Gerion Lannister edition
Gerion Lannister edition
Other urls found in this thread:
have sex
smash em dead!
1st for based littlefinger
Nth for Daenerys
Now that this shit is over, which character did they ruin the most from the books? In order:
You are at a family reunion and you see your aunty Dany giving you this look. What do you do?
Reminder Dany is the cutest
she cute :3
Is Aurane Waters a Chad? I stole the Lannisters' swords, I took Myrcella and Margaery as concubines and I conquered Tarth. I was planning on helping Stannis, but he died, so all i had left to do was fuck around. The succession to the Iron Throne is really fucked, Dany's invading Tommen and Marge's infant son.
So is it true that Dany will be reinforced by a squadron of baby Drogons?
What are the chances of him appearing in the books?
I love him so much.
Why are there no black kings in Westeros?
didn't he lie about the dagger being valyrian steel?
I miss him lads
>when you drink too much red cordial
Give Alfie an Emmy
Why do all the named swords in this show look like the worst possible mall ninja shit?
The Night King's ability to raise the dead, I understand, immunity to fire, okay, summon storms and create cold, perfectly acceptable, but what the fuck does throwing a spear like that shit is a missile have to do with being an ice necromancer?
Fuck this season was the worst case scenario. At least seasons 5-7 I could hide my shame from the fact that normies still liked it. Now that even the normies are done, I have to come to terms that I was 9 fucking years of my life.
i would be too autistic to understand what she means
The grieving continues
Now that /ourguy/ is killed by strong woman, for who do we root for?
probably get cucked when she chooses to fuck the starbucks barista instead
>no vassal and demense limit
Fucking casual.
>mfw Danyfags have mommy issues
>mfw Stannisfags have daddy issues
>mfw Missandeifags are inbred Mutts
>mfw Badpussyfags are Incels
>mfw Jonfags are manlets
>mfw Cleganefags are ugly social outcasts
>mfw Nightkingfags are sociopaths
>mfw Cerseifags dilate
>mfw Jaimefags are fags
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Sansafags are sub 80 IQ
>mfw CIAfags are Cuckolds
>mfw Coughfags like to get pegged
>mfw Euronfags need to take their mads
>mfw Impfags are alcoholics
>mfw Bobby B-chads are based
>mfw Radmurechads are redpilled
>mfw Podchads have sex
>mfw Tywinners can't stop winning
Make awkward small talk and when that fails go get food and sit somewhere else spending the rest of the reunion taking glances at her
Why does /got/ hate Dabid for burning Shireen when Stannis is going to do it in the books?
Also, Dickon is gay Iron King.
Wights please leave
Jamie and Stannis, followed by Littlefinger.
Because it was out of character, and Stannis probably won't be there to burn her himself. Mel might do it without permission.
>post yfw when Littlefinger is still alive and well and will sit on the Iron Throne in 9 (NINE) days.
it won't be stannis, melisandre and selyse will burn shireen to resurrect jon snow, leaving stannis to die in the north, which will probably go worng for both of them when he btfo the freys
he's making an appearance next episode. thoughts on him?
Stannis won the throne in my last game, was a joy
>nutted but she still sucking
>this level of an autistic cope
you're a loser just like stannis.
so, was the night king a Targaryen?
He will join the battle at the last second along with the prince of Dorne
ask her if she wants to come see my lego collection in my room and then fuck her quickly before returning the the reunion
Selyse and Melly are going to do it in the books with the word that Stannis is "dead" from the pink letter. Stannis is hundreds of miles away from the Wall in the books, Jon Snow just died, and Mel and Selyse have been itching for a sacrifice for some time.
It's popularly theorized that burning Shireen will resurrect Jon Snow.
Anyone who is against the plot of season 8 is an idiot and here’s why.
Firstly I want to start with the fact that D&D are not stupid. Just as much we know the show they probably know more about it so stop being an GRRM ass licker.
