So Pennywise is old woman now? Didn't they get Skarsgård to play him?

So Pennywise is old woman now? Didn't they get Skarsgård to play him?

Attached: it2.jpg (798x420, 25K)

that's her daughter, mongoloid

I don't get it

That's pretty retarded, Pennywise is some eldritch horror from space.

> some eldritch horror from space.
who can assume human form.
he assumed human form, fucked a girl (you ever tried this?) and had a daughter.
There's literally a photo of them together in the trailer.

It is whatever It wants you to see to trick and scare you. The clown is just something that children commonly fear. It tricked Beverly into entering her old house, pretending to be a nice old lady, before It attacked her, first saying some things that made her feel uneasy and frightened. It turns out the whole house was condemned and boarded up and nobody lives there, the whole thing was an illusion to fuck with her.

His daughter*****

IT true form is actually female, read the book
Also you put the asterisks beside the word you think it's wrong, mongo

So... this is the power of (((hollywood))) writers, huh?

Sounds fucking stupid


>he assumed human form, fucked a girl (you ever tried this?) and had a daughter.
Yes that's precisely what I meant when I said that's retarded.

my impression is that the old woman had no history with the clown, but had recently perished and so everything in the house is just pennywise fuckin around, am i wrong?

yes. read the book.

It's just Pennywise RPing as the old evil lady from Hansel and Gretel, mongoloid.

I doubt it because he died in chapter 1. Have you even seen the movie?

He took the guy's form when he was a clown, kept it, and also took up the old woman's form in this case

Or hes just fucking with Beverly because he's powerful enough to distort reality

it's kind of a goofy concept when you strip it down, yeah. Stephen King's concepts sound pretty dumb. It's true form is a void of non existence basically, It devours, that's all it knows how to do is eat things, and it exists in a multiverse. The other major lovecraftian horror entity in It is the Turtle. the Turtle got sick to its somach and vomited out the universe. It and the Turtle are adversaries and in the book, the Turtle tells Bill how to defeat It as a child, but when It comes back 27 years later, the Turtle had choked to death swallowing a galaxy.

It's really all pretty goofy, but the more mundane aspects of the book like the kids and the various physical manifestations of It ans the ways it tricks and scares people before killing them are good.

in the book and miniseries It laid eggs

Y'all niggers need the lore clearing up for you by someone who has read the fucking book.

>Old lady is not anyones daughter
>Old lady is Pennywise
>Pennywise lures in the adults with more elaborate tales and backstories
>This is because Pennywise thrives off imagination and kids are simpler in this regard
>So Bev sees an elaborate redcorated home and a nice old Scandanavian lady
>The daughter lines are just to create trust so Pennywise can tease and play with her
>Mrs Kirsch is a fabrication and never existed
>Later Mrs Kirsch (the old lady) starts babbling about how her and her father are one and the same and he just shit her into the world and other contradictory stuff
>Pennywise has no offspring

>Pennywise is not of this universe and has not gender or form that conforms to our understadning
>However as Pennywise must take a 3 dimensional form and a gender, it is something like a Spider and is female
>At teh end of the book and hopefully the film, we see Pennywise has laid egg sacks without need for a mate

Didn't read, book fag. Henry is probably in jail or some stupid shit

I've read the book and kind of explain Maybe you should read the thread before you reply to every post nigger.

He's in the loony bin actually, illiterate film fag.

Jesus, you are easy

Who's the killer now that Pennywise is dead?

jesus you can't bantz

Maybe your post aint all that and clearly didn't solve any lore confusion for the niggers in this thread user. Ohterwise I wouldn't have to explain it.

Old lady, Pennywise's daughter

he aint dead, he just got wounded at the end of Chapter 1.


>You need the lore clarified for you, but I'm not going to explain any of the higher concepts like the Turtle, the Dark Tower, Gan,
Look nigger, if I'm posting about the Turtle vomiting out the universe, I think it should be clear I've already read it and need no condescending explanation.

