Instead of being angry about Disney Wars why don't we devise our own space fantasy adventure Yea Forums?
Instead of being angry about Disney Wars why don't we devise our own space fantasy adventure Yea Forums?
fantasy space operas are gay
mike pence in space?
also ill make the logo
Northwest Smith
He stared in a series of Planetary Romance stories by C.L. Moore in the 1930s A rogue and outlaw of the space ways, in his stories he had encounters with Old Ones horrors on Mars and Venus and elsewhere
Basically the prototype for Han Solo
we'll be able to merchandise the shit out of this lovable goof
Eric John Stark is pretty cool.
Dune is coming out next year faggot
I've read some of her and her stark stories, old crusty paperbacks mostly :(
is this a new one?
I think its just a compilation of the old stories.
Dune is not space fantasy adventure you moran
yeah I know she died in 1979! I mean is this a new compilation and if so who from?
I wish we had something like Treasure Planet. Archaic wooden/steamships, with anchors and cannons and everything, mixed in with magitek weapons exploring the far expanses of the galaxy.
like this?
Also check out Allister Reynolds book Revenger and its sequel published this year Shadow Captain
If he was the captain of a group of Aethermarines that board enemy ships in the middle of magic asteroid storms while dodging space dragons and undead crews, then yes, like that
Honestly, I had the idea for a book about an alien race that invaded by claiming they were fleeing a war, and relied on libs telling people that they weren't allowed to question their cultural values. It seemed a bit on the nose though
what if aliens invade claiming they're liberating humans from their awful dictatororial governments
impose transitional governors that take the resources
appoint awful local cronies
insist on making structural adjustments to economies based on galactic free trade
make a gigantic unmitigated mess
gay black male to female trans in a wheelchair who hates himself but don't want to accept it, so he projects his hate towards white males and want to kill them.
6'4" white chad who has prime schwarzenegger body and sweat pure testosterone. he likes big guns and has a phd in every field possible. he's also really charismatic, funny and has a harem of 40 women who sucks his dick on command.
since the hero is also president of the USA the movie is set in 2100 america with flying cars (engineered by hero chad) and space travel (hero chad is also president of mars and pluto).
villain found out that his cum is liquid aids and want to infect all the water on earth. hero chad needs to stop him with explosions and spaceships and shit. in the end he kills all gays and saves mankind.
Why does that faggot map have the USA in the middle. That is not what maps look like.
are you triggered, snowflake?
You just described an action movie, not a space opera
space cowgirl ranger
put in the struggle of hero chad how hard it is to bang 40 women daily to make it opera kino
I already am. It's not set in space though. But it's a comfy fantasy-sci fi setting.
>Lesbo hair
The main character has a laser sword.
T. insecure fag
A guy goes to a barren planet that is about to be destroyed
i'll start:
On the dark side of planet Nibiru, a strange ship lands. Bisseur exits in a cloud of mist and is greeted by a young masked woman.
Bisseur: I'm from the moon
Riki: You're not welcome here.
Bisseur: No no no. I'm from Nibiru's Moon.
Riki: That ship is mine. It was stolen a long time before I got here.
Bisseur: I was expecting more. But now I only hear your muffled noises.
Riki: This is a place you go, a ship to another ship? So you're on a rescue?
(All look at each other, unsure of what)
Bisseur: Of course! It happened again a while ago, and I got it back. What more can I say?
Bisseur: ... (he looks at Riki) Your mask is a mystery. Do you need to remove your mask?
Riki is silent
Bisseur: Just take your mask off.
Riki: Bisseur...
(He slowly lifts Riki's mask.)
Riki: It's your mask! ... I just did what... what!?
Bisseur: Riki! What on Saturn are you doing here?
Riki: You know, I just have my suspicions that this place must have some connection to something. There must be a reason you came here Bisseur.
Riki: The truth is, Nibiru is a peaceful world. There's not too much of it out there that isn't peaceful itself. A lot of the races of Nibiru and its satellites are just good people. They don't have any trouble cooperating with one another. But...
Bisseur: But what? We're being chased and we're supposed to fight!
Kiri: ...Tharsis does have enemies.
Bisseur: Do you know their names, Kiri?
A threatening cyborg pilot exits Bisseur's ship, walking with a robotic limp
Cyborg: I think you know who they are, Bisseur.
The cyborg gestures at Kiri
Yuzu: My name is Yuzu. Bisseur here has the fire power of a small country. And we never had a single case of the kind of trouble that you'd typically run into.
Bisseur: ...Because we are the trouble
Kiri draws a strange electric weapon from it's holster while the others all stare.