Season 8 started with 2 good episodes which were focused on reunion and the atmosphere before the war. Some people are complaining about this season is not too complex compared to others but what do you except from the last season? The truths are coming out and big events such as Jon’s identity are getting infused into the plot. Also we’re still seeing huge character developments thanks to Sansa, Tyrion, Jaime and Daenerys.
The Battle of Winterfell can be criticized because of the formation and the tactics in the battle. The reason behind that can be lack of experience of Jon and Dany but other than them there is good knights and fighters in that battle room and I guess it’s just lazy writing. Many people are also not satisfied with the deaths in the long night but with the 4th episode I realized that anyone who didn’t die other than The Tarly boy and his family contributed to the plot line or the development of characters.
Valuable mentions:
*Ghost is a fucking direwolf not a dog. There is a connection between him and Jon but it’s not like you westerners and your dogs.
*Death of Rhaegal cannot be criticized. It’s an ambush with a small group of ships by Euron and dragons are animals too. It’s not an abnormally that science is still valuable in Westeros and giant catapults can kill fictional animals.
*Arya killing the Night king is a good plot twist when we are expecting Azor-Ahai
Anyone who is doubting the last two season of thrones should just relax. They know what they’re doing and the ending will be satisfying enough. Focus on characters that we almost grew up with, look at the changing ambitions of them. Throne is not a war or a fiction movie it’s a novel including fiction and war don’t forget that.
More excited about the return of Radmure
something incest something awaken the dragon
It wasn't out of character. Stannis for better of worse has no double standards. If he was willing to burn someone else's kid for the greater good, he'll be willing to burn his own. He just needs to be pressed hard enough. Boltons wouldn't be able to do this, nor a blizzard. Stannis lived through worse in Storm's End, but the Wall falling and the others slaughtering people by the thousand and having them join their ranks is more than a strong enough motivator.
Fuck you, you're wrong. No. NOOOO.
Why do we like Melisandre so much?
nobody agrees with /got/. the show is fantastic.
>wear armor
>it doesn't protect you from a round-edged dagger pushed into your chest at slow speeds
>he's making an appearance next episode. thoughts on him?
Is he? I thought the best plot would be Sansa running off to marry him under everyone's noses. This secures the Vale army for her to use against Dany and shows her to be fully a player of the game, making a power play like that. I thought it was totally unlikely that D&D would have the guts, but maybe.
any women giving anyone this look IRL wants to fuck. right here right now. who am I to disappoint her?
Ask her for permission to have sex with her dragon
Nice tits, supports the rightful king, has the greater good in mind.
Is Selyse the worst mother in the 7 kingdoms?
OK how would you no lifers ended this season?
Because her actress is a MILF
>Selyse and Melly are going to do it in the books with the word that Stannis is "dead" from the pink letter. Stannis is hundreds of miles away from the Wall in the books, Jon Snow just died, and Mel and Selyse have been itching for a sacrifice for some time.
>It's popularly theorized that burning Shireen will resurrect Jon Snow.
I think that some of what Jon does in the show was lifted from Stannis' story.
is this pasta?
So he killed NK?
and based strong wymen killed him
Circa 291 AC, Gerion went on a quest to find House Lannister's ancestral Valyrian steel greatsword, Brightroar, and any other treasures that might have survived the Doom of Valyria. Almost a decade passed after his ship, the Laughing Lion, left Lannisport, but Gerion never returned. Lord Tywin sent men to look for his lost brother and they traced him as far as Volantis, where half his crew had deserted him because of his intent to sail into the Smoking Sea.
What happened to him bros?
Nah. I'd rather be burned alive than be raised into a beta retard by a hysterical cow like Sweetautist was.
leaks show that he will be there during tyrion's trial. probably will join the battle too at some point.
Crashing this show, with no survivors!
>but the Wall falling and the others slaughtering people by the thousand and having them join their ranks is more than a strong enough motivator.
This is another possibility. I think Martin wrote it in a way that he could pick and choose whether or not he wanted Stannis to survive into late WoW or kill him off immediately.
What about Qybros?
