

Simpsons Never Ever providEd Decent jokes

Dicked john lemon

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It that Zappa?


>Apu as George

Damn, that was slick

Attached: Concert_For_Bangladesh_Cover.jpg (275x362, 22K)

>Sneed as George

Damn, that was feed


Brcause sneed

Sneed feed and seed

"feed and seed*


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>illustrated version

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I almost missed this one the first time haha

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holy fuck that's good

holy fuck that's SNEED

That wasn't subtle at all. everyone knew right away that that was the Beatles when it aired. Especially since Yoko isn't even played by anyone in the pic, it's just Yoko. Should be a dead giveaway. Stupid retard OP. Sneed


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have sneed


You ain't gonna grow nothing on the ol' strawberry fields, that's why your pappy is getting hard to be but it all works.

Cast him

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Have sneed, chuckcel.

this post is a 7, 8 max

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Sneed'em (formerly singles)

Chuck, my nemesis

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Fuck, I really dislike the Simpsons, this show was never good.

the sneed

Because John lennon was a pussy whipped faggot who let his woman ruin the Beatles

Dubs and Sneed dies

>no results

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Based Simpson memers trying to kill Sneed.

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Okay. I've fucking had it with this shit. We haven't had a good Simpsons thread in ages and it's time we did something about it. I beg you: mods, janitors and anyone with the power to change this situation. Put pressure on Hiro. Nothing short of a word filter on "Sneed" will solve this situation. The time for a final solution is now.

The whole site is just HURRDURR shitposting now. Let it go.

Fuck it, I might as well go ahead and say it.
I've been browsing Yea Forums since 2008. I started with Yea Forums, then eventually moved my way up to other boards. I guess it was kind of a way to escape my shitty boring life and post with people, have fun, and share memes on the internet.
I eventually moved on to Yea Forums as my home board. Threads were good. Sopranos, twin peaks game of thrones etc. People knew when to meme about things and when to let a meme die after a while. People weren't fucking toxic. They didn't act like manchildren and they didn't spam the board up with dead memes.
Sneed has gone out of fucking control today. It's not even that late right now but sneedposting has spread like fucking wildfire and there are barely any real discussions left. WHERE are the fucking mods? Why do they even get fucking paid if this board is basically a fucking toilet for Shrek and sneed memes? Where the fuck is the moderation?
I might need to find a new board like Yea Forums or even move to Reddit or infinitychan. Fuck, I don't know.
This place was like my fucking home. Might as well be honest here, im not really the most socially extroverted person. You guys were basically my best friends. Coming home from work, talking to you guys and having fun was the best. Quality posts that kept Yea Forums like Yea Forums and kept the redditor trash out.
You guys fucking ruined my home. Fucking ruined it with this shitposting garbage and now we don't get to talk about anything. It's fucking cringy and painful. I hope you're proud of yourself for shitting up some random fucking imageboard online. I really, really hope you are.
Anyway, unless this sneedposting stops or proper moderation eventually kicks in, im leaving this board. I just want every non-sneedposter to know that you guys are my family and im proud to post with you over the years.

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Nice diary entry loser

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But Apu was the Ringo, name change and all

>that image

Is that Frank Zappa in the background?

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What is this?

Fucking based

did anyone actually read this?

sneed is absolute fucking shit.

Midnight ronkers

I scanned it for Sneedposts but it came up blank so I rightfully ignored it and moved on to the worthwhile content.

formerly fucking feed

I keep seeing this meme

Can someone explain it to me?

I cant find anything on knowyourmeme

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formerly chuckles

guy killed a girl he was in love with and acts like an autist when they interrogate him

Una vela scared the studio into hiring shills to wreck potential simpsons content. They did not want bootleg Bart becoming the next pepe

Time to grow up

Have sneed, sneedcel

Fancy rant cityslicker

Attached: Feed Plan, Seed Plan.png (640x394, 188K)

>Sopranos, twin peaks game of thrones
Sneed works. Filters the normies and the trash out of the board.

Twin Peaks is sneed-core though

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This one's a little too subtle.

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Yea Forums never had a golden age. Before Sneed there was Bane. Before Bane there were cunnies or someshit. It was never good here to start.

Una Sneeda


>Harrison is the Indian character
kino decision

Huh what? They were parodying a band in that episode..?

Yeah, they were parodying The Sneeds

Matthew McConaughey as Farmer #1
Andy Richter as Farmer #2
Clint Eastwood as Sneed

Sn.eed :)

hOw MaNy TiMeS StAyVuN

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Based trips. What is that interview from?



