ITT: Films only men understand

ITT: Films only men understand

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Other urls found in this thread:

patriot, kingdom of heaven, shenandoah

space jam

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>ITT: Films only men understand

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It's a meme you tard

This is not a meme.My mom likes a lot of films that are considered man-core here,but she's repulsed by this.I've never seen or heard about anywhere a woman that likes this movie.
This and a good amount of westerns are woman poison.

>threads only retards keep posting

Never met a woman that's seen this let alone enjoyed it.

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If I was a woman Russel Crowe would make me gush like a fresh wound


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recommended this to one, she turned it off a couple minutes in because "it's boring and no one says anything"


most men I know dont like it either, but that shit is a masterpiece. being serious here

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this is a very serious thread

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American history x

I got recommended this by my gf lmao try not dating thots

that show 'The Terror'

my gf saw this with me a few weeks back and she liked it

She liked it because you liked it dummy.

well thats fine as long as i love her and she loves me desu

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Back in highschool when we were studying napoleonic war my history teacher recomended this. He said its "a real mans film". Everyone looked a bit confused but on that day I gained a newfound respect for him.

>bootlickers think homosex wasn't a common thing on these ships
Enjoy your fanfiction

Now a film no man can understand

Attached: Star_Wars_The_Last_Jedi.jpg (220x326, 129K)

>calls hand gf
baka dude

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Apparently these

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>women's list is soulless Hollywood garbage
>men's list is some of the greatest films ever made
really makes you think

>only 3 movies made before 2000
>only 3 movies made after 2000
like pottery

I don't understand the "women rank" "men rank" columns in relation to the "rank" column. Am I retarded? Do I need to do a course in statistics?


Take the top 1000 movies. Then take a list of the top 1000 movies according to women, and take another list of the top 1000 movies according to men.

>men's list is some of the greatest films ever made
You fool! The greatest films ever made is determined by the oppressive, hetero-normantive patriarchy in the first place! The films on the women's list ARE NOT FOR YOU.

Attached: 636645726217422678-AP-Women-In-Film-2018-Crystal-and-Lucy-Awards---Show-100609831.jpg (3200x1680, 511K)

> Blade Runner 4049
how can men be so based?

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it show the greatest difference between how the two sexs rate movies, with the high rated by women having low ratings by men and visa verse

This has one of the stronger classically romantic aspects for a Ghibli movie, so I'd doubt it. It's no Howl's Moving Castle, though. Women fucking wet themselves over that movie.


kys nigger just lol if u need a fucking statistics class to understand this


this was boring and shit though and anyone who says otherwise is a pretentious prick

It's only based if it's "The Original Uncut Version."
>293 minutes

Giving a single shit about what women appreciate or not. This is your problem right here faggots.

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It was a bit boring.

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You'd be wrong. Every animefag girl I've spoken to either never watched Rosso or didn't like it.

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I thought it was a meme but you're right

Where's the shop someone did of this poster with the title changed to "Boats"?

Viggo Mortensen stars in it and gets naked at one point. Plenty of women loved it on those grounds alone.
>kurt russell movie
Same story.

Anything by Kubrick

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Lord of the Rings

they only pretend to, to be part of the culture

Dr Tom thinks he has a nice life but gets full of himself and tries to butt in where he doesn’t belong. Typical arrogant doctor. Also there’s something to be said about going down your partner’s lust / desire rabbit hole which will drive a man insane.

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Based reddit

kubrick is a hack to be fair, so that's not saying much

name a single kubrick movie that doesn't make you fall asleep after the halfway mark, I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU

>the thing
>bone tomahawk
>John wick
>boondock saints

Just to name a few off the top of my head

My sister only watches Harry Potter and LOTR. Just those two franchises on repeat. Oh, and Love Actually.

top fucking pleb, get out

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Brokeback Mountain
Call Me By Your Name
Happy Together

well, it was a tv series

true, my gf was bored to death and stopped caring 1 hour in

>boondock saints
As if this pile of crap has any qualities or underlying themes that deserve to be understood


I have a female college classmate that tried to watch this but quit after the first space scene. I asked her why and she said "no one was talking, I couldn't handle it anymore".

I'm not making this up. She then later went on youtube and saw one of those "top 10 reasons why 2001 is the greatest movie ever" just so she could "get it". A complete pseud.

Yikes nice troll atemp. You need to be more subtle m8. You’re probably new and from reddit. Trp is a sub you’d fit in at or maybe try pol

>For A Few Dollars More
How can men be so fucking based. God damn, Boomers know their stuff.

