Best Deep South movies?

Best Deep South movies?

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dam. we in a tight spot

we thought you was a toad.


Debbie does Dallas

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Deliverance (1971)

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"Mud" I think it's called
With McConaughey

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This faggot has nothing to do with the South. He was born in fucking Michigan.


>Michigan isn't southpilled

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>blue state


Those movies are pure kino if you can't appreciate them because he isn't from the South then that's on you.

Southern comfort.

>he's never been outside detroit, ann arbor, or dearborn

I don't like Burt Reynolds.
Come at me.

Pretty sure he played football at FSU, that's as Southern as it gets without fucking your sister


12y a nigger

I'll fucking fight you motherfucker you take it back!

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Look, I get that this is 4channel but you really can't be saying things like that.

Burt Reynolds probably sucked dicks lol

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang

Burt Reynolds never even thought about other men's dicks. Dicks were incapable of entering his mind.

No libtard propaganda films in my comfy southern thread pls

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But they were capable of entering his face

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and OP is not sjw? kek

hell or high water

Stop it you FUCKING JERK!!!

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Mud. Like a modern day Tom Sawyer.