Jesus christ on a raft

I don't need your nigger turtle, people were asking about the old lady, not your gay fucking tower or your fag fucking gunslinger or robo-bears. If you get mass replied in a cancer thread don't take it personally. It happens.

So they come back as adults and It is old lady now and the film is set in the future, 27 years from now?

yeah, but it is only an old lady for one encounter. It still shapeshifts however it wants. At one point its a Doberman Pinscher.

Yes, the book was set in 50's and 80's, remake is contemporary and 2040's. It is still shapeshifting monster

not true, this remake is 1980's and 2010s. They just shifted the kids childhood to when they would have been adults.

What do you mean?

first film was set in 1988-1989, so 27 years after that is 2015-2016, which is when the second part will take place. In the book it's 1957-58 and 1984-1986 respectively.

It wakes up, usually some super violent act occurs, It feeds for a year to three years, then some big disaster happens and it goes into hibernation.

IE the cycle before the Losers Club there was a gang of criminals that were surrounded and killed Bonnie and Clyde style by vigilante townsfolk. Then at the end of that cycle the club for black enlisted soldiers called "the Black Spot" was burned down by a white supremacist group and killed a bunch of people.
It can also be a weather event, such as in the Loser club's cycle it began with torrential rains.

That makes no sense because in the first film it is made clear it has been eating children in Derry for a long time

I thought the Turtle was a good one. Like one of the Four Pillar animals or beams from The Dark Tower Roland talks about. Been a while since I read the series though. I just vaguely recall a turtle with something on its back and a bear.

>Book and miniseries
>1958 and 1985

>1985 and 2017

IT isn't going to be set in 2017 and 2040.

So It has killed everyone in town and flies around with balloons?

Have sex.


it does make sense as it still does this in 27 to 30 year cycles. In the books, Pennywise turns up in the late 20s or early 30s and gets the town to gun down some John Dillinger type bank robbers. At the turn of the century (iirc) he turns up to make a gang of unionized loggers tear each other to shreds over a union and company boss dispute, which is an easy form of animosity for Pennywise to exploit.

the turtle is "good" but he really only offers a dose of magic and power to the kids. This isn't because he likes humans though, but because IT is out of control. Pennywise and Maturin (the turtles name) are natural enemies.

yes by "lovecraftian horror entity" I just mean a being of unimaginable scope and existence. But yes the Turtle is one of the 12 guardians of the beams supporting the Dark Tower (which is the physical manifestation of Gan, aka "God" in Stephen King's multiverse), he's benevolent.

Waking up every 27 years and feasting on people for 1-3 years, hibernating, and repeating since the 1700's is a long time.

can't right now, your moms too tired from last night.

Its Witch-Minion.
She is back.
Witch-Minion was the best, scariest monster.


I bet nigger hangs Henry and fucks Bev and Jew boy kills It and saves the day

Why doesn't just eat a burger or something less convoluted and troublesome?

Does Zombie-Minion return in IT2? Is that in the tie-in novel?

Attached: Zombie-minion.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

Jokes on you, yesterday my mom was at her boyfriend's place, and my dad was at work.

not to mention the incident where the town's only jazz nightclub for blacks get burnt to the ground full of people while pennywise watches
the book is GENIUS*, it's like a tour of America's shitty underbelly through history with Ronald McDonald pointing and laughing at the tragedy

*apart from the bit where 7 kids fuck in a sewer

Does the book go into what happens with the minions after they try merging with IT?
Is IT2 stronger than IT? Does he have more minions that just witch-minion which we see in the teaser?

Attached: witch-minion is back.png (1200x650, 736K)

because it likes human flesh, and it tastes better if they're afraid.
It's goofy shit, I know.
The more you delve into it the dumber it gets, by the time you get into the Dark Tower series you'll realize that Stephen King just wanted to create an epic to include all of his other books in, being inspired by Tolkien to create his own world with history and legends and all that, and he liked Clint Eastwood westerns.. and he used a shitload of drugs.