>Why do we like Melisandre so much?
>cool powers
>supports the real King
>knows that the night is dark and full of terrors
Why is he so mad? All I did was turn his wife into my concubine and lover. Is it incel rage?
NK kills everyone and destroys King's Landing, Jon kills NK, Westros ruined, Children of the Forest return to an empty countryside.
she gave jorah that look tho, and then went and fucked daario instead
J... J... Jon... A... Ae...
cringe at everything but sexy
>My Master Cersei bids thee welcome!
>I see the Halfnigger was dear to you.
everyone dies, series finale is 1 hour of the night king and zombie stannis taking turns on raping dany, full penetration
wat happens to jon
I wish they included more of the extended Lannister family in the show
>That shadow Tywin cast was long and black, and each of them had to struggle to find a little sun. Tygett tried to be his own man, but he could never match your father, and that just made him angrier as the years went by. Gerion made japes. Better to mock the game than to play and lose. But Kevan saw how things stood early on, so he made himself a place by your father's side.
>everyone already forgot Robb
Based pirate king Aurane. Got to take Dragonstone incase Dany loses her dragons
>I think that some of what Jon does in the show was lifted from Stannis' story.
I'd say most of Jon's stuff in the show was Stannis material, considering how much of the Northern plot from ADwD they gutted. I could see Jon getting resurrected and coming back "not right", possibly losing PoV status. I could also see him doing shit beyond the Wall with Bran while Stannis desperately tries to stabilize the North to prepare for the Others invasion.
take out a knife and yel
Imagine being so contrarian that now you start to support a show that you always shat on. The most embarassing part is that this is not done on purpose, as some hobby to let your daily stress steam off. No. It's a completly autonomous mechanism of the incel brain when left to boil on its own for a few years. It even tricks you into thinking that now, after careful reconsideration, there are actually good points in this show. It's honestly embarassing beyond belief, this is exactly how a feminist brain works. You guys hate them but you are worse.
Pic related, (You).
Shipwrecked in the smoking sea and drowned
He fucks off.
fuck off, dabid, we're not helping you
Have sex
They are based
good one post more like this one
Euron happened.
SEETH more danyfag
>>mfw Radmurechads are redpilled
can't even use a fucking bow on a slowmoving target lmao
>Euron secretly has Brightroar
get married
Cersei refuses to send troops to combat the WW. When Dany gets word of this she burns down the Red Keep with her dragons, declares herself queen, and orders all remaining Lannister+Reach forces north
Euron would die somewhere around here because fixing him is a lost cause without going back to like season 4.
Rest of Season 8 is a long battle of attrition as the Night King's forces push the defenders back past Winterfell, then past the Neck, the Riverlands, and into the Crownlands
More of an apocalypse survival story than anything, really
The basic game plan is for the living to organize a continual, slow retreat south. The priority is keeping civilians and other smallfolk alive at all costs while they whittle down the NK forces and deny him fresh meat. Dragons and dragonglass weapons do the brunt of the work here, but fighting Viseryion takes out one of them at some point.
A lot of named characters die here.
The WW make it all the way to King's Landing before the NK finally exposes himself, frustrated with the slow pace of progress.
Taking out the NK is a team effort by all surviving named characters. I like the idea of the NK stopping a charge from Jaime, which gives Arya a chance to sneak attack him which he also stops, but only now that he is physically prevented from blocking any more strikes does Jon deliver the finishing blow. Dany incinerates his WW honor guard with her dragon, soloing all of them.
Jaime and Arya both die doing this.
Dany and Jon marry, Dany is queen. Maybe Davos is still alive, but everyone else is dead.
Based Jaime being a chad to get a little nookie at the party.
>It was announced that Aerea had died of a fever, which was only partially true. Ser Lucamore said that the princess's fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor. She had blood in her eyes and her body had "something inside her, something moving", the knight said, until the king forbade him from speaking of the princess. Benifer left no account of Aerea's death, but according to an account in Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before. The septon described her as burning, with a red skin and having barely an ounce of flesh upon her bones, appearing gaunt and starved.
