Whats the consensus on Logan Paul? Normies hate him and he seems pretty B&R

Whats the consensus on Logan Paul? Normies hate him and he seems pretty B&R.

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He had Alex Jones as a guest in his podcast so he's good in my books.

he's going bald

Brown people also hate him for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the fact that he's white, tall, rich and successful.

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damn I guess if he's right wing it makes all his dogshit content good actually

he is a subhuman faggot who had his 15 minutes of e-celeb time. shit is over and he will end up as a baldy, cock sucking drug addict.

He's a cunt.

>Normies hate him
Not so much anymore now that he's being himself and not a character.
Hollywood may still hate him though.

Is he that suicide forest guy?


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>hi, I’m 17: the post

*goes to japanese suicide forest while wearing silly hat*

Buy that merch

>balding at 24

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Bald unself aware faggot

Leftists tried to use logans suicide forest controversy to prove that white men are evil sociopaths that have no respect for other cultures despite that 99% of people that called out logan on this were white men

haha yeah that's crazy right, i wouldn't know what it's like to be balding at a young age

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my brother went to his house party last weekend

absolute chad

Im glad Yea Forums finally sees Jews as white. The /pol/ influence is diminishing


if he fell would the cameraman follow his body down out of sheer muscle memory/shock?

he's literally like 8% jewish

He's 24? I'm old and look younger than him lmao

Literally who

I have nothing but contempt for the cynical, two dimensional, overpaid wind-up toys on YouTube. None of these people have expressed or, I imagine, had an original thought in many years. Drag them out of their mansions, send them to chop wood or work in a mine for a few years and they may gain some perspective. That goes for most other celebrities as well, by the way.

Even .01% would be enough for the chamber

no it wouldnt you dumb larping mutt

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Coke isnt good for you.

I don't give a fuck what those g*rmans thought

Logan and his brother Jake and their whole crew of weak s󠀀oy boys need their heads kicked in.
Same goes for their security guard, their families, and all the tweens and cunt parents driving their kids to swarm their homes.
Their neighbors all hate them, everybody hates them except ignorant kids and people who profit off them.

t. nigger

His content is pure garbage

hes the biggest normie. get this dumb youtube garbage off my board you npc

Peyton List has DSLs

normies like him. you're thinking of redditors

Fuck off, Logan, you faggot.
Not even fucking relevant here.

You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

He’s a massive douche bag

He has the same haircut every white guy had in middle school in 2009.