Why didn't you safe her Yea Forums?
Why didn't you safe her Yea Forums?
Seriously she's being pushed into a corner and then murdered for defending herself
she's basically an incel
do these hacks realize that someone with hair that light would have barely visible eyebrows as well
do these hacks even realise that dragons arent real animals and theres no such thing as a 'dothraki' people or that westeros isnt even a real continent?
Other things don’t make sense so hair and makeup should be bad!!
Dumb & Dumber completely fucked up the Mad Queen character development. Instead of showing a character slowly descend into madness and act erratically, their terrible writing is showing how a rational person would react to the actions of Cersei and Euron.
show still follows real world physics and biology for humans your moron
That makes no sense.
Too busy pissing my breeks with fury over your spelling, OP. Congratulations, you have killed the last Targaryen.
everyone in "thuh industry" knows how badly fair eyebrows photograph, breh
this is the most shallow and pedantic complaint I've ever heard about GoT
They also ruin Varys at the same time. Fuck.
at least she's till blonde. look at the lannisters in comparison. they're all brown haired at this point
yes man its known immunity to fire is very realistic for humans, but eyebrow colour can never vary in any world
she isn't really going mad. others are going to falsely portray her as such.
this post is too based to get replies
I'm blonde and blue eyed and I have thick black eyebrows. Doesn't look bad tho if I take care of them.
I was in the Jon.
Idk man she used to have book accurate white hair in season 1 and 2 and somewhere along the line they just said fuck it blonde will do.
she actually looks cuter in this than in season 1. angrrry Daeny is best Daeny
Dany peaked a while back. She's always had the stereotypical blonde issue of viewing herself as a God and everyone else as insects, but back in Essos she was tolerable. Once she got obsessed with her lineage and the fact that she was a Targaryen, however, the megalomania irremovably set in. Burning Randyll Tarly was her Rubicon/Moral Event Horizon moment, as far as I am concerned; she will never come back from that.
At this point she is on track to follow in her father's raving mad "burn them all," footsteps, at which point Jon or someone else will predictably realise that she needs to be put down, and will do so. Dany is down two dragons now, and once the third one goes, she will have no real power any more; especially psychologically. She used the dragons as a massive crutch, so it is a good thing that they are being taken away from her.
imagine her hatefucking you...
Dany has never been sane, as far as I am concerned. She thinks of herself as someone who is divinely intended to rule the planet, and as having the right to burn alive anyone who refuses to capitulate to her, purely because she says so.
You can see her Breaker of Chains schtick as an act of genuine altruism if you like; but in reality it was just a means of conquering Mereen which was easier and more effective than attempting to storm it militarily. By offering to "free" the slaves, Dany could persuade them to overthrow their masters and destabilise the town's government for her, without having to get any of her own troops killed in the process.
It was a tactical maneuver, which she then marketed as a humanitarian exercise because doing so gave her good PR. It's one of the oldest tricks in the book.
literally a man in a wig
Where does Yea Forums draw the line for madness? Is Tywin, a man whose actions are significantly more horrid, considered the actions of a madman?
She's a roastie
>look at the lannisters in comparison
Would it kill DnD to buy some hair dye?
This isn't true. I don't know what Americans are like. But there are two types of blondes in Europe.
Irish and British blondes who retain dark eyebrows like Daenarys and Scandinavians who have light eyebrows.
>Is Tywin, a man whose actions are significantly more horrid, considered the actions of a madman?
I consider Tywin more sane than Dany, not because his actions were more or less barbaric, but because he didn't really have a sense of manifest destiny about himself like Dany did. Tywin didn't think he was appointed by the Gods to do anything; to some extent he thought he was capable of being better than other people in some ways, yes, but he thought that that came pretty much exclusively from his actions. It was a product of him being more ruthless and hard working, or more thorough in his planning etc.
Dany just thinks that because she's a Targaryen she should be given everything automatically, and goes into a rage when that doesn't happen.
Reminder this fucking bitch Cercei killed my wyvern AND my slave in front of everyone
I called my nephew and he's comming with his crew this sunday
We will level her shit with fire Im feeding my wyvern some beef with chill pepper as I m writting this
Fuck you you cercei and fuck the golden compagny
DO NOT GO to kings landing this sunday
WRONG, if Daenerys is insane, then Ned Stark or Tywin Lannister also.
Nothing Daenerys has done or wants to do is all that crazy.
Her father was called mad (mentally ill) because he became an actual paranoid schizophrenic. He heard voices and saw plots against him that weren't there. He refused to clean himself and died muttering the same thing over and over. He wanted to burn everything and everyone. He was not behaving rationally.
Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom. 10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Are we going to pretend that innocent people don't die during conquests?
Executing the Tarlies was not a sign of insanity either. She was willing to send the Tarlies to the Wall to take the black but Randyll rejected her authority and chose death. That's on him.
Was executing slavers back in Essos suppose to be a tragedy? She made slaving a capital offense. Slavers wanted to keep slaving. They paid the price. Just like that brother of the Night's Watch who fled the Wall had to pay the price. Desertion was a capital offense. Ned wasn't "mad" for executing him.
Has Daenerys shown signs of paranoia? Well, she fears what could happen if Jon's secret is revealed. But then we see Tyrion and Varys (our sanest and cleverest characters) come to the same conclusion a few scenes later.
She's also suspicious of Sansa. But then we see that Sansa is actually scheming for Northern Independence and actively leaking information that could hurt Daenerys. So she should be suspicious of Sansa, shouldn't she?
She suspects that her advisers, Varys and Tyrion, have divided allegiances, but again ... they do. Tyrion's in love with Sansa, still loves his brother, and has already lied to her. Varys is serving "the Realm" (which really translates to "whatever Varys thinks is best at any given moment").
If this is a depiction of someone becoming paranoid, why are the person's fears all justified?
>Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom. 10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable.
This is an example of what I still visit Yea Forums for. To see someone referring to killing 10,000 people as "not unreasonable" and try to convince me that they and the person who they are talking about are sane. The best part is that I'm guessing that you're probably that far gone that you can't even see anything wrong with that, and will likely assume that there is something wrong with ME because I have a problem with it.
>Fighting back in WW1 and WW2 is unreasonable, because some people died
She was always more blonde.
>Dany suddenly turns into a sex-and-love starved incel about to go on a spree killing in King's Landing on Sunday
>Suddenly everyone outside of the show feels sorry for her while all the characters on the show are assholes to her
What did the world mean by this?
based and true