Be glad you're part of the master genre

Some women love Kubrick

KoH was dope.

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>used to think "only men understand" was a meme
>watching Saving Private Ryan with my wife
>she's totally engrossed in the Omaha Beach scene
>get to the part where Caparzo hands Mellish the Hitler youth knife and Mellish breaks down crying
>wife: "they're not gonna start making fun of him and calling him a pussy are they?"
Wow shit you guys were right.

I fucked up and watched the regular version not realizing there was a directors cut... end me

hipsters or art school types
also usually great in the sack but too unstable for a long term relationship

Yeah black Crusaders are so cool! Also watching a little fairy boy larp as a crusader is fun too. Really exercises the suspension of disbelief muscles. Absolutely retarded film

Those screencaps are all out of order
This is extremely annoying
I fucking hate you
Great movie by the way and even greater book

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Fix your life user, go watch the Director's Cut ASAP

anything by quentin dupieux


trying to convince a girl to watch this one (unless using date rape drugs) would be impossible

Trying to decide whether I should watch Stalker or Barry Lyndon. Difficult choice

fuck off faggot its shit

didn't like it but i also think its for men

My gf loved it. But she's into ocean stuff and age of exploration and polar expeditions.

shitty overrated neckbeard pretentious shit

its fucking autistic shit that nu/males/ like you like.

This thread is 6 bloody hours old.

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based as fuck

looks gay

r*ddit worships kubrick faggot

Women will never understand the duality men possess for kindness and cruelty to each other.

>The great escape
Manly tears were shed at the end

>I don't like fighting movies user

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>5. Dangal (2016)

This list smells like bullshit, literally never heard of it before and it's barely even got any western reviews so pretty much unheard of.
The sample size for this group must have been 5 Indian men who all rated it 10/10

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>come meme with me little priest

what movie is this?
t. uncultured swine

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the title is literally in the middle of the image

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sorry, i'm mentally challenged

Then you might have to watch the movie more than twice to understand the plot.






Can I date your sister? Is she hot?

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She's already taken. Dating a literal pajeet. What a waste of being pure Nordic.

I'd say Barry Lyndon first.
I watched Stalker for the first time yesterday. They're both good films and I'll go through the rest of Tarkovsky's filmography starting with Ivan's Childhood when I can get around to it.

Master & Commander
Kingdom of Heaven DC
Watchmen Ultimate Cut
The Assassination of Jesse James
Manchester by the Sea
Bladerunner 49

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>kingdom of heaven
>Muh templars bad
>muh muslims good
Yeah, what a manly totally not pozzed epic drama right here...

Acting was good, story was slow as shit. Don't try to pump it up like everyone does just because it won an ((((((((((((Oscar)))))))))))))


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Spring Breakers

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This is the greatest film of all time. A total fuck you to Hollywood

My sister liked Kingdom of Heaven
inb4 "but she didn't REALLY understand it"

Obviously men aren't going to rate Harry Potter that high, but women still have a movie like Rocky or Seven Samurai in their top 400. Like you can see from the image, women still have Blade Runner 2049 at 368th place.
Half of the retards on this board who see that picture probably always misinterpret it.

that's not what the image is about. It's just shows which movies have the largest difference in ratings between genders. Women may still like that's in the men's list, they just like it less.

Your sister liked Orlando Bloom

it's not 2003 anymore.

My mom loves tremors.

Does it have to be films? Because you know, the Sharpe series - they're television movies.

Attached: Sharpe - sharpe's siege.webm (720x405, 2.94M)

This picture speaks volumes about the difference between men and women.

Women were a mistake.

Ignore the brainlets who say it’s shit because of the slow pacing.
It’s fucking great

My mom loves that movie
So no

My mom fucking loves the film.
It’s Kino

This film was amazing and I never understood the hate. It was probably too edgy for early 00 normalfags.

What is love?

Attached: sharpe - sharpe's challenge toby stephens.webm (720x405, 2.92M)


I watched this with my mom.
She's probably been subjected to more Kino than 99% of the women that watch movies.

>Half of the retards on this board
These people are the same that believe in /pol/ meme made with partial, biased or false data, or are unable to draw consistent conclusions from the data available.
You are wasting your time with a bunch of functionally illiterate idiots with a huge confirmation bias caused by their hatred for le ebil wimminz.

>mc is a greedy asshole
>woman can't understand it

What movies can get you laid?

Attached: The Man Who Would be King.jpg (1950x2883, 817K)

My sister's favorite movie.

goat movie
but you should never believe your own lies

may i have your sister's number perhaps?