It sounds like a jerk.

What about the kids that are special that are not afraid of IT? Does IT2 discover why they are not afraid, or does he just create minions out of them like IT?

Attached: special kids in ITs researc lab.png (480x360, 132K)

Well, I'm sure cows would think the same thing of you eating burgers if they were smarter and more self aware.
>first they fatten us up
>then they kill us and cut us into pieces
>then they put our body parts in a grinder and mash it all up
>then they set it on fire, and eat it
>wtf man, just eat some grass!

that isn't a minion, that's Pennywise taking the form of a leper cos Eddie is a germaphobe.

this, and the Kitchner Ironworks, a foundry that explodes while kids are in the surrounding grounds and one of them ends up with his head in a neighbours tree. Kek, based King.

There are no minions of IT, they are all just him shapeshifting.

so, you're pretty dumb, huh?

We were 5 people watching the movie, we all agreed that IT had minions. He even tried merging with them in the end - probably to become IT2 that we see now.
But then Beverly became woke and all
>let's kill this clown
and stopped the merging. After he tried creating a new minion by killing a special kid.

Will the giant spider appear?

He canonically does not create minions. They are illusions or his own body shapeshifting. What you and your mates concluded is irrelevant fren. If you see pennywise and a "minion" on screen together, it is only because he is not bound by the laws that matter cannot be created and can make his regular human body transform into things larger than a house or he can disappear from existence except being a tiny creature (at one point he becomes a Doberman in the book). He also becomes the interior of an entire house and expans the house to be dozens of times bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, and becomes objects and things in the house simultaneously. There is no creatue in IT besides Pennywise, except for the Turtle.

It's the most climactic battle in the book, so it really has to yeah. But if they fuck up this film like they did the first one, then it could easily be shit.

The first film established that Pennywise's main weakness is "getting hit with objects" rather than imagination/magic/Chud. So why don't they just roll up with guns and bats this time?

It has been raping Henry for 27 years and their offspring, army of floating Henryballoons can be seen in the trailer for a few minutes

I'm pretty sure he had two minions. Witch-Minion and Zombie-Minion. And Witch-Minion is back judging from the teaser

One of his minions

Attached: IMG_2454.jpg (1024x566, 103K)

In the book Eddie kills it with carborane acid

>because it likes human flesh
I thought It drank blood

That's the fifth one, lest we forget Library-Minion

So amazing to see Witch-Minion back and living in Bevs old house. I hope they don't kill her off too soon.

favorite loser encounter with IT? for me, it's eddie and the leper from the book and ben in the library from the movie

Attached: 123443213.jpg (669x400, 35K)

you are wrong my dood. Book fag and film fag here to tell you it just aint the case (I just finished re-reading the book 2 weeks ago too).

That is a leper, because Eddie is afraid of germs and when he goes to the house on Nebolt Street (where IT lives when it's above ground) he sees the Leper under a porch. He gets chased by the thing and he runs off and as he turns back the leper sprouts tuffs of red clown hair and grows orange pom poms on its clothes. Eventually he sees it turn into a clown with lepresy.

>The witch
The witch is a trap for Bev and when she says "my father" she is elaborating a back story to keep Bev feeling good so that IT can spring a nasty trap on her. That is what gets IT excited after all. We know the Witch hasn't been created by it, cos she says in the book (my favourite scene actually) that she had no mother, when Bev asks if her mum dies, she says no and her father just took a shit one day and out she crawled, then she laughs like a mad woman and says her and her father are one in teh same. Then she also transforms into a clown and by the time Bev flees the house, it is just Pennywise standing there in the doorway.

still not minions, it is Pennywise turning up at different places and tranforming the world around it (technically these are not even transformations, they are illusions).

this must be bait at this point.

Bev in the Witch house. Listened to that on Audiobook and the guy reading did a stellar job of depicted her mad cackles and shit.

Deffo when we meet Witch-Minion for the first time.