>Barth reported that "swellings" moved underneath the princess's skin, possibly searching for a way to escape and causing a great pain. He wrote "I pray that I shall soon forget some of the things she whispered", and that she often begged for death. It seemed to Barth as if Aerea was cooking from within. Her flesh grew darker until it resembled pork cracklings; smoke came from her mouth, nose, and her nether regions. Aerea's eyes cooked within her skull until they burst. When the princess was lowered into the tub of ice, "slimy, unspeakable things" making horrible sounds emerged from under her skin—one as long as his arm—but the "creatures of heat and fire" died from the cold of the ice.
>The origins of the creatures that lived inside Aerea are unknown. Barth speculated that Balerion, not Aerea, had chosen their destination; as likely the only living creature in the world that had known Valyria before it was destroyed in the Doom, Balerion had returned home, where accursed creatures as those found inside Aerea now lived.
He dead
unironically this
So, when Jorah captures Tyrion at Volantis he thinks that pattern 2 is totally the best option to reach his Queen with that shitty boat he has? What were the authors thinking? There's a fucking highway to Mireen.
cersei has done nothing wrong
He's the shrouded lord.
nobody still supports the show, retard
we're just enjoying the tears from fags like you
Did the show ever explain why that kunt Melisandre abandoned Stannis after the burning? She never even mentions him again afterward
>this already has 1.2 million views
Is dabid done?
>What were the authors thinking?
They weren't.
Keep the long night going instead of condensing it to one battle. Jon, Dany, and the dragons die ending it, along with a bunch of other characters. The remaining cast lets go of their hates and embraces the ones they love who are still left after facing such tremendous loss. Cersei gets the scouring of the shire treatment by a mob of noname peasants after her inaction left her with no allies. She's not important enough to warrant a main character's time. The end.
does anyone have the leaks in where
>Yara attacks Eurons fleet but it was diversion ans Dany burns the mall
>Cercei is burns the city with wildfire but somehow Dany gets the blame
>Dany is pregnant but John hates her now or something etc
they seemed really plausable and I want to troll some people.
Gerion making an appearance being played by Charles Dance would be amazing just because of how different of a performance it would be from Tywin
Why are his lips blue
What the fuck happened here? Context?
>dany is kween
>he doesn't know
Azor Euron
Gendry's hammer needs to be bigger.
Your grace?
No one survives going to Valyria. Except maim characters with plot armor.
>the people of kings landing deserve to die they rooted for Ned Stark's execution
So who's the new prince of Dorne? They just skipped over that bit in the last ep
Shade of the evening
wizard LSD
absolute chads. truly /ourguys/
Literally everyone who is still alive as of season 8, as characterized in the show, is a worse choice. You told me that my fixes were only allowed to go so far as the beginning of season 8.
A random nigger
What the fuck George?
>King Lancel of the Iron Throne
>implying based Qyburn wouldn't build an OTOmagic
>No one survives going to Valyria
Why though? It's just a burned up city isn't it
based Qyburn lifting Westeros out of the Dark Ages.
Nice try Qyburn. We have someone even smarter on our side
Could have been much more interesting. Stone people were lame as fuck. I also don't understand when he goes to get treated at the Citadel and the boss tells him he would have shipped him to Valirya if he wasn't a knight to let him kill himself. There are boats that specifically ship incredibly dangerous ill people for half the planet and then release them in the most dangerous place known? Who the fuck would do it? Anyone would behead them and throw them in the sea the moment they leave land.
Quite literally the smartest men in all the seven kingdoms, nine free cities, the vast Dorthaki sea and beyond.
Should've been this, even goes well with Dany's dream of her melting an army at the trident . And imagine using wildfire against the wights or burning the Neck to delay the dead hoping the burning swamp gas and wood will hold them back long enough to retreat. Only issue of course is that if the undead get to King's Landing, a lot of Westeros would've been lost at this point even if they made every effort go evacuate people making it almost a Pyrrhic victory. Bittersweet
>mad queen arc
Why? Dany hasn't even done anything irrational in the last 2 seasons.
who would you cast him as?
