ITT Shows like Game of Thrones but better

I'll start.

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It's shit

So just like /got/ then. Gotcha.

GoT had one good season, black sails had 0

Kinda wanna watch it. Is it good? I like period pieces.

its a great show, lot of weird gay vibes though

Black Sails is so unbelievably good I still can't believe it's a real show. Series 3 had some of the impressive set pieces I've ever seen on television. The special effects in general are outstanding. I have no idea what magic they worked to be able to do all of that on such a piss poor budget.
I'm kind of glad it never became too popular though cause if it had, it probably would've started trying to appease normies.
It's fucking heartbreaking knowing that they'll probably never adapt Treasure Island in the same vein

Based. Black sails is diversity propaganda mixed with some casual faggot shit. And it's not even that good.

spartacus was bad enough

>trying to appease normies
>Muh slavery, muh stronk females, muh homosexuality
If you ignore the feminist fantasy characters, and can stomach the gay shit, its good until the slave society arc.

It's fantastic.
Has one major issue with the main character, but it only surfaces like 2 times in the entire show.

Land Before Time

Woodes Rogers is kino

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The entire show was nonstop kino. The actor that played Flint deserved an emmy so bad it's kind of stupid

>the chad captain was a flaming faggot all along
i'll pass

>its good until the slave society arc
Ending ruined it. Should have shown the rebellion getting crushed and Silver's waifu getting fridged. Instead we're treated to a promotion for England's #1 gay island resort and work club? Fuck out of here with that shit.

it doesn't have a single good thing going for it, everything is shit and full of faggots

Why are pornstars so ugly?

You need to watch more porn if you actually think that.
These in particular are awful.

My head canon is that it was just a lie long john came up with to hide the bitter truth, that he killed flint, but yeah the ending was dogshit.

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What I really should have said is "why do porn companies make pornstars look so ugly?"
You've got Ella Hughes on that cover, who is legit one of the hottest redheads working, and she looks like she has downs there. Pretty much all of the girls on that poster look like trannies

Black Sails also had a great soundtrack.


Yeah, seriously, WTF!?! I got the Blu Rays for really, really cheap, and when I got to the end and he turned full faggot, where the fuck did that come from? They built up his romance with whatshername for most of the show.

It's like some shitty trend to end on a gay note, like Adventure Time did. Ruins any rewatch value. Never again.

Technically was great, good actors too, but the script is an abortion.

It also didn't help that they couldn't bring Blackbeard ealier on the show because of the Blackbeard show on NBC.

Never skipped the intro

The first 2 seasons were great but then every character started talking about the power of the story and it became a circlejerk for the writers.

>having such shitty pleb opinions because the idea of a bisexual pirate triggers you

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>The special effects in general are outstanding. I have no idea what magic they worked to be able to do all of that on such a piss poor budget.
This so hard. It honestly put shit like Game of Thrones to shame.

I am at the point where i am not even taking the bait friend.
Enjoy your gay pirate fantasy, i'll watch something else.

rome saddly they cut it after season 2

Does black sail have any complex history I can read up on?

Best pirate kino ever produced. Only sad it had to end

>literally about gay butt pirates

Ya no thanks

seasons 1 and 2 were awesome, everything afterwards was terrible (except the villain)

It takes place during the golden age of piracy, but none of the historical figures in the show do anything that they did in written history so it actually has a lot in common with GoT

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The Dark Souls of TV...

Even better, there is a entire historical novel that you can read: Treasure Island. Pick up a book faggot.

An actual hot piece of ass who doesn't mind directly selling her body for monetary gains is dating millionaires, not giving it away for a few K.

>Please torrent this series so I can send you a blackmail letter t. Joni

It has Jessica Parker Kennedy getting raped.

Just play Assassin's Creed 4

a gay pirate should be plundering english cabin boys or something

>start of season 1: shitty pirate-themed soft-core porn
>end of season 4: unrivaled sword and sails/pirate kino

Take your meds user


Cocaine's a helluva drug.

Black Sails, A Walk Among the Tombstones, and Dallas Buyers Club are the three honeypots the blackmailers use here

It's canon John killed Flint. That's why the we got two whole speeches afterwards (John and then Rackham) about the power of a good story and that truth is just what people want to remember, not what actually happened.

John tells his slave waifu that the men needed to hear that Flint willingly gave up and retired, otherwise he would become a martyr and the ensuing war would kill all the remaining pirates and slaves. He cares more about her then some bullshit cause of anarchy.

where can i watch this?

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>literally 30 minutes of gay sex shoved in each episode

The French bitch almost ruins it

>get based Titus Pullo in your show
>he plays Blackbeard, a pirate legend
>do literally nothing with him
>kill him off

And that's not even in the top 200 problems with this show

Season 1 is pure kino though


The only problems with the ending is that:

1. Max doesn't get any comeuppance for leaking the information to the Birtish that destroyed the pirate fleet.
2. The governor doesn't get killed by the Havanna governor for keelhauling his brother.

