lmao what did she mean by this
Lmao what did she mean by this
our girl
She just legitimized two strong suspicions I've had for a while. 1. All latinas love Ryan Gosling, and 2. She definitely posts on Yea Forums and is probably a regular in her own threads
I live near there. Should I try to stalk Moner?
God i wish that were me
Confirm she loves white guys. God I wish I was white.
>Patton Oswald posts picture of squirrel
>Yea Forums “haha what a faggot”
>person with titties posts a picture of an animal
>Yea Forums “she’s /ourgirl/ I want to lick her body”
Have sex.
Have sex.
>this is what celebrities are doing with their time.
Acquire intercourse.
>not gooseling
Definitely wants that goose dick. Can't say I blame her.
Patton Oswalt was panicking asking Twitter what do, Moner acted.
beta orbiting is a common trait for incels
Based truthteller calling out the incel hypocrites
I want to have sex
Me too
Have sex!
isn't this shit illegal?
I mean you can't just fucking take an animal from the wild
>That "Ryan goosling" comment
>this total retard doesn't realise that "Ryan Gosling" already works as a pun and thinks they're a comedy genius
>other people liked it
why not? you’re mom pulled you right out of the bush in africa
you will never be found abandoned by the road side by giant moner and nursed by to health on her titty milk...
Read the full text
>inb4 she took it to a center
why'd she take it to begin with, I mean?
were the rest of 'em flattened out on the highway? that's pretty fuckin' rare for Geese.
They could've been like three yards away or some shit, or in some woods. There's always a one gosling that stays further back then the rest.
>Yea Forums “she’s /ourgirl/ I want to lick her booty"
Nothing wrong with that
based esol user
Yeah 44 get
should have let it die
geese are fucking monsters
does anyone have that story where user has an incredibly detailed sex dream about elizabeth moner, and she's working in an office and everyone is abusing her and shit?
Would appreciate it
Yes, women are cute and held to a different standard than men. What's your point?
I would pay Goosey a hundred million dollars to FUCK Moner in the ass whole and record it.
No iirc we specifically said we want to lick Patton Oswalt’s body
>Drinking milk
moaner hasn't killed her wife, that's why
it's more likely than you think
Yeah but isabel moner didn't murder her wife.
They eat their moms' vomit
Close enough
It's sweet when a teenage girl does it. It's less sweet when a large, whiny middle-aged man does it.
patton oswald is a subhuman mentally ill goblin who murdered his own wife.
there is a huge difference you REtardera tranny
Me three. You guys want to hang out sometime?
Birds have good souls.
> one murdered his wife and is a creepy fuck
> a cute Latina does cute feminine post
What are you a homosexual?
that's based i want to lick her body too
Are you upset that we don't want to lick Patton Oswald's body?
Patton didn't even do this, he just posted a picture of a dying squirrel and screamed on Twitter. This lady actually bothered to help the animal before telling social media what a good person she is.
fuck off
Why is Patton rocking the hipster s*y swirlie hair?
>rescuing animals is illegal
based UK Sharia
>wanting to lick Patton Oswald's body
wtf is wrong with you m8
how does gosling work as a pun? is it also a word?
Obtain physical pleasure
based latinas
have sex, tranny
One of you must have an Instagram, can you please let that goosling guy know how big of a retard he is and maybe also tell him I want to press down on his throat until he stops moving.
is this performance art, or do all trannies look like the crypt keeper
>of all the insults, kys's, and actual attacks, the thing that breaks him is "Hi Cosmo"
>he doesn't understand Ryan Goosling
You have to go back
Now that's the good shit.
Oswalt killed his wife and didn't name the squirrel after our mascot.
Imagine taking so much estrogen your emotions get all out of whack.
Who the fuck is Oswalt?
1. hes a faggot
2. she cute
Gosling means baby goose
Oswalt Cobblepot.
the wife killer who thinks he's a "nerd" because he knows what game of thrones is
Isabella didn't kill her wife
I never wanted to be a baby goose so much in my life
He's a lucky rabbit.
didn't know, thanks
I am laughing out loud