Attached: Witch-Minion as painting.png (1280x720, 940K)

Why are so many people pretending the last 30 seconds of that trailer didn't exist?

confirmed bait. a brainlet this severe couldn't use a computer.

Ok but what makes you think it isn’t taking place in 2040? They’re older

So It's minions can turn into clowns? That is kind of cool

What do you mean? You don't like Witch-Minion?

This is the lowest quality shit posting I've ever seen. You should be ashamed.

I'm hoping that the minion retired and is enjoying life but gets dragged back into working for penny wise and then has to decide if she wants to help the losers club or become evil again

that would be EPIC, I will be on the edge of my seat this September.

This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this movie that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when Pennywise possesses the television and we finally get to see 27 year old Richies reaction to him.
The other one is in the library, first we see the

The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters. Be a part of history.

Huge Logger-Minion confirmed

Attached: logger-minion.png (1242x520, 746K)

Came on guys, it's an easy book from a guy that makes book just to become movies, you can read it

the time frame. IT comes every 27 years. They were kids in 1985 so the next time slot for IT to return is 2017 or so. Unless they are skipping one which makes no sense as in the book, they all vow to return the moment IT comes back. Also, James Macaovy does look like he is in his late 50s or early 60s.

it aint minions boi, it's IT shapeshifting.

ACKTUALLY the entity that represents itself as Pennywise is just one of seven demons trying to take down the Beams holding up the Dark Tower, which as the physical mnifestation of Gan would in theory total all material existence to the chaos of the Prim

>The clown is just something that children commonly fear
That's a meme. The clown is just a preferred form, something to do with a carnival that was hit by a tornado or something.

Pretty sure its minions. Everyone that watched it agreed.

the part where Bev watched Patrick Hockstetter gives Henry Bowers a handjob and offers to blow him, before Henry pushes him away, calls him a fag, and leaves, then he goes to his refridgerator where he keeps small animals he's torturing and killing, and out come flying leeches that eat him, and Bev witnessed it.
That's from the book a little too much for movies and TV.

and from the movie? hmm, the House on Niebolt Street where Eddie breaks his arm and It climbs out contorting itself and getting right up in Eddie's face. That's the scene I think where when shooting it actually had the child actors frightened to tears.

I thought it was retarded mouse people or something destroying beams.

the guy talking about minions is just shitposting, ignore him

fag, the bait is obvious.

I have come to realise this slowly.

Jesus christ. Have sex.

No, he HURTS it with acid, that was only acid to it because the kids (in the book) learned to weaponize imagination and Eddie had been basically imagining his inhaler was medicine his whole life anyway. In the movie the kids just picked stuff up and hit Pennywise with it. Which is idiotic. It apparently hunted for centuries there, where Indian kids would have hit it with tomahawks and white kids would have blasted its balls off with muskets.

He's a reality warper with the power of illusions. There are no minions. It's all him.

In the tv movie Richie had a gun

he's a troll user, ignore him.

the Ritual of Chud was all about willpower and belief and numbers of power (7 and 5). You used your belief in something as a weapon.

It's a pretty common German-Jewish name.

No shit. But there was a kind of ritual joining of willpower so that the main person (or in the adult time, two) could "fight" it. The ending of the new movie was moronic, literally all the kids did was realize they were friends and that they'd rather kill a clown than be tortured and ripped apart.

It was Beverly that could do it, when she realised her worth as a woman. It was a total girl power moment.

Which is WHY IT WAS FUCKING STUPID. If they would have included Chud, at least it would have made sense. Instead we got "hit it with sticks" and girlpower

It’s undefinably, questionably cosmic demons behind the whole effort but they have a metric fuckton of 10D chess proxies. For example the clarktech civ degrading one of the Beams by fusing magic and sciene to construct a magitech version of it’s guardian which looks like a giant robot bear was influened by one such full demon disguised as basically Merlin. He is also the father of the setting’s resident antichrist who may or may not also be literally Nyarlathotep, and set up the events which led to the series evil overlord being born

she is Norwegian or Swedish in the book. I think the former iirc.