Kiri: What the hell have you 2 done?
Bisseur: It's a dirty business Kiri...
Kiri attempts to strike Bisseur down but Yuzu intervenes
Why does it have to be fantasy? Why not soft science fiction that isn't a sci-fi thriller for once?
I'm desperately praying the Avatar sequels follow the trend of the first movie copying Midworld and are themselves copies of Cachalot and Icerigger.
Yuru grabs Kiri's weapon and kicks him back to the ground.
Yuru: Unfortunately I cannot allow the Aurialsjak to attack the Martian Riualionso. If the warlike races of the Turyals attack the Gurlag, assisted by their evil Yukakan overlord, we will be forced to take action.
Riki: You fool! The Yukakans are my friends!
Bisseaur: How can they be your friends when they are Uvalksus?
Riki: Uvalksus? How dare you!
Bissear: Shut up, you Garuagslin! Filth like you have no business on this planet where the Qopiljan Confederacy holds court.
Yuzu: Silence! Here comes Tauras.
Tauras approaches with a Rikcloks gun in hand.
Tauras: Where is the Motraus?
Yuzu: Motraus?
Tauras: The dark crystal of the Eqralsin Lords that all the Valbaican from Pluto to Sirius are looking for. We need it to stop the Mibacin.
Bisseur: Mibacin? I'm a Mibacin!
Everyone gasps.
Riki: How could this be? I thought you were a Falliob, of Carucaland!
Bisseur: Fuck Carucaland! The only land that will remain is Xismfololand! Xisms, on my command!
A horde of evil Xisms approach.
Yuzu: We're well and truly doomed to the Lopasikla Pits now, my friend.
Kiri: You're not my friend, you Akhasli!
Unknown Voice: Watch out!
Just then, a monstrous Kilicsapor Stareater attacks.
Half of Love Death and Robots is Alistair Reynolds.
Too bad the other half is John Scalzi.
The Kilicsapor stops and a Gadaljafgh jumps out.
Wual: My name is Wual, Etagdani of the Fasdgaohos. I have come to ask why you Oadghadiog have come to this Tiolajkasf. As you know, it is rich in precious Qagenaiodg, lifeblood of the Ppwnoasofba.
Riki: We are Fsgagiab Corsairs of Podhihsaland. We simply wish to return to Uskfaglaso, capital of Mbgaubg, before Taifgsago the Fafsagoie, Destroyer of Aagsagios, can bring his wicked Uitehaionao down on us and destroy what the peaceful Aadgiohep stand for.
Wuol: Hop in. I'll take you to Hayaeppgn. But first, we need to refuel at Vsgahoie. I'm running out of Pywpnoa fuel for the Caheaihnions engine.
Meanwhile, an evil Tagioaionis, agent of the Eaginaogn empire, uses his Yioasniofan-made stealth suit to sneak up on them.
Piassi: Piassi reporting in, master. Shall I call the Hrhiasnoins Corps to attack with their Yifangao Rockets?
Bisseur dodges and they lose their aim but it causes a giant spike to go into Kiyul, the land between Xism and Carucaland.
Kiryle: A Stareater! That's an extremely interesting sight!
A giant spider lands in the area between where the Kilicsapor Stareater attacks it and the land between. She charges at the Kilicsapor Stareater but it swings its great web towards it. The Stareater dodges a kick and runs away instead.
Kiri: They've all gone. And then the stalks of Kiyul bloomed up from the ground. They've taken over everything.
Bisseur: This planet is the last thing you dreamt of as you were just looking for a place to die .
Kiri: When I was younger I was the only one on this planet who had a passion for science and technology. This passion of mine never changed. But I found there's no reason for me to live.
Bissur: This is what I'm doing as well.
Kiri: Why, if you just die here... I'll become an even bigger monster...
Bisseur: This is no more than a simulation. I should have thought first before taking such drastic action.
Bisseur (as the monster attacks): *A moment of silence* I have never been in such pain before!
Earaslin: Follow me!
Earaslin, a dashing Space Knight, chops the monster in half with his Electric Greatsword.
Earaslin: I'll take you to Carucaland. There we'll be safe from the machinations of the evil Mibacin.
Bisseur: Evil? Would you lot stop saying that? I'm very proud of my Mibacin heritage!
Just then, a stalk of Kiyul attacks.
Kiri: Mutant Kiyul Stalks!
Yuzu: By Rantalis, there's no end to them!
Bisseur: I think I would have preferred the Stareater.
Earaslin: Don't worry, I have a plan.