Have you ever dedicated this much time to a single film Yea Forums?

Have you ever dedicated this much time to a single film Yea Forums?

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First you're hit by the 500 word essay on a relationship in a "kids" show but then the comments load


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shipping is literally female autism


Fuck fan fiction.net.

I'm amazed by the mere existence of this. Truly a monument to the greatness of human spirit.


Some retard has never heard of perspective. So they concoct some weird conspiracy theory to explain it?
Showing them a photo of Elijah Wood after they view The Lord of the Rings would probably give them an aneurysm.


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lmfao just end this timeline already Archons like wtf is this

>In the beginning of the iCarly skit Sam and Carly's drinks are red and blue, the colors which make purple, the "official" color of Seddie.

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>mfw this has deeper lore than /GoT/

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They probably put him on a box or something, are they retarded?

He's a big jedi

for himself

>How the fuck can people writean article thaht long about useless shit about a shitty show
>comments loads

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I mean it really just comes down to that if something isn't your fucking specialty and discipline and you haven't put a good 15 years in intensive work and study into it then if you try to think you can just bluff and act like you know anything you'll come across as a pathetic tryhard fool to me. You'd be throwing a lot of buzzwords around emptily and saying every other thing just totally wrong and clearly not having any insight or experience to back it up. That's just how it is when people have actually put in the time. You don't go to a fucking physicist and presume you can just 'fake it' and discuss the subject on his level? It's like people smoke a blunt and look at the pretty colors of a painting and think it all must be frivolous and easy and you can just say whatever. And someone doing that at best sounds like a guy saying he's a huge music fan and then name-dropping Nirvana and Elvis, and saying they're great metal acts.

>he's surprised while posting on a board with 114 million comments about tv and film
Lack of self awareness

>A viewport, or windows, was a framework that contained a pane of transparent material and was built into a wall to admit light. Starships and space stations were commonly equipped with viewports. It was also placed on some structures and buildings.
Wookiepedia is just magical.


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True. It's just staggering to see a similar level of autism outside of the chan.

It's like being a fly on the wall at the 1927 Solvay Conference.

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This isn't absolutely nearly as bad considering that the board topic covers all of video media.
On the other end, if Yea Forums was exclusively about icarly, this would be seriously worrying.

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There was that Buffy the vampire pawner forum that it turns had 90% of its posts made by the same person.
(There was something like 100,000 posts).

How's that even possible? Did he give 9 replies to every single post he saw?

Voilà user.

So basically.
>one user works out that she must be posting once every 84 minutes, 24 hours a day to keep up numbers. Another is convinced that she's actually a bot. But another brags that they've already found her real name and address.

this is just trolling though, right?

Are... are SW fans genuinely discussing about something like this? Oh fuck me, kitten.

>Bickering Sidekicks Sam and Freddie Board. - With 2,197 members and 152,659 posts, this forum has the rank of the Most Members of an iCarly Shipping Community.

These guys are even more pathetic than the shit they mock, honestly. Spending immeasurable amounts of time to build these websites "FOR THE LULZ"

At least the autists at wookiepedia do this shit out of love for the subject.