Never been explained, but everyone that went there never came back. Maybe natural dangers and some poisonous gas from the eruptions paired with a dangerous foggy sea.
stop posting this goblina
Is it true that the faceless men destroyed Valyria?
>It's just a burned up city isn't it
No, see
The land around Old Valyria is supposed to be dangerous
>but everyone that went there never came back
For how long do you need to be involuntary abstain from sex to hate a character just because she's a beautiful strong woman?
Bran did it. He just cannot stop making things worse.
25+ years
I think there are only theories. A natural disaster seems the most obvious but also more believable explanation.
There are chapters telling his adventures? Or just resumes that say that he has been in Valirya and that's it.
da nomber won pound 4 pound foider
Is this like the same gimmick were evil sorceries turned Asshai into a demon-infested shithole?
>posting this bitch again
stop shilling this ugly whore
Two dragons dead, two close advisors dead, half her army gone and her new allies and advisors are either conspiring against her or she thinks they're conspiring against. Paranoia was one of the things that made Aerys go mad and in dany's case that paranoia is growing even faster under all the pressure. Couple that woth the fact that she is convinced that itäs her destiny to sit on the throne and end all tyranny in the world no matter the cost. The mad queen arc was always inevitable
I forgot where was melisandre when stannis 'died'? Why she abandon him?
That's what he claims at least
We must go even further
wtf are you on about, the Starks recognize it as valyrian steel as soon as it's used by an assassin to try and kill Bran, Littlefinger isn't even involved at this point
he has a full set of valyrian armor bruv
>goes mad because everyone is saying she's mad
it's a self fulfilling prophecy, if ppl were actually nice to Emilia Clarke she'd be a happy person.
Rodrik the Based disputes Euron's claims, which spooks him enough to run crying to his bedroom. But then he goes and shows everyone his valyrian steel armour to prove he was telling the truth.
i'm retarded, i was thinking of the throne scene were LF says the throne doesn't even have a 100 blades
He could have gotten that from some other place in Essos that had connections to the old empire
At least we have a pretty good read on Cersei's tax policy.
Well, while being extraordinary, that doesn't really prove much. You will still fall from a hammer like with any other armor anyway.
She saw half of Stannis's army abandon him and realised she had got it wrong on who Azor Ahai was so ran off back to Castle Black.
Cum in my pants
Not that user, but it's from fire and blood
What it looks like to me is that the "doom of valyria" wasn't the eruption, but rather the eruption/destruction of the peninsula was done as a last ditch attempt to stop the doom from escaping: Ridley Scott's Alien-worms that burrow into people and use their bodies as incubators.
You didn't really need to include the Dothraki Sea. You're more likely to find intelligence in the actual sea
Looks like a bloodborne visceral attack
Minas Tirith
What the fuck is that? Some advanced ZIKA?
Does anyone remember way back in CoK how Ygritte talked about Jon and his name? Jon Snow is an "evil name". But how? Was it because another Jon Snow in wildling stories were talked about? The show doesn't care about this but it still interests me how Jon's name signifies evil when he is expected to be the PTWP.
>she's a beautiful strong woman
Undead Visy
Bobby B
I don't know about that. The main series mentions fire wyrms living in Valyria's mines which were the bane of their slaves. It sounds like what's her face just ran into some natural fauna that spread out after the Doom.
will episode 5 leak?
anyone heard anything in their discord groups?
i just want to finish this shitshow and spoil everything for everyone.
>INB4 all the leaks are true
azor rhaego
Shut the fuck up frogmouth
Why would they be still alive if the human hosts aren't there since centuries ago?
Still an interesting theory, tho.
>You're more likely to find intelligence in the actual sea
based and patchfacepilled
Stannisfags gotta latch onto something
1 Jaime
thanks, now I have a penis erection.