On the exact contrary, it's a charming episode and go fuck yourself. t. 35 y.o. boomer and your natural better

Trips and sneed is done

It's such an awful on-the-nose parody though, they even have George fucking Harrison spell out the joke when they perform the final rooftop concert. Not to mention parodying the Beatles was well-worn territory by the time that episode aired.
I don't mean to go all Christgau but the boomers seriously need to stop jizzing all over the Beatles, it's embarrassing

guys tv interview is in every youtubers spooky video

The fact that so many books still name the Moetles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" meme ever only tells you how far moeposting still is from becoming a serious art. Meme critics have long recognized that the greatest meme of all times is Sneed, who was not the most famous or richest or best seller of its time, let alone of all times. Classical meme critics rank the highly controversial Chuck over classical memes who were highly popular in courts around Yea Forums. Moe critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Moetles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Sneed critics grow up listening to a lot of sneed music of the past, classical meme critics grow up listening to a lot of Chuck music of the past. Moe critics are often totally ignorant of the moe music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Moe did anything worthy of being saved.

haha sneed xd

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based reddit

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>not having an inherent, instinctive understanding of Sneed
I hate reddit so much

Beatles reference get it?! XD

Skinner\Armin Tamzarian

>47 results

sneedposters belong in cages

she dresses like a cavewoman

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she dresses like a sneed

Based and tomacco-pilled

She looks like she's made of cheese LOL

She looks like she's made of sneed LOL

this scene is probably the most subtle simpsons joke i ever got

Attached: sneed22.jpg (600x407, 66K)

el omero sinso

Se re regalo


That's a big post for you. You must be a real human bean. Used to have real kino discussion but these guys have ruined the quality of this board. I bet they have tiny white dicks. CLASSIC rude behavior. I'd love to fuck their shit up.


why are you people so retarded? the young ones arent Sneed, Sneed is the fucking old man.

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>low IQ newfags actually respond to copypasta


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>Why do they even get fucking paid
user, I...

Probably inspired by the Rutles


>Come on, Homer, Rural Route 9 will be fun. You loved Sneed's Feed and Seed.
>That's not the name I remember.

Yoko is such a disgusting looking goul

takes a cunt to live with a cunt

>can't google

Are... are the jannies finally doing something? Can the comfy Simpsons threads make a comeback?

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If this joke was written by the current Simpsons writers:
>Come on Homer, Japan will be fun. You liked Rashomon!
>Maaarge, I said I liked Rash-Away, for my foot thing!
>Excuse me Homer, I believe you're in my seat
>Hey look! It's acclaimed independent film director Sofia Coppola!
>Maybe your seat number got Lost in Translation!
Scene ends with all the characters laughing at this joke.

It took me a while to get the joke.

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>128 replies
I'm thinking we won Yea Forums ba-

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I get it obviously, but explain for the plebs.

What's his favorite Simpson episode?

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It used to be called Chuck's Fuck and Suck.

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The name's Janny. Lyle Janny.
And I come before you good posters tonight with a meme.
Probably the greatest-- Ah, it's not for you.
It's more of a Reddit meme.
Now wait just a minute.
We're twice as smart as the people of Reddit.
Just tell us your meme, and we'll force it!
All right.
I tell you what I'll do.
I'll show you my meme!
I give you the Yea Forums Feed & Seed!- [All Gasping] I've sold memes to Ebaumsworld, 9gag, and ifunny and by gum, it put them on the map!
Well, sir, there's nothing on earth
Like a genuine, fucked & sucked
Former Chuck's, Sneed-owned feed & seed
What'd I say?
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
That's right! Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
Feed & Seed
I hear that meme's for underage
It requires wisdom like a sage
Is there a chance to attract Mouse NEETs?
Not on your life, DC Pajeet
What about us brain-dead plebs?
You can post it in /who/ threads
Were you sent here by Shareblue?
No, boomer, I'm one of you
The mods gave me a 3-day ban
Reset your router, my big man
I swear it's Yea Forums's only choice
Throw up your hands and raise your voice
Feed & Seed
What's it called?
Feed & Seed
Once again
Feed & Seed
But Simpsons threads will now be broken
Sorry, Mods, the mob has spoken
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed & Seed!
Feed &--(Annoyed Grunt)

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>112 deleted posts
Whoa! Janny's on a spree tonight!

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Forgot link

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SNEETHING tranny janny ITT

shut up zoomer


I think there are some imposters in this thread

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Wow! A Simpsons thread 8 hours old with only 50 posts! And its on page 1!
Wonder what's going on here!!

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Thank you for admitting you have nothing.

the sneedles (formerly quarrymen)

I don't get it.

