How is stuff like this even legal?

How is stuff like this even legal?

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women are mindless cattle

Mainly talking about how they can just blatantly lie about people like this. Not commenting on who reads this stuff.

Fuck, does this mean Scientology will implode?


Hav sex

I saw one today that said Aretha Franklin had been murdered


Tabloids are like kayfabe but with celeb journalism

did ariana do it? was that why she wore that whore dress?

>blatantly lie

So he's not leaving Scientology?

I once saw one that claimed Michael Jackson's body was exhumed and it had reverted to being black.

That's some "bigfoot got me pregnant" tier shit.

yeah I saw that today too; the shit they get away with blows my mind

Looks like the types of things that make threads on tv

I don't know either, but the sad thing is there are people out there who genuinely believe it just because they read it on a tabloid.

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You'v never had sex.

I hate tabloids too but it kind of makes me confront the fact that I love blind item conspiracy shit.
What's the difference Anons?
Was I the normalfags all along?

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Who pays for this shit if you get this on social media for free without even asking for it?


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Are you saying Tom can't leave Scientology?

If it's true, then most likely. If there is someone Scientology can't let out, it is Tom.

Is Will Smith really involved with scientology? Or have I been trolled?

I liked blind items until I realised all if is is X is gay/has a coke problem/is fucking Y

I haven't read into it but all signs point to yes but he denies it because of the backlash

No it means Tom's car will though

Bruh he IS Scientology.

>Was I the normalfags all along?
Yes, I don't know why so many retards follow that shit. I see it as being exactly the same as a tabloid.

I tought they view him as a kind of messiah by now. They would never really let him go.

why spend £5.49 and $3.99 when you can read it on Yea Forums 4 free?

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By her unhealthy lifestyle

Well, was she?

His wife is, but he isn't a member. Yet.