Why are vegans so little featured in cinema...

Why are vegans so little featured in cinema? It would make sense that especially during this modern day and age now that it's universally accepted that vegan is the way to go that this would be a lot more common in movies but yet almost everyone still eats meat. Don't producers care about the planet and well-being of animals?

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Fucking manlets taking all the dumbells.

Today's movies have queers and trannies so there are enough mentally ill people in the movies already.


Because the (((meat industry))) has lots of money to spend on advertising and believe that eating meat daily is good for us.

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>being a vegan is now being mentally ill

here is your (You) my friend

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>malnourishing yourself on purpose isn't being mentally ill
I bet you think anorexia is perfectly normal too.

imagine being this retarded

if you don't eat meat you're a faggot, simple as.


i'm sure you are a "real man" and look better than the guy in the picture


Vegans are food.

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Sure, that's a one-ton barbell. I believe that.

Veganism relies on modern agriculture and a globalized market that ensures you have produce year round. It’s unnatural.

Why do all of you have queer passive aggressive personalities?

you retarded? They are in the background, she is in the forground. Of course they look smaller than her


Cope NATION!!!!

You're missing many key nutrients needed by your body on a vegan diet. Once your body uses all these micro-nutrients that you stored up it starts eating away at your body.

Tell me this is edited

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What nutrients?


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Combination of low Testosterone (the vegan diet doesn't help this) and usually being raised by a single suburbanite mother.

Being a catty, effeminate bitch-boy is all they know in life.

vitamin b12

Vitamins A, D, B12, K2, F these are just ones off the top of my head. You also don't get any animal cholesterol at all. just search vegan malnourished on yt. If you havent seen any adverse effect then I'd be willing to bet you havent been a vegan for more than a year or two

can be supplemented, just like it is to the cows that you eat. Any vegan that knows what theyre doing will have a form of B12 intake and because of that have even more of it than a normal person. You can have not enough B12 even if you eat meat.

>can be supplemented,
your lifestyle isn't natural if you need supplements

not giving your baby breast milk has nothing to do with veganism. Veganism is actually all about having a baby drinking their own mothers milk (since thats what its for)

there are tons of animals that are sources of cobalamin retard, factory farmed cows are not the only form of meat

the bio availability of supplemented vitamins are much lower than it's food counterparts. You can supplement b12 by shooting it between your toes and you can still be low. Compared with eating some grass fed liver once a week and being totally good.

meat is murder ok :DD animal is innocent and probably angel as well :DDDD

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Veganism in a character would not be an interesting characteristic.

Vegans are one of the most delusional two-faced mentally ill people you could encounter.
Fighting till death against the horrible conditions of chickens while at the same time pretending like the horrible conditions of underage underfed preteen little kids who make their shirts and assemble their iphones don't exist at all. Pretending like mass market land draining monoculture vegetable growing is "natural" and "organic", acting like Pedro gives a single fuck about veganism and isn't killing and spraying thousands of insects, rodents and birds that get near his crops. Or that your precious avocado wasn't the product of mexican cartels extorting hundreds of mexican families. Applying their arguments only for one side, for example all the fuckload of ex vegans who stopped being vegan their strong argument is that's because "they didn't do it properly", but they don't apply the same "eat properly" argument when talking about meat eaters and will frequently sell studies about obese amerilards eating nothing but pizza, ice cream and soda as standard meat eaters and yell CANCER HEART DISEASE YOU'LL DIE yeah no shit if you're shoving processed meats and sugar on the daily.

In short, champions of never ending confirmation bias mental gymnastics