Anne Hathway says she'll bang you, but only on one condition: she wants to watch you fuck Rebel first

Anne Hathway says she'll bang you, but only on one condition: she wants to watch you fuck Rebel first.

What do?

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Rebel probably smells like sour yogurt but if you close your eyes she'd probably feel good. It's win win and I saw Hathaway can give good head so yeah I'm in.

Drop Anne and fuck Rebel exclusively.

a hole's a hole

how long until this fat cow gets skinny? every fat famous person always lies at the beginning like "omg im proud to be fat i will never change etc" and then they eventually become thin proving they were lying in the first place.

Examples: adele, jonah hill

>wat do
Whatever it takes

i'm so horny this is a win win

fuck rebel while i have anne hathaway's ass on my face.

She was getting sorta thinner I thought for those Glee movies but she got kinda fat again. I swear if her, Melissa McCarthy and Amy Shummer just lost a little more weight they'd be ultimate thicc slampig status.

Strike that, reverse it

rip in piece user

You forgot the Meghan Trainor a.k.a. the landwhale who sung that obnoxious fat pride song and then immediately lost like 50 pounds.

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I actually fucked Anne once. Ama

Based and Rebel pilled

rebel is disgusting

Amy Schumer will always be ugly no matter what weight she is, at least Rebel and Melissa have nice faces

Yeah nah. It's not worth it.

She was still fuckable during All About That Base tho, now she's a bit better but the material of her songs are so Woke I'm sure she's a cunt IRL

Well duh she's an Aus slag

>jonah hill

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I'd fuck Rebel first. If Anne is in the same room I shouldn't be lacking for enough visual stimulation at least.

Jokes on her I love fat chicks I can thank my based short stack bbw mum for that
I want Anne Hathaway to tease rebel about been fat as she sndwegdes us both in a 3some of Jewish Lebanese euro bread

fuck it, I'll do it

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Avoid both of these creatures.


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is that nikki blonsky from the movie hairspray?

She had some amazing production talent wasted on her too. The "Me Too" hook was straight fire. Put Charli XCX over that and you've got top 5 hit, easy.

Agree. Then Rebel flops out her 14" Donkey cock

Did you ever have sex with Anne Hathaway?

Yeah when I was working as a bar DJ I was surprised how often her songs were requested but to me she just didn't have enough talent to be the next Gaga or anything.

Do I get to do whatever kink shit I want with both of them, or does it have to be vanilla?

I completely forgot about this hoe

You and literally everyone in the world. She was the definition of a gimmick pop star.

I'll pass because Ann will jew herself out of the deal at the last second

i still listen to her one hit
it's on my playlist

Fucking deal
I'd crawl through a mile of anne hathaway's shit just to see where it came from

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Is furiously Slam both she's got that bitchy goth mummy look
>not wanting to Slam both

A true man of class


did you miss the jonah redemption thread user?
that bitch is irrelevant

Wouldn't be the first fattie I fucked.

Did she make you have sex with Rebel Wilson first?

I'd just no fap for at least two weeks so I'd be done with piggy in a couple pumps.

Sure, I have nothing against it. Rebel looks like she'd be more into it anyway.