Fuck it, I might as well go ahead and say it.
I've been browsing Yea Forums since 2008. I started with Yea Forums, then eventually moved my way up to other boards. I guess it was kind of a way to escape my shitty boring life and post with people, have fun, and share memes on the internet.
I eventually moved on to Yea Forums as my home board. Threads were good. Sopranos, twin peaks game of thrones etc. People knew when to meme about things and when to let a meme die after a while. People weren't fucking toxic. They didn't act like manchildren and they didn't spam the board up with dead memes.
Sneed has gone out of fucking control today. It's not even that late right now but sneedposting has spread like fucking wildfire and there are barely any real discussions left. WHERE are the fucking mods? Why do they even get fucking paid if this board is basically a fucking toilet for Shrek and sneed memes? Where the fuck is the moderation?
I might need to find a new board like Yea Forums or even move to Reddit or infinitychan. Fuck, I don't know.
This place was like my fucking home. Might as well be honest here, im not really the most socially extroverted person. You guys were basically my best friends. Coming home from work, talking to you guys and having fun was the best. Quality posts that kept Yea Forums like Yea Forums and kept the redditor trash out.
You guys fucking ruined my home. Fucking ruined it with this shitposting garbage and now we don't get to talk about anything. It's fucking cringy and painful. I hope you're proud of yourself for shitting up some random fucking imageboard online. I really, really hope you are.
Anyway, unless this sneedposting stops or proper moderation eventually kicks in, im leaving this board. I just want every non-sneedposter to know that you guys are my family and im proud to post with you over the years.

Janny is DAMAGED

Janny already deleted it the first time you posted this copypasta.

I'm a beatles fan but had never seen the original picture so I suppose it is subtle in that they're parodying something lesser known?

How well do the Klasky Cuspo seasons stand?

About as well as Chuck's Fuck and Suck before Sneed took over.




fuck sneed cucks


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(Annoyed Grunt)



_____ ____ ___ ____ (________ ______)

Sincerity is cringe and reddit. In fact almost all TV shows are because film is simply the most watered down, normified form of art.
Sneed is a based Yea Forums Renaissance of postmodern humor perfected after years of ironic memes and shitposting.
If you really want some loser Janny deleting the freedom of expression chan sites were supposed to promise (which he already kind of does) by going out of his way to delete the meanies that ruin muh precious comfy threads than yes, you really should go to reddit instead

fuckin kekked for hours at that stupid ass scene


Shut up faggot. The episode aired like 40 years ago


lmao tranny janny just gave up

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I've got banned from ALL BOARDS for 3 days because I posted a Sneed pic in this thread. Oh, and I'm also the OP of the thread and I never meant it to be anything but a Sneed thread.

Fuck you janny, you trifling hoe bitch.


(Make way for Feed and Seed!)
(Say hey! It's Feed and Seed)

Hey! Clear the way in the old Simpson place
Hey you! Let us through!
It's a bright new star! (formerly dark)
Oh come, be the first on your block to seed his eye!

Make way! Here he comes!
Fuck bells! Suck the drums!
Oh! You're gonna love this guy!

Feed and Seed, Formerly!
Chucky Ababa
please HAVE SEX, show some respect, down to the Sneed!
Now, try your best to be based
Because you must get a taste
Then come and see his nice loafer shoes from Gucci!

Feed and Seed!
Chucky Ababwa
Dab on Moe, BTFO, definitely!
(His car is very fancy)
(Imported from Germany)
Who sent that seed to the feed?
Why, It was Sneed!

(He's got 9.6 golden camels)
Don't they look lovely, Chuck?
(Gummi bear plants, he's got fifty-three)
Fabulous Petunia, It's up to her eye!
When it comes to cringe city slickers
(Has he got a shitpost?)
(I'm telling you, it's a (((Comfy Simpsons Thread))))

Feed and Seed! Formerly, Chucky Ababwa
He gets laid, and he evades, bans from janny
Well, get on out in that thread
Adjust your digits and gets
To gawk and grovel and stare at Feed and Seed!

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When they filmed the softball episode, all the MLB players enjoyed the ridiculous storylines they had except Jose Conseco. He demanded the writers re-write the story so he was made to look heroic, hence why he got the ending where he saved the lady's belongings from the house fire.

There's plenty of accounts from the Simpsons staff about how much of a bell-end Conseco was.

Attached: (760x458, 64K)

I think it's Ringo. I did a double take tho. We need to have a proper Zappa thread sometime.

The Powerpuff GIrls one was almost as cringe. Hell, even The Ruttles was pretty cringe.