>t. can't read a chart

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married, sorry
Interesting note, she had onions-bfs but married a guy that has a very low onions level. Approved.

Why would you need a movie to get you laid?

this is the closest we have to Napoleon kino

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You're literally demonstrating your inability for critical thinking and are identical with the women that find all the movies "only men get" as "insert random generalization here"
Who the fuck are you kidding you haven't done a second of thinking in your life.

>invite girl for movie
>pick the movie that maximizes your chances of sexings

>roastie is toastie

Attached: The Duellists.webm (704x400, 2.75M)

12 angry men
The hunt
Love exposure
Lawrence of Arabia
Paths of glory
The wages of fear
No country for old men

You want elevated heart rate and her to cling to you for protected. You want Horror, now a lot of retards will then pick what they find scary that's faulty logic. Find out what she finds scary first and then in due time take her to see a movie that iwll leave her clinging to you with her heart beating the cheeto dust off your sweater.
Super manipulative you're going to have to keep up the pace without me holding your hand.

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Based anglo showing the pajeets who's the boss. Don't forget about this semen demon

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wtf was his problem?

Why is there such a large invasion of faggots like this guy today

No, Waterloo is. Also not comprehensible to women

Excalibur (1981)

Attached: excalibur03.webm (700x394, 2.95M)

>muh honour

Pure fucking kino

Kubrick is entertaining that's why i like his movies


My mom likes most of these movies (when I was home from school she was a big advocator for watching classic movies) but the one movie she doesn't "get" is American Psycho.

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Yeah, I'm gonna need source for that, honey

IT's vanity turned to 11. What is there not to get?

Every fucking time, people forget that Kubrick directed Spartacus


this is the best Spartacus

based bot btfo incels

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It’s a crying shame this didnt take off
Flashy is the GOAT
I’d kill for Flasman at the charge, lady, the redskins or the original to be made into a big budget film
Alas, that time has passed
It’s too racist and sexist to be allowed
Those books are a triumph, gmd is the greatest

women like Sharpe and other historical movies that feature fancy old clothing

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have sex

Chicks HATE him!

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>Never met a woman that's seen this let alone enjoyed it.
You meant to say:
"Never met a woman who would talk to me for more than two minutes."

The TV-series was a better adaption. This one I could barely keep track of what was going on.

Of all the MCU movies, this one

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So you are saying that a 6 hour miniseries is closer to the book than a 2 hour film?

gee golly mister

Go on naw ya homersexials ...GIT

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Maybe try coming out of your room

>Taare Zameen Par
This list smells like curry and shit.

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>subject to the requirements of the service

All of those movies deal with gay characters and gay themes. Your suggestions are gay.

Which is ironic, because Howl is one of the weaker Ghibli films.

>introduced to this by a FWB
What did she mean by this?

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Amazing movie, probably my most loved

directed and written by women tho

What a fucking pleb

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I unironically think it's trash

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thot fucking patrolled

Wasn't Spielberg rumored to be working on some Napoleon tv series?

trips of truth

not a film

Yes, he is working on an old Kubrick project. Kubrick reportedly stated that his imagined Napoleon movie would be "the greatest film of all time". Sadly the massive scope of what Kubrick wanted meant the project never actually got off the ground. Hope Spielberg can deliver us some based Nappie kino.

>>Yea Forums

PROTIP: No one understands this movie because they cut out the only piece of story that explained why the protag was as hostile as he was.

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I remember the scene where he crawls miles with a broken leg for a little bit of silver

Best Stalingrad battle movie ever.

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A girl I know liked it too

Any of the Rocky movies

What kino?

Dr. Strangelove


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That along with Centurion I quite liked.

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The movie was really fucking bad. I guess they thought Malcolm McDowell running around like an asshole without a script was funny enough, but he's nothing like Flashman from the books and the movie has no jokes.

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This is why we need a television series, but it would never get made.

It's good.

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You could try The Last Remake of Beau Geste for something similar to Royal Flash, but more of a slapstick farce. It's still a weak movie but I've seen it a few times now and it's still watchable.

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I like it and I love Westerns.

T. woman on the internet

hey is that fucking Bucky?!

It's Jared Leto, my capeshit friend.

>2049 comes out
>I try to talk to my male colleagues about it
>They all say it's boring and shitty and they would rather watch some Thor movie
>Female colleague starts defending it saying it's the best movie of the year
>Following this I try to woo said female over a period of time
>Find out she already has a bf

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>I guess they thought Malcolm McDowell running around like an asshole

Isn't that most Malcolm McDowell films?