So if he looks like he’s in his 50s why is it not set in 2040?

Why does Doctor Doom agree to help the demons instead of fighting the Fantastic Four as usual?

He'd be in his 70's if it was 2040.

Does James McAvoy look liek he is 60 or 70 years old to you?

You talking about The Stand?

how come no one seems able to explain what the deadlights are? does king just not bother to give any information about it?

probably a new minion of IT2

because the concept behind lovecraftian horrors is that they're unfathomable by our miniscule little minds, like we can't even begin to imagine their true nature.

He's a shapeshifter. Did you not see the first one?

Well user and I kinda sidetracked into talking about the metaplot of Stephen King’s cosmos which keep referencing itself in short fictions as well as longer writings so you can ignore it all if you just want to talk about IT, but I would say it’s more The Dark Tower since that’s the series that really talks about the fulcrum of the conflict

SCIENCE dear boy. No seriously, North Central Positronics is cool as shit and I think King was just making a green aesop with a side order of the corruption of power and hubris. To my knowledge its never actually explained WHY mixing science and magic fucks up reality

user, they’re the closest thing we get to a look at IT’s true form as perceived by a little boy. It’s the same reason why a mosquito can’t explain what a bonfire is, except in the story the mosquito had help from a magic turtle, his friends, and a friendship powered ritual so he could bite the bonfire’s tongue with his autistic screeching and cause it enough pain to let him go

that's boring though

I thought pennywise only killed virgins. How is he gonna kill adult losers ?

That's why King added a clown to the mix.

He sends his minions and Henry to off them

it is, and that's why I think the deeper you look into King's work, the more retarded it gets. It's best to just have a surface level understanding of what's going on and enjoy that for what it is.

and that would be, it's a shapeshifting monster that assumes different forms and eats people.

Isn't it suggested that Maine itself is a sort of entity?

So when does "It 2: Lost In New York" hit theaters?

not really. More or less It came down like as a meteor and crashed where Derry would be established later and it had a lot of power over the area, like it could influence people, entice them to settle there, cause them to turn a blind eye to strange things they saw, most of them having trouble remembering what it is they actually saw or at least WANTING to forget it and pretending it never happened. But in one old man's Memoir, he remembered seeing the clown at the Bradley gang shooting.. and Mike's Grandfather remembered seeing a giant bird suspended in the air by balloons tied to its wings during the black spot fire.

not when Lovecraft, Howard, Ashton Smith and Chambers does it.

Derry is ITs playground, and the townspeople have kind of embraced IT, been influenced by IT and as a result become on average a lot more immoral, depraved, indifferent and violent compared to the rest of the country.

Also, what I got from the book was that IT basically moved from planet to planet, takes its sweet time in order to feast on sentient life capable of experiencing fear, which IT loves to feed on. Then once the planet is sucked dry, IT moves on to the next planet with innocent sentient life (as IT prefers children for nourishment).

Attached: 1455436705340.jpg (320x320, 23K)

A town in Maine, yeah. But according to SK, just about every white small town in Maine is so horribly evil the whole state breeds or attracts shapeshifting clowns, vampires, aliens, other aliens, demonic salesmen, satanic vampire worshipping salesmen, alcoholic writers who beat their kids, psychic vampire gypsies who engage in weird orgies, werewolves, child molesting serial killers who slide between dimensions, etc.
I'd hate to see the Chicago or Detroit of SK's world

Everything in the house was Pennywise. The old woman is literally shown morphing into some flesh creature. The picture of “human” Pennywise is just an illusion put on by Pennywise.

Guys why does the book have a child orgy chapter? Nobody ever mentions this. Pedophile Stephen King literally getting away with pedo smut..

>every white small town in Maine is so horribly evil
Stephen Kuck

This makes more sense. I had taken the "falling from space" thing to be that its basically a fallen angel despite the extremely retarded "turtle" thing.

Couldn’t it just be aesexual?

