Kinos about self improvement
Kinos about self improvement
Honestly? If it triggers /pol / I support it
Based. Having children is cringe.
Good, but she still has white privilege.
She is retarded and as a mother she would likely raise a gaggle of colossal retards, so I suppose all's well that ends well.
Except La'Shawna from the ghetto is still fertile, so no, it won't end well.
personally I think idiot white lefties are more responsible for our cultural decline than a small caste of people who more often than not sabotage themselves
Most black women get abortions though, just make sure to keep that legal.
That's the complete opposite of self-improvement.
I know you're baiting, and also I'm not a /pol/ guy, but reproduction is literally the purpose to life. The organisms that still exist in this day and age (see picture related) are those that have become the best at propagating themselves. Why do male monkeys, deer, seals, and most other animals, fight each other to near death for the chance to reproduce with the most fertile females? Because reproduction is the most important goal of their lives, that's why.
The driving goal of every organism on this planet is to propagate itself as much as possible. That is what every life form will naturally do, if it has enough food, warmth and water, and if it is able to protect itself from predators.
If you fail to reproduce then you are a biological and evolutionary failure. The genes of your peers will survive down the generations - thousands, millions, billions of years from now. And your genes will simply perish in the soil. You will have failed to accomplish the only goal which, in the scheme of the universe, matters.
Ok but I dont really care.
you're talking to a bunch of fatass fedora wearing neckbeards, don't bother
most of them are infertile too so it's kind of like a fox and grapes situation
>The driving goal of every organism on this planet is to propagate itself as much as possible.
and propagate and protect its kin, which explains why we have cucking, faggots and altruism
If life reproduces
and you don't want to reproduce
what are you?
literally a cum dumpster
>muh evolutionary goal.
Nobody gives a shit about that you doofus. Otherwise these poor crackhead mothers would be lauded for having 8 kids by their 25th birthday. Having kids stresses you out and shortens your life span. GO ahead and have three kids, Im sure youlll be happy cleaning diapers and hearing their bullshit for the rest of your life
>If you fail to reproduce then you are a biological and evolutionary failure
Is your post aimed at everyone on Yea Forums or just white people?
You do care because every life form on this planet inherently cares - we are biologically wired to care. You can pretend to yourself that you don't care but you actually do. It is impossible for you not to.
I just wanted to lay down a bit of truth.
No those things are abominations, basically - apart from altruism which can serve a function. The reason altruism is valued is because it helps ensure the survival of the group, and a cohesive group is always stronger against threats (predators and other threats) than a fractured, disorganised bunch of individuals. We value those who would selflessly go to war to defend the nation, for example (as long as the public felt that it was a justified war). We reward those who take those risks.
But yeah, cucking and faggots are abominations. They serve no purpose. That's just people who have completely failed at life so they decide to take part in disgusting and reprehensible behaviour because they're so pathetic, basically.
A failure.
Like I have explained in my first reply in this post, you do care. Because every life form cares about reproduction. You're biologically wired to care. You can pretend not to care, but it is impossible for you not to care. Sorry, friendo.
No, everyone. Race is irrelevant.
>this thread again
I wonder if this girl has any idea of the sheer volume of /pol/ tears she has caused
have sex
Human beings are essentially characterized by their deviation of the natural order. Why should reproduction be any different to all our other unnatural advances?
The most successful civilizations right now are those that focus on the quality of a few children. Mass propagation is a poor strategy as far as humanity is concerned and will get us nowhere. A woman choosing not to have kids doesn't have to be a bad thing, if it frees up resources for others.
>If you fail to reproduce then you are a biological and evolutionary failure.
yes, which is why incels don't deserve to be treated like human beings
>But yeah, cucking and faggots are abominations. They serve no purpose. That's just people who have completely failed at life so they decide to take part in disgusting and reprehensible behaviour because they're so pathetic, basically.
Isn't the evolutionary psychology explanation for faggots that they were a safe choice to leave behind to guard the village in times of war? They could be trusted to care for the women without trying to fuck them while their men were away.
Similarly, aren't cucks beta males who facilitate the reproduction of alpha males who can't divide their time to raise all of their offspring simultaneously?
>that crazy eye
That's like a final stroke on the canvas of insanity.
Faggots do serve a purpose and it's similarly altruistic.
