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This dude is fucking weird.

If this guy is a great director then film is dead.

did he cwry like a bitch during his Endgame review?

I feel like Kevin Smith has typed the hashtag #dad#daughter into a few search bars

I can't for the life of me understand why he named her that. He's probably jerked off to the character more than a few times back in the day

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mfw that time he tweeted her about eating her mom's asshole

it's okay for you daughter to be your father and for you to be her daughter.
it''s 2019 for fux sake

>back in the day

God this guy is fucking awful

Definitely pretty weird

I keep seeing that tweet he made about fucking his wife. It makes me ill

It's either him or his close relative that is the father. The family semblance is quite strong.

nothing with pwning some middle aged taint

what if Kevin got cucked by Jay or Randal?

Seriously what the fuck happened to him? He used to just be a funny witty nerd back when smodcast was popular. Now he just seems fucking crazy

This guy is exhibit #1 for why weed should stay banned. A square mile of bud and one heart attack turned him from Silent Bob into.... this.

Reminder that Kevin Smith personally took the nude Playboy photo of his wife being embraced from behind by a Chad in a Superman costume.

He looks like AIDS

>playboy photo featuring men
>press x to doubt

Brain parasite limited his ability to think in edgy terms and gradually ate away at his core.

He named his daughter after a comic book character he wants to fuck

comic books rot your brain

This is getting creepy. Even creepier than the time he named his daughter after a cartoon character he used to masturbate to or the time when he put her into thight yoga pants for an entire movie.

It's extra funny because Harley is total fucking garbage now.

he wants to fuck her so bad

His wife suggested it, if I'm remembering right, he's recounted how she was reading his comics in the bath and said "this is a good name"

>it's a "started smoking weed late in life boomer" episode

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you can't read comics in the bath the paper gets wet

He also directed a movie in which his daughter is a yoga enthusiast and the whole movie is just an excuse to show off her ass

he literally shot a movie where she has multiple scenes of doing yoga poses

>millionaire dad
>can't get your hair to not be piss blonde


He took the Leftpill

Yes, less than I expected but talking about Tony meeting Howard broke him. I've noticed fatherhood stuff always wrecks him.

Does anyone consider him one?

Kevin Smith looks like a JUST Robert Downey.

Nobody considers him one. If anything he's a better writer, but I wouldn't even call him a good writer.


If he doesn't want to fuck his daughter then I don't want to kill myself.

weed, I'm 32 and people who smoked heavy in their teen are tapped and mentally stunted

the make weird posts on social media all the time

they get so stressed out and confused you can see them welling up over basic tasks

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>thinking you can be edgy or witty in yeat 2015+4 where leftshits run around and successfully pressure MasterCard and babks to ban services to private citizens.

Comedy is dead, it moved to underground or to shitholes like this one. History repeats itself forever.

Wow what's her name, she's beautiful

He's not.
You know remember how tv show entourage bullied him

what movie?

Her name is The Hideous Nigger Ape Subhuman Piece Of Shit

yoga hosers

>isn't a deadbeat dad
>cares for his family
>doesn't cheat on his wife
Say what you want but compared to the average Hollywood degenerate this guy is a Saint

He’s always stoned. People who are always stoned are weird.

His only good movie is Clerks.

He literally started smoking pot later in his life

Kevin smith is such a fucking fag.

Words cannot convey my disgust

Dogma is good.


film has been dead since capeshit took over

>people who [...] are tapped and mentally stunted

>I'm 32

>entourage bullied him
is this real?
when entourage is taking shots at you you know you're terrible

>This dude is fucking weird.
He is. He should put his filter back up.

This tho


Fuck that hurt

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One of the writers of Entourage was really creepy and controlling of the actress Shannen Doherty during the filming of Mallrats. Kevin Smith kept him from coming to shoots so the writer started shitting on him in Entourage.

fuck Kevin smith attention whoring manlet

>This is a 48 year old man

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HAHA, weed totally dosnt rot your brain and makes your into a slow half retarded weirdo
Kevin is just ahead of the curve

she needs a nose job badly

Stop projecting. Some of us can smoke weed and not act like a s*y sperg.

He's wincest and I'm fine with that
I'd go with a rule 63 jaylene and silent bob sequel I think their relationship is pure and cute incest is more natural than pedo gay tranny crap

>this photo shoot sucks
>my feet hurt
>jesus christ dad how many ass shots do you need to take
>I wish I was back home reading my dad’s tweets about fucking my mom

Gib brap daughter
Cute and daughter pilled
Easy just smack her in the snoz

>weed, I'm 32 and people who smoked heavy in their teen are tapped and mentally stunted
Fucking spot on.
Meet up with some of my school buddies recently, few of them still smoke weed and no joke they seem borderline retarded, like they had a stroke or some shit.
Slow and barely coherent.

Thank fuck I lightly smoked from 19-25
Havent touched it in 3 years


>smoked for 6 years
>but only "lightly" so it's ok

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Like once or twice a month light enough definition for you? Only on and off sometimes was years between seshes

wew thank god I've just been hopped up on adderall my entire life, so I'm just prone to going on long rants about mundane things or beating my dick for 14 straight hours

34 here, noticed it with people in my late 20s

its like they had a lobotomy, one of them was doing better than all of us at school and is a complete retard now like the rest. they just seem to either zone out or get angry when confused

I didn't try weed until I was 25, they were smoking since 14-16 and its fried their brains

You hold it above the water. What, do you think she was face down with a snorkel and the comics resting on the bottom of the tub? Reading in the tub is one of the most comfy and civilized things to do.

>I'm 32
>still posting stale memes on a Peruvian flypaper enthusiast board
>I-I-I'm more well-rounded than everybody else!

you can't see it because you are in the eye of the tornado.

you are going to be frazzled, or already are and peoples perceptions of you will change

Its friday my man, most of us boomers are looking for something to watch later

as for me, Chernobyl

Damn, she stood no chance in life with parents like that.

He wants us to know that incest is on the table.
He's looking for "atta boy" from the degenerates

Their brains developed on weed, I've known many aquantices who started smoking daily between 14-16 and they can barely hold a conversation without zoning out or forgetting what they were saying.

Clerks 2 is fun too. Mostly because of Randall.

"What's wrong with the name Porchmonkey?"

>Should I finally take a paternity test?
I'd say you're 19 years old too late

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As it turns out the shitty grownups were all right. Lots of weed in adolescence does your mind no good. It's obvious

So he's admitting that she's really Jay's daughter right? Fuck is his problem?

He was never a great director. He just made a few meme movies before the internet was a thing.

>start smoking weed at 16
>now alot older
>smoked so heavily I became an addict, until a few days ago
>currently going through withdrawal
>people think it won't fuck their lives
It will and does. I love my weed but being a slave to her is not worth the placebo effect it gives you.

This guy is like the sóy final boss

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What the fuck?
Who puts this shit on Facebook?
Who even uses Facebook anymore?

Ten years in and we bone like we're cheating on each other WITH each other. A decade-plus and her clit/brown/taint-area still pOwns my dick.

also there is porn of her/it

Her clit p0wns his dick?

Facebook is made for old farts like Kevin Smith


does he have to shove that on every post he makes?