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I like how they used an MP40 for the closeup. Couldn't they have found an M3 somewhere? Or any other American weapon.

It was after the war. Some bastard probably had it as a trophy laying around and wanted to use it.

Fucking disgusting why do you allow this
Did he ever penetrated her with his penis?
If not she's stilll salvageable

Big redpill on women

She has terrible taste in music and literature, so she's a lost cause anyway.

What are you talking about
Women understand filth

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My mom liked this kino and thought he was based for slaping the traitor whore

I hate women so fucking much, bunch of whorish plebs the lot of them

____ ___

This movie is the eptiome of Jewish fanatasy, fuck off faggot


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based functionally illiterate retard that did not even read the thread

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Pain and Gain

Chappo faggots are raiding. Just spam gore and move on my friend

Go back to r/chappo kike

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Yo, this nigga got his milkshake drank!

Naval movies in general are like anti-estrogen or something. It's incredible how dry they make women.

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>watching Troy with family
>that very part comes on
>Achilles: "HECTOOOOOOOR!"
>Hector armors up and walks down to his death
>mom and sister: "I don't understand. Why even go down there? Just ignore him if you're so afraid to fight. Seems pretty silly!"
>my dad and myself's faces when

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clockwork orange, spartacus, dr. strangelove

>The Great Escape

Holy shit. Men really are based.

Point Break

>peace is our profession
always cracks me up

That was actually a real motto of Strategic Air Command. Insanity.

Attached: captain picard, richard bucket and julius caesar in excalibur.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

Dr. Strangelove is one of the funniest movies ever made. You just have to have some inkling of what made the Cold War simultaneously ridiculous and terrifying and pick up on satire to appreciate it fully.

Yeah I always feel bad laughing at this movie because most of the jokes go over peoples heads when I show it them.

Oliver Stone showed the film to Putin and he didn't find it all that funny. It was too real to be funny to him.

more kinos like this?

now this is a kino I can get behind

Fun fact: The human brain uses the same neuropathways for all emotions. By triggering fear, you essentially "fire up" these pathways making it easier to trigger different emotions including feelings of lust and sexuality. The same goes for romance films that have "sad"/"tragic" events.

>tfw understand male camaraderie but too much of a social retard to partake
I feel like a fish in a bowl looking at the world aorund it. Fucking sucks man.

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more kinos like this?


The Emerald Forest is more John Boorman kino. It's nothing like Excalibur but it's more or less thread related.

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amazon prime boys stand up

I wish people would stop posting the trimmed version, its confusing without the text. Its listing the movies with the greatest disparity between male and female rankings, the delta is the difference in rank.

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I watched them both on television, a few times each.

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My wife loves this film; she even had the milkshake shirt.

Ill give it a shot

most men hate it too
because they have shit taste

roastie detected

never met a woman who liked this kino

Attached: it's-such-a-beautiful-day-2012-001-bill-and-girl-in-country.jpg (1000x732, 171K)

Is Rob Roy like this film?

holy shit hhahahahahahha

Attached: the man who would be king.webm (640x268, 897K)

Is there any merit to the femoid idea that movies men "get" are only appealing to men because of the violence and action appeasing our testosterone?

Also, No Country for Old Men.

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Not impossible. My gf wanted to watch the whole series with me.

Clint would be a pepe, not a wojak.

I'm not surprised that somebody posted this

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>Spring Breakers
Trash Humpers is a better example.

I've never seen the movie, or maybe i did many years ago but i can't remember. What's so special about M and C to always be posted in threads like this?

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Attached: dan stevens the guest.webm (768x320, 2.9M)

Attached: Lawrence of Arabia.webm (1920x876, 3M)

My mom has watched this film like 50 times, it's insane

Dan Stevens for James Bond when?

Attached: dan stevens-theguest.webm (1080x608, 2.93M)

roastie cope


Attached: Dan Stevens The Guest-6.webm (1146x480, 2.86M)

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

i agree. grossly underrated film.

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>tfw watched the whole series with my gf
She was bored out of her mind and asked me to switch it off and change it to somethign eles but i said i wasn't doing it and i was going to watch the whole thing in one sitting so she stayed there cuddling with me. She slept trought the whole thing and when i was done i was very tired and it was already past my bedtime so i said it was time for bed but she wasn't tired because she just slept for like 4 hours and wanted sex but i said i was tired and was going to bed and she should join me, so she did and went to bed and cuddled with me while i slept. Sometime later she must have slept too because i woke her up in the morning and we had sex.

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Can confirm. My wife actively detests this movie. One of my favorites.

based and kriegsmarinepilled