>the best part ruins it

flint died on the treasure island. the slave plantation was silver's lie

Oh yeah, it's such a great film until season four then SURPRISE GAY AGENDA.

Fuck these kikes.

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What do we think about Spartacus? Although the last two season lacked a bit of engagement, First season and the prequel were both masterpieces

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Looks even gayer than Black Sails

>liking max
sup shit taste

It has some gay scenes yes, but it’s mostly about brotherhood and politics

just watch rome instead

gross. cut it out

Dont watch it, watch game of thrones instead. Ignore the haters its still good

homosexual version of rome

What do you mean?

Wonderful show. It doesn't rely on killing off characters and has some historical basis fused with treasure island. One of the comfiest shows honestly.
This too, but it isn't a feminist narrative like thrones.

The first season was pretty fucking great but I lost interest during the second. Something about it felt off. It just didn't engage me.

This stinks of a shill thread. The faggotry is enough of a reason for me to not even bother pirating it.

>Ruins any rewatch value
>Refusing to watch all of the quality screentime you enjoyed because LE GAY right at the very end
You guys are upset by the weirdest things

3 and 4 were absolute garbage, 1 and 2 were somewhat kino

extended audio sample

This. There is no place for discussing other stupid shows when the end of Game of Thrones is just around the corner. Fuck your stupid pirate show, redditors.

you faggots can go discuss your gay shit back at reddit

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Outlaw King is medieval kino but it's a movie, not a show.
It shows the middle ages with actual colour and emotions beyond 'AAA I'M SO EVIL AND POWER HUNGRY AND UPSET.' No fucking grey and brown filter over everything.

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I wanted Rogers to win. I never liked Jack Rackham.

whoa, who would've thought

kino all the way through, weekly threads were great

absolute kino

Best season finale of any show ever.

All four seasons are on Prime Video.

The Expanse is an exponentially better show than GoT at this point. I sincerely hope it doesn't become the next big thing and gets rushed and ruined too.

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Are there faggots, niggers and women and if so, how large of a role do they play?

Is that the show with the communist/feminist pirates?

Second part of Season 3 and Season 4 are horrible.

I'm usually bothered by faggots, niggers and women, because their "heroics" are shoved down our throats. That isn't the case in the Expanse. Probably why I liked it. Everybody feels like a person and not a mouthpiece for some tumblerina writer.
Watch the first 2 episodes and if you don't like it then you only wasted 80 minutes of your life, but I'm telling you it's probably one of the best shows currently. Of course the bar isn't exactly high, but still.

Reminder that this was cancelled so HBO could make YAAAAS KWEEN STRONG WAMENS of Thrones

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this. the visuals are fucking amazing and it's probably one of the best shows I've ever seen.

The hurdy gurdy in the opening is fucking lit

yeah, too bad starz is low profile because Flint was GOAT

seriously, you didn't get the ending

Silver kills flint in the jungle

Words fall from mouth like shit from ass

I remember almost cumming when the Spanish man-o-war fired her broadside cannons

Nailed it. Beautiful women are taken by good men. They're not whores to the public. My wife is sexier than 90% of the "sexy" cunts in hollywood

The creators of this are the only people I have ever seen make a prequal actually work. S1 is and the prequel season are 10/10, S2 was kinda dogshit. S3 was solid though, Crassus is based and the final episode was kino as fuck.

The word "matey" is actually from the French word matelotage - a form of civil union between two males. Pirates were the outcasts of society, some of them were gay. Just like some of you faggots.

Good show.
Max best girl.

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but they revealed his origin story in S2. the gay relationship was literally his main character motivation. if you only got this at the end you might have brain damage.

Fuck off david

Post pics

have lived and lost at the whims of our masters for too long. I would not have it so. I would not see the passing of a brother, for the purpose of sport. I would not see another heart ripped from a chest, or breath forfeit for no cause. I know not all of you wish this, yet it is done. It is done. Your lives are your own. Forge your own path, or join with us, and together we shall see Rome tremble.

based and uthredpilled
loved this show and glad season 4 is confirmed

It picks up. Season 3 is kino.

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Fugggg I lost the first part.

I have done this thing because it is just. Blood demands blood. We have lived and lost at the whims of our masters for too long. I would not have it so. I would not see the passing of a brother, for the purpose of sport. I would not see another heart ripped from a chest, or breath forfeit for no cause. I know not all of you wish this, yet it is done. It is done. Your lives are your own. Forge your own path, or join with us, and together we shall see Rome tremble.

meant for

And whore her to the public? You must have missed my point. Shes my whore only.

kys game of shit fan

I dont think any "hard" scifi show has any chance on being as popular as GoT. It has to be Dr. Who or rick&morty levels of scifi to be watched by normies.

Didn't even realise there was a season 3.
Am I misremembering or doesn't Uthred start dual wielding in season 2?

Hottest girl maybe, but hatfu and cunty were still probably hotter. As a characters I waited for her to die for 4 years and never got it.

A lot of times the show just didn't deliver after hyping something up. I remember being so pumped when Vane got his crew of vikings and then they did almost nothing the entire show.