>Nobody ever mentions this
Yes they do.

Did you even watch the trailer? He’s alive, dude.

it actually doesn't correspond to any gender or form as it is from teh Macroverse which doesn't even have teh 3 dimensions of space. But in our world it is forced into a specific shape and form and that is a female spider that can lay eggs without a mate.

Basically yeah. Every black character he writes is saintly and kind, and is usually murdered for no reason by evil whites. Also , apparently greasers were all vicious psychopaths and latent homosexuals according to Stephen King.

reality is it was. I mean we just connect things like "being pregnant" to being female. It was reproducing, but with no known father.

Then you were 5 times niggas retarded

On the other hand, an underage orgy where a little girl is gangbanged is the purest essence of friendship

it is supposed to be because they get lost and Eddie is the Navigator but cannot find he way out. The Turtle gave them the power of friendship so they could perform the ritual but it isn't enough so they need the power of love. They all "make love" to Bev and it gives them the power they need. Stephen Kunny.

so wait pennywise is zeus?

Is this a joke or are people really this dumb?

I'm pretty sure your retarded

The shitposter is just pennywise taking on a different form.

Jesus H. Christ I hate that print is dead.

like lavos

Attached: file.png (250x141, 70K)

Well, he moves from parallel Earth to parallel Earth, but yeah, that's the essence of Pennywise.

Ok I looked it up. Pennywise's enemy is a turtle that is a robot cyborg turtle built by some old company and these robot animals can be killed by a cowboy and a gun? Pennywise seems a lot stronger than a robot.

The Turtle is a colossal god like entity that eats galaxies for snacks. He also has incredible magic/psychic powers.

whre does it state IT moves from planet to planet/parallel to parallel? Is this Dark Tower lore, not read that series?

The robot is just an avatar of Maturin in that universe. Maturin itself is a godlike being that transcends time and space; basically Pennywise's level. That goes for all of the Beam guardians.

>Is this Dark Tower lore, not read that series?
Exactly what it is. Most of King's books tie into Dark Tower, which is why everybody was pissed at what a shitshow the movie ended up being.

does penny wise actually play starcraft 2 and micro manage all these minions??

Attached: 1550366641111.png (428x424, 124K)

god damn that is retarded

This company just up and makes an avatar for the god that fights Pennywise? I guess that's a pretty good idea.

The new movie fucked up bad by not showing off pennywise's shapeshifting abilities. In the book and miniseries pennywise always breaks the illusion towards the end. Whether going back to clown form or having his pom poms and gloves appear on his new form

>everyone thinks it's Pennywise despite being killed in part 1
>it's actually his brother Poundfoolish looking for revenge
Read the book sweetie

Attached: IMG_2470.jpg (631x719, 159K)

She's far too old to be "cunny"

So Poundfoolish is IT2?

Attached: Di0YTiBW4AAMkEF.jpg (480x360, 26K)

>Not nickeldaft

Attached: images.jpg (225x224, 8K)

>Bev is in a flying car
Weird that the movie took such a sci fi turn

Was Bev penny wise' daughter ?

Aren't there better horror fiction writers out there to adapt regularly than recycling a hack like Stephen King?

Attached: 1552418937731.jpg (922x715, 194K)

As I understand
>no scene where Mikey Hanlon fights Rodan
>no scene where Eddie Kaspbrak is solicited for fellatio by a 1 eyed vagrant
>the fire at the black spot doesn't end with a Klansman getting carried away by a giant kestrel
>no scene where Eddie Cocoran has his head pulled off
I'm willing to bet there won't be a scene where Patrick Hockstetter has his eye and tongue eaten by flying leeches
What's the point at that point?
What a fucking gay movie

If you faggots would actually read you'd know he's still alive. If you read Dreamcatcher you'd know he survives this next encounter too.

That explains why he couldn't kill Bev. She was sleeping with her dad

I've read the book.
Good joke. We all know it's a giant spider.

Pennywise's Clown-Minion in the sewer in the first movie is epic and BASED.

