Just finished watching it half an hour ago...

Just finished watching it half an hour ago. It was pretty good even though the racemixing bit caught me off guard at the end.

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I refuse to watch a live action Pokemon movie that stars gaijin.

Dude, we go to see the cgi and the pokemons, no one is going to care for the literal who's playing the humans. It's stated they can't act if they are on this movie.

based just like my animes

What the fuck was the point of the giant Torterra scene?

Literally Spiderman Homecoming

I fucking loved it. Everyone that didn't like it is a limp dicked basedboy. I genuinely enjoyed it more than infinity war. Fuck infinity war

Why do grown males watch kid's movie? It's literally made for children

>Why do grown males watch kid's movie? It's literally made for children

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yeah not watching negro pokemon

But his mother was black and his father was white so he's not a cuck child

its ok just admit youre a racist and youre just happy to see a white or asian actor not get a job because of discrimination against them. just admit your hatred non, be honest.

But it really is? I mean I was interested in Pokemon too when I was 8 or so. Collected pogs and all that, watched cartoon. Not anymore. Perhaps someone needs to grow up? And maybe even have sex?

okay now imagine the amount of money this would made if they had a good story with an attractive lead

Why do you care so much? Only incels spend this much time worrying about what others do.

>and maybe even have sex?

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I am genuinely interested why would a grown male spend his money and like 2 hours of his life on what is essentially a cartoon with some real life people thrown in.

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>Perhaps someone needs to grow up?
If you're going to go that route, you might as well stop browsing Yea Forums with a bunch of underaged manchildren who make up 99% of this board and site as a whole. Maybe gayddit is more your style?

because it is a realization of a dream they once had in childhood which I think is the basis for a lot of things

tl;dr its nostalgia, genius

Sounds like you're a faggot who should waste their time doing something more productive then. Only women care this much about what other people do.

>talks shit about how people spend their time
>spends his own time on Yea Forums

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I seriously hope they make more live action pokemon movies since they proved it can work.

i'm to old for these movies but i can see why the kids would love it.

based esl retard

They're already working on a sequel but the question is how are they going to include Reynoldschu given how the movie ends.

I just feel that introducing Pokemon to the big screen is a perfectly fine idea, but introducing Pokemon to the big screen with an intelligent Pikachu that can speak, who is voiced by fucking Ryan Reynolds, is just really goddamned retarded. I fee like I'm the only one who questions this? The trailer hit and I saw practically no one questioning the talking Pikachu.

I don't care that Detective Pikachu is a real game that actually exists, it wasn't the beginning of the Pokemon Franchise, I came about 20 years into it. Do they continue making Pokemon movies if this is a success? How do they do that now without the talking Ryan Reynolds Pikachu?

Talking Meowth is a thing so it didn't bother me

my expectation is that this was a "feeler" film to see how audiences responded to pokemon... whether they went about it the right way is up for discussion

Because Team Rocket's talking Meowth was a thing from the beginning. A couple years later there was a hyperintelligent, genetically modified Mewtwo that could talk... then that was it as far as I'm aware until Detective Pikachu

So we're the leaks true

Is the real Ryan rynolds character actually the poos dad?


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Yeah so , there's always been the precedent for a talking Pokemon

Orwell's digit

They should have had Danny Devito voice Pikachu

What is the problem?

>They go out of their way to make a nigger the protagonist even though it was a white guy in the game
>Girl is a hot blonde goddess
>"racemixing propaganda surprised me"
Kill yourself for watching this shit in the first place but yeah Yea Forums is retarded anyway, since everything out of hollywood is propaganda and you still support it you cucks. Then again this board is probably full of smelly niggers.

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>I saw infinity war and detective pikachu
>everyone else is a boy of alternative milk products!

No one will answer you cause you type like a retard

You sure like to bitch about nonexistent problems. It's a fucking movie that is designed to make money. Not "propaganda" wtf

good quality leftist bait

Holy fuck imagine being this guy.

They're not. That story is pretty clearly wrapped up, the sensible move would be just to use the established setting.

t. poo

Was anyone else expecting Mew to show up? I thought he would to fight Mewtwo or something.

Have sex

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Worst scene, harpooned action scene, time that couldve been spent on more story development at the end
All in all, a lot better than expected

Eh the problem is that, unless the trailers are just tricking people, isn't it established that only the MC could understand what the pikachu was saying?

It gets explained in the end and it makes sense.

>No poke apocalypse film with legends showing up and normal people flipping the fuck out.

Honestly Pokemon is the perfect franchise to do this kind of film

Pokemon, the only universe where the literal, capital G God can turn up. Along with multiple pantheons of lesser deities.

That's true but I still don't see why that means a talking pokemon is a problem when the series has had talking pokemon from the beginning.

I was really hoping Mew would show up, not even to fight just to fly around and be cute

>even though the racemixing bit caught me off guard at the end
Are you retarded or something? It was clear after the firsr 15 minutes that she was his love interest

When I first heard about the movie and saw the trailer, i wodnered if Reynolds was his detective father that was missing. Is that what happens in the game? In the movie?

No ding dong, he's talking about Ryan Reynolds being his dad. Which doesn't really make sense because Justice Smith is mixed anyway.

Not in the game. In the movie yes, Mewtwo has put the soul/spirit/whatever of Tim's dad into his partner Pikachu's body for plot reasons

yes and it's kinda retarded

>watched the movie
>found it just okay

I give it a 6/10. Having a mulatto lead was strange because he couldnt really act and it really detracts from the sadness of his past when he shows off his mom and it's just a really dark nigress. The plot was barebones and didn't really give out that mystery detective vibe the whole movie was supposed to be about and the movie would be a lot better if they spent time doing some world building on what it's like to have pokemon and humans live together. The main villian was really lame and the action barebones.

I was hyped for the movie but overall I find it slightly above average but fails to do anything unique or special. They really could have done a lot better.