Alright, which one of you faggots was this
Alright, which one of you faggots was this
Other urls found in this thread:
Blizzard fucking please
Based and redpilled.
Imagine being a Blizzard janny and getting movies spoiled for you while you clean up reports.
Why are Overcucks so pathetic? I can't believe they still hang on to that rotting corpse of a game.
do GMs get paid or do they do it for free like our other favorite "profession"?
LMAO'ing at everyone's life who still play this dead game
>he doesn't playing overwatch with a hired qt3.14
lmaoing at your life
>Yea Forumseddit subhuman that plays shit kids games thinks he's better than literal kids who watch capeshit made for kids
Kill yourself you fucking turbovirgin fatass cancer.
>plays overwatch
>thinks he's better than capeshitters
This is your brain on Yea Forums.
>You gotta pay to play, with "her"
I know she's probably female but she looks like a tranny and imagine hiring an escort to play your autistic vidya?
Haha, western m*n are literal fucking children.
>this abomination
i blame the jews
Yea Forumseddit is so fucking cancerous and cucked, Jesus Christ. Please kill yourself for the good of humanity you fucking loser.
I said Yea Forumseddit. Same thing as a fucking kike or tranny but somehow gayer and worse.
That's because Yea Forums has been invaded by zoomer autists from leddit and tumbr a while ago. They legit want generals on Overcunt and Fortfag regularly
>implying Yea Forums isn't mostly mentally ill trannies
Watch a speed run stream sometime. Actual mentally ill tranny degenerate scum or zoomer autists 100 percent of the time.
>people think moviespoilers are a real issue
>people think getting temp banned for spoilers is a real issue
You're all really fucking gay borelords
>lol I just spoiled a childrens movie they're gonna be so mad
>wtf why did they ban me
Have sex, losers
Speedrunners are the worst. Imagine being past the age of 17 and thinking that running around like a retard in a kid's vidya game till you break the intended game code to "win" should be an Olympic style competition and ask me why we shouldn't just euthanize em already? No shock most of them are of course furries, bronies, trannies, SJeWs and of course zoomer autists, no surprise there.
Cope and dilate
>boomers hire prostitutes
>zoomers hire player 2
Cope with what?
You just know this person looks like a numale
Zoomerfag tranny detected
being a newfag apparently
Yes he probably chugs soimilk whilst watching his mummy get cucked by the BBC
Says the tranny playing children's games and ruining movies for them because they are having normal childhoods instead of the years of molestation you had that led you to be the mentally ill tranny degenerate you are now
How is it wrong to ban bitter incel's for ruining some kids cinematic experience?
Wow projecting much? Sounds like You're the Discord tranny mate, not me
>Banning on an online vidya
You trannies just love that powertrips doncha?
Lel literally fucking cope and dilate you degenerate faggot. Enjoy being a 40 percenter.
>yes I do care about some random guy getting banned from a children's game, I don't even play, for 7 days and post it on a television forum to discuss it. Why you ask? Why because I want to trigger the capeshitters epic style.
it's not "spoilers", the avengers stories were all comic books that are decades old
it's like spoiling harry potter movies. you couldn't do it because the books they were based on had to be out for a couple years before they made a movie of it.
It's not, and self hating trannies are the ones who think it isn't. They're mentally ill and larping as normal people in this very thread. Don't worry, they'll be 40 percenting soon and we won't have to remember they ever even existed.
did the wow classic mods get sent to soiverwatch?
You also get banned for less, like typing nigger. Why is this sort of ban important all of a sudden?
It's actually an incorrect use of the word, too. I remember I once bought something super expensive off their store when I got taken home by some friends after doing a circuit with them, blacking out, then getting back up and going on a discord call with another friend who talked to me to try and get me to eat something and lie down. Woke up the next day and saw a text from that friend telling me to make sure I returned whatever I bought and when I found out what it was and how much it cost, I sent their support team an email to see if they'd cancel the order since it was a massive amount and I wasn't exactly in control when making it. Some weirdo from their support team replied with a fucking 3 paragraph email that had Lemmy faces and lines like "we've all had nights where we partook a bit too much in the loopy juice hehe" in it and creeped me out. I guess I'm glad they helped me out and gave me back my money but Jesus Christ I hate these neurotic autist types.
You know what a Yea Forumseddit tranny like OP's favorite game to speedrun is?
Do a flip faggot.
Lol lil kid game for little pussy boy faggots always entertains.
You are in the wrong if you play overwatch. You deserve all the punishment you get if you allow them to be dominant and you submissive.
Which games? Overcuck? On COD if you don't call someone a nigger THAT'S a bannable offense.
>Literal discord using tranny outs itself with some queer fucking story no one gives a shit about
You can't make this shit up. 40 percent yourself.
Because shitposting is valuable now.
It's played up for the sake of it. No one actually cares about the actual issue, Yea Forums just likes to get worked up and complain.
>Yea Forumseddit faggot makes shit thread to try to be EBIN 4 DA LOLZ
>Gets made fun of for being a fat retarded tranny instead
Just as God intended.
dumb phoneposter
Big F there lad.
Women don't play games.
Some do, but in my experience they're like forty something bored femcels tho. Rarely do Staceys who can get fucked by Chads on the reg stay home to play vidya. Even the attractive ones are just playing their boyfriend's console out of boredom and are shit too.
They're banning people for movie spoilers?
I'd be outraged, but I'm too busy laughing at the faggotry.
Aren't they doing that here too? Misuse and non use of spoiler tags can get u banned
On a few of my games some faggots were spoiling it the first weekend but I simply ignored them on chat didn't report them. I mean banning someone over movie spoilers for a popular film when those guys paid for the game seems pretty shitty regardless. Now on Yea Forums since no one pays well except for pass fags then...
dumb phoneposter
>Professional coach
Why are video-games communities so snowflakey?
Due to the younger generation playing them, post Gamergate, Jews owning the big companies, the backlash against what used to be a straight white male pasttime, the West selling more than usually conservative Japanese, high incidence of trannies invading vidya community, etc etc pick one really. It's the worst time for video games community probably since the Atari crash of the early eighties desu
Thanos gets snapped fuck you
Imagine how easy it must be to be a woman.
The sad part is that "she" isn't the only one, and they only do that because there's a demand for it.
I'll never again feel bad for getting blowjobs in exchange for beers.