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>Sam's Nicknames For Freddie:
>The Doof (iPilot)
>Dork (iPilot, iWill Date Freddie)
>Geek (iPilot)
>Little Punk (iWill Date Freddie)
>Witchypoo (iScream On Halloween)
>Nub Nub (iHeart Art) note: This is a reference to the Nug Nug costume Freddie was wearing.
>Nerd (iHeart Art)
>Tech-Talking Witch Boy (iScream On Halloween)
>Fredward (iPromise Not to Tell, iWin a Date, iSaw Him First, iOwe You, iPie, iMust Have Locker 239, iCarly Awards; iBalls) note: This is Freddie's full name, not a nickname. But Sam still enjoys calling him this.
>Weenie (iStakeout)
>Whizz Pants (iMight Switch Schools)
>Circus Boy (iFence)
>Boy (iFence, You're In Luck: Freddie)
>Pink Shorts (iMeet Fred, iStage an Intervention)
>Benson (iHurt Lewbert, iKiss, iGive Away a Car, iMeet Fred, iBeat the Heat, iHire An Idiot, iOMG, iLost My Mind, iStill Psycho, iShock America) note: This is Freddie's last name.
>Fredweird (iKiss)
>Freddison (iRocked the Vote)
>Hobknocker (iRocked the Vote)
>Frederly (iRocked the Vote, iTake on Dingo, iPsycho)
>Freducation (iMeet Fred, iDate a Bad Boy)
>Fudgeface (iMeet Fred)
>Queen of the Jerks (iMeet Fred)
>The Boy (iMeet Fred, iHave My Principals)
>Freddifer (iMake Sam Girlier, iCarly Awards)
>Fredhead (iGo Nuclear)
>Freddie-o (iDate a Bad Boy)
>Fredley (iTake on Dingo, iFix a Pop Star)
>Freddork (iMust Have Locker 239)
>Diphthong (iTwins)
>Dishrag (iTwins)
>Freduccini (iTwins)
>Fredamame Benson (iSpeed Date) note: "Ámame" in Spanish means "Love me"
>Fredlumps (iSpeed Date)
>Tech Boy (iDon't Want to Fight, iCarly Awards)
>Fredpus (iFind Lewbert's Lost Love)
>Diphead (iQuit iCarly)
>Momma's Boy (iSaved Your Life)

Oh me, oh my

>it just keep going and going...

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Considering a big portion is devoted to just TDKR, I'd say it still is

We're going to see bigger Luke in the new movie now that Luke prime is dead.

We literally would be a space faring civilization by now if women were still in the kitchen. Holy fuck, I'm mad.


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Its similar to that Alita general than all of Yea Forums

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incredibly based

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where did you get this? 4plebs?

woman detected




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Let's be honest here, manlets just aren't people

I remember someone posted a webm of a slow scroll of the page and I didn't think it was real until I looked it up for myself. I thought weebs were the ultimate ship fags until I discovered this.

Someone have the Yea Forums thread where that guy obsessed over a tripfag?

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sonichu one isn't pathetic, we need documentation of his life because he's insane

And here I thought "for research purposes" was just a meme.

Yes. Pre Disney Star Wars was the best.

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>Scroll down what feels like halfway
>look at scroll bar
>not even a quarter down

Why would you want this?

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Holy shit, has anything like that eve happened since?

Was that someone trying to scare tripfags away? Or was it legitimate, pure, unrefined autism

So what did UTV had to say about this

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>this fucking site has no bottom
That was glorious. This site never fails to entertain.

I kept scrolling and scrolling and after a while I got to the comments
I can't, there's nothing I can say this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen

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iirc what you'd expect someone who's being stalked to say
the autist seemed to think utv was just toying or something

by the way, where did all the tropes threads go?

here's a link in case you guys want to read it

based mars needs moms poster

You guys all act like you are better than these people, yet you are all just virgins like them too.
At least they have online friends

i'm good

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its autism
I know because I do the same, I've been keeping track of every post made by butterflyfag on Yea Forums and that one user that replies to threads with audios

Here's one from a femanon

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>Did he actually die not knowing he was a hack?
Shit Tarkovsky is savage.

/tg/ has some crazy stories

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Based Katarn

>show ends
>immediately start fucking niggers

>implying Yea Forums isn't even more autistic

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I remember a user who was obsessed with a tripfag in...Yea Forums, I think?

It was pretty autistic, he wanted to be that tripfag's friend and cropped all of this posts, every single one and pretty much wrote a book about that tripfag

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>last comment was last year
Like tears in rain.

>Another one his gimmicks is his height. This was seemingly started by Grenville but it is often claimed that he is a ‘midget’ or otherwise short. Obviously UTV is actually a normal height, but this mocking about his perceived shortness, which would only be possible over the internet (just like our relationship), has provided many classic and hilarious UTV moments and is another thing that makes him a more engaging person. Seeing him destroy those who claim he is short is a wonderful sight and something I will never tire of seeing.

even this crazy man hates manlets

Imagine being a woman

This is nothing short of awe inspiring

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>this was 6 years ago
What the fuck

can anyone give me a quick rundown

teehee macaroni is the bane of my fucking existence

No, I have never been this into any one movie before, or anything in general. Maybe this was done by someone in a wheelchair that doesn't get out much.

Anyone have that one thread about that bachelor show where there was a woman talking with herself in the archive version?

post me in the screencap