The more older brothers you have, the higher likelihood it is that you will turn out gay. This is possibly to help alleviate the strain of too many men having children at a time. Remember, we're adapted to living in much smaller groups of only a few hundred if even that. A large influx of newborns disperses resources and is harder to manage, weakening the group overall. Faggots are men that can fight and work hard, but won't have to spend time and resources raising children.
ITT: a bunch of evolutionary dead ends who will never fornicate even recreationally let alone for procreation purposes shittalking the opposite sex for whose affection they would probably give everything they have, if they could.
Literally seething
All of the "fags are great evolutionarily" theories fall apart when you realize that even primitive societies scorn faggots and kill them pretty much on sight.
have sex
No user, this is a thread about self improvement please read the OP
I see this, and I wonder why she didn't get an IUD like my wife.
I have four kids, btw
Based and God pilled.
if thats your ultimate purpose youre a slave to your genes and no less pathetic as anybody you stand against
did you DNA test them?
There were primitive societies that murdered infant girls and buried them whenever a warrior died too. It doesn't mean women were unimportant either.
The actual cultures between different groups different a fuckton and plenty of them did stupid shit that makes no sense evolutionary, too. Like there's an aboriginal tribe here that splits their own dicks down the center, despite the risk of infection and that it makes impregnation way harder.
>Human beings are essentially characterized by their deviation of the natural order
That makes zero sense whatsoever. We are categorised by intelligence more than anything. That is the only real way in which we differ from other animals. And I suppose we have been pretty good at reproducing too since there are now about seven billion of us, and counting.
>The most successful civilizations right now are those that focus on the quality of a few children.
They are the most wealthy right now, yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will always be. Quality of offspring is always a good consideration, yes (this is why runts, in animals that have litters, are sometimes discarded by their parents). But quantity is valuable too. This is why rich people often have three, four, five kids, while those with less money might only have one or two.
>Mass propagation is a poor strategy as far as humanity is concerned and will get us nowhere
That's not necessarily true at all. Mass propagation is what got us to where we are today. Some countries, like Japan, are suffering greatly due to their current failure to reproduce enough (they are not sustaining "replacement rate", where there are enough births to offset the deaths). This leads them to an ageing population, meaning the younger workers are having to pay more taxes to pay for the healthcare of the elderly. It's a bad situation.
>A woman choosing not to have kids doesn't have to be a bad thing
It is a bad thing for her. It means she has failed at her only purpose (it's the same purpose for men and women, of course). If she merely serves others then she has allowed herself to be cucked. It is not in her interest at all. No human being should be that pathetic, because it goes against their entire purpose and function as an individual: to reproduce themselves.
Yeah. Doesn't an IUD work for like a decade, too?
And if you ever change your mind you can just get it removed and boom, you're fertile again
Seems like a better option than sterilising yourself
That's fine and everything, but intolerance towards fags is not the exception to the rule, it is the rule in over 99% of places.
In fact, the few places where fags are tolerated are the ones that are very wealthy and developed and no longer function by any strict Darwinian laws.
Weren't fags pretty well tolerated in ancient societies that worshiped primitive gods and still had barbaric practices? I really doubt it was that widespread when places like Greece and Rome had gays that weren't stoned to death.
Homosexuality was known of and plenty of the wealthy got away with it for sure, but the only codes of law from ancient Greece that survived to this day are the ones from Athens and Sparta, which both outlawed homosexuality.
theres no purpose
>sabotage themselves...........
>pigskin proceeds to bitch about other white people killing their "pure" white race.
>oh btw did I mention Black people exist in a vacuum?............
Have three kids, then see how much of your extra curricular time is spent on them even before the fourth. She's not messing around.
I think 'Have sex' should be change to 'Sleep more' at our stage.
To make sure you weren't cucked, you fucking retard.
have sex
>It is a bad thing for her.
Why? It has no bearing on her person whatsoever. You're saying it's bad because she's not passing on her genes, but if she doesn't care, why do you? There are always going to be winners and losers in natural selection, why does it matter if someone simply chooses the latter option?
Humans have the intellect to choose their own purpose in life. That's why we're not all reproducing all the time, because we don't let that naturalist argument constrain us anymore. If we all acted like nature intended, then we wouldn't be where we are now. We would all be preoccupied with furthering our genetic line and nothing else.
>This is why rich people often have three, four, five kids
And then stop. They don't have thousands of kids, which the richest men in society could do easily and support. Reproduction to them isn't as important as improving society.
That's some some high school tier biology there mate. In real life having less but 'better' children is proven to be more advantegous than having many without proper care. This is not new either it goes back to the dawn of our civlization, see how the Greeks crashed the Persians.