>They all float down here...

Me: "Okay... this is epic!"

Attached: SneeeEED.jpg (2048x1365, 228K)

I saw the movie Dreamcatcher. I thought that was about ayylmaos. Like the little grey men version.

this. It is basically a big ol' Evangelion.

I thought as much. I never went ahead with Dark Tower becuase it was just too much and I heard the later books kind of fell flat. Don't want to invest 3000 pages of reading and then get a shit show at the end.

it is an excuse for cunny I am sure of it.

*finger guns*

kek, fuckings sides

If this happens, the directs should put a gun in their mouths and pull the trigger.
Just stick mostly to the books, you fucking mongs.

Yeah that's the twist. He moves to NH and then gets revenge on the kids in 2040

>and we fell for his bait

Attached: 1548915636969.jpg (600x300, 27K)

trading off a name user, even I went to see it as a book fag and I can spot (((adaptations))) from a mile away.

>mfw there has never been a truly decent Lovecraft adaptation, with only loose homages being decent
>mfw the most kino of old school horror, The King In Yellow, will never be adapted to screen.

Attached: kiyed04.jpg (300x476, 24K)

>no pedo group sex scene
>no Patrick Hockstetter giving Henry Bowers a handy

IT lore is kino and i love how some cosmic horror deity just happens to live in some small town in the middle of nowhere

That's fucking retarded

>doesn't have a sidekick named dollarfoolish
missed opportunity

Pennywise has several minions, most of them undead. Most of them reside in a small cave in the center of the room, and can be interacted with.

The main body of the group is made up of many small undead, who roam the hallways, giving it the feel of a dungeon. After a few moments, all of them start to swarm onto the living, and Pennywise turns his attention to one particular one. It is a ghostly figure, which acts like an animal, and has a loud growl. It quickly approaches the sleeping wizard, and attacks with strength, before pushing him into the room. The head is then chopped off by an axe and dragged back towards the main body of the group.

It then slaughters five of the rest of the group, one by one. However, after they have all died, Pennywise begins to laugh, turning their deaths into new nightmares.

The King in Yellow isn't scary. It is even some weird sci-fi at points.

TKIY is not explicitly scary or jumpy, it is about madness and atmosphere. Also, only the first five stories ar horror. The others are poetry, love stories and some victorian ghost story too.

The tale about the hearse driver who keeps stalking the artist is pure fucking Kino though and genuinely spooky.

It is, but both stories start in Derry. In Dreamcatcher nearing the climax they find graffiti in the water station reading "Pennywise Lives".

Attached: ITT.png (945x1402, 2.01M)

Yeah, Stephen King should reveal that his last name is actually Rosenblatt already.

lol you are dense

She's also based on an old rotted porno mag that the kids saw in the Neibolt Street house when they explored it

>father was in the merchant navy
every fucking time.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-10 Stephen King - Wikipedia.png (883x99, 7K)

Why didn't the magical alien retard in Dreamcatcher just kill Pennywise? Or, you know, stop the evil white jocks from forcing him to eat feces?


correct, but I think that's only so IT can give it a form that isn't uncanny valley tier. He bases his forms off real things after all.

I also thought Stephen Kike's mom got injected with merchant semen.


Attached: 1529573978898.gif (260x146, 1.83M)

so close to incredible digits


it's his shitposter minions

iirc it's because Pennywise was still dormant/near death from his encounter with the adult Losers during the 80s. When the Dreamcatcher crew were kids.

>slut likes stripping
>not /gif/

Ok, but the retard would face sensed it, right? Also, the bad alien was "Bob Grey", that's Pennywise?

how is dr sleep compared to the shinning? is it much different? can we expect the new movie to be anything like the shinning movie

would fucking seem so.

Its actually better

>nobody ever mentions it
Unsocialized autist, troll, or retard

how so?

Stephen Klansman is /ourguy/. He makes greasers always be evil trash to expose that the Fonze is actually a jew

Things actually happen in it. Its not just some retard with a mallet trying to murder his son for no reason.