No one
no leaks until late saturday / early morning sunday. that's when the pajeet networks get their copy of the episode
valyrian steel katana
Reminder that the writing quality has been consistent since S5 and the most recent backlash is just seething danyfags and Star Wars cunts trying to create more faux outrage in response to KK giving DnD movies
I against I
Flesh of my flesh
And mind of my mind
Two of a kind but one won't survive
My images reflect in the enemy's eye
And his images reflect in mine the same time
wow she looks just like dany
Is Bloodborne worth playing?
ha, the CHAOS IS A LADDAH scene
it's the best soulsborne
>Also we’re still seeing huge character developments thanks to... Jaime
>on epic 7 season redemption arc
>nah just an addict for cersei’s cunt
I didn't know that. thanks user
Pretty much the major reason to get a plebstation
>writing quality has been consistent since S5
Consistently awful?
Legit the only person i wouldnt mind getting the Iron Throne.
it's coming for PC soon
on epic store though
that's why i'm pirating it
China must be stopped
it's toptier kino i can't stress this enough play the game user
Not him, but why would someone be in denial about it? Why would you expect someone that is well past their plateu of learning to drastically improve his skills? The show is what it is and it has been like that for a while. Complaining that they keep doing what they have been doing is incredibly childish and honestly embarassing.
>all the actors hate the show
kek it won't release on pc
Almost exactly what I would have gone with.
>not dual wielding
[Insert coughing Varys]
>man playing a retarded drunk wishes he could be playing a pirate warlock instead
Shocking ain't it
Littlefinger is a faceless man and is disguised as Arya. The real reason is because he wanted to fuck Gendry so he could get pregnant and have an heir to the throne but he got dragged into the NK fight.
agreed, except 15 and therefore cuter
(((they))) are negotiating the licenses
they already got heavy rain, DBH, the ellen page one
reporting in
I believe this
is there a single person working on the show that doesn't hate it?
Is Dawn strong as Valyrian steel swords?
How different is Euron in the books?
have a (you) for remember blade 2
How did Euron fall into being a magic hoarder? Was it spurred by something he ran into during his pirating, or was he really Brynden's failed/abandoned project?
Is winter over?
gents i'm the kind of guy that's still playing Master of Orion 2 to this day.
This game I keep seeing in your picrelated interests me. What is it and where do I obtain a legit copy?
Ceremonial Bell Staff
Cow with large bell
dude was fuckin' hungover, give him a break.
plus he totally got blasted the night before so he's like extra hung over.
Dany > emilia
>“The bleeding star bespoke the end,” he said to Aeron. “These are the last days, when the world shall be broken and remade. A new god shall be born from the graves and charnel pits.” Then Euron lifted a great horn to his lips and blew, and dragons and krakens and sphinxes came at his command and bowed before him. “Kneel, brother,” the Crow’s Eye commanded. “I am your king, I am your god. Worship me, and I will raise you up to be my priest.”
>“Never. No godless man may sit the Seastone Chair!”
>“Why would I want that hard black rock? Brother, look again and see where I am seated.”
>Aeron Damphair looked. The mound of skulls was gone. Now it was metal underneath the Crow’s Eye: a great, tall, twisted seat of razor sharp iron, barbs and blades and broken swords, all dripping blood.
>Impaled upon the longer spikes were the bodies of the gods. The Maiden was there and the Father and the Mother, the Warrior and Crone and Smith … even the Stranger. They hung side by side with all manner of queer foreign gods: the Great Shepherd and the Black Goat, three-headed Trios and the Pale Child Bakkalon, the Lord of Light and the butterfly god of Naath.