It's not a spook. Look at the way that male monkeys, deer, seals, and most other animals, fight each other to the near death for the privilege of mating with the most fertile females. What drives them to make such painful and potentially costly risks? Their instincts, which have evolved over billions of years. They have a purpose, a goal, a function, whatever you want to call it. They are trying to reproduce. They clearly prioritise it very highly, such that they are willing to expend a vast amount of valuable energy, and indeed they are willing to risk serious injury, in order to try and achieve their goal.
Gays and cucks are abominations which have failed at their purpose of reproduction, it's as simple as that. Other men might TOLERATE these abominations sticking around, IF they can be useful. But it is still true that the abominations are objectively failures. Perhaps I shouldn't use such loaded terms like "abominations", perhaps that's a bit harsh. But "failures" is an objectively accurate term.
I think you are wrong. Why would evolution lead to a function of an individual that doesn't serve itself? From an evolutionary point of view, that makes no sense whatsoever. We have evolved and developed features that serve us, as individuals, to try and do the best for ourselves (to try and propagate our genes as much as possible). Some individuals will fail in this quest - e.g. if they happen to inherit genes that make them weaker than other individuals. That sucks, but that's how life works. Those individuals who fail will simply not pass their genes on, and the strongest genes will survive.
Similarly I don't buy theories saying that humans have evolved altruism as an innate motivation because it "benefits the group" or whatever. I think we learn altruism as we live in a society and try and fulfil functions within that society that help all of us as much as possible. If you look at feral children, they probably won't be altruistic. They will follow their base survival instincts of selfishness.
Similarly with gays, they have just failed in the competition of life, that's all.
non sequitur
based and truthpilled
trannies SEETHING
animals are too dumb to know that they are being spooked
Women hate general?
consider that i dont care and dont want to have children and no matter how much you wish for me to reproduce, i will not
>And then stop. They don't have thousands of kids, which the richest men in society could do easily and support. Reproduction to them isn't as important as improving society.
They only stop with their public family, but they have more illegitimate children on the side, that they neglect and shun like Strom Thurmond.
>some 22 year old basement dweller trying to tell me that the meaning of life is to have sex when he's never had it
I don't believe in God by the way. I'm an atheist. But I'm not one of these people who thinks religion is always bad. Clearly it helped Europeans thrive, that is clear from history. If someone wants to believe in it now, fair enough, be my guest. As long as you still acknowledge the findings of science (e.g. the effectiveness of vaccines, the Big Bang, etc.). Many Christians these days do, of course, believe in modern science, but they also believe in a God. I have no problem with that.
No mate. If you haven't yet realised that reproduction is literally the purpose of every organism on this planet then you have a lot of growing up to do. It doesn't make you a "slave to your genes", that doesn't make any sense. If a person succeeds at outbreeding others, competing his way to the top of the pile and reproducing with the most fertile women, then he is certainly not a slave. You clearly are misusing the term "slave" entirely.
Yes there is, actually. Your purpose as an organism is to propagate your genes as much as possible. That's the purpose of every organism. I did not make this purpose up. It's simply something we can deduce from observation. Look at the ferocity with which male animals, of pretty much any species, will fight each other, often risking severe injuries, in order to procreate with the most fertile females. Male monkeys, deer, seals, tons of other species. They do it because reproduction is so important.
Yes, 10 years. And she can pop it out anytime she wants if she changes her mind. Shes got the one with hormones which curtails her period down to a day or two a month, which is awesome vs a week. Smart
Nah, evolution isn’t useful in such a specific way and also shit like penguins and frogs can be fags too.
Half of it is a hormonal quirk, half of it is population density.
>Why would evolution lead to a function of an individual that doesn't serve itself?
because the individual exists as a part of a group
>Why would evolution lead to a function of an individual that doesn't serve itself?
Because it's a self-regulating mechanism by a social group, which itself is governed by Darwinistic principles. Evolution functions on more than just the individual level, which is why self-sacrificing behavior exists and is immensely helpful. Protecting the group is the best long term strategy we have and it requires that some people don't pass on their genes as a matter of fact.
Then I shall become immortal!
>The more older brothers you have, the higher likelihood it is that you will turn out gay.
No, that's just a gay fantasy and ritual of the OTO cult elite, and the Malthusian eugenicist who reside there. They masquerade this as unassailable science, but its more slipshod than Freud.