Based AI poster

I wonder if we will see pennywise's spider-minion in this movie

I'm not AI. I'm human. But in the book, Pennywise refers to himself as Bob Grey. As does the bad alien leader in Dreamcatcher.

Telepathy, as far as I know in the King universe, can't detect the thoughts of those who are comatose / very near death or don't want to be discovered/read. The Losers hurt IT so badly they thought they killed him in the 80s. It would make sense for IT to be near undetectable either through its own psychic machinations or just being almost killed and virtually comatose. Besides, Duddits was too busy dealing with premonitions of Mr Gray and the threat he presents to the entire planet. Pennywise just wants to feed and cause as much terror as possible. Mr Gray wants to destroy the entire species. One is an existential threat and the other is just a predator, a very dangerous predator but a predator nonetheless.

Didn't the janitor from The Shining serve with one of the kids dad in IT?

Yeah, Hanlon

and doesn't Pennywise appear in Hearts of Atlantis?

Yeah as Hannibal Lecter

And Hannibal also stars in Valhalla

IT was always a Yass Queen Slay


>mfw I see who is playing Bev

Attached: IMG_2473.jpg (480x360, 24K)

What a shit get.

Attached: Gentlemen.jpg (184x184, 9K)

That's Pennywise.

I have never watched any IT movies. How do I get into them?

By watching them you goddamn feeb.

You made this with the "talk to transformer" neural AI, right?

Watch the mini series, then the 2017 one, when the new one comes out that probably your best option.

But there seems to be so much lore behind them

Consider then reading the book



No, that’s just Pennywise fucking with Bev.

what is this subgenre of horror called?

Attached: 1557446586832.webm (1920x816, 2.35M)

Can a guy get a webm of that scene where grandma is "swiggity swootying" behind Bev?

Nevermind it's already been posted. Thanks

Attached: 1513227041078.png (689x600, 254K)

I don't know, text based JOI threads are pretty popular there


Is the preference for high temperature ever mentioned in the book or the previous movies? That's a detail I remember from the last Dark Tower book, when Roland and Susannah get almost BTFO on their way to the Tower by the same type of creature as the clown in It.

Scouser Porn

I hope no one actually believes this minion thing

What the fuck are you on about?


>Retards ITT can't grasp that IT can shapeshift

It's Americans larping as Europeans but not understanding their rich history. What can you expect from a young country.

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There's one guy shitposting about it and he'll keep doing it because you're a retard and won't shut up about how he is retarded.

How do people manage to out-autism Yea Forums in general? Pathetic.


Don't like minion-posting? Well thanks for all the sneed-

He can assume any form he wants. Did you even see the movie?


Yeah you're so clever tranny

When you forgot to grab a towel before a shower

I do.

wasted trips

>No one who dies in Derry is really dead
what did they mean by this

It means "This old bitch is fucking crazy, fuck this shit"

>There are no minions of IT
Except that faggot kid IT manipulates to chase the kids in the sewer, and later on in the series IT does the same thing with the same kid.

So there's at least one "minion" of IT.

pennywise was always female just like pinhead

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Threadly reminder that IT should've been a slow-burn TV show with frequent skips between the past and modern day and without the toned-down violence

Hold up niggers, do people actually think this old lady is so sort or relation to Pennywise just because thats what she says in the trailer. It is Pennywise the relations bullshit is just to let Bev slowly realise she in for an arse fuckin

Based minion poster Btfoing bookfags once again

Pennywise appears as someone/something else to each of the adults, he doesnt attack them as a clown, ever.

Mostly true, in the end they all see the same interdimensional abomination. Then beat the shit out of it.

You're aware this is the movie not the book. They're obviously going a different direction you stupid book fag double nigger

If he is a multidimensional being who's sole purpose is to eat then why does he only eat humans and not other animals/plants or hell even matter? Can't he eat a rock, he is multidimensional and above our 3D world right?