Finish watching a movie

>finish watching a movie
>immediately go on wikipedia and read the plot even though I already understood it

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based apu poster. which movie did you watch

this but with actress feet database

based literally me poster, if i really like something i'll also spend an hour reading reviews and looking up discussions of it on 4plebs

>not going through IMDB trivia
Do you even comfy?

oh this is fun too.

>see someone make a retarded post in the archives
>can't correct and epically own them

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I do this with every movie, I just watched Dragged Across Concrete though

>not immediately reading the Ebert review of it and truly appreciating the kino

>not immediately thinking about how much Siskel probably would have hated it that smug fuck at least he isn't that fat flat headed fish mouthed cunt

i did this with the imdb forum, it was fun. but fun isn't allowed anymore except in this shithole

>Start watching a movie
>Pause and read Wikipedia to see if there are any unsettling moments
>don't resume the movie because I've already read the plot

Now that's just real autism

>look up cool scene on youtube just so i can read comments about how cool it is

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>finish watching movie
>immediately open relevant wiki and imdb page
>look through the writer and director's entire filmography to see what else they've made
>read a minimum of 10 reviews from rotten tomatoes for said movie, mixing in both rotten and fresh perspectives
>google search "Movie Title: Explained" for articles related to film analysis and for different interpretations of the movie
>wait 3 days to absorb all the necessary information
>watch movie for a second time

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>watch movie
>enjoy it
>look up the trailer on youtube to see people talk about it
>everybody hated it

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>marathon the first 20 mins of a movie
>Stop then make a thread here
>ask what did I think of the film

>see thread talking about movie
>get interested and go watch it so i can discuss with the anons
>finish movie
>thread is dead

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>read plot on wikipedia before watching so i don't have to pay attention to the movie and can shitpost instead

>Finish watching a movie
>Go to IMDB, read trivia, reviews and so on
>Always manage to stumble onto the content advisory/parental guide
>Read through that whole thing for some reason
Why do I do this? It's not even a conscious decision.

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>watch movie
>hate it
>wiki it
>wtf I love it now

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>watch movie that came out in theaters a while ago
>boot up the Yea Forums archive
>search for [movie] and filter for opening posts
>read through all the comfy threads I missed out on

>start watching a show
>midway through it turns to total crap
>still finish it

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I haven't browsed IMDB trivia/goofs ever since they ditched the forums. The site is ruined.

>watch movie
>love it
>look up the reviews and audience scores
>they all think it's bad
>laugh at their stupidity

>watch show
>next episode is the season finale
>stop watching because I can't handle the tension

> Log one of my favorite films on letterboxd 'Onions Cuba'.
> the top reviews are all whining about castro putting gays and trannies in prison.

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>watch Rome
>read wikipedia article after every episode for fascinating tidbits about historical factuality and such
>get spoiled on events that won't happen for several episodes

fuck you for spoiling about the hand getting nailed to the door well before it happened

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Based. Glad I'm not alone. Why do we do this?

How the fuck didn't you know about that already?

>watch movie
>hate it
>look up reviews and audience scores
>they all think it's great
>laugh at their stupidity

High IQ
t. 135

that can't be right because I'm a retard

It's not common knowledge.

Isolation, because what you really want is someone to talk to about the movie on the same intellectual level as you

I'm a retard as well and I do this.

It's common for anyone with a passing knowledge of history It's like not knowing Henry VIII had a bunch of wives

You get to relive the movie by reading the plot. Generally you'll get some amount of "oh yeah, that happened, that was a cool scene" feelings which is quite rewarding. Oh, and also you can read it in case you misunderstood something.

>mfw I'm not so weird after all

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Because it's fun

>finish watching a movie
>immediately go on wikipedia and read the plot
>turns out I missed a major plotline

>finish watching a movie
>go see some reviews
>full of troglodytes pissed off at the slightly ambiguous ending because they have no critical thinking skills

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>watch movie
>can't understand what's happening because I unwillingly space out during dialogues
>pause movie
>read Wikipedia plot summary up until the point I paused
>resume movie
>repeat multiple times into movie

>see a movie that looks interesting
>go to wiki page and read the whole summary
>never watch the movie
>tell people i saw it and just talk about stuff i read from the wiki

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>watching whatever late night movie is on tv
>cbf watching anymore, getting too late
>just wiki the rest of the movie, and never watch it even if I enjoyed the first half

>hear about a movie
>immediately go on wikipedia and read the plot, then read some reviews so I can say I've seen it and know what to say if I'm asked about it

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based and feedpilled

daily reminder that if a show can't still captivate you after it's been spoiled, then whatever you're watching is shit and/or you have shit taste. doubly so if it's just shit like "X dies" or "X betrays Y"

>start new thread to discuss it
>get accused of being a samefag spamming this movie

Cuz i feel alone and I need someone but I'm alone

Also I autism btw

>Finish watching a movie
>Immediately go to youtube so someone can explain the messages of the movie
>Can now understand it and discuss it on Yea Forums

>not film analysis sites
What a pleb faggot nigger


>see a movie or video
>make a thread about it on another board thinly veiled as a thread about that board's topic so I can get a different perspective on it

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