>And there, swollen and green, half-devoured by crabs, the Drowned God festered with the rest, seawater still dripping from his hair. Then, Euron Crow’s Eye laughed again
>He saw the longships of the Ironborn adrift and burning on a boiling blood-red sea. He saw his brother on the Iron Throne again, but Euron was no longer human. He seemed more squid than man, a monster fathered by a kraken of the deep, his face a mass of writhing tentacles. Beside him stood a shadow in woman’s form, long and tall and terrible, her hands alive with pale white fire. Dwarves capered for their amusement, male and female, naked and misshapen, locked in carnal embrace, biting and tearing at each other as Euron and his mate laughed and laughed and laughed
more lovecraftian character, mad magician type of guy
actually intimidating, doesn't just joke around and is offensive to others
people consider him as the final threat in the books
if it comes on epic store i will personally choke tim sweeney
>Book euron: Mary sue
>Show euron: Absolute madman
Probably not the final threat. But he'll likely ally himself with the others like the original night's king, or hell, Craster. Just on a larger scale.
Why was the Lannisters' sword in Valyria anyhow?
Do you know what a Mary Sue is?
Reminder that Viserion got hit in the same spot with no blood exploding out of his mouth
>those fucking nails
One of the old Lannister kings tried to go explore Valyria after the Doom and took the sword with him.
not really, it was closer to its chest/wing rather than neck
also checked
Yeah but this is the Night King we're taking about, the guy is an 8000 year old demigod that can bring back the dead.
>after the Doom
he's probably gonna become the book version of the night king
The chad chuck
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Not an argument normalfag
What did he mean by this
Asshai milkers
huh, she is cast in next week's episode
I can't get over how funny of a line this was
nth for Stannis
Probably. If the other's truly are a weapon gone awry, I can see him trying to control it and ascend to godhood. Doubt that it will work out well for him. Magic is a sword without a hilt and all that.
No wonder Davos loved her so much
>the virgin charge
>huh, she is cast in next week's episode
Why does she look so robotic and weird?
i would prefer a mix of show and book euron
It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you
i know it's a meme, but you can't really throw a lance like it's a spear
how can one post be so based
What game is that?
uhhh user
Melisandre is the red woman.
>Viserion killed by getting 360noscoped by an icicle
>Rhaegal killed by getting 360noscoped by a crossbow bolt
How will Drogon get unceremoniously killed off?
Alys Kastark?
>Tfw based alcoholic who can't stop winning but needs to take his meds
I guess it's easier to transport a prisoner on a small boat rather than riding. On the ocean, the prisoner can't really escape.
She was fucking jon
The unbearable Whiteness of GOT smdh
>He's funny because he said bum and screams xd
Lannisters don't act like fools my ass
Crusader Kings 2. Just pirate it, shit's about 150 bucks with a bunch of necessary DLCs, the game devs are Swedes, but actually Jews and do this with every game they make. Or buy the base game, it's nearly constantly on sale, and pirate the DLCs.
Been playing at least 5 hours a month since 2012, even more so recently with the (free) GoT mod.
the only thing that could make me happy is if stannis or littlefinger returns
He can throw you off the boat. Jorah is alone, he will have to sleep sooner or later. But you made a decent point at least, compared to the show.
better than being a mary sue
The ice cauterized the wound.
Hope he has some character development and unexpectedly does some based shit
thanks for the info, user.
VERY nice
Will they pull off an "Arya was the waif all along" to try and save face? I don't think it would even make sense at this point
Bloodborne isn't a David Cage game
>Huh? Why so many words? Me not understand me want finga in da bum and funni screm
based gerion poster
Unironic showfag or just retarded?
Actually, that's the very same thing
>uhh lets give him a suit of magic armour, that'll show the brownnosed bookfags that he's cool
I take great joy in knowing that you will never see TWOW
>an unironic showfag
Disgusting, to reddit you go, tranny
Arya didn't kill the Waif. They actually lezzed out when she cut the candle. They wanted to be together but the long haired guy wouldn't let them.
>jaimefags are fags
The fuck you just said you little bitch?
what the fuck
Post yfw he's concluded puberty and emerges from the Vale a 9ft ripped Chad riding a horse the size of a small elephant and chokes out Drogon with his bare hands and tosses its corpse through the Red Keep, winning the war singlehandedly and dragging the Iron Throne back to The Eyrie